/** * \file InsetCaptionable.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * \author Jürgen Vigna * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Guillaume Munch * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetBox.h" #include "InsetCaptionable.h" #include "InsetCaption.h" #include "InsetLabel.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "FloatList.h" #include "InsetList.h" #include "output_xhtml.h" #include "TextClass.h" #include "TocBackend.h" #include "support/docstream.h" using namespace std; namespace lyx { void InsetCaptionable::setCaptionType(std::string const & type) { caption_type_ = type.empty() ? "senseless" : type; } /// common to InsetFloat and InsetWrap docstring InsetCaptionable::floatName(string const & type) const { BufferParams const & bp = buffer().params(); FloatList const & floats = bp.documentClass().floats(); FloatList::const_iterator it = floats[type]; return (it == floats.end()) ? from_utf8(type) : bp.B_(it->second.name()); } InsetCaption const * InsetCaptionable::getCaptionInset() const { ParagraphList::const_iterator pit = paragraphs().begin(); for (; pit != paragraphs().end(); ++pit) { InsetList::const_iterator it = pit->insetList().begin(); for (; it != pit->insetList().end(); ++it) { Inset & inset = *it->inset; if (inset.lyxCode() == CAPTION_CODE) { InsetCaption const * ins = static_cast(it->inset); return ins; } } } return nullptr; } InsetLabel const * InsetCaptionable::getLabelInset() const { // A wrong hypothesis would be to limit the search to the caption: it is most likely there, but not necessarily! // Iterate through the contents of the inset. auto const end = paragraphs().end(); for (auto par = paragraphs().begin(); par != end; ++par) { for (pos_type pos = 0; pos < par->size(); ++pos) { const Inset * inset = par->getInset(pos); // If this inset is a subfigure, skip it. Otherwise, you would return the label for the subfigure. if (dynamic_cast(inset)) { continue; } // Maybe an inset is directly a label, in which case no more work is needed. if (inset && dynamic_cast(inset)) return dynamic_cast(inset); // More likely, the label is hidden in an inset of a paragraph (only if a subtype of InsetText). Thus, // dig into that text. if (!dynamic_cast(inset)) continue; auto insetAsText = dynamic_cast(inset); auto itIn = insetAsText->paragraphs().begin(); auto endIn = insetAsText->paragraphs().end(); for (; itIn != endIn; ++itIn) { for (pos_type posIn = 0; posIn < itIn->size(); ++posIn) { const Inset *insetIn = itIn->getInset(posIn); if (insetIn && dynamic_cast(insetIn)) { return dynamic_cast(insetIn); } } } // Obviously, this solution does not scale with more levels of paragraphs and insets, but this should // be enough: it is only used in captions. } } return nullptr; } docstring InsetCaptionable::getCaptionText(OutputParams const & runparams) const { InsetCaption const * ins = getCaptionInset(); if (!ins) return docstring(); odocstringstream ods; ins->getCaptionAsPlaintext(ods, runparams); return ods.str(); } docstring InsetCaptionable::getCaptionDocBook(OutputParams const & runparams) const { InsetCaption const * ins = getCaptionInset(); if (ins == nullptr) return docstring(); odocstringstream ods; XMLStream xs(ods); ins->getCaptionAsDocBook(xs, runparams); return ods.str(); } docstring InsetCaptionable::getCaptionHTML(OutputParams const & runparams) const { InsetCaption const * ins = getCaptionInset(); if (ins == 0) return docstring(); odocstringstream ods; XMLStream xs(ods); docstring def = ins->getCaptionAsHTML(xs, runparams); if (!def.empty()) // should already have been escaped xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << def << '\n'; return ods.str(); } void InsetCaptionable::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active, UpdateType utype, TocBackend & backend) const { DocIterator pit = cpit; pit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast(*this))); docstring str; // Leave str empty if we generate for output (e.g. xhtml lists of figures). // This ensures that there is a caption if and only if the string is // non-empty. if (utype != OutputUpdate) text().forOutliner(str, TOC_ENTRY_LENGTH); TocBuilder & b = backend.builder(caption_type_); b.pushItem(pit, str, output_active); // Proceed with the rest of the inset. InsetCollapsible::addToToc(cpit, output_active, utype, backend); b.pop(); } void InsetCaptionable::updateBuffer(ParIterator const & it, UpdateType utype, bool const deleted) { Counters & cnts = buffer().masterBuffer()->params().documentClass().counters(); string const saveflt = cnts.current_float(); bool const savesubflt = cnts.isSubfloat(); if (utype == OutputUpdate) { // counters are local to the float cnts.saveLastCounter(); } bool const subflt = hasSubCaptions(it); // floats can only embed subfloats of their own kind if (subflt && !saveflt.empty() && saveflt != "senseless") setCaptionType(saveflt); // Tell captions what the current float is cnts.current_float(caption_type_); cnts.isSubfloat(subflt); InsetCollapsible::updateBuffer(it, utype, deleted); // Restore counters cnts.current_float(saveflt); if (utype == OutputUpdate) cnts.restoreLastCounter(); cnts.isSubfloat(savesubflt); } bool InsetCaptionable::insetAllowed(InsetCode c) const { return (c == CAPTION_CODE) || InsetCollapsible::insetAllowed(c); } } // namespace lyx