#! /usr/bin/env perl # -*- mode: perl; -*- # # file search_url.pl # script to search for url's in lyxfiles # and testing their validity. # # Syntax: search_url.pl [(filesToScan|(ignored|reverted|extra|selected)URLS)={path_to_control]* # Param value is a path to a file containing list of xxx: # filesToScan={xxx = lyx-file-names to be scanned for} # ignoredURLS={xxx = urls that are discarded from test} # revertedURLS={xxx = urls that should fail, to test the test with invalid urls} # extraURLS={xxx = urls which should be also checked} # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Copyright (c) 2013 Kornel Benko # (c) 2013 Scott Kostyshak use strict; BEGIN { use File::Spec; my $p = File::Spec->rel2abs(__FILE__); $p =~ s/[\/\\]?[^\/\\]+$//; unshift(@INC, "$p"); } use warnings; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use CheckURL; use Try::Tiny; use locale; use POSIX qw(locale_h); use Readonly; Readonly::Scalar my $NR_JOBS => 10; setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "en_US.UTF-8"); use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use File::Spec; use Fcntl qw(:flock SEEK_END); # Prototypes sub printNotUsedURLS($\%); sub replaceSpecialChar($); sub readUrls($\%); sub parse_file($ ); sub handle_url($$$ ); sub printx($$$$); sub getnrjobs($$$); ########## my %URLS = (); my %ignoredURLS = (); my %revertedURLS = (); my %extraURLS = (); my %selectedURLS = (); my %knownToRegisterURLS = (); my $summaryFile = undef; my $checkSelectedOnly = 0; for my $arg (@ARGV) { die("Bad argument \"$arg\"") if ($arg !~ /=/); my ($type, $val) = split("=", $arg); if ($type eq "filesToScan") { #The file should be a list of files to search in if (open(FLIST, $val)) { while (my $l = ) { chomp($l); parse_file($l); } close(FLIST); } } elsif ($type eq "ignoredURLS") { readUrls($val, %ignoredURLS); } elsif ($type eq "revertedURLS") { readUrls($val, %revertedURLS); } elsif ($type eq "extraURLS") { readUrls($val, %extraURLS); } elsif ($type eq "selectedURLS") { $checkSelectedOnly = 1; readUrls($val, %selectedURLS); } elsif ($type eq "knownToRegisterURLS") { readUrls($val, %knownToRegisterURLS); } elsif ($type eq "summaryFile") { if (open(SFO, '>', "$val")) { $summaryFile = $val; } } else { die("Invalid argument \"$arg\""); } } my @urls = sort keys %URLS, keys %extraURLS; my @testvals = (); # Tests #my @urls = ("ftp://ftp.edpsciences.org/pub/aa/readme.html", "ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/compsc/proc/author"); my $errorcount = 0; my $URLScount = 0; for my $u (@urls) { if (defined($ignoredURLS{$u})) { $ignoredURLS{$u}->{count} += 1; next; } my $use_curl = 0; if (defined($knownToRegisterURLS{$u})) { if ($knownToRegisterURLS{$u}->{use_curl}) { $use_curl = 1; } else { next; } } if (defined($selectedURLS{$u})) { ${selectedURLS}{$u}->{count} += 1; } next if ($checkSelectedOnly && !defined($selectedURLS{$u})); $URLScount++; push(@testvals, {u => $u, use_curl => $use_curl,}); } # Ready to go multitasking my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($summaryFile); my $tempdir = tempdir("$dir/CounterXXXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1); my $countfile = "$tempdir/counter"; my $counter = 0; if (open(my $FO, '>', $countfile)) { print {$FO} $counter; close($FO); } else { unlink($countfile); die("Could not write to $countfile"); } print "Using tempdir \"" . abs_path($tempdir) . "\"\n"; my @wait = (); for (my $i = 0; $i < $NR_JOBS; $i++) { # Number of subprocesses my $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { # I am child open(my $fe, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', "$tempdir/xxxError$i"); open(my $fs, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', "$tempdir/xxxSum$i"); while (1) { open(my $fh, '+<', $countfile) or die("cannot open $countfile"); flock($fh, LOCK_EX) or die "$i: Cannot lock $countfile - $!