# Languages supported by LyX.
# Syntax:
# Language <lyxname>
#	GuiName            "<Gui Name>"
#	HasGuiSupport      <true|false>
#	BabelName          <babelname>
#	PolyglossiaName    <polyglossianame>
#	PolyglossiaOpts    "<language-specific options>"
#	Encoding           <encoding>
#	FontEncoding       <font encoding>
#	QuoteStyle         <danish|english|french|german|polish|swedish>
#	InternalEncoding   <true|false>
#	RTL                <true|false>
#	AsBabelOptions     <true|false>
#	LangCode           <language_code>
#	LangVariety        <language_variety>
#	PreBabelPreamble
#	  <extra latex code inserted before babel>
#	EndPreBabelPreamble
#	PostBabelPreamble
#	  <extra latex code inserted after babel>
#	EndPostBabelPreamble
#	Requires           <requirement>
# End
# * Omitted elements will be treated as empty (if string) or "false"
#   (if boolean).
# * When HasGuiSupport is true, the language is candidate to appear in
#   the list of possible GUI languages in the Preferences dialog. It
#   will actually appear there only if a corresponding .mo file can be
#   found among the translations. When several languages correspond to
#   the same translation -- like English, English (US) and English
#   (UK) -- try to select the entry that is most generic -- here
#   English.
# * The QuoteStyle arguments correspond to the following styles:
#   - danish:  >>text<<  >text<   (inward guillemets)
#   - english: ``text''  `text'   (66_99)
#   - french:  <<text>>  <text>   (outward guillemets)
#   - german:  ,,text``  ,text`   (99/66)
#   - polish:  ,,text''  ,text'   (99/99)
#   - swedish: ''text''  'text'   (99_99)
#   Note that the option names have been selected (rather arbitrarily)
#   because the respective styles are common in the respective countries.
#   Of course this does not imply any fixed relation to those countries.
# * Encoding is the default encoding used with TeX fonts.
#   It is only used if Document > Settings > Language > Encoding
#   is set to "Language Default" and "use non-TeX fonts" is FALSE.
# * InternalEncoding is used to tell LyX that babel internally sets a
#   non-standard font encoding (such as hebrew to LHE or greek to LGR).
#   If True, LyX cares for characters/macros that do not exist in
#   some font encodings ("<", ">", "|" and straight quote).
#   It is not required for standard encodings like T2A. See bug #5091.
# * "FontEncoding none" tells LyX that fontenc should not be loaded with this
#   language.
# * AsBabelOptions advices LyX to pass the languages locally to babel, not
#   globally to the class. Some languages (basically those not directly
#   supported by babel) need this.
#   FIXME: in this case, we might still need to pass the other languages
#          globally, for the use of other packages (such as varioref).
# * LangCode is also used for spellchecking and thesaurus, where the
#   dictionaries are named accordingly. Thus, check this when introducing/
#   changing language codes (especially aspell, thesaurus).
#   TODO: maybe use Best Current Practice (BCP 47) codes for LangCode
#         http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt
#         http://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/
#         http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry
# * LangVariety is used by the aspell spellchecker to differentiate
#   dictionaries for different varieties of a given language (e.g. German
#   pre-1998 and post-1998 spelling). The aspell dictionaries are named
#   language[_REGION][-variety].multi, e.g. de-alt.multi for "German (old
#   spelling)" (see http://aspell.net/man-html/Dictionary-Naming.html)

# LyX-internal languages

Language ignore
	GuiName          "Ignore"
	BabelName        ignore
	PolyglossiaName  ignore
	Encoding         iso8859-1
	LangCode         ignore

Language latex
	GuiName          "LaTeX"
	Encoding         iso8859-1
	LangCode         latex

# Real languages

# not yet supported by polyglossia
Language afrikaans
	GuiName          "Afrikaans"
	BabelName        afrikaans
	QuoteStyle       polish
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         af_ZA

Language albanian
	GuiName          "Albanian"
	BabelName        albanian
	PolyglossiaName  albanian
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         sq_AL

Language american
	GuiName          "English (USA)"
	BabelName        american
	PolyglossiaName  english
	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=american"
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         en_US

# In Babel, this is supported since v. 1.8a of babel-greek (2013-12-03)
# We introduce it with LyX 2.2 to give the support time to settle.
Language ancientgreek
	GuiName           "Greek (ancient)"
	BabelName         greek
	PolyglossiaName   greek
	PolyglossiaOpts   variant=ancient
	QuoteStyle        french
	Encoding          iso8859-7
	InternalEncoding  true
	FontEncoding      LGR
	LangCode          grc_GR

