/** * \file preamble.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author André Pönitz * \author Uwe Stöhr * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ // {[( #include #include "tex2lyx.h" #include "LayoutFile.h" #include "Layout.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "TextClass.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/FileName.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; using boost::regex; using boost::smatch; namespace lyx { // special columntypes extern map special_columns; map > used_packages; // needed to handle encodings with babel bool one_language = true; // to avoid that the babel options overwrite the documentclass options bool documentclass_language; namespace { const char * const known_languages[] = { "afrikaans", "american", "arabic", "austrian", "bahasa", "basque", "belarusian", "brazil", "breton", "british", "bulgarian", "canadian", "canadien", "catalan", "croatian", "czech", "danish", "dutch", "english", "esperanto", "estonian", "finnish", "francais", "french", "frenchb", "frenchle", "frenchpro", "galician", "german", "germanb", "greek", "hebrew", "icelandic", "irish", "italian", "lsorbian", "magyar", "naustrian", "ngerman", "ngermanb", "norsk", "nynorsk", "polish", "portuges", "romanian", "russian", "russianb", "scottish", "serbian", "slovak", "slovene", "spanish", "swedish", "thai", "turkish", "ukraineb", "ukrainian", "usorbian", "welsh", 0}; //note this when updating to lyxformat 305: //bahasai, indonesian, and indon = equal to bahasa //malay, and meyalu = equal to bahasam const char * const known_french_languages[] = {"french", "frenchb", "francais", "frenchle", "frenchpro", 0}; const char * const known_german_languages[] = {"german", "germanb", 0}; const char * const known_ngerman_languages[] = {"ngerman", "ngermanb", 0}; const char * const known_russian_languages[] = {"russian", "russianb", 0}; const char * const known_ukrainian_languages[] = {"ukrainian", "ukraineb", 0}; char const * const known_fontsizes[] = { "10pt", "11pt", "12pt", 0 }; const char * const known_roman_fonts[] = { "ae", "bookman", "charter", "cmr", "fourier", "lmodern", "mathpazo", "mathptmx", "newcent", 0}; const char * const known_sans_fonts[] = { "avant", "berasans", "cmbr", "cmss", "helvet", "lmss", 0}; const char * const known_typewriter_fonts[] = { "beramono", "cmtl", "cmtt", "courier", "lmtt", "luximono", "fourier", "lmodern", "mathpazo", "mathptmx", "newcent", 0}; const char * const known_paper_sizes[] = { "a3paper", "b3paper", "a4paper", "b4paper", "a5paper", "b5paper", "executivepaper", "legalpaper", "letterpaper", 0}; const char * const known_class_paper_sizes[] = { "a4paper", "a5paper", "executivepaper", "legalpaper", "letterpaper", 0}; const char * const known_paper_margins[] = { "lmargin", "tmargin", "rmargin", "bmargin", "headheight", "headsep", "footskip", "columnsep", 0}; const char * const known_coded_paper_margins[] = { "leftmargin", "topmargin", "rightmargin", "bottommargin", "headheight", "headsep", "footskip", "columnsep", 0}; // default settings ostringstream h_preamble; string h_textclass = "article"; string h_options = string(); string h_language = "english"; string h_inputencoding = "auto"; string h_font_roman = "default"; string h_font_sans = "default"; string h_font_typewriter = "default"; string h_font_default_family = "default"; string h_font_sc = "false"; string h_font_osf = "false"; string h_font_sf_scale = "100"; string h_font_tt_scale = "100"; string h_graphics = "default"; string h_paperfontsize = "default"; string h_spacing = "single"; string h_papersize = "default"; string h_use_geometry = "false"; string h_use_amsmath = "0"; string h_cite_engine = "basic"; string h_use_bibtopic = "false"; string h_paperorientation = "portrait"; string h_secnumdepth = "3"; string h_tocdepth = "3"; string h_paragraph_separation = "indent"; string h_defskip = "medskip"; string h_quotes_language = "english"; string h_papercolumns = "1"; string h_papersides = string(); string h_paperpagestyle = "default"; string h_tracking_changes = "false"; string h_output_changes = "false"; string h_margins = ""; void handle_opt(vector & opts, char const * const * what, string & target) { if (opts.empty()) return; // the last language option is the document language (for babel and LyX) // the last size option is the document font size vector::iterator it; vector::iterator position = opts.begin(); for (; *what; ++what) { it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), *what); if (it != opts.end()) { documentclass_language = true; if (it >= position) { target = *what; position = it; } } } } void delete_opt(vector & opts, char const * const * what) { if (opts.empty()) return; // remove found options from the list // do this after handle_opt to avoid potential memory leaks and to be able // to find in every case the last language option vector::iterator it; for (; *what; ++what) { it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), *what); if (it != opts.end()) opts.erase(it); } } /*! * Split a package options string (keyval format) into a vector. * Example input: * authorformat=smallcaps, * commabeforerest, * titleformat=colonsep, * bibformat={tabular,ibidem,numbered} */ vector split_options(string const & input) { vector options; string option; Parser p(input); while (p.good()) { Token const & t = p.get_token(); if (t.asInput() == ",") { options.push_back(trim(option)); option.erase(); } else if (t.asInput() == "=") { option += '='; p.skip_spaces(true); if (p.next_token().asInput() == "{") option += '{' + p.getArg('{', '}') + '}'; } else if (t.cat() != catSpace) option += t.asInput(); } if (!option.empty()) options.push_back(trim(option)); return options; } /*! * Add package \p name with options \p options to used_packages. * Remove options from \p options that we don't want to output. */ void add_package(string const & name, vector & options) { // every package inherits the global options if (used_packages.find(name) == used_packages.end()) used_packages[name] = split_options(h_options); vector & v = used_packages[name]; v.insert(v.end(), options.begin(), options.end()); if (name == "jurabib") { // Don't output the order argument (see the cite command // handling code in text.cpp). vector::iterator end = remove(options.begin(), options.end(), "natbiborder"); end = remove(options.begin(), end, "jurabiborder"); options.erase(end, options.end()); } } // Given is a string like "scaled=0.9", return 0.9 * 100 string const scale_as_percentage(string const & scale) { string::size_type pos = scale.find('='); if (pos != string::npos) { string value = scale.substr(pos + 1); if (isStrDbl(value)) return convert(100 * convert(value)); } // If the input string didn't match our expectations. // return the default value "100" return "100"; } void handle_package(Parser &p, string const & name, string const & opts, bool in_lyx_preamble) { vector options = split_options(opts); add_package(name, options); string scale; // roman fonts if (is_known(name, known_roman_fonts)) h_font_roman = name; if (name == "fourier") { h_font_roman = "utopia"; // when font uses real small capitals if (opts == "expert") h_font_sc = "true"; } if (name == "mathpazo") h_font_roman = "palatino"; if (name == "mathptmx") h_font_roman = "times"; // sansserif fonts if (is_known(name, known_sans_fonts)) { h_font_sans = name; if (!opts.empty()) { scale = opts; h_font_sf_scale = scale_as_percentage(scale); } } // typewriter fonts if (is_known(name, known_typewriter_fonts)) { h_font_typewriter = name; if (!opts.empty()) { scale = opts; h_font_tt_scale = scale_as_percentage(scale); } } // font uses old-style figure if (name == "eco") h_font_osf = "true"; else if (name == "amsmath" || name == "amssymb") h_use_amsmath = "1"; else if (name == "babel" && !opts.empty()) { // check if more than one option was used - used later for inputenc // in case inputenc is parsed before babel, set the encoding to auto if (options.begin() != options.end() - 1) { one_language = false; h_inputencoding = "auto"; } // only set the document language when there was not already one set // via the documentclass options // babel takes the the last language given in the documentclass options // as document language. If there is no such language option, the last // option of its \usepackage call is used. if (documentclass_language == false) { handle_opt(options, known_languages, h_language); delete_opt(options, known_languages); if (is_known(h_language, known_french_languages)) h_language = "french"; else if (is_known(h_language, known_german_languages)) h_language = "german"; else if (is_known(h_language, known_ngerman_languages)) h_language = "ngerman"; else if (is_known(h_language, known_russian_languages)) h_language = "russian"; else if (is_known(h_language, known_ukrainian_languages)) h_language = "ukrainian"; h_quotes_language = h_language; } } else if (name == "fontenc") ; // ignore this else if (name == "inputenc") { // only set when there is not more than one inputenc // option therefore check for the "," character also // only set when there is not more then one babel // language option if (opts.find(",") == string::npos && one_language == true) { if (opts == "ascii") //change ascii to auto to be in the unicode range, see //http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4719 h_inputencoding = "auto"; else if (!opts.empty()) h_inputencoding = opts; } if (!options.empty()) p.setEncoding(options.back()); options.clear(); } else if (name == "makeidx") ; // ignore this else if (name == "verbatim") ; // ignore this else if (name == "color") // with the following command this package is only loaded when needed for // undefined colors, since we only support the predefined colors h_preamble << "\\@ifundefined{definecolor}\n {\\usepackage{color}}{}\n"; else if (name == "graphicx") ; // ignore this else if (name == "setspace") ; // ignore this else if (name == "geometry") ; // Ignore this, the geometry settings are made by the \geometry // command. This command is handled below. else if (is_known(name, known_languages)) { if (is_known(name, known_french_languages)) h_language = "french"; else if (is_known(name, known_german_languages)) h_language = "german"; else if (is_known(name, known_ngerman_languages)) h_language = "ngerman"; else if (is_known(name, known_russian_languages)) h_language = "russian"; else if (is_known(name, known_ukrainian_languages)) h_language = "ukrainian"; else h_language = name; h_quotes_language = h_language; } else if (name == "natbib") { h_cite_engine = "natbib_authoryear"; vector::iterator it = find(options.begin(), options.end(), "authoryear"); if (it != options.end()) options.erase(it); else { it = find(options.begin(), options.end(), "numbers"); if (it != options.end()) { h_cite_engine = "natbib_numerical"; options.erase(it); } } } else if (name == "jurabib") h_cite_engine = "jurabib"; else if (!in_lyx_preamble) { if (options.empty()) h_preamble << "\\usepackage{" << name << "}\n"; else { h_preamble << "\\usepackage[" << opts << "]{" << name << "}\n"; options.clear(); } } // We need to do something with the options... if (!options.empty()) cerr << "Ignoring options '" << join(options, ",") << "' of package " << name << '.' << endl; } void end_preamble(ostream & os, TextClass const & /*textclass*/) { os << "#LyX file created by tex2lyx " << PACKAGE_VERSION << "\n" << "\\lyxformat 249\n" << "\\begin_document\n" << "\\begin_header\n" << "\\textclass " << h_textclass << "\n"; if (!h_preamble.str().empty()) os << "\\begin_preamble\n" << h_preamble.str() << "\n\\end_preamble\n"; if (!h_options.empty()) os << "\\options " << h_options << "\n"; os << "\\language " << h_language << "\n" << "\\inputencoding " << h_inputencoding << "\n" << "\\font_roman " << h_font_roman << "\n" << "\\font_sans " << h_font_sans << "\n" << "\\font_typewriter " << h_font_typewriter << "\n" << "\\font_default_family " << h_font_default_family << "\n" << "\\font_sc " << h_font_sc << "\n" << "\\font_osf " << h_font_osf << "\n" << "\\font_sf_scale " << h_font_sf_scale << "\n" << "\\font_tt_scale " << h_font_tt_scale << "\n" << "\\graphics " << h_graphics << "\n" << "\\paperfontsize " << h_paperfontsize << "\n" << "\\spacing " << h_spacing << "\n" << "\\papersize " << h_papersize << "\n" << "\\use_geometry " << h_use_geometry << "\n" << "\\use_amsmath " << h_use_amsmath << "\n" << "\\cite_engine " << h_cite_engine << "\n" << "\\use_bibtopic " << h_use_bibtopic << "\n" << "\\paperorientation " << h_paperorientation << "\n" << h_margins << "\\secnumdepth " << h_secnumdepth << "\n" << "\\tocdepth " << h_tocdepth << "\n" << "\\paragraph_separation " << h_paragraph_separation << "\n" << "\\defskip " << h_defskip << "\n" << "\\quotes_language " << h_quotes_language << "\n" << "\\papercolumns " << h_papercolumns << "\n" << "\\papersides " << h_papersides << "\n" << "\\paperpagestyle " << h_paperpagestyle << "\n" << "\\tracking_changes " << h_tracking_changes << "\n" << "\\output_changes " << h_output_changes << "\n" << "\\end_header\n\n" << "\\begin_body\n"; // clear preamble for subdocuments h_preamble.str(""); } } // anonymous namespace void parse_preamble(Parser & p, ostream & os, string const & forceclass, TeX2LyXDocClass & tc) { // initialize fixed types special_columns['D'] = 3; bool is_full_document = false; bool is_lyx_file = false; bool in_lyx_preamble = true; // determine whether this is a full document or a fragment for inclusion while (p.good()) { Token const & t = p.get_token(); if (t.cat() == catEscape && t.cs() == "documentclass") { is_full_document = true; break; } } p.reset(); while (is_full_document && p.good()) { Token const & t = p.get_token(); #ifdef FILEDEBUG cerr << "t: " << t << "\n"; #endif // // cat codes // if (!in_lyx_preamble && (t.cat() == catLetter || t.cat() == catSuper || t.cat() == catSub || t.cat() == catOther || t.cat() == catMath || t.cat() == catActive || t.cat() == catBegin || t.cat() == catEnd || t.cat() == catAlign || t.cat() == catParameter)) h_preamble << t.character(); else if (!in_lyx_preamble && (t.cat() == catSpace || t.cat() == catNewline)) h_preamble << t.asInput(); else if (t.cat() == catComment) { // regex to parse comments static regex const islyxfile("%% LyX .