/** * \file GuiCitation.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Angus Leeming * \author Kalle Dalheimer * \author Abdelrazak Younes * \author Richard Heck * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiCitation.h" #include "debug.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "frontend_helpers.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/docstring.h" #include #include #include #undef KeyPress #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::string; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { template static QStringList to_qstring_list(vector const & v) { QStringList qlist; for (size_t i = 0; i != v.size(); ++i) { if (v[i].empty()) continue; qlist.append(lyx::toqstr(v[i])); } return qlist; } static vector to_docstring_vector(QStringList const & qlist) { vector v; for (int i = 0; i != qlist.size(); ++i) { if (qlist[i].isEmpty()) continue; v.push_back(lyx::qstring_to_ucs4(qlist[i])); } return v; } GuiCitationDialog::GuiCitationDialog(LyXView & lv) : GuiDialog(lv, "citation") { setupUi(this); setViewTitle(_("Citation")); setController(new ControlCitation(*this)); connect(citationStyleCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(fulllistCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(forceuppercaseCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(textBeforeED, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(textAfterED, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(clearPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), findLE, SLOT(clear())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(cleanUp())); selectionManager = new GuiSelectionManager(availableLV, selectedLV, addPB, deletePB, upPB, downPB, available(), selected()); connect(selectionManager, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(setCitedKeys())); connect(selectionManager, SIGNAL(updateHook()), this, SLOT(updateDialog())); connect(selectionManager, SIGNAL(okHook()), this, SLOT(on_okPB_clicked())); bc().setPolicy(ButtonPolicy::NoRepeatedApplyReadOnlyPolicy); } ControlCitation & GuiCitationDialog::controller() const { return static_cast(GuiDialog::controller()); } void GuiCitationDialog::cleanUp() { clearSelection(); controller().clearParams(); close(); } void GuiCitationDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { clearSelection(); controller().clearParams(); e->accept(); } void GuiCitationDialog::applyView() { int const choice = std::max(0, citationStyleCO->currentIndex()); style_ = choice; bool const full = fulllistCB->isChecked(); bool const force = forceuppercaseCB->isChecked(); QString const before = textBeforeED->text(); QString const after = textAfterED->text(); apply(choice, full, force, before, after); } void GuiCitationDialog::hideView() { controller().clearParams(); accept(); } void GuiCitationDialog::showView() { findLE->clear(); availableLV->setFocus(); QDialog::show(); raise(); activateWindow(); } bool GuiCitationDialog::isVisibleView() const { return QDialog::isVisible(); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_okPB_clicked() { applyView(); clearSelection(); hideView(); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_cancelPB_clicked() { clearSelection(); hideView(); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_applyPB_clicked() { applyView(); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_restorePB_clicked() { init(); updateView(); } void GuiCitationDialog::updateView() { fillFields(); fillEntries(); updateDialog(); } // The main point of separating this out is that the fill*() methods // called in update() do not need to be called for INTERNAL updates, // such as when addPB is pressed, as the list of fields, entries, etc, // will not have changed. At the moment, however, the division between // fillStyles() and updateStyles() doesn't lend itself to dividing the // two methods, though they should be divisible. void GuiCitationDialog::updateDialog() { if (selectionManager->selectedFocused()) { if (selectedLV->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().isEmpty()) updateInfo(availableLV->currentIndex()); else updateInfo(selectedLV->currentIndex()); } else { if (availableLV->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().isEmpty()) updateInfo(QModelIndex()); else updateInfo(availableLV->currentIndex()); } setButtons(); textBeforeED->setText(textBefore()); textAfterED->setText(textAfter()); fillStyles(); updateStyle(); } void GuiCitationDialog::updateStyle() { biblio::CiteEngine const engine = controller().getEngine(); bool const natbib_engine = engine == biblio::ENGINE_NATBIB_AUTHORYEAR || engine == biblio::ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL; bool