# FIXME: dummy babel language for arabic_arabtex to be able
# to switch the language the way of the ArabTeX-package
Language arabic_arabtex
	GuiName          "Arabic (ArabTeX)"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        arabtex
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         cp1256
	RTL              true
	LangCode         ar_SA

# polyglossia uses "Arabic" for the lang environment
Language arabic_arabi
	GuiName          "Arabic (Arabi)"
	BabelName        arabic
	PolyglossiaName  arabic
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         cp1256
	FontEncoding     "LFE,LAE"
	RTL              true
	AsBabelOptions   true
	LangCode         ar_SA

# not supported by babel
Language armenian
	GuiName          "Armenian"
	PolyglossiaName  armenian
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         hy_AM

Language australian
	GuiName          "English (Australia)"
	BabelName        australian
	PolyglossiaName  english
	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=australian"
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	QuoteStyle       english
	LangCode         en_AU

# In polyglossia, this is supported since release 1.33.4 (May 2014)
# We introduce it with LyX 2.2 to give the support time to settle.
Language austrian
	GuiName          "German (Austria, old spelling)"
	BabelName        austrian
	PolyglossiaName  german
	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=austrian,spelling=old,babelshorthands=true"
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         de_AT

# In polyglossia, this is supported since release 1.33.4 (May 2014)
# We introduce it with LyX 2.2 to give the support time to settle.
Language naustrian
	GuiName          "German (Austria)"
	BabelName        naustrian
	PolyglossiaName  german
	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=austrian,babelshorthands=true"
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         de_AT

Language bahasa
	GuiName          "Indonesian"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        bahasa
	PolyglossiaName  bahasai
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         id_ID

Language bahasam
	GuiName          "Malay"
	BabelName        bahasam
	PolyglossiaName  bahasam
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         ms_MY

Language basque
	GuiName          "Basque"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        basque
	PolyglossiaName  basque
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         eu_ES

# not yet supported by polyglossia
Language belarusian
	GuiName          "Belarusian"
	BabelName        belarusian
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         cp1251
	LangCode         be_BY
	AsBabelOptions   true

Language brazilian
	GuiName          "Portuguese (Brazil)"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        brazil
	PolyglossiaName  brazil
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         pt_BR

Language breton
	GuiName          "Breton"
	BabelName        breton
	PolyglossiaName  breton
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         br_FR

Language british
	GuiName          "English (UK)"
	BabelName        british
	PolyglossiaName  english
	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=british"
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         en_GB

Language bulgarian
	GuiName          "Bulgarian"
	BabelName        bulgarian
	PolyglossiaName  bulgarian
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         cp1251
	FontEncoding     T2A
	LangCode         bg_BG

# not yet supported by polyglossia
Language canadian
	GuiName          "English (Canada)"
	BabelName        canadian
#	PolyglossiaName  english
#	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=canadian"
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         en_CA

# not yet supported by polyglossia
Language canadien
	GuiName          "French (Canada)"
	BabelName        canadien
#	PolyglossiaName  french
#	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=canadien"
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         fr_CA

Language catalan
	GuiName          "Catalan"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        catalan
	PolyglossiaName  catalan
	PolyglossiaOpts  "babelshorthands=true"
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         ca_ES

# uses CJK package
Language chinese-simplified
	GuiName          "Chinese (simplified)"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	Encoding         euc-cn
	QuoteStyle       english
	LangCode         zh_CN
	Requires         CJK

# uses CJK package
Language chinese-traditional
	GuiName         "Chinese (traditional)"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding        utf8-cjk
	LangCode        zh_TW
	Requires         CJK

# not supported by babel
Language coptic
	GuiName          "Coptic"
	PolyglossiaName  coptic
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         cop_EG

Language croatian
	GuiName          "Croatian"
	BabelName        croatian
	PolyglossiaName  croatian
	QuoteStyle       polish
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         hr_HR

Language czech
	GuiName          "Czech"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        czech
	PolyglossiaName  czech
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         cs_CZ

Language danish
	GuiName          "Danish"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        danish
	PolyglossiaName  danish
	QuoteStyle       danish
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         da_DK

# not supported by babel
Language divehi
	GuiName          "Divehi (Maldivian)"
	PolyglossiaName  divehi
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         dv_MV

