/** * \file src/FontInfo.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes * \author Angus Leeming * \author André Pönitz * \author Dekel Tsur * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "ColorSet.h" #include "FontInfo.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstring.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/RefChanger.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { // // Strings used to read and write .lyx format files // char const * LyXFamilyNames[NUM_FAMILIES + 2 /* default & error */] = { "roman", "sans", "typewriter", "symbol", "cmr", "cmsy", "cmm", "cmex", "msa", "msb", "eufrak", "rsfs", "stmry", "wasy", "esint", "default", "error" }; char const * LyXSeriesNames[NUM_SERIES + 2 /* default & error */] = { "medium", "bold", "default", "error" }; char const * LyXShapeNames[NUM_SHAPE + 2 /* default & error */] = { "up", "italic", "slanted", "smallcaps", "default", "error" }; char const * LyXSizeNames[NUM_SIZE + 4 /* increase, decrease, default & error */] = { "tiny", "scriptsize", "footnotesize", "small", "normal", "large", "larger", "largest", "huge", "giant", "increase", "decrease", "default", "error" }; char const * LyXMiscNames[5] = { "off", "on", "toggle", "default", "error" }; FontInfo const sane_font( ROMAN_FAMILY, MEDIUM_SERIES, UP_SHAPE, FONT_SIZE_NORMAL, Color_none, Color_background, FONT_OFF, FONT_OFF, FONT_OFF, FONT_OFF, FONT_OFF, FONT_OFF, FONT_OFF, FONT_OFF); FontInfo const inherit_font( INHERIT_FAMILY, INHERIT_SERIES, INHERIT_SHAPE, FONT_SIZE_INHERIT, Color_inherit, Color_inherit, FONT_INHERIT, FONT_INHERIT, FONT_INHERIT, FONT_INHERIT, FONT_INHERIT, FONT_INHERIT, FONT_INHERIT, FONT_OFF); FontInfo const ignore_font( IGNORE_FAMILY, IGNORE_SERIES, IGNORE_SHAPE, FONT_SIZE_IGNORE, Color_ignore, Color_ignore, FONT_IGNORE, FONT_IGNORE, FONT_IGNORE, FONT_IGNORE, FONT_IGNORE, FONT_IGNORE, FONT_IGNORE, FONT_IGNORE); FontInfo::FontInfo() { *this = sane_font; } /// Decreases font size_ by one FontInfo & FontInfo::decSize() { switch (size_) { case FONT_SIZE_HUGER: size_ = FONT_SIZE_HUGE; break; case FONT_SIZE_HUGE: size_ = FONT_SIZE_LARGEST; break; case FONT_SIZE_LARGEST: size_ = FONT_SIZE_LARGER; break; case FONT_SIZE_LARGER: size_ = FONT_SIZE_LARGE; break; case FONT_SIZE_LARGE: size_ = FONT_SIZE_NORMAL; break; case FONT_SIZE_NORMAL: size_ = FONT_SIZE_SMALL; break; case FONT_SIZE_SMALL: size_ = FONT_SIZE_FOOTNOTE; break; case FONT_SIZE_FOOTNOTE: size_ = FONT_SIZE_SCRIPT; break; case FONT_SIZE_SCRIPT: size_ = FONT_SIZE_TINY; break; case FONT_SIZE_TINY: break; case FONT_SIZE_INCREASE: LYXERR0("Can't FontInfo::decSize on FONT_SIZE_INCREASE"); break; case FONT_SIZE_DECREASE: LYXERR0("Can't FontInfo::decSize on FONT_SIZE_DECREASE"); break; case FONT_SIZE_INHERIT: LYXERR0("Can't FontInfo::decSize on FONT_SIZE_INHERIT"); break; case FONT_SIZE_IGNORE: LYXERR0("Can't FontInfo::decSize on FONT_SIZE_IGNORE"); break; } return *this; } /// Increases font size_ by one FontInfo & FontInfo::incSize() { switch (size_) { case FONT_SIZE_HUGER: break; case FONT_SIZE_HUGE: size_ = FONT_SIZE_HUGER; break; case FONT_SIZE_LARGEST: size_ = FONT_SIZE_HUGE; break; case FONT_SIZE_LARGER: size_ = FONT_SIZE_LARGEST; break; case FONT_SIZE_LARGE: size_ = FONT_SIZE_LARGER; break; case FONT_SIZE_NORMAL: size_ = FONT_SIZE_LARGE; break; case FONT_SIZE_SMALL: size_ = FONT_SIZE_NORMAL; break; case FONT_SIZE_FOOTNOTE: