#! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import sys from getopt import getopt usage = ''' python cat.py -o OUTFILE FILE1 FILE2 .... FILEn Replacement for: cat FILE1 FILE2 ... .FILEn > OUTFILE If the -o argument is not given, writes to stdout. ''' outfile = "" (options, args) = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:") for (opt, param) in options: if opt == "-o": outfile = param elif opt == "-h": print(usage) sys.exit(0) out = sys.stdout if outfile: # always write unix line endings, even on windows out = open(outfile, "wb") for f in args: # accept both windows and unix line endings, since it can happen that we # are on unix, but the file has been written on windows or vice versa. fil = open(f, "rU") for l in fil: # this does always write unix line endings since the file has # been opened in binary mode. This is needed since both gettext # and our .pot file manipulation scripts assume unix line ends. out.write(l) fil.close() if outfile: out.close()