Language dutch
	GuiName          "Dutch"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        dutch
	PolyglossiaName  dutch
	PolyglossiaOpts  "babelshorthands=true"
	QuoteStyle       polish
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         nl_NL

Language english
	GuiName          "English"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        english
	PolyglossiaName  english
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         en_US

# Esperanto has no country code because it is an auxiliary language.
# We therefore the name of its hunspell dictionary.
Language esperanto
	GuiName          "Esperanto"
	BabelName        esperanto
	PolyglossiaName  esperanto
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-3
	LangCode         eo_EO

Language estonian
	GuiName          "Estonian"
	BabelName        estonian
	PolyglossiaName  estonian
	QuoteStyle       polish
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         et_EE

# the preamble definitions are only used due to bugs in the
# arabi-package -- remove them if they become unnecessary!
Language farsi
	GuiName          "Farsi"
	BabelName        farsi
	PolyglossiaName  farsi
	Encoding         utf8
	FontEncoding     "LFE,LAE"
	RTL              true
	LangCode         fa_IR

Language finnish
	GuiName          "Finnish"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        finnish
	PolyglossiaName  finnish
	QuoteStyle       swedish
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         fi_FI

# We redefine \og and \fg (guillemets) for older french language definitions
Language french
	GuiName          "French"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        french
	PolyglossiaName  french
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         fr_FR

Language galician
	GuiName          "Galician"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        galician
	PolyglossiaName  galician
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         gl_ES

Language georgian
	GuiName          "Georgian"
	BabelName        georgian
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         utf8
	FontEncoding     T8M
	LangCode         ka_GE

# german does not use a country code (due to the variety)
Language german
	GuiName          "German (old spelling)"
	BabelName        german
	PolyglossiaName  german
	PolyglossiaOpts  "spelling=old,babelshorthands=true"
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         de
	LangVariety      alt

Language ngerman
	GuiName          "German"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        ngerman
	PolyglossiaName  german
	PolyglossiaOpts  "babelshorthands=true"
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         de_DE

# In Babel, this is supported since release 2.7 of babel-german (Dec 2013)
# We introduce it with LyX 2.2 to give the support time to settle.
# In polyglossia, this is supported since release 1.33.6 (May 2015)
# We use german until TL 2015 is out, though.
Language german-ch
	GuiName          "German (Switzerland)"
	BabelName        nswissgerman
	PolyglossiaName  german
	PolyglossiaOpts  "babelshorthands=true"
#	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=swiss,babelshorthands=true"
	QuoteStyle       danish
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         de_CH

# In Babel, this is supported since release 2.7 of babel-german (Dec 2013)
# In polyglossia, this is supported since release 1.33.6 (May 2015)
# We use ngerman until TL 2015 is out, though.
Language german-ch-old
	GuiName          "German (Switzerland, old spelling)"
 	BabelName        swissgerman
 	PolyglossiaName  german
 	PolyglossiaOpts  "spelling=old,babelshorthands=true"
# 	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=swiss,spelling=old,babelshorthands=true"
 	QuoteStyle       danish
 	Encoding         iso8859-15
 	LangCode         de_CH

Language greek
	GuiName           "Greek"
	HasGuiSupport     true
	BabelName         greek
	PolyglossiaName   greek
	QuoteStyle        french
	Encoding          iso8859-7
	InternalEncoding  true
	FontEncoding      LGR
	LangCode          el_GR

Language polutonikogreek
	GuiName           "Greek (polytonic)"
	BabelName         polutonikogreek
	PolyglossiaName   greek
	PolyglossiaOpts   "variant=polytonic"
	QuoteStyle        french
	Encoding          iso8859-7
	InternalEncoding  true
	FontEncoding      LGR
	LangCode          el_GR

Language hebrew
	GuiName           "Hebrew"
	HasGuiSupport     true
	BabelName         hebrew
	PolyglossiaName   hebrew
	Encoding          cp1255
	QuoteStyle        english
	InternalEncoding  true
# Hebrew babel loads the font encodings
# itself in the appropriate order
#	FontEncoding      LHE
	RTL               true
	LangCode          he_IL

# not supported by babel
Language hindi
	GuiName          "Hindi"
	PolyglossiaName  hindi
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         hi_IN

# Currently not supported (file format change!)
# "hungarian" is a synonym for the "magyar" babel language option
# "hungarian" might be used for special purposes,
# see http://www.math.bme.hu/latex/magyar_pre_tug2004.pdf
#Language hungarian
#	GuiName         "Hungarian"
#	BabelName       hungarian
#	Encoding        iso8859-2
#	LangCode        hu_HU

