// -*- C++ -*- /** * \file EmbeddedFiles.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Bo Peng * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. * */ #include #include "EmbeddedFiles.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "ErrorList.h" #include "Format.h" #include "InsetIterator.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "LyX.h" #include "Paragraph.h" #include "Session.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include #include #include using std::ofstream; using std::endl; using std::vector; using std::string; using std::pair; using std::make_pair; using std::istream; using std::ostream; using std::getline; using std::istringstream; namespace lyx { namespace Alert = frontend::Alert; using support::FileName; using support::DocFileName; using support::makeAbsPath; using support::addName; using support::absolutePath; using support::onlyFilename; using support::makeRelPath; using support::changeExtension; using support::bformat; using support::prefixIs; using support::sum; using support::makedir; EmbeddedFile::EmbeddedFile(string const & file, string const & inzip_name, bool embed, Inset const * inset) : DocFileName(file, true), inzip_name_(inzip_name), embedded_(embed), inset_list_() { if (inset != NULL) inset_list_.push_back(inset); } string EmbeddedFile::embeddedFile(Buffer const * buf) const { return addName(buf->temppath(), inzip_name_); } void EmbeddedFile::addInset(Inset const * inset) { inset_list_.push_back(inset); } Inset const * EmbeddedFile::inset(int idx) const { BOOST_ASSERT(idx < refCount()); // some embedded file do not have a valid par iterator return inset_list_[idx]; } void EmbeddedFile::saveBookmark(Buffer const * buf, int idx) const { Inset const * ptr = inset(idx); // This might not be the most efficient method ... for (InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(buf->inset()); it; ++it) if (&(*it) == ptr) { // this is basically BufferView::saveBookmark(0) LyX::ref().session().bookmarks().save( FileName(buf->absFileName()), it.bottom().pit(), it.bottom().pos(), it.paragraph().id(), it.pos(), 0 ); } // this inset can not be located. There is something wrong that needs // to be fixed. BOOST_ASSERT(true); } string EmbeddedFile::availableFile(Buffer const * buf) const { return embedded() ? embeddedFile(buf) : absFilename(); } bool EmbeddedFile::extract(Buffer const * buf) const { string ext_file = absFilename(); string emb_file = embeddedFile(buf); FileName emb(emb_file); FileName ext(ext_file); if (!emb.exists()) return false; // if external file already exists ... if (ext.exists()) { // no need to copy if the files are the same if (sum(*this) == sum(FileName(emb_file))) return true; // otherwise, ask if overwrite int ret = Alert::prompt( _("Overwrite external file?"), bformat(_("External file %1$s already exists, do you want to overwrite it"), from_utf8(ext_file)), 1, 1, _("&Overwrite"), _("&Cancel")); if (ret != 0) // if the user does not want to overwrite, we still consider it // a successful operation. return true; } // copy file // need to make directory? FileName path = ext.onlyPath(); if (!path.isDirectory()) makedir(const_cast(path.absFilename().c_str()), 0755); if (emb.copyTo(ext)) return true; Alert::error(_("Copy file failure"), bformat(_("Cannot copy file %1$s to %2$s.\n" "Please check whether the directory exists and is writeable."), from_utf8(emb_file), from_utf8(ext_file))); //LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG, "Fs error: " << fe.what()); return false; } bool EmbeddedFile::updateFromExternalFile(Buffer const * buf) const { string ext_file = absFilename(); string emb_file = embeddedFile(buf); FileName emb(emb_file); FileName ext(ext_file); if (!ext.exists()) return false; // if embedded file already exists ... if (emb.exists()) { // no need to copy if the files are the same if (sum(*this) == sum(FileName(emb_file))) return true; // other wise, ask if overwrite int const ret = Alert::prompt( _("Update embedded file?"), bformat(_("Embedded file %1$s already exists, do you want to overwrite it"), from_utf8(ext_file)), 1, 1, _("&Overwrite"), _("&Cancel")); if (ret != 0) // if the user does not want to overwrite, we still consider it // a successful operation. return true; } // copy file // need to make directory? FileName path = emb.onlyPath(); if (!path.isDirectory()) makedir(const_cast(path.absFilename().c_str()), 0755); if (ext.copyTo(emb)) return true; Alert::error(_("Copy file failure"), bformat(_("Cannot copy file %1$s to %2$s.