########################################################################## # # LaTeX fonts natively supported by LyX. # # Syntax: # # Font <name> # GuiName "<Gui Name>" # Family <rm|sf|tt|math> # SwitchDefault <0|1> # Package <LaTeX package to be loaded> # Requires <LaTeX package to test for> # AltFonts <alternative fonts (comma-separated)> # OT1Font <alternative font specifically for OT1 encoding> # CompleteFont <alternative package for the complete family> # NoMathFont <alternative font that does not change math> # PackageOptions <general options to be passed to the package> # OsfOption <option for oldstyle figure support> # OsfFont <extra font for oldstyle figures> # OsfDefault <0|1> # ScOption <option for true smallcaps support> # OsfScOption <option for combined osf and true smallcaps support> # ScaleOption <option for font scaling> # Provides <features provided by the font packages (comma-separated)> # Preamble # <some arbitrary LaTeX code to be issued in the preamble> # EndPreamble # EndFont # # # NOTES: # # * Adding a new font results in a FILE FORMAT CHANGE. So if a new font # is added for the LyX distribution, the according changes need to be # done. # * "SwitchDefault 1" makes the font to be loaded by switching the default # family to <name> (e.g., \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{cmr}), whereas # Package <package> loads it via \usepackage{package}. Only one of these # options is used per font (SwitchDefault takes precendende). Note that # SwitchDefault uses the font name. # * In addition to normal fonts, you can also define alternative fonts # using the AltFont...EndFont tags. These alternative fonts will not # be added to the GUI, but LyX will fall back on them under specific # circumstances (e.g. if the main font is not available; see below). # * If AltFonts are defined, LyX will try to load them in the defined # order if the main package is not available. So # Package mathptmx # AltFonts mathptm,times # will try to load mathptm if mathptmx is not available and then times # if mathptm is not available either. # AltFonts need to be defined separately using AltFont ... EndFont tags. # * If Requires is set, LyX will check for this. If not, it will check # for Package and AltFonts. # * OT1Font will load the defined font if the font encoding is OT1. This is # necessary since some newer font packages do not support this encoding. # The value "none" tells LyX not to load any font in OT1 encoding. # OT1Fonts need to be defined separately using AltFont ... EndFont tags. # * The CompleteFont is loaded if the current font is selected as rm and # both sf and tt are set to "default" (this allows for instance to load # "bera" as opposed to "beraserif"). # CompleteFonts need to be defined separately using AltFont ... EndFont # tags. # * OsfFont is a font that is loaded additionally in and that provides # Old Style Figures for a given font (e.g. eco). # * OsfScOption overrides any OsfOption and ScOption if both features # are selected. # * Set OsfDefault to true for fonts which have Old Style Figures by # default and provide an option for lining figures. Pass this option # to OsfOption. # * ScaleOption supports the placeholder $$val for the scale value. # * The Preamble code is output immediately after the respective font # loading command. # ########################################################################## # # ROMAN FONTS # Font ae GuiName "AE (Almost European)" Family rm Package "ae,aecompl" OT1Font none Requires ae EndFont Font beraserif GuiName "Bera Serif" Family rm Package beraserif CompleteFont bera Requires bera EndFont AltFont bera GuiName "Bera Serif" Family rm Package bera EndFont Font bookman GuiName "Bookman" Family rm Package bookman EndFont Font ccfonts GuiName "Concrete Roman" Family rm Package ccfonts EndFont Font chancery GuiName "Zapf Chancery" Family rm Package chancery EndFont Font charter GuiName "Bitstream Charter (PSNFSS)" Family rm Package charter EndFont Font cochineal GuiName "Crimson (Cochineal)" Family rm OsfOption "proportional,osf" Package cochineal AltFonts crimson EndFont AltFont crimson GuiName "Crimson" Family rm Package crimson EndFont Font cmr GuiName "Computer Modern Roman" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 OsfFont eco