Language icelandic
	GuiName          "Icelandic"
	BabelName        icelandic
	PolyglossiaName  icelandic
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         is_IS

# Interlingua has no official country code because it is an auxiliary
# language. We therefore the name of its hunspell dictionary.
Language interlingua
	GuiName          "Interlingua"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        interlingua
	PolyglossiaName  interlingua
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         ia_IA

Language irish
	GuiName          "Irish"
	BabelName        irish
	PolyglossiaName  irish
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         ga_IE

Language italian
	GuiName          "Italian"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        italian
	PolyglossiaName  italian
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         it_IT

# japanese must be loaded locally with babel options,
# not globally via class options
# http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/4597#c4
# Since japanese does not load fontenc, we set
# InternalEncoding to true.
Language japanese
	GuiName          "Japanese"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        japanese
	Encoding         jis-platex
	LangCode         ja_JP
	AsBabelOptions   true
	Requires         japanese
	InternalEncoding true
	FontEncoding     None

# uses CJK package
Language japanese-cjk
	GuiName         "Japanese (CJK)"
	Encoding        euc-jp
	LangCode        ja_JP
	Requires        CJK

# not yet supported by polyglossia
# not supported by babel
Language kazakh
	GuiName         "Kazakh"
	Encoding        ascii
	LangCode        kk_KZ

Language korean
	GuiName         "Korean"
	Encoding        euc-kr
	QuoteStyle      english
	LangCode        ko_KR
	Requires        CJK

# not yet supported by polyglossia
Language kurmanji
	GuiName          "Kurmanji"
	BabelName        kurmanji
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         kmr
	AsBabelOptions   true

# not supported by babel
Language lao
	GuiName          "Lao"
	PolyglossiaName  lao
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         lo_LA

# There is no country code for Latin because it is a dead language.
# We therefore the name of its hunspell dictionary.
Language latin
	GuiName          "Latin"
	BabelName        latin
	PolyglossiaName  latin
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         la_LA

# latvian must be loaded locally with babel options,
# not globally via class options
Language latvian
	GuiName          "Latvian"
	BabelName        latvian
	PolyglossiaName  latvian
	QuoteStyle       danish
	Encoding         iso8859-4
#	FontEncoding     L7x # (required for hyphenation but not set by babel)
	LangCode         lv_LV
	AsBabelOptions   true

# lithuanian must be loaded locally with babel options,
# not globally via class options
Language lithuanian
	GuiName          "Lithuanian"
	BabelName        lithuanian
	PolyglossiaName  lithuanian
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-13
	FontEncoding     L7x
	LangCode         lt_LT
	AsBabelOptions   true

Language lowersorbian
	GuiName          "Lower Sorbian"
	BabelName        lowersorbian
	PolyglossiaName  lsorbian
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         dsb_DE

Language magyar
	GuiName          "Hungarian"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        magyar
	PolyglossiaName  magyar
	QuoteStyle       polish
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         hu_HU

# not supported by babel
Language marathi
	GuiName          "Marathi"
	PolyglossiaName  marathi
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         mr_IN

# mongolian must be loaded locally with babel options,
# not globally via class options
# not yet supported by polyglossia
Language mongolian
	GuiName          "Mongolian"
	BabelName        mongolian
	Encoding         utf8
	FontEncoding     T2A
	LangCode         mn_MN
	AsBabelOptions   true

Language newzealand
	GuiName          "English (New Zealand)"
	BabelName        newzealand
	PolyglossiaName  english
	PolyglossiaOpts  "variant=newzealand"
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         en_NZ

Language norsk
	GuiName          "Norwegian (Bokmaal)"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        norsk
	PolyglossiaName  norsk
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         nb_NO

Language nynorsk
	GuiName          "Norwegian (Nynorsk)"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        nynorsk
	PolyglossiaName  nynorsk
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         nn_NO

# not supported by babel
Language occitan
	GuiName          "Occitan"
	PolyglossiaName  occitan
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         oc_FR

# Currently not supported (file format change!)
# Russian orthography from the Petrine orthographic reforms of
# 1708 to the 1917 orthographic reform
# Language oldrussian
# 	GuiName          "Russian (Petrine orthography)"
# 	PolyglossiaName  russian
# 	PolyglossiaOpts  spelling=old
# 	LangCode         ru_petr1708
# End

