/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 2000-2001 The LyX Team. * * @author: Jürgen Vigna * * ====================================================== */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "tabular_funcs.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/LIstream.h" using std::istream; using std::getline; // Perfect case for a template... (Lgb) // or perhaps not... template <> string const write_attribute(string const & name, bool const & b) { return write_attribute(name, int(b)); } template <> string const write_attribute(string const & name, LyXLength const & value) { return write_attribute(name, value.asString()); } string const tostr(LyXAlignment const & num) { switch (num) { case LYX_ALIGN_NONE: return "none"; case LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK: return "block"; case LYX_ALIGN_LEFT: return "left"; case LYX_ALIGN_CENTER: return "center"; case LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT: return "right"; case LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT: return "layout"; case LYX_ALIGN_SPECIAL: return "special"; } return string(); } string const tostr(LyXTabular::VAlignment const & num) { switch (num) { case LyXTabular::LYX_VALIGN_TOP: return "top"; case LyXTabular::LYX_VALIGN_CENTER: return "center"; case LyXTabular::LYX_VALIGN_BOTTOM: return "bottom"; } return string(); } string const tostr(LyXTabular::BoxType const & num) { switch (num) { case LyXTabular::BOX_NONE: return "none"; case LyXTabular::BOX_PARBOX: return "parbox"; case LyXTabular::BOX_MINIPAGE: return "minipage"; } return string(); } // I would have liked a fromstr template a lot better. (Lgb) bool string2type(string const str, LyXAlignment & num) { if (str == "none") num = LYX_ALIGN_NONE; else if (str == "block") num = LYX_ALIGN_BLOCK; else if (str == "left") num = LYX_ALIGN_LEFT; else if (str == "center") num = LYX_ALIGN_CENTER; else if (str == "right") num = LYX_ALIGN_RIGHT; else return false; return true; } bool string2type(string const str, LyXTabular::VAlignment & num) { if (str == "top") num = LyXTabular::LYX_VALIGN_TOP; else if (str == "center") num = LyXTabular::LYX_VALIGN_CENTER; else if (str == "bottom") num = LyXTabular::LYX_VALIGN_BOTTOM; else return false; return true; } bool string2type(string const str, LyXTabular::BoxType & num) { if (str == "none") num = LyXTabular::BOX_NONE; else if (str == "parbox") num = LyXTabular::BOX_PARBOX; else if (str == "minipage") num = LyXTabular::BOX_MINIPAGE; else return false; return true; } bool string2type(string const str, bool & num) { if (str == "true") num = true; else if (str == "false") num = false; else return false; return true; } bool getTokenValue(string const & str, const char * token, string & ret) { size_t token_length = strlen(token); string::size_type pos = str.find(token); if (pos == string::npos || pos + token_length + 1 >= str.length() || str[pos + token_length] != '=') return false; ret.erase(); pos += token_length + 1; char ch = str[pos]; if ((ch != '"') && (ch != '\'')) { // only read till next space ret += ch; ch = ' '; } while ((pos < str.length() - 1) && (str[++pos] != ch)) ret += str[pos]; return true; } bool getTokenValue(string const & str, const char * token, int & num) { string tmp; if (!getTokenValue(str, token, tmp)) return false; num = strToInt(tmp); return true; } bool getTokenValue(string const & str, const char * token, LyXAlignment & num) { string tmp; if (!getTokenValue(str, token, tmp)) return false; return string2type(tmp, num); } bool getTokenValue(string const & str, const char * token, LyXTabular::VAlignment & num) { string tmp; if (!getTokenValue(str, token, tmp)) return false; return string2type(tmp, num); } bool getTokenValue(string const & str, const char * token, LyXTabular::BoxType & num) { string tmp; if (!getTokenValue(str, token, tmp)) return false; return string2type(tmp, num); } bool getTokenValue(string const & str, const char * token, bool & flag) { string tmp; if (!getTokenValue(str, token, tmp)) return false; return string2type(tmp, flag); } bool getTokenValue(string const & str, const char * token, LyXLength & len) { string tmp; if (!getTokenValue(str, token, tmp)) return false; return isValidLength(tmp, &len); } void l_getline(istream & is, string & str) { str.erase(); while (str.empty()) { getline(is, str); if (!str.empty() && str[str.length() - 1] == '\r') str.erase(str.length() - 1); } }