/** * \file QBrowseBox.C * * Original file taken from klyx 0.10 sources: * * \author Kalle Dalheimer * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QBrowseBox.h" #include #include QBrowseBox::QBrowseBox(int rows, int cols, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) : QGridView(parent,name,f) { setNumRows(rows); setNumCols(cols); setCellWidth(width()/cols); setCellHeight(height()/rows); texts_ = new QString[rows * cols]; pixmaps_ = new QPixmap[rows * cols]; activecell_.setX(-1); activecell_.setY(-1); if (style().inherits("QWindowsStyle")) setFrameStyle(QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Raised); else setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised); setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus); // setMouseTracking must be called after setFocusPolicy setMouseTracking(true); inloop=false; } QBrowseBox::~QBrowseBox() { delete [] texts_; delete [] pixmaps_; } int QBrowseBox::coordsToIndex(int row, int col) { if (col < 0 || col > numCols() || row < 0 || row > numRows()) qDebug("coordsToIndex: invalid coords (%d, %d)\n", row, col); return row + col * numCols(); } void QBrowseBox::insertItem(QString const & text, int row, int col) { texts_[coordsToIndex(row, col)] = text; } void QBrowseBox::insertItem(char const * text, int row, int col) { insertItem(QString(text), row, col); } void QBrowseBox::insertItem(QPixmap pixmap, int row, int col) { pixmaps_[coordsToIndex(row, col)] = pixmap; } void QBrowseBox::insertItem( QPixmap pixmap) { int w = pixmap.width() / numCols(); int h = pixmap.height() / numRows(); for (int row = 0; row < numRows(); ++row) for (int col = 0; col < numCols(); ++col) { QPixmap small(w,h); bitBlt(&small,0,0,&pixmap,col*w,row*h,w,h,Qt::CopyROP,false); insertItem(small, row, col); } resize(pixmap.width() + (numCols() + 1) * frameWidth(), pixmap.height() + (numRows() + 1) * frameWidth()); } void QBrowseBox::removeItem(int row, int col) { texts_[coordsToIndex(row, col)] = ""; pixmaps_[coordsToIndex(row, col)].resize(0, 0); } void QBrowseBox::clear() { for (int row = 0; row < numRows(); ++row) for (int col = 0; col < numCols(); ++col) removeItem(row, col); } QString QBrowseBox::text(int row, int col) { if (col < 0 || col >= numCols() || row < 0 || row >= numRows()) return ""; return texts_[coordsToIndex(row, col)]; } QPixmap QBrowseBox::pixmap(int row, int col) { if (col < 0 || col >= numCols() || row < 0 || row >= numRows()) return QPixmap(); return pixmaps_[coordsToIndex(row, col)]; } int QBrowseBox::exec(const QPoint& pos) { return exec(pos.x(),pos.y()); } int QBrowseBox::exec(const QWidget* trigger) { QPoint globalpos = trigger->parentWidget()->mapToGlobal( trigger->pos()); // is there enough space to put the box below the trigger? if ( globalpos.y() + trigger->height()+height()+1< QApplication::desktop()->height()) { // is there enough space to set the box left-justified with the trigger if (globalpos.x()+width()width()) return exec(globalpos.x(), globalpos.y()+trigger->height()+1); else return exec(globalpos.x()-width()-1, globalpos.y()+trigger->height()+1); } else { if (globalpos.x()+width()width()) return exec(globalpos.x(), globalpos.y()-height()-1); else return exec(globalpos.x()-width()-1, globalpos.y()-height()-1); } } int QBrowseBox::exec(int x,int y) { firstrelease_ = true; move(x,y); show(); repaint(); qApp->enter_loop(); inloop = true; if (activecell_.x()!=-1 && activecell_.y()!=-1 ) return coordsToIndex( activecell_.x(),activecell_.y()); else return -1; } void QBrowseBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e) { switch(e->key()) { case Key_Up: moveUp(); break; case Key_Down: moveDown(); break; case Key_Left: moveLeft(); break; case Key_Right: moveRight(); break; case Key_Return: emit selected(activecell_.x(), activecell_.y()); if ( isVisible() && parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits("QPopupMenu") ) parentWidget()->close(); else close(); break; case Key_Escape: if (inloop) qApp->exit_loop(); if ( isVisible() && parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits("QPopupMenu") ) parentWidget()->close(); default: e->ignore(); } } void QBrowseBox::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { if (firstrelease_) firstrelease_ = false; else { emit selected( activecell_.x(), activecell_.y()); if ( isVisible() && parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits("QPopupMenu") ) parentWidget()->close(); } } void QBrowseBox::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { e->accept(); qApp->exit_loop(); } void QBrowseBox::paintCell(QPainter * painter, int row, int col) { painter->setClipRect(cellGeometry(row,col));//, QPainter::CoordPainter); bool ispixmap = false; if (!pixmaps_[coordsToIndex(row,col)].isNull()) { painter->drawPixmap(0,0,pixmaps_[coordsToIndex(row, col)]); ispixmap = true; } if (activecell_.x() == row && activecell_.y() == col) { if (ispixmap) qDrawShadeRect(painter, 0, 0, cellWidth(), cellHeight(), colorGroup(), false, 1); else qDrawShadePanel(painter, 0, 0, cellWidth(), cellHeight(), colorGroup(), false, 1); } else { qDrawPlainRect(painter, 0, 0, cellWidth(), cellHeight(), colorGroup().background(), 1); } if (!texts_[coordsToIndex(row, col)].isEmpty()) { painter->drawText(0, 0, cellWidth(), cellHeight(), AlignCenter, texts_[coordsToIndex(row, col)]); } painter->setClipping(false); } void QBrowseBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { QGridView::resizeEvent(e); setCellWidth(contentsRect().width() / numCols()); setCellHeight(contentsRect().height() / numRows()); } void QBrowseBox::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { qWarning("mouseMoveEvent"); int x = e->pos().x(); int y = e->pos().y(); int cellx; int celly; if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > width() || y > height()) { // outside the box cellx = -1; celly = -1; } else { celly = (int)floor( ((double)x) / ((double)cellWidth()) ); cellx = (int)floor( ((double)y) / ((double)cellHeight()) ); } if (activecell_.x() != cellx || activecell_.y() != celly) { // mouse has been moved to another cell int oldactivecellx = activecell_.x(); int oldactivecelly = activecell_.y(); activecell_.setX(cellx); activecell_.setY(celly); // remove old highlighting updateCell(oldactivecellx, oldactivecelly); // set new highlighting updateCell(activecell_.x(), activecell_.y()); } } void QBrowseBox::moveLeft() { int const y = activecell_.y(); if (y>0) activecell_.setY(y - 1); else if (parentWidget()) QWidget::focusNextPrevChild(false); updateCell(activecell_.x(), y); updateCell(activecell_.x(), activecell_.y()); } void QBrowseBox::moveRight() { int const y = activecell_.y(); if (y < numCols() - 1) activecell_.setY(y+1); updateCell(activecell_.x(), y); updateCell(activecell_.x(), activecell_.y()); } void QBrowseBox::moveUp() { int const x = activecell_.x(); if (x > 0) activecell_.setX(x - 1); else if (parentWidget()) QWidget::focusNextPrevChild(false); updateCell(x, activecell_.y()); updateCell(activecell_.x(), activecell_.y()); } void QBrowseBox::moveDown() { int const x = activecell_.x(); if (x < numRows() - 1) activecell_.setX(x + 1); updateCell(x, activecell_.y()); updateCell(activecell_.x(), activecell_.y()); }