Language polish
	GuiName          "Polish"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        polish
	PolyglossiaName  polish
	QuoteStyle       polish
	Encoding         iso8859-2
#	FontEncoding     QX # (required for hyphenation but not set by babel)
	LangCode         pl_PL

Language portuguese
	GuiName          "Portuguese"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        portuges
	PolyglossiaName  portuges
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         pt_PT

Language romanian
	GuiName          "Romanian"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        romanian
	PolyglossiaName  romanian
	QuoteStyle       polish
	Encoding         iso8859-16
	LangCode         ro_RO

Language russian
	GuiName          "Russian"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        russian
	PolyglossiaName  russian
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         koi8-r
	FontEncoding     T2A
	LangCode         ru_RU

Language samin
	GuiName          "North Sami"
	BabelName        samin
	PolyglossiaName  samin
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         se_NO

# not supported by babel
Language sanskrit
	GuiName          "Sanskrit"
	PolyglossiaName  sanskrit
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         sa_IN

Language scottish
	GuiName          "Scottish"
	BabelName        scottish
	PolyglossiaName  scottish
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         gd_GB

Language serbian
	GuiName          "Serbian"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        serbianc
	PolyglossiaName  serbian
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         utf8
	FontEncoding     T2A
	LangCode         sr_RS
	AsBabelOptions   true

Language serbian-latin
	GuiName          "Serbian (Latin)"
	BabelName        serbian
	PolyglossiaName  serbian
	PolyglossiaOpts  "script=Latin"
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         sr_RS-Latin

Language slovak
	GuiName          "Slovak"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        slovak
	PolyglossiaName  slovak
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         sk_SK

Language slovene
	GuiName          "Slovene"
	BabelName        slovene
	PolyglossiaName  slovenian
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         sl_SI

Language spanish
	GuiName          "Spanish"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        spanish
	PolyglossiaName  spanish
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         es_ES

# there are no spanish shorthands in polyglossia
Language spanish-mexico
	GuiName          "Spanish (Mexico)"
	BabelName        spanish
	PolyglossiaName  spanish
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         es_MX

Language swedish
	GuiName          "Swedish"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        swedish
	PolyglossiaName  swedish
	QuoteStyle       swedish
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         sv_SE

# not supported by babel
#Language syriac
#	GuiName          "Syriac"
#	PolyglossiaName  syriac
#	Encoding         utf8
#	RTL              true
#	LangCode         syr_SY

# not supported by babel
Language tamil
	GuiName          "Tamil"
	PolyglossiaName  tamil
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         ta_IN

# not supported by babel
Language telugu
	GuiName          "Telugu"
	PolyglossiaName  telugu
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         te_IN

Language thai
	GuiName          "Thai"
	BabelName        thai
	PolyglossiaName  thai
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         tis620-0
#	FontEncoding     LTH
	LangCode         th_TH

# not supported by babel
Language tibetan
	GuiName          "Tibetan"
	PolyglossiaName  tibetan
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         bo_CN

Language turkish
	GuiName          "Turkish"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        turkish
	PolyglossiaName  turkish
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         iso8859-9
	LangCode         tr_TR

# turkmen must be loaded locally with babel options,
# not globally via class options
Language turkmen
	GuiName          "Turkmen"
	BabelName        turkmen
	PolyglossiaName  turkmen
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         tk_TM
	AsBabelOptions   true

Language ukrainian
	GuiName          "Ukrainian"
	HasGuiSupport    true
	BabelName        ukrainian
	PolyglossiaName  ukrainian
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         koi8-u
	FontEncoding     T2A
	LangCode         uk_UA

Language uppersorbian
	GuiName          "Upper Sorbian"
	BabelName        uppersorbian
	PolyglossiaName  usorbian
	QuoteStyle       german
	Encoding         iso8859-2
	LangCode         hsb_DE

# not supported by babel
#Language urdu
#	GuiName          "Urdu"
#	PolyglossiaName  urdu
#	Encoding         utf8
#	RTL              true
#	LangCode         ur_PK

# vietnam must be loaded locally with babel options,
# not globally via class options, see
# http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg129417.html
Language vietnamese
	GuiName          "Vietnamese"
	BabelName        vietnam
	PolyglossiaName  vietnamese
	QuoteStyle       french
	Encoding         utf8
	LangCode         vi_VN
	AsBabelOptions   true
	Requires         vietnamese

Language welsh
	GuiName          "Welsh"
	BabelName        welsh
	PolyglossiaName  welsh
	QuoteStyle       english
	Encoding         iso8859-15
	LangCode         cy_GB