* created this file"); static regex const usercommands("User specified LaTeX commands"); string const comment = t.asInput(); // magically switch encoding default if it looks like XeLaTeX static string const magicXeLaTeX = "% This document must be compiled with XeLaTeX "; if (comment.size() > magicXeLaTeX.size() && comment.substr(0, magicXeLaTeX.size()) == magicXeLaTeX && h_inputencoding == "auto") { cerr << "XeLaTeX comment found, switching to UTF8\n"; h_inputencoding = "utf8"; } smatch sub; if (regex_search(comment, sub, islyxfile)) is_lyx_file = true; else if (is_lyx_file && regex_search(comment, sub, usercommands)) in_lyx_preamble = false; else if (!in_lyx_preamble) h_preamble << t.asInput(); } else if (t.cs() == "pagestyle") h_paperpagestyle = p.verbatim_item(); else if (t.cs() == "makeatletter") { if (!is_lyx_file || !in_lyx_preamble || p.getCatCode('@') != catLetter) h_preamble << "\\makeatletter"; p.setCatCode('@', catLetter); } else if (t.cs() == "makeatother") { if (!is_lyx_file || !in_lyx_preamble || p.getCatCode('@') != catOther) h_preamble << "\\makeatother"; p.setCatCode('@', catOther); } else if (t.cs() == "newcommand" || t.cs() == "renewcommand" || t.cs() == "providecommand") { bool star = false; if (p.next_token().character() == '*') { p.get_token(); star = true; } string const name = p.verbatim_item(); string const opt1 = p.getOpt(); string const opt2 = p.getFullOpt(); string const body = p.verbatim_item(); // font settings if (name == "\\rmdefault") if (is_known(body, known_roman_fonts)) h_font_roman = body; if (name == "\\sfdefault") if (is_known(body, known_sans_fonts)) h_font_sans = body; if (name == "\\ttdefault") if (is_known(body, known_typewriter_fonts)) h_font_typewriter = body; if (name == "\\familydefault") { string family = body; // remove leading "\" h_font_default_family = family.erase(0,1); } // only non-lyxspecific stuff if (!in_lyx_preamble) { ostringstream ss; ss << '\\' << t.cs(); if (star) ss << '*'; ss << '{' << name << '}' << opt1 << opt2 << '{' << body << "}"; h_preamble << ss.str(); // Add the command to the known commands add_known_command(name, opt1, !opt2.empty()); /* ostream & out = in_preamble ? h_preamble : os; out << "\\" << t.cs() << "{" << name << "}" << opts << "{" << body << "}"; */ } } else if (t.cs() == "documentclass") { vector::iterator it; vector opts = split_options(p.getArg('[', ']')); handle_opt(opts, known_fontsizes, h_paperfontsize); delete_opt(opts, known_fontsizes); // delete "pt" at the end string::size_type i = h_paperfontsize.find("pt"); if (i != string::npos) h_paperfontsize.erase(i); // to avoid that the babel options overwrite the documentclass options documentclass_language = false; handle_opt(opts, known_languages, h_language); delete_opt(opts, known_languages); if (is_known(h_language, known_french_languages)) h_language = "french"; else if (is_known(h_language, known_german_languages)) h_language = "german"; else if (is_known(h_language, known_ngerman_languages)) h_language = "ngerman"; else if (is_known(h_language, known_russian_languages)) h_language = "russian"; else if (is_known(h_language, known_ukrainian_languages)) h_language = "ukrainian"; h_quotes_language = h_language; // paper orientation if ((it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), "landscape")) != opts.end()) { h_paperorientation = "landscape"; opts.erase(it); } // paper sides if ((it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), "oneside")) != opts.end()) { h_papersides = "1"; opts.erase(it); } if ((it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), "twoside")) != opts.end()) { h_papersides = "2"; opts.erase(it); } // paper columns if ((it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), "onecolumn")) != opts.end()) { h_papercolumns = "1"; opts.erase(it); } if ((it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), "twocolumn")) != opts.end()) { h_papercolumns = "2"; opts.erase(it); } // paper sizes // some size options are know to any document classes, other sizes // are handled by the \geometry command of the geometry package handle_opt(opts, known_class_paper_sizes, h_papersize); delete_opt(opts, known_class_paper_sizes); // the remaining options h_options = join(opts, ","); h_textclass = p.getArg('{', '}'); } else if (t.cs() == "usepackage") { string const options = p.getArg('[', ']'); string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); vector vecnames; split(name, vecnames, ','); vector::const_iterator it = vecnames.begin(); vector::const_iterator end = vecnames.