/** * \file GuiBox.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Jürgen Vigna (Minipage stuff) * \author Martin Vermeer * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiBox.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "LengthCombo.h" #include "Length.h" #include "LyXRC.h" // to set the default length values #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "Validator.h" #include "insets/InsetBox.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/foreach.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include #include #ifdef IN #undef IN #endif using namespace std; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { static QStringList boxGuiIds() { return QStringList() << "Frameless" << "Boxed" << "ovalbox" << "Ovalbox" << "Shadowbox" << "Shaded" << "Doublebox"; } static QStringList boxGuiNames() { return QStringList() << qt_("No frame") << qt_("Simple rectangular frame") << qt_("Oval frame, thin") << qt_("Oval frame, thick") << qt_("Drop shadow") << qt_("Shaded background") << qt_("Double rectangular frame"); } static QStringList boxGuiSpecialLengthIds() { return QStringList() << "none" << "height" << "depth" << "totalheight" << "width"; } static QStringList boxGuiSpecialLengthNames() { return QStringList() << qt_("None") << qt_("Height") << qt_("Depth") << qt_("Total Height") << qt_("Width"); } GuiBox::GuiBox(GuiView & lv) : GuiDialog(lv, "box", qt_("Box Settings")), params_("") { setupUi(this); // fill the box type choice ids_ = boxGuiIds(); gui_names_ = boxGuiNames(); foreach (QString const & str, gui_names_) typeCO->addItem(str); // add the special units to the height choice // width needs different handling ids_spec_ = boxGuiSpecialLengthIds(); gui_names_spec_ = boxGuiSpecialLengthNames(); foreach (QString const & str, gui_names_spec_) heightUnitsLC->addItem(str); connect(restorePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRestore())); connect(okPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotOK())); connect(applyPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotApply())); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotClose())); connect(widthED, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(widthUnitsLC, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(lyx::Length::UNIT)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(valignCO, SIGNAL(highlighted(QString)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(heightCB, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(heightED, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(heightUnitsLC, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(lyx::Length::UNIT)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(restorePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restoreClicked())); connect(typeCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(typeCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(typeChanged(int))); connect(halignCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(ialignCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(innerBoxCO, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(innerBoxChanged(QString))); connect(innerBoxCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(pagebreakCB, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(pagebreakClicked())); heightED->setValidator(unsignedLengthValidator(heightED)); widthED->setValidator(unsignedLengthValidator(widthED)); bc().setPolicy(ButtonPolicy::OkApplyCancelReadOnlyPolicy); bc().addReadOnly(typeCO); bc().addReadOnly(innerBoxCO); bc().addReadOnly(valignCO); bc().addReadOnly(ialignCO); bc().addReadOnly(halignCO); bc().addReadOnly(widthED); bc().addReadOnly(widthUnitsLC); bc().addReadOnly(heightCB); bc().addReadOnly(heightED); bc().addReadOnly(heightUnitsLC); bc().addReadOnly(pagebreakCB); bc().setRestore(restorePB); bc().setOK(okPB); bc().setApply(applyPB); bc().setCancel(closePB); // initialize the length validator bc().addCheckedLineEdit(widthED, widthLA); bc().addCheckedLineEdit(heightED, heightCB); } void GuiBox::change_adaptor() { changed(); } void