#This file was created by <larsbj> Sun Dec  5 17:49:17 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass amsbook
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\layout Title

Test of AMS-Book Style
\layout Author

David L.
\layout Address

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18015
\layout Current Address

\layout Email

\layout URL

\layout Keywords

\layout Thanks

To Emmanuel, for forcing me to fix this, and Jean-Marc, for making it possible,
 and necessary.
\layout Dedicatory

To my wife.
\layout Translator

\layout Subjectclass

Primary: 12G34, Secondary: 09G87
\layout Chapter

\layout Section

\layout Standard

This file, using the amsbook layout, numbers all results, Theorems, Definitions,
 etc., using 
\begin_inset Formula \( (m.n.p) \)

 where the 
\begin_inset Formula \( m \)

 is the chapter number, the 
\begin_inset Formula \( n \)

 is the section number, and, finally, the 
\begin_inset Formula \( p \)

 is the result number in that section.
\layout Standard

This can be changed by modifying the layout file, removing the line 
\family typewriter 


\family default 

from the 
\family typewriter 
\family default 
\layout Theorem

This is a theorem
\layout Proof

Here is its proof.
\layout Standard

More text.
\layout Corollary

First corollary.
\layout Proof

Its proof.
\layout Lemma

Lemma number 1
\layout Proposition

First proposition.
\layout Conjecture

A wild guess.
\layout Criterion

Need some criteria
\layout Algorithm

first this, then the next
\layout Fact

Not fiction.
\layout Axiom

It stands to reason.
\layout Definition

a word means exactly what I say it means.
\layout Example

This should be an example.
\layout Standard

Plain text.
\layout Condition

If you say so.
\layout Problem

I don't know what to write is the problem.
\layout Remark

I think this will be useful.
\layout Claim

I did it the way the documentation said to.
\layout Note

It may need more work yet.
\layout Standard

More plain text, in standard format.
\layout Theorem

This is a second theorem
\layout Proof

Here is its proof.
\layout Standard

More text.
\layout Corollary

Second corollary.
\layout Proof

Its proof.
\layout Lemma

Lemma number 2
\layout Proposition

Second proposition.
\layout Conjecture

A wild guess.
\layout Criterion

Need some criteria
\layout Notation

\begin_inset Formula \( S=\mathbb {R} \)

\layout Summary

In the end, will it matter?
\layout Acknowledgement

Thanks to Mattias Ettrich.
 Without him I never would have learned LaTeX.
\layout Case

If this works, then the rest will.
\layout Conclusion

It seems to work.
\layout Proof

Here goes another proof.
\layout Standard

Plain text
\layout Chapter Exercises

Exercise 1
\layout Chapter Exercises

Exercise 2
\layout Chapter Exercises

These should not be italicised!
\layout Section

Next try.
\layout Standard

This tries out the section environments.
\layout Theorem

This is a theorem
\layout Proof

Here is its proof.
\layout Standard

More text.
\layout Corollary

Third corollary.
 First one of this section.
\layout Proof

Its proof.
\layout Lemma

Lemma number 3
\layout Proposition

Third proposition.
\layout Conjecture

A wild guess.
\layout Criterion

Need some criteria
\layout Subsection

This is a subsection
\layout Standard

With more results therein.
\layout Theorem

This is a theorem, maybe the fourth one.
\layout Proof

Here is its proof.
\layout Standard

More text.
\layout Chapter

Next one.
\layout Section

Next Section
\layout Corollary

Fourth corollary.
\layout Proof

Its proof.
\layout Lemma

Lemma number 4
\layout Proposition

Fourth proposition.
\layout Conjecture

A wild guess.
\layout Criterion

Need some criteria
\layout Standard

More random text.
\layout Section

Another section
\layout Theorem

This is a theorem
\layout Proof

Here is its proof.
\layout Standard

More text.
\layout Corollary

Fifth corollary.
\layout Proof

Its proof.
\layout Lemma

Lemma number 5
\layout Proposition

Fifth proposition.
\layout Conjecture

A wild guess.
\layout Criterion

Need some criteria
\layout Subsubsection

This is the subsection with results.
\layout Standard

The quick, brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
\layout Theorem

This is a theorem - sixth in the series
\layout Proof

Here is its proof.
\layout Standard

More text.
\layout Corollary

Sixth corollary.
\layout Proof

Its proof.
\layout Lemma

Lemma number 6
\layout Proposition

Sixth proposition.
\layout Conjecture

A wild guess.
\layout Criterion

Need some criteria
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {1}

Johnson, D.
\emph on 
Out of my head
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {2}

American Mathematical Society, 
\emph on 
Instructions for preparation of papers and monographs: AMS-LaTeX
\emph default 
, (1997).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {3}

American Mathematical Society, 
\layout Standard
