#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[svmono]{book (Springer svmono)} # Author: Koji Yokota # # Class and style files and templates are found at: # ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/svmonogl/ # Format 21 Input svjour.inc ClassOptions FontSize 10 End # Additional paragraphs Style Petit CopyStyle Standard Category MainText LatexType Environment LatexName petit LeftMargin MMM RightMargin MMM Font Size Small FontEnd End Style Front_Matter Category Structure LatexType Environment LatexName frontmatter KeepEmpty 1 OptionalArgs 0 Margin First_Dynamic NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0 TopSep 2.5 BottomSep 0.5 ParSep 0 Align Center LabelType Static LabelBottomSep 0 LeftMargin M LabelString "--- Front Matter ---" Font Family Sans Series Bold Size Largest Color Blue EndFont End Style Main_Matter CopyStyle Front_Matter Category Structure LatexName mainmatter LabelString "--- Main Matter ---" End Style Back_Matter CopyStyle Front_Matter Category Structure LatexName backmatter LabelString "--- Back Matter ---" End Style Part Category Section Margin Dynamic LabelString "Part \thepart" LabelType Counter TocLevel 0 LabelCounter part LatexType Command LatexName part NeedProtect 1 NextNoIndent 1 Labelsep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 4 BottomSep 4 ParSep 0.8 Align Center Alignpossible Center Font Series Bold Size Huge EndFont End Style Part* CopyStyle Part Category Unnumbered Margin Static LatexName part* LabelType No_Label LabelCounter "" End Style Chapter Margin Static Category Section LabelString "Chapter \thechapter" LabelStringAppendix "Appendix \thechapter" LabelType Counter LabelCounter chapter TocLevel 0 LatexType Command LatexName chapter NeedProtect 1 NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 4 BottomSep 0.8 ParSep 0.8 Align Left OptionalArgs 1 Font Series Bold Size Huge EndFont End Style Chapter* CopyStyle Chapter Category Unnumbered Margin Static LatexName chapter* LabelType No_Label LabelCounter "" OptionalArgs 0 End Style Preface CopyStyle Title Category Unnumbered LatexName svmultpreface KeepEmpty 1 OptionalArgs 1 InTitle 0 Margin Static LeftMargin "PPrreeffaaccee:xxx" LabelType Static LabelString "Preface:" LabelSep xxx Align Left Preamble \newcommand{\svmultpreface}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{\preface}{\preface[#1]}} EndPreamble Requires ifthen End # Additional math environments Style Case CopyStyle Claim LatexName case LabelString "Case #." End Style Problem CopyStyle Claim LatexName prob LabelString "Problem #." End Style Solution CopyStyle Claim LatexName sol LabelString "Solution #." OptionalArgs 1 End Style Proof(QED) CopyStyle Proof LatexName svmultproof EndLabelType Box Preamble \newenvironment{svmultproof}{\begin{proof}}{\qed\end{proof}} EndPreamble End Style Proof(smartQED) CopyStyle Proof LatexName svmultproof2 EndLabelType Filled_Box Preamble \newenvironment{svmultproof2}{\begin{proof}}{\smartqed\qed\end{proof}} EndPreamble End