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) handle_package(p, trim(*it), options, in_lyx_preamble); } else if (t.cs() == "inputencoding") { string const encoding = p.getArg('{','}'); h_inputencoding = encoding; p.setEncoding(encoding); } else if (t.cs() == "newenvironment") { string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); ostringstream ss; ss << "\\newenvironment{" << name << "}"; ss << p.getOpt(); ss << p.getOpt(); ss << '{' << p.verbatim_item() << '}'; ss << '{' << p.verbatim_item() << '}'; if (!in_lyx_preamble) h_preamble << ss.str(); } else if (t.cs() == "def") { string name = p.get_token().cs(); while (p.next_token().cat() != catBegin) name += p.get_token().asString(); if (!in_lyx_preamble) h_preamble << "\\def\\" << name << '{' << p.verbatim_item() << "}"; } else if (t.cs() == "newcolumntype") { string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); trim(name); int nargs = 0; string opts = p.getOpt(); if (!opts.empty()) { istringstream is(string(opts, 1)); is >> nargs; } special_columns[name[0]] = nargs; h_preamble << "\\newcolumntype{" << name << "}"; if (nargs) h_preamble << "[" << nargs << "]"; h_preamble << "{" << p.verbatim_item() << "}"; } else if (t.cs() == "setcounter") { string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); string const content = p.getArg('{', '}'); if (name == "secnumdepth") h_secnumdepth = content; else if (name == "tocdepth") h_tocdepth = content; else h_preamble << "\\setcounter{" << name << "}{" << content << "}"; } else if (t.cs() == "setlength") { string const name = p.verbatim_item(); string const content = p.verbatim_item(); // the paragraphs are only not indented when \parindent is set to zero if (name == "\\parindent" && content != "") { if (content[0] == '0') h_paragraph_separation = "skip"; } else if (name == "\\parskip") { if (content == "\\smallskipamount") h_defskip = "smallskip"; else if (content == "\\medskipamount") h_defskip = "medskip"; else if (content == "\\bigskipamount") h_defskip = "bigskip"; else h_defskip = content; } else h_preamble << "\\setlength{" << name << "}{" << content << "}"; } else if (t.cs() == "onehalfspacing") h_spacing = "onehalf"; else if (t.cs() == "doublespacing") h_spacing = "double"; else if (t.cs() == "setstretch") h_spacing = "other " + p.verbatim_item(); else if (t.cs() == "begin") { string const name = p.getArg('{', '}'); if (name == "document") break; h_preamble << "\\begin{" << name << "}"; } else if (t.cs() == "geometry") { h_use_geometry = "true"; vector opts = split_options(p.getArg('{', '}')); vector::iterator it; // paper orientation if ((it = find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), "landscape")) != opts.end()) { h_paperorientation = "landscape"; opts.erase(it); } // paper size handle_opt(opts, known_paper_sizes, h_papersize); delete_opt(opts, known_paper_sizes); // page margins char const * const * margin = known_paper_margins; int k = -1; for (; *margin; ++margin) { k += 1; // search for the "=" in e.g. "lmargin=2cm" to get the value for(size_t i = 0; i != opts.size(); i++) { if (opts.at(i).find(*margin) != string::npos) { string::size_type pos = opts.at(i).find("="); string value = opts.at(i).substr(pos + 1); string name = known_coded_paper_margins[k]; h_margins += "\\" + name + " " + value + "\n"; } } } } else if (t.cs() == "jurabibsetup") { vector jurabibsetup = split_options(p.getArg('{', '}')); // add jurabibsetup to the jurabib package options add_package("jurabib", jurabibsetup); if (!jurabibsetup.empty()) { h_preamble << "\\jurabibsetup{" << join(jurabibsetup, ",") << '}'; } } else if (!t.cs().empty() && !in_lyx_preamble) h_preamble << '\\' << t.cs(); } p.skip_spaces(); // Force textclass if the user wanted it if (!forceclass.empty()) h_textclass = forceclass; if (noweb_mode && !prefixIs(h_textclass, "literate-")) h_textclass.insert(0, "literate-"); FileName layoutfilename = libFileSearch("layouts", h_textclass, "layout"); if (layoutfilename.empty()) { cerr << "Error: Could not find layout file for textclass \"" << h_textclass << "\"." << endl; exit(1); } tc.read(layoutfilename); if (h_papersides.empty()) { ostringstream ss; ss << tc.sides(); h_papersides = ss.str(); } end_preamble(os, tc); } // }]) } // namespace lyx