size_ = FONT_SIZE_SMALL; break; case FONT_SIZE_SCRIPT: size_ = FONT_SIZE_FOOTNOTE; break; case FONT_SIZE_TINY: size_ = FONT_SIZE_SCRIPT; break; case FONT_SIZE_INCREASE: LYXERR0("Can't FontInfo::incSize on FONT_SIZE_INCREASE"); break; case FONT_SIZE_DECREASE: LYXERR0("Can't FontInfo::incSize on FONT_SIZE_DECREASE"); break; case FONT_SIZE_INHERIT: LYXERR0("Can't FontInfo::incSize on FONT_SIZE_INHERIT"); break; case FONT_SIZE_IGNORE: LYXERR0("Can't FontInfo::incSize on FONT_SIZE_IGNORE"); break; } return *this; } double FontInfo::realSize() const { double d = convert(lyxrc.font_sizes[size()]); // The following is according to the average of the values in the // definitions of \defaultscriptratio and \defaultscriptscriptratio in LaTeX // font packages. No attempt is made to implement the actual values from // \DefineMathSizes. switch (style()) { case LM_ST_DISPLAY: case LM_ST_TEXT: break; case LM_ST_SCRIPT: d *= .73; break; case LM_ST_SCRIPTSCRIPT: d *= .55; break; } // Never go below the smallest size return max(d, convert(lyxrc.font_sizes[FONT_SIZE_TINY])); } /// Reduce font to fall back to template where possible void FontInfo::reduce(FontInfo const & tmplt) { if (family_ == tmplt.family_) family_ = INHERIT_FAMILY; if (series_ == tmplt.series_) series_ = INHERIT_SERIES; if (shape_ == tmplt.shape_) shape_ = INHERIT_SHAPE; if (size_ == tmplt.size_) size_ = FONT_SIZE_INHERIT; if (emph_ == tmplt.emph_) emph_ = FONT_INHERIT; if (underbar_ == tmplt.underbar_) underbar_ = FONT_INHERIT; if (strikeout_ == tmplt.strikeout_) strikeout_ = FONT_INHERIT; if (xout_ == tmplt.xout_) xout_ = FONT_INHERIT; if (uuline_ == tmplt.uuline_) uuline_ = FONT_INHERIT; if (uwave_ == tmplt.uwave_) uwave_ = FONT_INHERIT; if (noun_ == tmplt.noun_) noun_ = FONT_INHERIT; if (color_ == tmplt.color_) color_ = Color_inherit; if (background_ == tmplt.background_) background_ = Color_inherit; } /// Realize font from a template FontInfo & FontInfo::realize(FontInfo const & tmplt) { if ((*this) == inherit_font) { operator=(tmplt); return *this; } if (family_ == INHERIT_FAMILY) family_ = tmplt.family_; if (series_ == INHERIT_SERIES) series_ = tmplt.series_; if (shape_ == INHERIT_SHAPE) shape_ = tmplt.shape_; if (size_ == FONT_SIZE_INHERIT) size_ = tmplt.size_; if (emph_ == FONT_INHERIT) emph_ = tmplt.emph_; if (underbar_ == FONT_INHERIT) underbar_ = tmplt.underbar_; if (strikeout_ == FONT_INHERIT) strikeout_ = tmplt.strikeout_; if (xout_ == FONT_INHERIT) xout_ = tmplt.xout_; if (uuline_ == FONT_INHERIT) uuline_ = tmplt.uuline_; if (uwave_ == FONT_INHERIT) uwave_ = tmplt.uwave_; if (noun_ == FONT_INHERIT) noun_ = tmplt.noun_; if (color_ == Color_inherit) color_ = tmplt.color_; if (background_ == Color_inherit) background_ = tmplt.background_; return *this; } Changer FontInfo::changeColor(ColorCode const color) { return make_change(color_, color); } Changer FontInfo::changeShape(FontShape const shape) { return make_change(shape_, shape); } Changer FontInfo::changeStyle(MathStyle const new_style) { return make_change(style_, new_style); } Changer FontInfo::change(FontInfo font, bool realiz) { if (realiz) font.realize(*this); return make_change(*this, font); } /// Updates a misc setting according to request static FontState setMisc(FontState newfont, FontState org) { if (newfont == FONT_TOGGLE) { if (org == FONT_ON) return FONT_OFF; else if (org == FONT_OFF) return FONT_ON; else { LYXERR0("Font::setMisc: Need state" " FONT_ON or FONT_OFF to toggle. Setting to FONT_ON"); return FONT_ON; } } else if (newfont == FONT_IGNORE) return org; else return newfont; } /// Updates font settings according to request void FontInfo::update(FontInfo const & newfont, bool toggleall) { if (newfont.family_ == family_ && toggleall) setFamily(INHERIT_FAMILY); // toggle 'back' else if (newfont.family_ != IGNORE_FAMILY) setFamily(newfont.family_); // else it's IGNORE_SHAPE // "Old" behaviour: "Setting" bold will toggle bold on/off. switch (newfont.series_) { case BOLD_SERIES: // We toggle... if (series_ == BOLD_SERIES && toggleall) setSeries(MEDIUM_SERIES); else setSeries(BOLD_SERIES); break; case MEDIUM_SERIES: case INHERIT_SERIES: setSeries(newfont.series_); break; case IGNORE_SERIES: break; } if (newfont.shape_ == shape_ && toggleall) shape_ = INHERIT_SHAPE; // toggle 'back' else if (newfont.shape_ != IGNORE_SHAPE) shape_ = newfont.shape_; // else it's IGNORE_SHAPE if (newfont.size_ != FONT_SIZE_IGNORE) { if (newfont.size_ == FONT_SIZE_INCREASE) incSize(); else if (newfont.size_ == FONT_SIZE_DECREASE) decSize(); else size_ = newfont.size_; } setEmph(setMisc(newfont.emph_, emph_)); setUnderbar(setMisc(newfont.underbar_, underbar_)); setStrikeout(setMisc(newfont.strikeout_, strikeout_)); setXout(setMisc(newfont.xout_, xout_)); setUuline(setMisc(newfont.uuline_, uuline_)); setUwave(setMisc(newfont.uwave_, uwave_)); setNoun(setMisc(newfont.noun_, noun_)); setNumber(setMisc(newfont.number_, number_)); if (newfont.color_ == color_ && toggleall) setColor(Color_inherit); // toggle 'back' else if (newfont.color_ != Color_ignore) setColor(newfont.color_); if (newfont.background_ == background_ && toggleall) setBackground(Color_inherit); // toggle 'back' else if (newfont.background_ != Color_ignore) setBackground(newfont.background_); } /// Is font resolved? bool FontInfo::resolved() const { return (family_ != INHERIT_FAMILY && series_ != INHERIT_SERIES && shape_ != INHERIT_SHAPE && size_ != FONT_SIZE_INHERIT && emph_ != FONT_INHERIT && underbar_ != FONT_INHERIT && uuline_ != FONT_INHERIT && uwave_ != FONT_INHERIT && strikeout_ != FONT_INHERIT && xout_ != FONT_INHERIT && noun_ != FONT_INHERIT && color_ != Color_inherit && background_ != Color_inherit); } Color FontInfo::realColor() const { if (paint_color_ != Color_none) return paint_color_; if (color_ == Color_none) return Color_foreground; return color_; } namespace { void appendSep(string & s1, string const & s2) { if (s2.empty()) return; s1 += s1.empty() ? "" : "\n"; s1 += s2; } string makeCSSTag(string const & key, string const & val) { return key + ": " + val + ";"; } string getFamilyCSS(FontFamily const & f) { switch (f) { case ROMAN_FAMILY: return "serif"; case SANS_FAMILY: return "sans-serif"; case TYPEWRITER_FAMILY: return "monospace"; case SYMBOL_FAMILY: case CMR_FAMILY: case CMSY_FAMILY: case CMM_FAMILY: case CMEX_FAMILY: case MSA_FAMILY: case MSB_FAMILY: case EUFRAK_FAMILY: case RSFS_FAMILY: case STMARY_FAMILY: case WASY_FAMILY: case ESINT_FAMILY: case INHERIT_FAMILY: case IGNORE_FAMILY: break; } return ""; } string getSeriesCSS(FontSeries const & s) { switch (s) { case MEDIUM_SERIES: return "normal"; case BOLD_SERIES: return "bold"; case INHERIT_SERIES: case IGNORE_SERIES: break; } return ""; } string getShapeCSS(FontShape const & s) { string fs = "normal"; string fv = "normal"; switch (s) { case UP_SHAPE: break; case ITALIC_SHAPE: fs = "italic"; break; case SLANTED_SHAPE: fs = "oblique"; break; case SMALLCAPS_SHAPE: fv = "small-caps"; break; case IGNORE_SHAPE: case INHERIT_SHAPE: fs = ""; fv = ""; break; } string retval; if (!fs.empty()) appendSep(retval, makeCSSTag("font-style", fs)); if (!fv.empty()) appendSep(retval, makeCSSTag("font-variant", fv)); return retval; } string getSizeCSS(FontSize const & s) { switch (s) { case FONT_SIZE_TINY: return "xx-small"; case FONT_SIZE_SCRIPT: return "x-small"; case FONT_SIZE_FOOTNOTE: case FONT_SIZE_SMALL: return "small"; case FONT_SIZE_NORMAL: return "medium"; case FONT_SIZE_LARGE: return "large"; case FONT_SIZE_LARGER: case FONT_SIZE_LARGEST: return "x-large"; case FONT_SIZE_HUGE: case FONT_SIZE_HUGER: return "xx-large"; case FONT_SIZE_INCREASE: return "larger"; case FONT_SIZE_DECREASE: return "smaller"; case FONT_SIZE_IGNORE: case FONT_SIZE_INHERIT: break; } return ""; } } // namespace // FIXME This does not yet handle color docstring FontInfo::asCSS() const { string retval; string tmp = getFamilyCSS(family_); if (!tmp.empty()) appendSep(retval, makeCSSTag("font-family", tmp)); tmp = getSeriesCSS(series_); if (!tmp.empty()) appendSep(retval, makeCSSTag("font-weight", tmp)); appendSep(retval, getShapeCSS(shape_)); tmp = getSizeCSS(size_); if (!tmp.empty()) appendSep(retval, makeCSSTag("font-size", tmp)); return from_ascii(retval); } // Set family according to lyx format string void setLyXFamily(string const & fam, FontInfo & f) { string const s = ascii_lowercase(fam); int i = 0; while (LyXFamilyNames[i] != s && LyXFamilyNames[i] != string("error")) ++i; if (s == LyXFamilyNames[i]) f.setFamily(FontFamily(i)); else LYXERR0("Unknown family `" << s << '\''); } // Set series according to lyx format string void setLyXSeries(string const & ser, FontInfo & f) { string const s = ascii_lowercase(ser); int i = 0; while (LyXSeriesNames[i] != s && LyXSeriesNames[i] != string("error")) ++i; if (s == LyXSeriesNames[i]) { f.setSeries(FontSeries(i)); } else LYXERR0("Unknown series `" << s << '\''); } // Set shape according to lyx format string void setLyXShape(string const & sha, FontInfo & f) { string const s = ascii_lowercase(sha); int i = 0; while (LyXShapeNames[i] != s && LyXShapeNames[i] != string("error")) ++i; if (s == LyXShapeNames[i]) f.setShape(FontShape(i)); else LYXERR0("Unknown shape `" << s << '\''); } // Set size according to lyx format string void setLyXSize(string const & siz, FontInfo & f) { string const s = ascii_lowercase(siz); int i = 0; while (LyXSizeNames[i] != s && LyXSizeNames[i] != string("error")) ++i; if (s == LyXSizeNames[i]) { f.setSize(FontSize(i)); } else LYXERR0("Unknown size `" << s << '\''); } // Set size according to lyx format string FontState setLyXMisc(string const & siz) { string const s = ascii_lowercase(siz); int i = 0; while (LyXMiscNames[i] != s && LyXMiscNames[i] != string("error")) ++i; if (s == LyXMiscNames[i]) return FontState(i); LYXERR0("Unknown misc flag `" << s << '\''); return FONT_OFF; } /// Sets color after LyX text format void setLyXColor(string const & col, FontInfo & f) { f.setColor(lcolor.getFromLyXName(col)); } // Read a font definition from given file in lyx format // Used for layouts FontInfo lyxRead(Lexer & lex, FontInfo const & fi) { FontInfo f = fi; bool error = false; bool finished = false; while (!finished && lex.isOK() && !error) { lex.next(); string const tok = ascii_lowercase(lex.getString()); if (tok.empty()) { continue; } else if (tok == "endfont") { finished = true; } else if (tok == "family") { lex.next(); string const ttok = lex.getString(); setLyXFamily(ttok, f); } else if (tok == "series") { lex.next(); string const ttok = lex.getString(); setLyXSeries(ttok, f); } else if (tok == "shape") { lex.next(); string const ttok = lex.getString(); setLyXShape(ttok, f); } else if (tok == "size") { lex.next(); string const ttok = lex.getString(); setLyXSize(ttok, f); } else if (tok == "misc") { lex.next(); string const ttok = ascii_lowercase(lex.getString()); if (ttok == "no_bar") { f.setUnderbar(FONT_OFF); } else if (ttok == "no_strikeout") { f.setStrikeout(FONT_OFF); } else if (ttok == "no_xout") { f.setXout(FONT_OFF); } else if (ttok == "no_uuline") { f.setUuline(FONT_OFF); } else if (ttok == "no_uwave") { f.setUwave(FONT_OFF); } else if (ttok == "no_emph") { f.setEmph(FONT_OFF); } else if (ttok == "no_noun") { f.setNoun(FONT_OFF); } else if (ttok == "emph") { f.setEmph(FONT_ON); } else if (ttok == "underbar") { f.setUnderbar(FONT_ON); } else if (ttok == "strikeout") { f.setStrikeout(FONT_ON); } else if (ttok == "xout") { f.setXout(FONT_ON); } else if (ttok == "uuline") { f.setUuline(FONT_ON); } else if (ttok == "uwave") { f.setUwave(FONT_ON); } else if (ttok == "noun") { f.setNoun(FONT_ON); } else { lex.printError("Illegal misc type"); } } else if (tok == "color") { lex.next(); string const ttok = lex.getString(); setLyXColor(ttok, f); } else { lex.printError("Unknown tag"); error = true; } } return f; } void lyxWrite(ostream & os, FontInfo const & f, string const & start, int level) { string indent; for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) indent += '\t'; ostringstream oss; if (f.family() != INHERIT_FAMILY) oss << indent << "\tFamily " << LyXFamilyNames[f.family()] << '\n'; if (f.series() != INHERIT_SERIES) oss << indent << "\tSeries " << LyXSeriesNames[f.series()] << '\n'; if (f.shape() != INHERIT_SHAPE) oss << indent << "\tShape " << LyXShapeNames[f.shape()] << '\n'; if (f.size() != FONT_SIZE_INHERIT) oss << indent << "\tSize " << LyXSizeNames[f.size()] << '\n'; if (f.underbar() == FONT_ON) oss << indent << "\tMisc Underbar\n"; else if (f.underbar() == FONT_OFF) oss << indent << "\tMisc No_Bar\n"; if (f.strikeout() == FONT_ON) oss << indent << "\tMisc Strikeout\n"; else if (f.strikeout() == FONT_OFF) oss << indent << "\tMisc No_Strikeout\n"; if (f.xout() == FONT_ON) oss << indent << "\tMisc Xout\n"; else if (f.xout() == FONT_OFF) oss << indent << "\tMisc No_Xout\n"; if (f.uuline() == FONT_ON) oss << indent << "\tMisc Uuline\n"; else if (f.uuline() == FONT_OFF) oss << indent << "\tMisc No_Uuline\n"; if (f.uwave() == FONT_ON) oss << indent << "\tMisc Uwave\n"; else if (f.uwave() == FONT_OFF) oss << indent << "\tMisc No_Uwave\n"; if (f.emph() == FONT_ON) oss << indent << "\tMisc Emph\n"; else if (f.emph() == FONT_OFF) oss << indent << "\tMisc No_Emph\n"; if (f.noun() == FONT_ON) oss << indent << "\tMisc Noun\n"; else if (f.noun() == FONT_OFF) oss << indent << "\tMisc No_Noun\n"; if (f.color() != Color_inherit && f.color() != Color_none) oss << indent << "\tColor " << lcolor.getLyXName(f.color()) << '\n'; if (!oss.str().empty()) { os << indent << start << '\n' << oss.str() << indent << "EndFont\n"; } } } // namespace lyx