# AGUplus textclass definition file. # Author: Martin Vermeer # # Necessary LaTeX files to be found on # # ftp://ftp.agu.org/journals/latex/journals # # Input general definitions Input stdclass.inc SecNumDepth 4 MaxCounter Counter_Section # There are no chapters in an article. NoStyle Chapter NoStyle Chapter* NoStyle Subparagraph NoStyle Subparagraph* # Redefine these a bit: Style Section Font Size Large EndFont End Style Section* Font Size Large EndFont End Style Subsection Font Size Normal EndFont End Style Subsection* Font Size Normal EndFont End # Subsubsubsection style (re-)definition Style Paragraph LatexName subsubsection End Style Affiliation CopyStyle Author LatexName affil End # SubSubsubsection* style (re-)definition Style Paragraph* CopyStyle Paragraph Margin Static LatexName subsubsubsection* LabelType No_Label OptionalArgs 0 End Preamble \usepackage{times} \sectionnumbers EndPreamble # Headers style definition Style Left_Header Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName lefthead NextNoIndent 1 LeftMargin "Left Header:xx" LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Left AlignPossible Left LabelType Static LabelString "Left Header:" InTitle 1 # standard font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color red EndFont End Style Right_Header CopyStyle "Left Header" LatexName righthead LeftMargin "Right Header:xx" LabelString "Right Header:" End Style Received CopyStyle "Left Header" LatexName received LeftMargin Received:xx LabelString Recieved: End Style Revised CopyStyle "Left Header" LatexName revised LeftMargin Revised:xx LabelString Revised: End Style Accepted CopyStyle "Left Header" LatexName accepted LeftMargin Accepted:xx LabelString Accepted: End Style CCC CopyStyle "Left Header" LatexName ccc LeftMargin "CCC code:xx" LabelString "CCC code:" End # cpright # journalid # articleid Style PaperId CopyStyle "Left Header" LatexName paperid LeftMargin "Paper Id:xx" LabelString "Paper Id:" End Style AuthorAddr CopyStyle "Left Header" LatexName authoraddr LeftMargin "Author Address:xx" LabelString "Author Address:" End Style SlugComment CopyStyle "Left Header" LatexName slugcomment LeftMargin "Slug Comment:xx" LabelString "Slug Comment:" End # a few changes to the bibliography Style Bibliography TopSep 4 LabelString Bibliography # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Size Huge EndFont End # plate Float Type plate GuiName Plate Placement htbp Extension lof NumberWithin none Style plain LatexBuiltin true End # planotable Float GuiName Planotable Type planotable Placement htbp Extension lot NumberWithin none Style Ruled LatexBuiltin true End # Table Caption style definition Style Table_Caption Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName tablecaption NeedProtect 1 LabelSep xx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.5 Align Center AlignPossible Center LabelType Sensitive LabelString TableCaption # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold EndFont End Counter Name plate Within none End Counter Name planotable Within none End