EndFont AltFont eco Family rm Package eco EndFont Font garamondx GuiName "URW Garamond" Family rm OsfOption osfI Package garamondx Requires garamondx-fonts AltFonts ugm EndFont AltFont ugm GuiName "URW Garamond" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 Requires ugm EndFont Font libertine GuiName "Libertine" Family rm OsfOption osf Package libertine-type1 AltFonts libertine-2012,libertine-legacy Requires libertineMono-type1 EndFont AltFont libertine-2012 GuiName "Libertine" Family rm OsfOption lining OsfDefault 1 Package libertine-type1 EndFont AltFont libertine-legacy GuiName "Libertine" Family rm OsfOption osf Package libertine EndFont Font lmodern GuiName "Latin Modern Roman" Family rm Package lmodern NoMathFont lmr EndFont AltFont lmr GuiName "Latin Modern Roman" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 Requires lmodern EndFont Font md-charter GuiName "Bitstream Charter (Mathdesign)" Family rm OsfOption expert ScOption expert OsfScOption expert Package mathdesign PackageOption charter Requires mdbch Provides amssymb,amsfonts NoMathFont mdbch EndFont AltFont mdbch GuiName "Bitstream Charter (Mathdesign)" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 Requires mdbch EndFont Font md-utopia GuiName "Utopia (Mathdesign)" Family rm OsfOption expert ScOption expert OsfScOption expert Package mathdesign PackageOption utopia Requires mdput Provides amssymb,amsfonts NoMathFont mdput EndFont AltFont mdput GuiName "Utopia (Mathdesign)" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 Requires mdput EndFont Font md-garamond GuiName "URW Garamond (Mathdesign)" Family rm OsfOption expert ScOption expert OsfScOption expert Package mathdesign PackageOption garamond Requires mdugm Provides amssymb,amsfonts NoMathFont mdugm EndFont AltFont mdugm GuiName "URW Garamond (Mathdesign)" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 Requires mdugm EndFont Font minionpro GuiName "Minion Pro" Family rm OsfOption lf OsfDefault 1 Package MinionPro Provides amssymb,amsfonts NoMathFont minionpro-nomath EndFont AltFont minionpro-nomath GuiName "Minion Pro" Family rm OsfOption lf OsfDefault 1 Package MinionPro PackageOption onlytext EndFont Font newcent GuiName "New Century Schoolbook" Family rm Package newcent EndFont Font NotoSerif-TLF GuiName "Noto Serif" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 Requires noto CompleteFont noto EndFont AltFont noto GuiName "Noto Serif" Family rm Package noto EndFont Font palatino GuiName "Palatino" Family rm OsfOption osf ScOption sc OsfScOption osf Package mathpazo AltFonts mathpple,palatino-sty NoMathFont ppl Requires psnfss EndFont AltFont mathpple GuiName "Palatino" Family rm Package mathpple NoMathFont ppl EndFont AltFont palatino-sty GuiName "Palatino" Family rm Package palatino EndFont AltFont ppl GuiName "Palatino" Family rm OsfFont pplj SwitchDefault 1 EndFont AltFont pplj GuiName "Palatino" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font times GuiName "Times Roman" Family rm Package mathptmx AltFonts mathptm,times-sty NoMathFont ptm Requires psnfss EndFont AltFont mathptm GuiName "Times Roman" Family rm Package mathptm NoMathFont ptm EndFont AltFont times-sty GuiName "Times Roman" Family rm Package times EndFont AltFont ptm GuiName "Times Roman" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font tgbonum GuiName "TeX Gyre Bonum" Family rm Package tgbonum EndFont Font tgchorus GuiName "TeX Gyre Chorus" Family rm Package tgchorus EndFont Font tgpagella GuiName "TeX Gyre Pagella" Family rm Package tgpagella EndFont Font tgschola GuiName "TeX Gyre Schola" Family rm Package tgschola EndFont Font tgtermes GuiName "TeX Gyre Termes" Family rm Package tgtermes EndFont # fourier supersedes utopia.sty, but does # not work with OT1 encoding. Font utopia GuiName "Utopia (Fourier)" Family rm OsfOption oldstyle ScOption expert Package fourier AltFonts utopia-sty OT1Font utopia-sty NoMathFont futs EndFont AltFont utopia-sty GuiName "Utopia (Fourier)" Family rm Package utopia EndFont AltFont futs GuiName "Utopia (Fourier)" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 OsfFont futj EndFont AltFont futj GuiName "Utopia (Fourier)" Family rm SwitchDefault 1 EndFont # # SANS SERIF FONTS # Font avant GuiName "Avant Garde" Family sf Package avant