/** * \file InsetNomencl.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author O. U. Baran * \author Uwe Stöhr * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetNomencl.h" #include "InsetNote.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Encoding.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "InsetIterator.h" #include "InsetList.h" #include "Language.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Length.h" #include "LyX.h" #include "OutputParams.h" #include "output_xhtml.h" #include "sgml.h" #include "texstream.h" #include "TocBackend.h" #include "frontends/FontMetrics.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InsetNomencl // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InsetNomencl::InsetNomencl(Buffer * buf, InsetCommandParams const & p) : InsetCommand(buf, p), nomenclature_entry_id(sgml::uniqueID(from_ascii("nomen"))) {} ParamInfo const & InsetNomencl::findInfo(string const & /* cmdName */) { static ParamInfo param_info_; if (param_info_.empty()) { param_info_.add("prefix", ParamInfo::LATEX_OPTIONAL); param_info_.add("symbol", ParamInfo::LATEX_REQUIRED, ParamInfo::HANDLING_LATEXIFY); param_info_.add("description", ParamInfo::LATEX_REQUIRED, ParamInfo::HANDLING_LATEXIFY); } return param_info_; } docstring InsetNomencl::screenLabel() const { size_t const maxLabelChars = 25; docstring label = _("Nom: ") + getParam("symbol"); support::truncateWithEllipsis(label, maxLabelChars); return label; } docstring InsetNomencl::toolTip(BufferView const & /*bv*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) const { docstring tip = _("Nomenclature Symbol: ") + getParam("symbol") + "\n"; tip += _("Description: ") + "\t" + subst(getParam("description"), from_ascii("\\\\"), from_ascii("\n\t")); if (!getParam("prefix").empty()) tip += "\n" + _("Sorting: ") + getParam("prefix"); return tip; } int InsetNomencl::plaintext(odocstringstream & os, OutputParams const &, size_t) const { docstring s = "[" + getParam("symbol") + ": " + getParam("description") + "]"; os << s; return s.size(); } int InsetNomencl::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const &) const { os << "" << sgml::escapeString(getParam("symbol")) << ""; return 0; } docstring InsetNomencl::xhtml(XHTMLStream &, OutputParams const &) const { return docstring(); } int InsetNomencl::docbookGlossary(odocstream & os) const { os << "\n" << "" << sgml::escapeString(getParam("symbol")) << "\n" << "" << sgml::escapeString(getParam("description")) << "\n" <<"\n"; return 4; } void InsetNomencl::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { features.require("nomencl"); } void InsetNomencl::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active, UpdateType) const { docstring const str = getParam("symbol"); buffer().tocBackend().toc("nomencl")->push_back(TocItem(cpit, 0, str, output_active)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InsetPrintNomencl // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InsetPrintNomencl::InsetPrintNomencl(Buffer * buf, InsetCommandParams const & p) : InsetCommand(buf, p) {} ParamInfo const & InsetPrintNomencl::findInfo(string const & /* cmdName */) { // The symbol width is set via nomencl's \nomlabelwidth in // InsetPrintNomencl::latex and not as optional parameter of // \printnomenclature static ParamInfo param_info_; if (param_info_.empty()) { // how is the width set? // values: none|auto|custom param_info_.add("set_width", ParamInfo::LYX_INTERNAL); // custom width param_info_.add("width", ParamInfo::LYX_INTERNAL); } return param_info_; } docstring InsetPrintNomencl::screenLabel() const { return _("Nomenclature"); } struct NomenclEntry { NomenclEntry() : par(0) {} NomenclEntry(docstring s, docstring d, Paragraph const * p) : symbol(s), desc(d), par(p) {} docstring symbol; docstring desc; Paragraph const * par; }; typedef map EntryMap; docstring InsetPrintNomencl::xhtml(XHTMLStream &, OutputParams const & op) const { shared_ptr toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc("nomencl"); EntryMap entries; Toc::const_iterator it = toc->begin(); Toc::const_iterator const en = toc->end(); for (; it != en; ++it) { DocIterator dit = it->dit(); Paragraph const & par = dit.innerParagraph(); Inset const * inset = par.getInset(dit.top().pos()); if (!inset) return docstring(); InsetCommand const * ic = inset->asInsetCommand(); if (!ic) return docstring(); // FIXME We need a link to the paragraph here, so we // need some kind of struct. docstring const symbol = ic->getParam("symbol"); docstring const desc = ic->getParam("description"); docstring const prefix = ic->getParam("prefix"); docstring const sortas = prefix.empty() ? symbol : prefix; entries[sortas] = NomenclEntry(symbol, desc, &par); } if (entries.empty()) return docstring(); // we'll use our own stream, because we are going to