/** * \file TocWidget.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "TocWidget.h" #include "GuiView.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "TocModel.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "LyXFunc.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { TocWidget::TocWidget(GuiView & gui_view, QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent), depth_(0), gui_view_(gui_view) { setupUi(this); moveOutTB->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/promote.png")); moveInTB->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/demote.png")); moveUpTB->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/up.png")); moveDownTB->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/down.png")); updateTB->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/reload.png")); // avoid flickering tocTV->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); tocTV->showColumn(0); // hide the pointless QHeader for now // in the future, new columns may appear // like labels, bookmarks, etc... // tocTV->header()->hide(); tocTV->header()->setVisible(false); // Only one item selected at a time. tocTV->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); // The toc types combo won't change its model. typeCO->setModel(gui_view_.tocModels().nameModel()); } void TocWidget::on_tocTV_activated(QModelIndex const & index) { goTo(index); } void TocWidget::on_tocTV_clicked(QModelIndex const & index) { goTo(index); gui_view_.setFocus(); } void TocWidget::goTo(QModelIndex const & index) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "goto " << index.row() << ", " << index.column()); gui_view_.tocModels().goTo(current_type_, index); } void TocWidget::on_updateTB_clicked() { // The backend update can take some time so we disable // the controls while waiting. enableControls(false); gui_view_.tocModels().updateBackend(); } /* FIXME (Ugras 17/11/06): I have implemented a indexDepth function to get the model indices. In my opinion, somebody should derive a new qvariant class for tocModelItem which saves the string data and depth information. That will save the depth calculation. */ static int indexDepth(QModelIndex const & index, int depth = -1) { ++depth; return index.parent() == QModelIndex() ? depth : indexDepth(index.parent(), depth); } void TocWidget::on_depthSL_valueChanged(int depth) { if (depth == depth_) return; setTreeDepth(depth); gui_view_.setFocus(); } void TocWidget::setTreeDepth(int depth) { depth_ = depth; if (!tocTV->model()) return; // expanding and then collapsing is probably better, // but my qt 4.1.2 doesn't have expandAll().. //tocTV->expandAll(); QModelIndexList indices = tocTV->model()->match( tocTV->model()->index(0,0), Qt::DisplayRole, "*", -1, Qt::MatchFlags(Qt::MatchWildcard|Qt::MatchRecursive)); int size = indices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { QModelIndex index = indices[i]; tocTV->setExpanded(index, indexDepth(index) < depth_); } } void TocWidget::on_typeCO_currentIndexChanged(int index) { current_type_ = typeCO->itemData(index).toString(); updateView(); gui_view_.setFocus(); } void TocWidget::outline(int func_code) { enableControls(false); QModelIndexList const & list = tocTV->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (list.isEmpty()) return; enableControls(false); goTo(list[0]); dispatch(FuncRequest(static_cast(func_code))); enableControls(true); gui_view_.setFocus(); } void TocWidget::on_moveUpTB_clicked() { outline(LFUN_OUTLINE_UP); } void TocWidget::on_moveDownTB_clicked() { outline(LFUN_OUTLINE_DOWN); } void TocWidget::on_moveInTB_clicked() { outline(LFUN_OUTLINE_IN); } void TocWidget::on_moveOutTB_clicked() { outline(LFUN_OUTLINE_OUT); } void TocWidget::select(QModelIndex const & index) { if (!index.isValid()) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "TocWidget::select(): QModelIndex is invalid!"); return; } tocTV->scrollTo(index); tocTV->clearSelection(); tocTV->setCurrentIndex(index); } /// Test if outlining operation is possible static bool canOutline(QString const & type) { return type == "tableofcontents"; } void TocWidget::enableControls(bool enable) { updateTB->setEnabled(enable); if (!canOutline(current_type_)) enable = false; moveUpTB->setEnabled(enable); moveDownTB->setEnabled(enable); moveInTB->setEnabled(enable); moveOutTB->setEnabled(enable); } /// Test if synchronized navigation is possible static bool canNavigate(QString const & type) { // It is not possible to have synchronous navigation in a correctl // and efficient way with the label type because Toc::item() do a linear // seatch. Even if fixed, it might even not be desirable to do so if we // want to support drag&drop of labels and references. return type != "label"; } void TocWidget::updateView() { if (!gui_view_.view()) { enableControls(false); typeCO->setEnabled(false); tocTV->setModel(0); tocTV->setEnabled(false); return; } typeCO->setEnabled(true); tocTV->setEnabled(true); QStandardItemModel * toc_model = gui_view_.tocModels().model(current_type_); if (tocTV->model() != toc_model) { tocTV->setModel(toc_model); tocTV->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); } bool controls_enabled = toc_model && toc_model->rowCount() > 0 && !gui_view_.buffer()->isReadonly(); enableControls(controls_enabled); depthSL->setMaximum(gui_view_.tocModels().depth(current_type_)); depthSL->setValue(depth_); setTreeDepth(depth_); if (canNavigate(current_type_)) select(gui_view_.tocModels().currentIndex(current_type_)); } static QString decodeType(QString const & str) { QString type = str; if (type.contains("tableofcontents")) { type = "tableofcontents"; } else if (type.contains("floatlist")) { if (type.contains("\"figure")) type = "figure"; else if (type.contains("\"table")) type = "table"; else if (type.contains("\"algorithm")) type = "algorithm"; } return type; } void TocWidget::init(QString const & str) { int new_index; if (str.isEmpty()) new_index = typeCO->findData(current_type_); else new_index = typeCO->findData(decodeType(str)); // If everything else fails, settle on the table of contents which is // guaranted to exist. if (new_index == -1) { current_type_ = "tableofcontents"; new_index = typeCO->findData(current_type_); } typeCO->blockSignals(true); typeCO->setCurrentIndex(new_index); typeCO->blockSignals(false); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "TocWidget_moc.cpp"