EndFont Font berasans GuiName "Bera Sans" Family sf ScaleOption scaled=$$val Package berasans Requires bera EndFont Font biolinum GuiName "Biolinum" Family sf OsfOption osf ScaleOption scaled=$$val Package biolinum-type1 Requires libertineMono-type1 AltFonts biolinum-2012 EndFont AltFont biolinum-2012 GuiName "Biolinum" Family sf OsfOption lining OsfDefault 1 Package biolinum-type1 EndFont Font cmbr GuiName "CM Bright" Family sf SwitchDefault 1 Requires cmbright EndFont Font cmss GuiName "Computer Modern Sans" Family sf SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font helvet GuiName "Helvetica" Family sf ScaleOption scaled=$$val Package helvet Requires psnfss EndFont Font iwona GuiName "Iwona" Family sf Requires iwona SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font iwonal GuiName "Iwona (Light)" Family sf Requires iwona SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font iwonac GuiName "Iwona (Condensed)" Family sf Requires iwona SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font iwonalc GuiName "Iwona (Light Condensed)" Family sf Requires iwona SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font kurier GuiName "Kurier" Family sf Requires kurier SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font kurierl GuiName "Kurier (Light)" Family sf Requires kurier SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font kurierc GuiName "Kurier (Condensed)" Family sf Requires kurier SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font kurierlc GuiName "Kurier (Light Condensed)" Family sf Requires kurier SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font lmss GuiName "Latin Modern Sans" Family sf SwitchDefault 1 Requires lmodern EndFont Font NotoSans-TLF GuiName "Noto Sans" Family sf SwitchDefault 1 Requires noto EndFont Font tgadventor GuiName "TeX Gyre Adventor" Family sf Package tgadventor EndFont Font tgheros GuiName "TeX Gyre Heros" Family sf Package tgheros EndFont Font uop GuiName "URW Classico (Optima)" Family sf SwitchDefault 1 Requires urwclassico EndFont # # MONOSPACED FONTS # Font beramono GuiName "Bera Mono" Family tt ScaleOption scaled=$$val Package beramono Requires bera EndFont Font cmtl GuiName "CM Typewriter Light" Family tt SwitchDefault 1 Requires cmbright EndFont Font cmtt GuiName "Computer Modern Typewriter" Family tt SwitchDefault 1 EndFont Font courier GuiName "Courier" Family tt Package courier Requires psnfss EndFont Font libertine-mono GuiName "Libertine Mono" Family tt ScaleOption scaled=$$val Package libertineMono-type1 EndFont Font lmtt GuiName "Latin Modern Typewriter" Family tt SwitchDefault 1 Requires lmodern EndFont Font luximono GuiName "LuxiMono" Family tt ScaleOption scaled=$$val Package luximono EndFont Font NotoMono-TLF GuiName "Noto Mono" Family tt SwitchDefault 1 Requires noto EndFont Font tgcursor GuiName "TeX Gyre Cursor" Family tt Package tgcursor EndFont Font txtt GuiName "TX Typewriter" Family tt SwitchDefault 1 Requires txfonts EndFont # # MATH FONTS # Font cochineal-ntxm GuiName "Crimson (New TX)" Family math Package newtxmath PackageOption cochineal Provides amssymb,amsfonts EndFont Font eulervm GuiName "Euler VM" Family math Package eulervm EndFont Font garamondx-ntxm GuiName "URW Garamond (New TX)" Family math Package newtxmath PackageOption garamondx Provides amssymb,amsfonts EndFont Font iwona-math GuiName "Iwona (Math)" Family math Requires iwona Preamble % store roman font \let\origrmdefault\rmdefault \usepackage[math]{iwona} % reset stored roman font \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{\origrmdefault} EndPreamble EndFont Font kurier-math GuiName "Kurier (Math)" Family math Requires kurier Preamble % store roman font \let\origrmdefault\rmdefault \usepackage[math]{kurier} % reset stored roman font \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{\origrmdefault} EndPreamble EndFont Font libertine-ntxm GuiName "Libertine (New TX)" Family math Package newtxmath PackageOption libertine Provides amssymb,amsfonts EndFont Font minion-ntxm GuiName "Minion Pro (New TX)" Family math Package newtxmath PackageOption minion Requires minion2newtx Provides amssymb,amsfonts EndFont Font newtxmath GuiName "Times Roman (New TX)" Family math Package newtxmath Provides amssymb,amsfonts EndFont