GuiBox::innerBoxChanged(QString const & str) { bool const ibox = (str != qt_("None")); valignCO->setEnabled(ibox); ialignCO->setEnabled(ibox); halignCO->setEnabled(!ibox); heightCB->setEnabled(ibox); pagebreakCB->setEnabled(!ibox && typeCO->currentIndex() == 1); if (heightCB->checkState() == Qt::Checked && ibox) { heightED->setEnabled(true); heightUnitsLC->setEnabled(true); } setSpecial(ibox); } void GuiBox::typeChanged(int index) { bool const frameless = (index == 0); if (frameless) { valignCO->setEnabled(true); ialignCO->setEnabled(true); halignCO->setEnabled(false); heightCB->setEnabled(true); heightED->setEnabled(true); heightUnitsLC->setEnabled(true); setSpecial(true); } if (index != 1) pagebreakCB->setChecked(false); int itype = innerBoxCO->currentIndex(); pagebreakCB->setEnabled(index == 1 && itype == 0); widthED->setEnabled(index != 5); widthUnitsLC->setEnabled(index != 5); setInnerType(frameless, itype); } void GuiBox::restoreClicked() { setInnerType(true, 2); widthED->setText("100"); widthUnitsLC->setCurrentItem(Length::PCW); heightCB->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); heightED->setText("1"); for (int i = 0; i != heightUnitsLC->count(); ++i) { if (heightUnitsLC->itemText(i) == qt_("Total Height")) heightUnitsLC->setCurrentItem(i); } } void GuiBox::pagebreakClicked() { bool pbreak = (pagebreakCB->checkState() == Qt::Checked); innerBoxCO->setEnabled(!pbreak); widthED->setEnabled(!pbreak); widthUnitsLC->setEnabled(!pbreak); if (pbreak) { valignCO->setEnabled(false); ialignCO->setEnabled(false); halignCO->setEnabled(false); heightCB->setEnabled(false); heightED->setEnabled(false); heightUnitsLC->setEnabled(false); setSpecial(false); } else { typeChanged(typeCO->currentIndex()); } change_adaptor(); } void GuiBox::updateContents() { QString type = toqstr(params_.type); if (type == "Framed") { pagebreakCB->setChecked(true); type = "Boxed"; } else { pagebreakCB->setChecked(false); } pagebreakCB->setEnabled(type == "Boxed" && !params_.inner_box); for (int i = 0; i != gui_names_.size(); ++i) { if (type == ids_[i]) typeCO->setCurrentIndex(i); } // default: minipage int inner_type = 2; if (!params_.inner_box) // none inner_type = 0; if (params_.use_parbox) // parbox inner_type = 1; bool frameless = (params_.type == "Frameless"); setInnerType(frameless, inner_type); char c = params_.pos; valignCO->setCurrentIndex(string("tcb").find(c, 0)); c = params_.inner_pos; ialignCO->setCurrentIndex(string("tcbs").find(c, 0)); c = params_.hor_pos; halignCO->setCurrentIndex(string("lcrs").find(c, 0)); bool ibox = params_.inner_box; valignCO->setEnabled(ibox); ialignCO->setEnabled(ibox); halignCO->setEnabled(!ibox); setSpecial(ibox); Length::UNIT default_unit = (lyxrc.default_papersize > 3) ? Length::CM : Length::IN; lengthToWidgets(widthED, widthUnitsLC, (params_.width).asString(), default_unit); QString const special = toqstr(params_.special); if (!special.isEmpty() && special != "none") { QString spc; for (int i = 0; i != gui_names_spec_.size(); ++i) { if (special == ids_spec_[i]) spc = gui_names_spec_[i]; } for (int i = 0; i != widthUnitsLC->count(); ++i) { if (widthUnitsLC->itemText(i) == spc) widthUnitsLC->setCurrentIndex(i); } } lengthToWidgets(heightED, heightUnitsLC, (params_.height).asString(), default_unit); QString const height_special = toqstr(params_.height_special); if (!height_special.isEmpty() && height_special != "none") { QString hspc; for (int i = 0; i != gui_names_spec_.size(); ++i) { if (height_special == ids_spec_[i]) hspc = gui_names_spec_[i]; } for (int i = 0; i != heightUnitsLC->count(); ++i) { if (heightUnitsLC->itemText(i) == hspc) heightUnitsLC->setCurrentIndex(i); } } // set no optional height when the value is the default "1\height" // (special units like \height are handled as "in", if (height_special == "totalheight" && params_.height == Length("1in")) heightCB->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); else heightCB->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); heightCB->setEnabled(ibox); } void