const basic_engine = engine == biblio::ENGINE_BASIC; bool const haveSelection = selectedLV->model()->rowCount() > 0; fulllistCB->setEnabled(natbib_engine && haveSelection); forceuppercaseCB->setEnabled(natbib_engine && haveSelection); textBeforeED->setEnabled(!basic_engine && haveSelection); textBeforeLA->setEnabled(!basic_engine && haveSelection); textAfterED->setEnabled(haveSelection); textAfterLA->setEnabled(haveSelection); citationStyleCO->setEnabled(!basic_engine && haveSelection); citationStyleLA->setEnabled(!basic_engine && haveSelection); string const & command = controller().params().getCmdName(); // Find the style of the citekeys vector const & styles = ControlCitation::getCiteStyles(); biblio::CitationStyle const cs(command); vector::const_iterator cit = std::find(styles.begin(), styles.end(), cs.style); // restore the latest natbib style if (style_ >= 0 && style_ < citationStyleCO->count()) citationStyleCO->setCurrentIndex(style_); else citationStyleCO->setCurrentIndex(0); if (cit != styles.end()) { int const i = int(cit - styles.begin()); citationStyleCO->setCurrentIndex(i); fulllistCB->setChecked(cs.full); forceuppercaseCB->setChecked(cs.forceUCase); } else { fulllistCB->setChecked(false); forceuppercaseCB->setChecked(false); } } //This one needs to be called whenever citationStyleCO needs //to be updated---and this would be on anything that changes the //selection in selectedLV, or on a general update. void GuiCitationDialog::fillStyles() { int const oldIndex = citationStyleCO->currentIndex(); citationStyleCO->clear(); QStringList selected_keys = selected()->stringList(); if (selected_keys.empty()) { citationStyleCO->setEnabled(false); citationStyleLA->setEnabled(false); return; } int curr = selectedLV->model()->rowCount() - 1; if (curr < 0) return; if (!selectedLV->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().empty()) curr = selectedLV->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes()[0].row(); QStringList sty = citationStyles(curr); bool const basic_engine = (controller().getEngine() == biblio::ENGINE_BASIC); citationStyleCO->setEnabled(!sty.isEmpty() && !basic_engine); citationStyleLA->setEnabled(!sty.isEmpty() && !basic_engine); if (sty.isEmpty() || basic_engine) return; citationStyleCO->insertItems(0, sty); if (oldIndex != -1 && oldIndex < citationStyleCO->count()) citationStyleCO->setCurrentIndex(oldIndex); } void GuiCitationDialog::fillFields() { fieldsCO->blockSignals(true); int const oldIndex = fieldsCO->currentIndex(); fieldsCO->clear(); QStringList const & fields = getFieldsAsQStringList(); fieldsCO->insertItem(0, qt_("All Fields")); fieldsCO->insertItem(1, qt_("Keys")); fieldsCO->insertItems(2, fields); if (oldIndex != -1 && oldIndex < fieldsCO->count()) fieldsCO->setCurrentIndex(oldIndex); fieldsCO->blockSignals(false); } void GuiCitationDialog::fillEntries() { entriesCO->blockSignals(true); int const oldIndex = entriesCO->currentIndex(); entriesCO->clear(); QStringList const & entries = getEntriesAsQStringList(); entriesCO->insertItem(0, qt_("All Entry Types")); entriesCO->insertItems(1, entries); if (oldIndex != -1 && oldIndex < entriesCO->count()) entriesCO->setCurrentIndex(oldIndex); entriesCO->blockSignals(false); } bool GuiCitationDialog::isSelected(const QModelIndex & idx) { QString const str = idx.data().toString(); return selected()->stringList().contains(str); } void GuiCitationDialog::setButtons() { selectionManager->updateView(); int const srows = selectedLV->model()->rowCount(); applyPB->setEnabled(srows > 0); okPB->setEnabled(srows > 0); } void GuiCitationDialog::updateInfo(QModelIndex const & idx) { if (idx.isValid()) { QString const keytxt = getKeyInfo(idx.data().toString()); infoML->document()->setPlainText(keytxt); } else infoML->document()->clear(); } void GuiCitationDialog::findText(QString const & text, bool reset) { //"All Fields" and "Keys" are the first two int index = fieldsCO->currentIndex() - 2; vector const & fields = controller().availableFields(); docstring field; if (index <= -1 || index >= int(fields.size())) //either "All Fields" or "Keys" or an invalid value field = from_ascii(""); else field = fields[index]; //Was it "Keys"? bool const onlyKeys = index == -1; //"All Entry Types" is first. index = entriesCO->currentIndex() - 1; vector const & entries = controller().availableEntries(); docstring entryType; if (index < 0 || index >= int(entries.size())) entryType = from_ascii(""); else entryType = entries[index]; bool const case_sentitive = caseCB->checkState(); bool const reg_exp = regexCB->checkState(); findKey(text, onlyKeys, field, entryType, case_sentitive, reg_exp, reset); //FIXME //It'd be nice to save and restore the current selection in //availableLV. Currently, we get an automatic reset, since the //model is reset. updateDialog(); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_fieldsCO_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/) { findText(findLE->text(), true); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_entriesCO_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/) { findText(findLE->text(), true); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_findLE_textChanged(const QString & text) { clearPB->setDisabled(text.isEmpty()); if (text.isEmpty()) findLE->setFocus(); findText(text); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_caseCB_stateChanged(int) { findText(findLE->text()); } void GuiCitationDialog::on_regexCB_stateChanged(int) { findText(findLE->text()); } void GuiCitationDialog::changed() { fillStyles(); setButtons(); } void GuiCitationDialog::apply(int const choice, bool const full, bool const force, QString before, QString after) { if (cited_keys_.isEmpty()) return; vector const & styles = ControlCitation::getCiteStyles(); string const command = biblio::CitationStyle(styles[choice], full, force) .asLatexStr(); controller().params().setCmdName(command); controller().params()["key"] = qstring_to_ucs4(cited_keys_.join(",")); controller().params()["before"] = qstring_to_ucs4(before); controller().params()["after"] = qstring_to_ucs4(after); controller().dispatchParams(); } void GuiCitationDialog::clearSelection() { cited_keys_.clear(); selected_model_.setStringList(cited_keys_); } QString GuiCitationDialog::textBefore() { return toqstr(controller().params()["before"]); } QString GuiCitationDialog::textAfter() { return toqstr(controller().params()["after"]); } bool GuiCitationDialog::initialiseParams(std::string const & data) { if (!controller().initialiseParams(data)) return false; init(); return true; } void GuiCitationDialog::init() { // Make the list of all available bibliography keys all_keys_ = to_qstring_list(controller().availableKeys()); available_model_.setStringList(all_keys_); // Ditto for the keys cited in this inset QString str = toqstr(controller().params()["key"]); if (str.isEmpty()) cited_keys_.clear(); else cited_keys_ = str.split(","); selected_model_.setStringList(cited_keys_); } void GuiCitationDialog::findKey(QString const & str, bool only_keys, docstring field, docstring entryType, bool case_sensitive, bool reg_exp, bool reset) { // Used for optimisation: store last searched string. static QString last_searched_string; // Used to disable the above optimisation. static bool last_case_sensitive; static bool last_reg_exp; // Reset last_searched_string in case of changed option. if (last_case_sensitive != case_sensitive || last_reg_exp != reg_exp) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI) << "GuiCitation::findKey: optimisation disabled!" << std::endl; last_searched_string.clear(); } // save option for next search. last_case_sensitive = case_sensitive; last_reg_exp = reg_exp; Qt::CaseSensitivity qtcase = case_sensitive? Qt::CaseSensitive: Qt::CaseInsensitive; QStringList keys; // If new string (str) contains the last searched one... if (!reset && !last_searched_string.isEmpty() && str.size() > 1 && str.contains(last_searched_string, qtcase)) // ... then only search within already found list. keys = available_model_.stringList(); else // ... else search all keys. keys = all_keys_; // save searched string for next search. last_searched_string = str; QStringList result; // First, filter by entryType, which will be faster than // what follows, so we may get to do that on less. vector keyVector = to_docstring_vector(keys); controller().filterByEntryType(keyVector, entryType); if (str.isEmpty()) result = to_qstring_list(keyVector); else result = to_qstring_list(controller().searchKeys(keyVector, only_keys, qstring_to_ucs4(str), field, case_sensitive, reg_exp)); available_model_.setStringList(result); } QStringList GuiCitationDialog::getFieldsAsQStringList() { return to_qstring_list(controller().availableFields()); } QStringList GuiCitationDialog::getEntriesAsQStringList() { return to_qstring_list(controller().availableEntries()); } QStringList GuiCitationDialog::citationStyles(int sel) { docstring const key = qstring_to_ucs4(cited_keys_[sel]); return to_qstring_list(controller().getCiteStrings(key)); } QString GuiCitationDialog::getKeyInfo(QString const & sel) { return toqstr(controller().getInfo(qstring_to_ucs4(sel))); } void GuiCitationDialog::setCitedKeys() { cited_keys_ = selected_model_.stringList(); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "GuiCitation_moc.cpp"