/** * \file insetvspace.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author various * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "insetvspace.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "debug.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "metricsinfo.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include "frontends/font_metrics.h" #include "support/std_sstream.h" using std::endl; using std::istringstream; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::string; using std::max; InsetVSpace::InsetVSpace(VSpace const & space) : space_(space) {} std::auto_ptr InsetVSpace::clone() const { return std::auto_ptr(new InsetVSpace(*this)); } void InsetVSpace::read(Buffer const &, LyXLex & lex) { if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); space_ = VSpace(lex.getString()); } } void InsetVSpace::write(Buffer const &, ostream & os) const { os << "VSpace " << space_.asLyXCommand(); } void InsetVSpace::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const { int size = 10; if (space_.kind() != VSpace::NONE) { int const arrow_size = 4; int const space_size = space_.inPixels(*mi.base.bv); LyXFont font; font.decSize(); int const min_size = max(3 * arrow_size, font_metrics::maxHeight(font)); if (space_.length().len().value() < 0.0) size = min_size; else size = max(min_size, space_size); } dim.asc = size / 2; dim.des = size / 2; dim.wid = 10; dim_ = dim; } void InsetVSpace::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { static std::string const label = _("Vertical Space"); xo_ = x; yo_ = y; //if (space_.kind() == VSpace::NONE) // return 0; int const arrow_size = 4; int const start = y - dim_.asc; int const end = y + dim_.des; // the label to display (if any) string str; // y-values for top arrow int ty1, ty2; // y-values for bottom arrow int by1, by2; str = label + " (" + space_.asLyXCommand() + ")"; if (space_.kind() == VSpace::VFILL) { ty1 = ty2 = start; by1 = by2 = end; } else { // adding or removing space bool const added = space_.kind() != VSpace::LENGTH || space_.length().len().value() > 0.0; ty1 = added ? (start + arrow_size) : start; ty2 = added ? start : (start + arrow_size); by1 = added ? (end - arrow_size) : end; by2 = added ? end : (end - arrow_size); } int const midx = xo_ + arrow_size; int const rightx = midx + arrow_size; // first the string int w = 0; int a = 0; int d = 0; LyXFont font; font.setColor(LColor::added_space); font.decSize(); font.decSize(); font_metrics::rectText(str, font, w, a, d); pi.pain.rectText(x + 2 * arrow_size + 5, y + d, str, font, LColor::none, LColor::none); // top arrow pi.pain.line(x, ty1, midx, ty2, LColor::added_space); pi.pain.line(midx, ty2, rightx, ty1, LColor::added_space); // bottom arrow pi.pain.line(x, by1, midx, by2, LColor::added_space); pi.pain.line(midx, by2, rightx, by1, LColor::added_space); // joining line pi.pain.line(midx, ty2, midx, by2, LColor::added_space); } int InsetVSpace::latex(Buffer const & buf, ostream & os, OutputParams const &) const { os << space_.asLatexCommand(buf.params()) << '\n'; return 1; } int InsetVSpace::plaintext(Buffer const &, ostream & os, OutputParams const &) const { os << "\n\n"; return 2; } int InsetVSpace::linuxdoc(Buffer const &, std::ostream & os, OutputParams const &) const { os << '\n'; return 1; } int InsetVSpace::docbook(Buffer const &, std::ostream & os, OutputParams const &) const { os << '\n'; return 1; } string const InsetVSpaceMailer::name_ = "vspace"; InsetVSpaceMailer::InsetVSpaceMailer(InsetVSpace & inset) : inset_(inset) {} string const InsetVSpaceMailer::inset2string(Buffer const &) const { return params2string(inset_.space_); } void InsetVSpaceMailer::string2params(string const & in, VSpace & vspace) { //lyxerr << "\nInsetVSpaceMailer::string2params, got: '" << in << "'" << endl; vspace = VSpace(); if (in.empty()) return; istringstream data(in); LyXLex lex(0,0); lex.setStream(data); if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string const name = lex.getString(); } // This is part of the inset proper that is usually swallowed // by Buffer::readInset if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); vspace = VSpace(lex.getString()); } } string const InsetVSpaceMailer::params2string(VSpace const & vspace) { ostringstream data; data << name_ << ' ' << vspace.asLyXCommand(); return data.str(); }