/** * \file Format.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Dekel Tsur * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "Format.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "ServerSocket.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" //to be removed? #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/os.h" #include "support/Path.h" #include "support/Systemcall.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include "support/Translator.h" #include // FIXME: Q_WS_MACX is not available, it's in Qt #ifdef USE_MACOSX_PACKAGING #include "support/linkback/LinkBackProxy.h" #endif using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace Alert = frontend::Alert; namespace os = support::os; namespace { string const token_from_format("$$i"); string const token_path_format("$$p"); string const token_socket_format("$$a"); class FormatNamesEqual : public unary_function { public: FormatNamesEqual(string const & name) : name_(name) {} bool operator()(Format const & f) const { return f.name() == name_; } private: string name_; }; class FormatExtensionsEqual : public unary_function { public: FormatExtensionsEqual(string const & extension) : extension_(extension) {} bool operator()(Format const & f) const { return f.hasExtension(extension_); } private: string extension_; }; } //namespace anon bool operator<(Format const & a, Format const & b) { // use the compare_ascii_no_case instead of compare_no_case, // because in turkish, 'i' is not the lowercase version of 'I', // and thus turkish locale breaks parsing of tags. return compare_ascii_no_case(a.prettyname(), b.prettyname()) < 0; } Format::Format(string const & n, string const & e, string const & p, string const & s, string const & v, string const & ed, int flags) : name_(n), extensions_(e), prettyname_(p), shortcut_(s), viewer_(v), editor_(ed), flags_(flags) { extension_list_ = getVectorFromString(e, ","); LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "New Format: n=" << n << ", flags=" << flags); } bool Format::dummy() const { return extension().empty(); } bool Format::hasExtension(string const & e) const { return (find(extension_list_.begin(), extension_list_.end(), e) != extension_list_.end()); } bool Format::isChildFormat() const { if (name_.empty()) return false; return isDigitASCII(name_[name_.length() - 1]); } string const Format::parentFormat() const { return name_.substr(0, name_.length() - 1); } void Format::setExtensions(string const & e) { extensions_ = e; extension_list_ = getVectorFromString(e, ","); } // This method should return a reference, and throw an exception // if the format named name cannot be found (Lgb) Format const * Formats::getFormat(string const & name) const { FormatList::const_iterator cit = find_if(formatlist.begin(), formatlist.end(), FormatNamesEqual(name)); if (cit != formatlist.end()) return &(*cit); else return 0; } string Formats::getFormatFromFile(FileName const & filename) const { if (filename.empty()) return string(); string const format = filename.guessFormatFromContents(); string const ext = getExtension(filename.absFileName()); if ((format == "gzip" || format == "zip" || format == "compress") && !ext.empty()) { string const & fmt_name = formats.getFormatFromExtension(ext); if (!fmt_name.empty()) { Format const * p_format = formats.getFormat(fmt_name); if (p_format && p_format->zippedNative()) return p_format->name(); } } if (!format.empty()) return format; // try to find a format from the file extension. return getFormatFromExtension(ext); } string Formats::getFormatFromExtension(string const & ext) const { if (!ext.empty()) { // this is ambigous if two formats have the same extension, // but better than nothing Formats::const_iterator cit = find_if(formatlist.begin(), formatlist.end(), FormatExtensionsEqual(ext)); if (cit != formats.end()) { LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\twill guess format from file extension: " << ext << " -> " << cit->name()); return cit->name(); } } return string(); } bool Formats::isZippedFile(support::FileName const & filename) const { string const & fname = filename.absFileName(); time_t timestamp = filename.lastModified(); map::iterator it = zipped_.find(fname); if (it != zipped_.end() && it->second.timestamp == timestamp) return it->second.zipped; string const & format = getFormatFromFile(filename); bool zipped = (format == "gzip" || format == "zip"); zipped_.insert(pair(fname, ZippedInfo(zipped, timestamp))); return zipped; } static string fixCommand(string const & cmd, string const & ext, os::auto_open_mode mode) { // configure.py says we do not want a viewer/editor if (cmd.empty()) return cmd; // Does the OS manage this format? if (os::canAutoOpenFile(ext, mode)) return "auto"; // if configure.py found nothing, clear the command if (token(cmd, ' ', 0) == "auto") return string(); // use the command found by configure.py return cmd; } void Formats::setAutoOpen() { FormatList::iterator fit = formatlist.begin(); FormatList::iterator const fend = formatlist.end(); for ( ; fit != fend ; ++fit) { fit->setViewer(fixCommand(fit->viewer(), fit->extension(), os::VIEW)); fit->setEditor(fixCommand(fit->editor(), fit->extension(), os::EDIT)); } } int Formats::getNumber(string const & name) const { FormatList::const_iterator cit = find_if(formatlist.begin(), formatlist.end(), FormatNamesEqual(name)); if (cit != formatlist.end()) return distance(formatlist.begin(), cit); else return -1; } void Formats::add(string const & name) { if (!getFormat(name)) add(name, name, name, string(), string(), string(), Format::document); } void Formats::add(string const & name, string const & extensions, string const & prettyname, string const & shortcut, string const & viewer, string const & editor, int flags) { FormatList::iterator it = find_if(formatlist.begin(), formatlist.end(), FormatNamesEqual(name)); if (it == formatlist.end()) formatlist.push_back(Format(name, extensions, prettyname, shortcut, viewer, editor, flags)); else *it = Format(name, extensions, prettyname, shortcut, viewer, editor, flags); } void Formats::erase(string const & name) { FormatList::iterator it = find_if(formatlist.begin(), formatlist.end(), FormatNamesEqual(name)); if (it != formatlist.end()) formatlist.erase(it); } void Formats::sort() { std::sort(formatlist.begin(), formatlist.end()); } void Formats::setViewer(string const & name, string const & command) { add(name); FormatList::iterator it = find_if(formatlist.begin(), formatlist.end(), FormatNamesEqual(name)); if (it != formatlist.end()) it->setViewer(command); } void Formats::setEditor(string const & name, string const & command) { add(name); FormatList::iterator it = find_if(formatlist.begin(), formatlist.end(), FormatNamesEqual(name)); if (it != formatlist.end()) it->setEditor(command); } bool Formats::view(Buffer const & buffer, FileName const & filename, string const & format_name) const { if (filename.empty() || !filename.exists()) { Alert::error(_("Cannot view file"), bformat(_("File does not exist: %1$s"), from_utf8(filename.absFileName()))); return false; } Format const * format = getFormat(format_name); if (format && format->viewer().empty() && format->isChildFormat()) format = getFormat(format->parentFormat()); if (!format || format->viewer().empty()) { // FIXME: I believe this is the wrong place to show alerts, it should be done // by the caller (this should be "utility" code) Alert::error(_("Cannot view file"), bformat(_("No information for viewing %1$s"), prettyName(format_name))); return false; } // viewer is 'auto' if (format->viewer() == "auto") { if (os::autoOpenFile(filename.absFileName(), os::VIEW, buffer.filePath())) return true; else { Alert::error(_("Cannot view file"), bformat(_("Auto-view file %1$s failed"), from_utf8(filename.absFileName()))); return false; } } string command = libScriptSearch(format->viewer()); if (format_name == "dvi" && !lyxrc.view_dvi_paper_option.empty()) { string paper_size = buffer.params().paperSizeName(BufferParams::XDVI); if (!paper_size.empty()) { command += ' ' + lyxrc.view_dvi_paper_option; command += ' ' + paper_size; if (buffer.params().orientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && buffer.params().papersize != PAPER_CUSTOM) command += 'r'; } } if (!contains(command, token_from_format)) command += ' ' + token_from_format; command = subst(command, token_from_format, quoteName(onlyFileName(filename.toFilesystemEncoding()))); command = subst(command, token_path_format, quoteName(onlyPath(filename.toFilesystemEncoding()))); command = subst(command, token_socket_format, quoteName(theServerSocket().address())); LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Executing command: " << command); // FIXME UNICODE utf8 can be wrong for files buffer.message(_("Executing command: ") + from_utf8(command)); PathChanger p(filename.onlyPath()); Systemcall one; one.startscript(Systemcall::DontWait, command, buffer.filePath()); // we can't report any sort of error, since we aren't waiting return true; } bool Formats::edit(Buffer const & buffer, FileName const & filename, string const & format_name) const { if (filename.empty() || !filename.exists()) { Alert::error(_("Cannot edit file"), bformat(_("File does not exist: %1$s"), from_utf8(filename.absFileName()))); return false; } // LinkBack files look like PDF, but have the .linkback extension string const ext = getExtension(filename.absFileName()); if (format_name == "pdf" && ext == "linkback") { #ifdef USE_MACOSX_PACKAGING return editLinkBackFile(filename.absFileName().c_str()); #else Alert::error(_("Cannot edit file"), _("LinkBack files can only be edited on Apple Mac OSX.")); return false; #endif // USE_MACOSX_PACKAGING } Format const * format = getFormat(format_name); if (format && format->editor().empty() && format->isChildFormat()) format = getFormat(format->parentFormat()); if (!format || format->editor().empty()) { // FIXME: I believe this is the wrong place to show alerts, it should // be done by the caller (this should be "utility" code) Alert::error(_("Cannot edit file"), bformat(_("No information for editing %1$s"), prettyName(format_name))); return false; } // editor is 'auto' if (format->editor() == "auto") { if (os::autoOpenFile(filename.absFileName(), os::EDIT, buffer.filePath())) return true; else { Alert::error(_("Cannot edit file"), bformat(_("Auto-edit file %1$s failed"), from_utf8(filename.absFileName()))); return false; } } string command = format->editor(); if (!contains(command, token_from_format)) command += ' ' + token_from_format; command = subst(command, token_from_format, quoteName(filename.toFilesystemEncoding())); command = subst(command, token_path_format, quoteName(onlyPath(filename.toFilesystemEncoding()))); command = subst(command, token_socket_format, quoteName(theServerSocket().address())); LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Executing command: " << command); // FIXME UNICODE utf8 can be wrong for files buffer.message(_("Executing command: ") + from_utf8(command)); Systemcall one; one.startscript(Systemcall::DontWait, command, buffer.filePath()); // we can't report any sort of error, since we aren't waiting return true; } docstring const Formats::prettyName(string const & name) const { Format const * format = getFormat(name); if (format) return from_utf8(format->prettyname()); else return from_utf8(name); } string const Formats::extension(string const & name) const { Format const * format = getFormat(name); if (format) return format->extension(); else return name; } string const Formats::extensions(string const & name) const { Format const * format = getFormat(name); if (format) return format->extensions(); else return name; } namespace { typedef Translator FlavorTranslator; FlavorTranslator initFlavorTranslator() { FlavorTranslator f(OutputParams::LATEX, "latex"); f.addPair(OutputParams::DVILUATEX, "dviluatex"); f.addPair(OutputParams::LUATEX, "luatex"); f.addPair(OutputParams::PDFLATEX, "pdflatex"); f.addPair(OutputParams::XETEX, "xetex"); f.addPair(OutputParams::XML, "docbook-xml"); f.addPair(OutputParams::HTML, "xhtml"); f.addPair(OutputParams::TEXT, "text"); return f; } FlavorTranslator const & flavorTranslator() { static FlavorTranslator translator = initFlavorTranslator(); return translator; } } std::string flavor2format(OutputParams::FLAVOR flavor) { return flavorTranslator().find(flavor); } /* Not currently needed, but I'll leave the code in case it is. OutputParams::FLAVOR format2flavor(std::string fmt) { return flavorTranslator().find(fmt); } */ Formats formats; Formats system_formats; } // namespace lyx