/** * \file QDelimiterDialog.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "QDelimiterDialog.h" #include "QMath.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "controllers/ControlMath.h" #include "gettext.h" #include #include #include using std::string; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { namespace { char const * delim[] = { "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", "lceil", "rceil", "lfloor", "rfloor", "langle", "rangle", "uparrow", "Uparrow", "downarrow", "Downarrow", "|", "Vert", "slash", "backslash", "" }; char const * const bigleft[] = {"bigl", "Bigl", "biggl", "Biggl", ""}; char const * const bigright[] = {"bigr", "Bigr", "biggr", "Biggr", ""}; char const * const biggui[] = {N_("big[[delimiter size]]"), N_("Big[[delimiter size]]"), N_("bigg[[delimiter size]]"), N_("Bigg[[delimiter size]]"), ""}; QString do_match(QString const & str) { if (str == "(") return ")"; if (str == ")") return "("; if (str == "[") return "]"; if (str == "]") return "["; if (str == "{") return "}"; if (str == "}") return "{"; if (str == "l") return "r"; if (str == "rceil") return "lceil"; if (str == "lceil") return "rceil"; if (str == "rfloor") return "lfloor"; if (str == "lfloor") return "rfloor"; if (str == "rangle") return "langle"; if (str == "langle") return "rangle"; if (str == "backslash") return "slash"; if (str == "slash") return "backslash"; return str; } string fix_name(QString const & str, bool big) { if (str == "slash") return "/"; if (str == "backslash") return "\\"; if (str.isEmpty()) return "."; if (!big || str == "(" || str == ")" || str == "[" || str == "]") return fromqstr(str); return "\\" + fromqstr(str); } } // namespace anon QDelimiterDialog::QDelimiterDialog(QMathDelimiter * form) : form_(form) { setupUi(this); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(insertPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(insertClicked())); setWindowTitle(qt_("LyX: Delimiters")); for (size_t i = 0; i != 21; ++i) delimiters_.append(toqstr(delim[i])); // The last element is the empty one. size_t end = delimiters_.size() - 1; for (size_t i = 0; i != end; ++i) { if (delimiters_[i].size() == 1) { leftCO->addItem(delimiters_[i]); rightCO->addItem(delimiters_[i]); } else { QPixmap pm = QPixmap(toqstr(find_xpm(fromqstr(delimiters_[i])))); leftCO->addItem(QIcon(pm), delimiters_[i]); rightCO->addItem(QIcon(pm), delimiters_[i]); } } leftCO->addItem(qt_("(None)")); rightCO->addItem(qt_("(None)")); sizeCO->addItem(qt_("Variable")); for (int i = 0; *biggui[i]; ++i) sizeCO->addItem(qt_(biggui[i])); on_leftCO_activated(0); } void QDelimiterDialog::insertClicked() { QString const left_ = delimiters_[leftCO->currentIndex()]; QString const right_ = delimiters_[rightCO->currentIndex()]; int const size_ = sizeCO->currentIndex(); if (size_ == 0) { form_->controller().dispatchDelim( fix_name(left_, false) + ' ' + fix_name(right_, false)); } else { std::ostringstream os; os << '"' << bigleft[size_ - 1] << "\" \"" << fix_name(left_, true) << "\" \"" << bigright[size_ - 1] << "\" \"" << fix_name(right_, true) << '"'; form_->controller().dispatchBigDelim(os.str()); } } void QDelimiterDialog::on_leftCO_activated(int item) { if (matchCB->isChecked()) { QString const match = do_match(delimiters_[item]); rightCO->setCurrentIndex(delimiters_.indexOf(match)); } } void QDelimiterDialog::on_rightCO_activated(int item) { if (matchCB->isChecked()) { QString const match = do_match(delimiters_[item]); leftCO->setCurrentIndex(delimiters_.indexOf(match)); } } void QDelimiterDialog::on_matchCB_stateChanged(int state) { if (state == Qt::Checked) on_leftCO_activated(leftCO->currentIndex()); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "QDelimiterDialog_moc.cpp"