defer everything. // that's how we deal with the fact that we're probably inside a standard // paragraph, and we don't want to be. odocstringstream ods; XHTMLStream xs(ods); InsetLayout const & il = getLayout(); string const & tag = il.htmltag(); docstring toclabel = translateIfPossible(from_ascii("Nomenclature"), op.local_font->language()->lang()); xs << html::StartTag("div", "class='nomencl'") << html::StartTag(tag, "class='nomencl'") << toclabel << html::EndTag(tag) << html::CR() << html::StartTag("dl") << html::CR(); EntryMap::const_iterator eit = entries.begin(); EntryMap::const_iterator const een = entries.end(); for (; eit != een; ++eit) { NomenclEntry const & ne = eit->second; string const parid = ne.par->magicLabel(); xs << html::StartTag("dt") << html::StartTag("a", "href='#" + parid + "' class='nomencl'") << ne.symbol << html::EndTag("a") << html::EndTag("dt") << html::CR() << html::StartTag("dd") << ne.desc << html::EndTag("dd") << html::CR(); } xs << html::EndTag("dl") << html::CR() << html::EndTag("div") << html::CR(); return ods.str(); } void InsetPrintNomencl::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { switch (cmd.action()) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { InsetCommandParams p(NOMENCL_PRINT_CODE); // FIXME UNICODE InsetCommand::string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), p); if (p.getCmdName().empty()) { cur.noScreenUpdate(); break; } cur.recordUndo(); setParams(p); break; } default: InsetCommand::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } bool InsetPrintNomencl::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & status) const { switch (cmd.action()) { case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: status.setEnabled(true); return true; default: return InsetCommand::getStatus(cur, cmd, status); } } // FIXME This should be changed to use the TOC. Perhaps // that could be done when XHTML output is added. int InsetPrintNomencl::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const &) const { os << "\n"; int newlines = 2; InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(buffer().inset()); while (it) { if (it->lyxCode() == NOMENCL_CODE) { newlines += static_cast(*it).docbookGlossary(os); ++it; } else if (!it->producesOutput()) { // Ignore contents of insets that are not in output size_t const depth = it.depth(); ++it; while (it.depth() > depth) ++it; } else { ++it; } } os << "\n"; return newlines; } namespace { docstring nomenclWidest(Buffer const & buffer, OutputParams const & runparams) { // nomenclWidest() determines and returns the widest used // nomenclature symbol in the document int w = 0; docstring symb; InsetNomencl const * nomencl = 0; ParagraphList::const_iterator it = buffer.paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::const_iterator end = buffer.paragraphs().end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it->insetList().empty()) continue; InsetList::const_iterator iit = it->insetList().begin(); InsetList::const_iterator eend = it->insetList().end(); for (; iit != eend; ++iit) { Inset * inset = iit->inset; if (inset->lyxCode() != NOMENCL_CODE) continue; nomencl = static_cast(inset); docstring const symbol = nomencl->getParam("symbol"); // This is only an approximation, // but the best we can get. int const wx = use_gui ? theFontMetrics(Font()).width(symbol) : symbol.size(); if (wx > w) { w = wx; symb = symbol; } } } // return the widest (or an empty) string if (symb.empty()) return symb; // we have to encode the string properly pair latex_symb = runparams.encoding->latexString(symb, runparams.dryrun); if (!latex_symb.second.empty()) LYXERR0("Omitting uncodable characters '" << latex_symb.second << "' in nomencl widest string!"); return latex_symb.first; } } // namespace anon void InsetPrintNomencl::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams_in) const { OutputParams runparams = runparams_in; if (getParam("set_width") == "auto") { docstring widest = nomenclWidest(buffer(), runparams); // Set the label width via nomencl's command \nomlabelwidth. // This must be output before the command \printnomenclature if (!widest.empty()) { os << "\\settowidth{\\nomlabelwidth}{" << widest << "}\n"; } } else if (getParam("set_width") == "custom") { // custom length as optional arg of \printnomenclature string const width = Length(to_ascii(getParam("width"))).asLatexString(); os << '\\' << from_ascii(getCmdName()) << '[' << from_ascii(width) << "]{}"; return; } // output the command \printnomenclature os << getCommand(runparams); } void InsetPrintNomencl::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { features.require("nomencl"); } InsetCode InsetPrintNomencl::lyxCode() const { return NOMENCL_PRINT_CODE; } string InsetPrintNomencl::contextMenuName() const { return "context-nomenclprint"; } } // namespace lyx