\n" "Please check whether the directory exists and is writeable."), from_utf8(ext_file), from_utf8(emb_file))); //LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG, "Fs error: " << fe.what()); return false; } void EmbeddedFile::updateInsets(Buffer const * buf) const { vector::const_iterator it = inset_list_.begin(); vector::const_iterator it_end = inset_list_.end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) const_cast(*it)->updateEmbeddedFile(*buf, *this); } bool EmbeddedFiles::enabled() const { return buffer_->params().embedded; } void EmbeddedFiles::enable(bool flag) { if (enabled() != flag) { // if enable, copy all files to temppath() // if disable, extract all files if ((flag && !updateFromExternalFile()) || (!flag && !extract())) return; // if operation is successful buffer_->markDirty(); buffer_->params().embedded = flag; if (flag) updateInsets(); } } EmbeddedFile & EmbeddedFiles::registerFile(string const & filename, bool embed, Inset const * inset, string const & inzipName) { // filename can be relative or absolute, translate to absolute filename string abs_filename = makeAbsPath(filename, buffer_->filePath()).absFilename(); // try to find this file from the list EmbeddedFileList::iterator it = file_list_.begin(); EmbeddedFileList::iterator it_end = file_list_.end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) if (it->absFilename() == abs_filename || it->embeddedFile(buffer_) == abs_filename) break; // find this filename, keep the original embedding status if (it != file_list_.end()) { it->addInset(inset); return *it; } // file_list_.push_back(EmbeddedFile(abs_filename, getInzipName(abs_filename, inzipName), embed, inset)); return file_list_.back(); } void EmbeddedFiles::update() { file_list_.clear(); for (InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(buffer_->inset()); it; ++it) it->registerEmbeddedFiles(*buffer_, *this); } bool EmbeddedFiles::writeFile(DocFileName const & filename) { // file in the temporary path has the content string const content = FileName(addName(buffer_->temppath(), "content.lyx")).toFilesystemEncoding(); vector > filenames; // add content.lyx to filenames filenames.push_back(make_pair(content, "content.lyx")); // prepare list of embedded file EmbeddedFileList::iterator it = file_list_.begin(); EmbeddedFileList::iterator it_end = file_list_.end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) { if (it->embedded()) { string file = it->availableFile(buffer_); if (file.empty()) lyxerr << "File " << it->absFilename() << " does not exist. Skip embedding it. " << endl; else filenames.push_back(make_pair(file, it->inzipName())); } } // write a zip file with all these files. Write to a temp file first, to // avoid messing up the original file in case something goes terribly wrong. DocFileName zipfile(addName(buffer_->temppath(), onlyFilename(changeExtension( filename.toFilesystemEncoding(), ".zip")))); ::zipFiles(zipfile.toFilesystemEncoding(), filenames); // copy file back if (!zipfile.copyTo(filename)) { Alert::error(_("Save failure"), bformat(_("Cannot create file %1$s.\n" "Please check whether the directory exists and is writeable."), from_utf8(filename.absFilename()))); //LYXERR(Debug::DEBUG, "Fs error: " << fe.what()); } return true; } EmbeddedFiles::EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator EmbeddedFiles::find(std::string filename) const { EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator it = file_list_.begin(); EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator it_end = file_list_.end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) if (it->absFilename() == filename || it->embeddedFile(buffer_) == filename) return it; return file_list_.end(); } bool EmbeddedFiles::extract() const { EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator it = file_list_.begin(); EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator it_end = file_list_.end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) if (it->embedded()) if(!it->extract(buffer_)) return false; return true; } bool EmbeddedFiles::updateFromExternalFile() const { EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator it = file_list_.begin(); EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator it_end = file_list_.end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) if (it->embedded()) if (!it->updateFromExternalFile(buffer_)) return false; return true; } string const EmbeddedFiles::getInzipName(string const & abs_filename, string const & name) { // register a new one, using relative file path as inzip_name string inzip_name = name; if (name.empty()) inzip_name = to_utf8(makeRelPath(from_utf8(abs_filename), from_utf8(buffer_->filePath()))); // if inzip_name is an absolute path, use filename only to avoid // leaking of filesystem information in inzip_name // The second case covers cases '../path/file' and '.' if (absolutePath(inzip_name) || prefixIs(inzip_name, ".")) inzip_name = onlyFilename(abs_filename); // if this name has been used... // use _1_name, _2_name etc string tmp = inzip_name; EmbeddedFileList::iterator it; EmbeddedFileList::iterator it_end = file_list_.end(); bool unique_name = false; size_t i = 0; while (!unique_name) { unique_name = true; if (i > 0) inzip_name = convert(i) + "_" + tmp; it = file_list_.begin(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) if (it->inzipName() == inzip_name) { unique_name = false; ++i; break; } } return inzip_name; } void EmbeddedFiles::updateInsets() const { EmbeddedFiles::EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator it = begin(); EmbeddedFiles::EmbeddedFileList::const_iterator it_end = end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) if (it->refCount() > 0) it->updateInsets(buffer_); } }