# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # file docbook2epub.py # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # # \author Thibaut Cuvelier # # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS # Usage: # python docbook2epub.py java_binary saxon_path xsltproc_path xslt_path in.docbook out.epub from __future__ import print_function import glob import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import zipfile from io import open # Required for Python 2. def _parse_nullable_argument(arg): return arg if arg != '' and arg != 'none' else None class DocBookToEpub: def __init__(self, args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv if len(args) != 7: print('Seven arguments are expected, only %s found: %s.' % (len(args), args)) sys.exit(1) self.own_path = sys.argv[0] self.java_path = _parse_nullable_argument(sys.argv[1]) self.saxon_path = _parse_nullable_argument(sys.argv[2]) self.xsltproc_path = _parse_nullable_argument(sys.argv[3]) self.xslt_path = _parse_nullable_argument(sys.argv[4]) self.input = sys.argv[5] self.output = sys.argv[6] self.script_folder = os.path.dirname(self.own_path) + '/../' print('Generating ePub with the following parameters:') print(self.own_path) print(self.java_path) print(self.saxon_path) print(self.xsltproc_path) print(self.xslt_path) print(self.input) print(self.output) # Precompute paths that will be used later. self.output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp().replace('\\', '/') self.package_opf = self.output_dir + '/OEBPS/package.opf' # Does not exist yet, print('Temporary output directory: %s' % self.output_dir) if self.xslt_path is None: self.xslt = self.script_folder + 'docbook/epub3/chunk.xsl' else: self.xslt = self.xslt_path + '/epub3/chunk.xsl' print('XSLT style sheet to use:') print(self.xslt) if self.saxon_path is None: self.saxon_path = self.script_folder + 'scripts/saxon6.5.5.jar' # These will be filled during the execution of the script. self.renamed = None def gracefully_fail(self, reason): print('docbook2epub fails: %s' % reason) shutil.rmtree(self.output_dir, ignore_errors=True) sys.exit(1) def start_xslt_transformation(self): command = None if self.xsltproc_path is not None: command = self.start_xslt_transformation_xsltproc() elif self.java_path is not None: command = self.start_xslt_transformation_saxon6() if command is None: self.gracefully_fail('no XSLT processor available') print('Command to execute:') print(command) quoted_command = command if os.name == 'nt': # On Windows, it is typical to have spaces in folder names, and that requires to wrap the whole command # in quotes. On Linux, this might create errors when starting the command. quoted_command = '"' + command + '"' # This could be simplified by using subprocess.run, but this requires Python 3.5. if os.system(quoted_command) != 0: self.gracefully_fail('error from the XSLT processor') print('Generated ePub contents.') def start_xslt_transformation_xsltproc(self): params = '-stringparam base.dir "' + self.output_dir + '"' return '"' + self.xsltproc_path + '" ' + params + ' "' + self.xslt + '" "' + self.input + '"' def start_xslt_transformation_saxon6(self): params = 'base.dir=%s' % self.output_dir executable = '"' + self.java_path + '" -jar "' + self.saxon_path + '"' return executable + ' "' + self.input + '" "' + self.xslt + '" "' + params + '"' def get_images_from_package_opf(self): images = [] # Example in the OPF file: # # The XHTML files are also tags: # try: with open(self.package_opf, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if ' file in the ePub archive. original_images = self.get_images_from_package_opf() self.renamed = {img: 'images/' + os.path.basename(img) for img in original_images} # Then, transform all paths (both OPF and XHTML files). self.change_image_paths(self.output_dir + '/OEBPS/package.opf') for file in glob.glob(self.output_dir + '/OEBPS/*.xhtml'): self.change_image_paths(file) # Ensure that the destination path exists. OEBPS exists due to the DocBook-to-ePub transformation. if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir + '/OEBPS/images/'): os.mkdir(self.output_dir + '/OEBPS/images/') # Finally, actually copy the image files. for (old, new) in self.renamed.items(): shutil.copyfile(old, self.output_dir + '/OEBPS/' + new) def create_zip_archive(self): with zipfile.ZipFile(self.output, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip: # Python 3.5 brings the `recursive` argument. For older versions, this trick is required... # for file in glob.glob(output_dir + '/**/*', recursive=True): for file in [os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(self.output_dir) for f in filenames]: zip.write(file, os.path.relpath(file, self.output_dir), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED) shutil.rmtree(self.output_dir) print('Generated ePub.') def transform(self): self.start_xslt_transformation() self.copy_images() self.create_zip_archive() if __name__ == '__main__': DocBookToEpub(sys.argv).transform()