QGraphicsUi 0 0 450 379 1 1 0 0 true 9 6 0 &Graphics 9 6 &Edit false false Select an image file &Browse... File name of image File name of image &File: filename Output Size false 9 6 true 1 0 0 0 Width of image in output Qt::Horizontal 61 20 true 1 0 0 0 Height of image in output true Sets height of graphic. Leave unchecked to set automatically. Set &height: &Scale Graphics (%): true Sets width of graphic. Leave unchecked to set automatically. Set &width: true Scale image to maximum size not exceeding width and height &Maintain aspect ratio Rotate Graphics false 9 6 Check to change the order of rotating and scaling Ro&tate after scaling The origin of the rotation The origin of the rotation Or&igin: origin 3 0 0 0 Angle to rotate image by Angle to rotate image by A&ngle (Degrees): angle &Clipping 9 6 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Clip to bounding box values Clip to &bounding box true 5 1 0 0 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Plain 9 6 &Left bottom: lbX Right &top: rtX y: y: x: x: Qt::Horizontal 181 20 Get bounding box from the (EPS) file &Get from File LaTe&X and LyX options 9 6 Qt::Vertical 20 21 Qt::Vertical 20 41 Don't uncompress image before exporting to LaTeX Don't un&zip on export Qt::StrongFocus S&ubfigure false true false 9 6 The caption for the sub-figure Ca&ption: subcaption 3 0 0 0 The caption for the sub-figure Qt::StrongFocus Sho&w in LyX false true 9 6 true 1 0 0 0 Percentage to scale by in LyX Percentage to scale by in LyX Sca&le on Screen (%): displayscale Screen display Default Monochrome Grayscale Color Screen display &Display: showCB 3 0 0 0 Additional LaTeX options Additional LaTeX options LaTeX &options: latexoptions Draft mode &Draft mode 0 6 &Restore false false Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 20 20 &OK true true 1 0 0 0 &Apply false false 1 0 0 0 Close false LengthCombo QComboBox
TabWidget filename browsePB editPB scaleCB Scale WidthCB Width widthUnit HeightCB Height heightUnit aspectratio angle origin rotateOrderCB restorePB okPB applyPB closePB clip lbX lbXunit lbY lbYunit rtX rtXunit rtY rtYunit getPB latexoptions draftCB unzipCB subfigure subcaption displayGB showCB displayscale qt_helpers.h