GuiBox::applyView() { bool pagebreak = pagebreakCB->isEnabled() && pagebreakCB->isChecked(); if (pagebreak) params_.type = "Framed"; else params_.type = fromqstr(ids_[typeCO->currentIndex()]); params_.inner_box = (!pagebreak && innerBoxCO->currentText() != qt_("None")); params_.use_parbox = (!pagebreak && innerBoxCO->currentText() == qt_("Parbox")); params_.pos = "tcb"[valignCO->currentIndex()]; params_.inner_pos = "tcbs"[ialignCO->currentIndex()]; params_.hor_pos = "lcrs"[halignCO->currentIndex()]; int i = 0; bool spec = false; QString special = widthUnitsLC->currentText(); QString value = widthED->text(); if (special == qt_("Height")) { i = 1; spec = true; } else if (special == qt_("Depth")) { i = 2; spec = true; } else if (special == qt_("Total Height")) { i = 3; spec = true; } else if (special == qt_("Width")) { i = 4; spec = true; } // the user might insert a non-special value in the line edit if (isValidLength(fromqstr(value))) { i = 0; spec = false; } params_.special = fromqstr(ids_spec_[i]); string width; if (spec) { width = fromqstr(value); // beware: bogosity! the unit is simply ignored in this case width += "in"; } else { width = widgetsToLength(widthED, widthUnitsLC); } params_.width = Length(width); i = 0; spec = false; special = heightUnitsLC->currentText(); value = heightED->text(); if (special == qt_("Height")) { i = 1; spec = true; } else if (special == qt_("Depth")) { i = 2; spec = true; } else if (special == qt_("Total Height")) { i = 3; spec = true; } else if (special == qt_("Width")) { i = 4; spec = true; } // the user might insert a non-special value in the line edit if (isValidLength(fromqstr(value))) { i = 0; spec = false; } params_.height_special = fromqstr(ids_spec_[i]); string height; if (spec && !isValidLength(fromqstr(heightED->text()))) { height = fromqstr(value); // beware: bogosity! the unit is simply ignored in this case height += "in"; } else height = widgetsToLength(heightED, heightUnitsLC); // the height parameter is omitted in InsetBox.cpp when the value // is "1in" and "Total Height" is used as unit. // 1in + "Total Height" means "1\height" which is the LaTeX default when // no height is given if (heightCB->checkState() == Qt::Checked) params_.height = Length(height); else { params_.height = Length("1in"); params_.height_special = fromqstr(ids_spec_[3]); } } void GuiBox::setSpecial(bool ibox) { // FIXME: Needed? Already done in the constructor ids_spec_ = boxGuiSpecialLengthIds(); gui_names_spec_ = boxGuiSpecialLengthNames(); // check if the widget contains the special units int count = widthUnitsLC->count(); bool has_special = false; for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i) if (widthUnitsLC->itemText(i).contains(qt_("Total Height")) > 0) has_special = true; // insert 'em if needed... if (!ibox && !has_special) { for (int i = 1; i < gui_names_spec_.size(); ++i) widthUnitsLC->addItem(gui_names_spec_[i]); // ... or remove 'em if needed } else if (ibox && has_special) { widthUnitsLC->clear(); for (int i = 0; i != num_units; ++i) widthUnitsLC->addItem(qt_(unit_name_gui[i])); } } void GuiBox::setInnerType(bool frameless, int i) { // with "frameless" boxes, inner box is mandatory (i.e. is the actual box) // we have to remove "none" then and adjust the combo if (frameless) { innerBoxCO->clear(); innerBoxCO->addItem(qt_("Parbox")); innerBoxCO->addItem(qt_("Minipage")); if (i != 0) innerBoxCO->setCurrentIndex(i - 1); else innerBoxCO->setCurrentIndex(i); } else { if (innerBoxCO->count() == 2) ++i; innerBoxCO->clear(); innerBoxCO->addItem(qt_("None")); innerBoxCO->addItem(qt_("Parbox")); innerBoxCO->addItem(qt_("Minipage")); innerBoxCO->setCurrentIndex(i); } } bool GuiBox::initialiseParams(string const & data) { InsetBox::string2params(data, params_); return true; } void GuiBox::clearParams() { params_ = InsetBoxParams(""); } void GuiBox::dispatchParams() { dispatch(FuncRequest(getLfun(), InsetBox::params2string(params_))); } Dialog * createGuiBox(GuiView & lv) { return new GuiBox(lv); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "GuiBox_moc.cpp"