\n"; my $l = <$fh>; # get actual count number if (!defined($testvals[$l])) { close($fs); print $fe "NumberOfErrors $errorcount\n"; close($fe); exit(0); } my $diff = getnrjobs(scalar @testvals, $l, $NR_JOBS); if ($diff < 1) { $diff = 1; } my $next = $l + $diff; seek($fh, 0, 0); truncate($fh, 0); print $fh $next; close($fh); for (my $i = 0; $i < $diff; $i++) { my $entryidx = $l + $i; my $rentry = $testvals[$entryidx]; next if (!defined($rentry)); my $u = $rentry->{u}; my $use_curl = $rentry->{use_curl}; print $fe "Checking($entryidx) '$u': "; my ($res, $prnt, $outSum); try { $res = check_url($u, $use_curl, $fe, $fs); if ($res) { print $fe "Failed\n"; $prnt = ""; $outSum = 1; } else { $prnt = "OK\n"; $outSum = 0; } } catch { $prnt = "Failed, caught error: $_\n"; $outSum = 1; $res = 700; }; printx("$prnt", $outSum, $fe, $fs); my $printSourceFiles = 0; my $err_txt = "Error url:"; if ($res || $checkSelectedOnly) { $printSourceFiles = 1; } if ($res && defined($revertedURLS{$u})) { $err_txt = "Failed url:"; } $res = !$res if (defined($revertedURLS{$u})); if ($res || $checkSelectedOnly) { printx("$err_txt \"$u\"\n", $outSum, $fe, $fs); } if ($printSourceFiles) { if (defined($URLS{$u})) { for my $f (sort keys %{$URLS{$u}}) { my $lines = ":" . join(',', @{$URLS{$u}->{$f}}); printx(" $f$lines\n", $outSum, $fe, $fs); } } if ($res) { $errorcount++; } } } } } $wait[$i] = $pid; } for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { my $p = $wait[$i]; if ($p > 0) { waitpid($p, 0); open(my $fe, '<', "$tempdir/xxxError$i"); while (my $l = <$fe>) { if ($l =~ /^NumberOfErrors\s(\d+)/) { $errorcount += $1; } else { print $l; } } close($fe); open(my $fs, '<', "$tempdir/xxxSum$i"); while (my $l = <$fs>) { print SFO $l; } close($fs); } } unlink($countfile); if (%URLS) { printNotUsedURLS("Ignored", %ignoredURLS); printNotUsedURLS("Selected", %selectedURLS); printNotUsedURLS("KnownInvalid", %extraURLS); } print "\n$errorcount URL-tests failed out of $URLScount\n\n"; if (defined($summaryFile)) { close(SFO); } exit($errorcount); ############################################################################### sub printx($$$$) { my ($txt, $outSum, $fe, $fs) = @_; print $fe "$txt"; if ($outSum && defined($summaryFile)) { print $fs "$txt"; } } sub printNotUsedURLS($\%) { my ($txt, $rURLS) = @_; my @msg = (); for my $u (sort keys %{$rURLS}) { if ($rURLS->{$u}->{count} < 2) { my @submsg = (); for my $f (sort keys %{$rURLS->{$u}}) { next if ($f eq "count"); push(@submsg, "$f:" . $rURLS->{$u}->{$f}); } push(@msg, "\n $u\n " . join("\n ", @submsg) . "\n"); } } if (@msg) { print "\n$txt URLs not found in sources: " . join(' ', @msg) . "\n"; } } sub replaceSpecialChar($) { my ($l) = @_; $l =~ s/\\SpecialChar(NoPassThru)?\s*(TeX|LaTeX|LyX)[\s]?/\2/; return ($l); } sub readUrls($\%) { my ($file, $rUrls) = @_; die("Could not read file $file") if (!open(ULIST, $file)); my $line = 0; while (my $l = ) { $line++; $l =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; # remove eol $l =~ s/\s*\#.*$//; # remove comment $l = &replaceSpecialChar($l); next if ($l eq ""); my $use_curl = 0; if ($l =~ s/^\s*UseCurl\s*//) { $use_curl = 1; } if (!defined($rUrls->{$l})) { $rUrls->{$l} = {$file => $line, count => 1, use_curl => $use_curl}; } } close(ULIST); } sub parse_file($) { my ($f) = @_; my $status = "out"; # outside of URL/href return if ($f =~ /\/attic\//); if (open(FI, $f)) { my $line = 0; while (my $l = ) { $line++; $l =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; # Simulate chomp if ($status eq "out") { # searching for "\begin_inset Flex URL" if ($l =~ /^\s*\\begin_inset\s+Flex\s+URL\s*$/) { $status = "inUrlInset"; } elsif ($l =~ /^\s*\\begin_inset\s+CommandInset\s+href\s*$/) { $status = "inHrefInset"; } else { # Outside of url, check also if ($l =~ /"((ftp|http|https):\/\/[^ ]+)"/) { my $url = $1; handle_url($url, $f, "x$line"); } } } else { if ($l =~ /^\s*\\end_(layout|inset)\s*$/) { $status = "out"; } elsif ($status eq "inUrlInset") { if ($l =~ /\s*([a-z]+:\/\/.+)\s*$/) { my $url = $1; $status = "out"; handle_url($url, $f, "u$line"); } } elsif ($status eq "inHrefInset") { if ($l =~ /^target\s+"([a-z]+:\/\/[^ ]+)"$/) { my $url = $1; $status = "out"; handle_url($url, $f, "h$line"); } } } } close(FI); } } sub handle_url($$$) { my ($url, $f, $line) = @_; $url = &replaceSpecialChar($url); if (!defined($URLS{$url})) { $URLS{$url} = {}; } if (!defined($URLS{$url}->{$f})) { $URLS{$url}->{$f} = []; } push(@{$URLS{$url}->{$f}}, $line); } sub getnrjobs($$$) { my ($tabsize, $actualidx, $nr_jobs) = @_; my $maxidx = $tabsize - 1; my $remaining = $maxidx - $actualidx; if ($remaining <= 0) { return (1); } if ($nr_jobs < 2) { return ($remaining); } my $diff = 1 + int($remaining / (2 * $nr_jobs)); return $diff; }