PrefPrinterUi 0 0 567 466 9 6 Printer Command Options 9 6 Qt::Horizontal 231 20 Extension to be used when printing to file. File ex&tension: printerExtensionED Option used to print to a file. Print to &file: printerToFileED Option used to print to non-default printer. Set p&rinter: printerToPrinterED Option used with spool command to set printer. Spool pr&inter: printerSpoolPrefixED Setting causes printer command to print to file and then use this actually to print. Spool &command: printerSpoolCommandED Qt::Horizontal Option used to reverse page order. Re&verse pages: printerReverseED Lan&dscape: printerLandscapeED Number of Co&pies: printerCopiesED Option used to set number of copies. Option used to print a range of pages. Co&llated: printerCollatedED Pa&ge range: printerPageRangeED Option used to collate multiple copies. &Odd pages: printerOddED &Even pages: printerEvenED Paper t&ype: printerPaperTypeED Paper si&ze: printerPaperSizeED Any other options you'd like to use with the printer command. E&xtra options: printerExtraED Qt::Horizontal 361 20 Customizes output to a given printer. Expert option. Normally, this needs to be checked only if you are using dvips as your printer command and you have config.<printer> files installed for all your printers. Adapt output to printer 0 6 Default &printer: printerNameED Name of the default printer 0 6 Printer co&mmand: printerCommandED Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 20 31 printerNameED printerAdaptCB printerCommandED printerEvenED printerOddED printerPageRangeED printerCollatedED printerCopiesED printerLandscapeED printerReverseED printerToPrinterED printerToFileED printerExtensionED printerPaperTypeED printerPaperSizeED printerExtraED printerSpoolCommandED printerSpoolPrefixED qt_helpers.h