/** * \file lyxfind.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * License details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author John Levon * \author Jürgen Vigna * \author Alfredo Braunstein * \author Tommaso Cucinotta * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "lyxfind.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "BufferList.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Changes.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "LyX.h" #include "output_latex.h" #include "OutputParams.h" #include "Paragraph.h" #include "ParIterator.h" #include "TexRow.h" #include "Text.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "mathed/InsetMath.h" #include "mathed/InsetMathGrid.h" #include "mathed/InsetMathHull.h" #include "mathed/MathStream.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/regex.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace { bool parse_bool(docstring & howto) { if (howto.empty()) return false; docstring var; howto = split(howto, var, ' '); return var == "1"; } class MatchString : public binary_function { public: MatchString(docstring const & str, bool cs, bool mw) : str(str), case_sens(cs), whole_words(mw) {} // returns true if the specified string is at the specified position // del specifies whether deleted strings in ct mode will be considered bool operator()(Paragraph const & par, pos_type pos, bool del = true) const { return par.find(str, case_sens, whole_words, pos, del); } private: // search string docstring str; // case sensitive bool case_sens; // match whole words only bool whole_words; }; bool findForward(DocIterator & cur, MatchString const & match, bool find_del = true) { for (; cur; cur.forwardChar()) if (cur.inTexted() && match(cur.paragraph(), cur.pos(), find_del)) return true; return false; } bool findBackwards(DocIterator & cur, MatchString const & match, bool find_del = true) { while (cur) { cur.backwardChar(); if (cur.inTexted() && match(cur.paragraph(), cur.pos(), find_del)) return true; } return false; } bool findChange(DocIterator & cur, bool next) { if (!next) cur.backwardPos(); for (; cur; next ? cur.forwardPos() : cur.backwardPos()) if (cur.inTexted() && cur.paragraph().isChanged(cur.pos())) { if (!next) // if we search backwards, take a step forward // to correctly set the anchor cur.forwardPos(); return true; } return false; } bool searchAllowed(docstring const & str) { if (str.empty()) { frontend::Alert::error(_("Search error"), _("Search string is empty")); return false; } return true; } bool findOne(BufferView * bv, docstring const & searchstr, bool case_sens, bool whole, bool forward, bool find_del = true) { if (!searchAllowed(searchstr)) return false; DocIterator cur = bv->cursor(); MatchString const match(searchstr, case_sens, whole); bool found = forward ? findForward(cur, match, find_del) : findBackwards(cur, match, find_del); if (found) bv->putSelectionAt(cur, searchstr.length(), !forward); return found; } int replaceAll(BufferView * bv, docstring const & searchstr, docstring const & replacestr, bool case_sens, bool whole) { Buffer & buf = bv->buffer(); if (!searchAllowed(searchstr) || buf.isReadonly()) return 0; DocIterator cur_orig(bv->cursor()); MatchString const match(searchstr, case_sens, whole); int num = 0; int const rsize = replacestr.size(); int const ssize = searchstr.size(); Cursor cur(*bv); cur.setCursor(doc_iterator_begin(&buf)); while (findForward(cur, match, false)) { // Backup current cursor position and font. pos_type const pos = cur.pos(); Font const font = cur.paragraph().getFontSettings(buf.params(), pos); cur.recordUndo(); int striked = ssize - cur.paragraph().eraseChars(pos, pos + ssize, buf.params().trackChanges); cur.paragraph().insert(pos, replacestr, font, Change(buf.params().trackChanges ? Change::INSERTED : Change::UNCHANGED)); for (int i = 0; i < rsize + striked; ++i) cur.forwardChar(); ++num; } bv->putSelectionAt(doc_iterator_begin(&buf), 0, false); if (num) buf.markDirty(); cur_orig.fixIfBroken(); bv->setCursor(cur_orig); return num; } // the idea here is that we are going to replace the string that // is selected IF it is the search string. // if there is a selection, but it is not the search string, then // we basically ignore it. (FIXME We ought to replace only within // the selection.) // if there is no selection, then: // (i) if some search string has been provided, then we find it. // (think of how the dialog works when you hit "replace" the // first time.) // (ii) if no search string has been provided, then we treat the // word the cursor is in as the search string. (why? i have no // idea.) but this only works in text? // // returns the number of replacements made (one, if any) and // whether anything at all was done. pair replaceOne(BufferView * bv, docstring searchstr, docstring const & replacestr, bool case_sens, bool whole, bool forward) { Cursor & cur = bv->cursor(); if (!cur.selection()) { // no selection, non-empty search string: find it if (!searchstr.empty()) { findOne(bv, searchstr, case_sens, whole, forward); return pair(true, 0); } // empty search string if (!cur.inTexted()) // bail in math return pair(false, 0); // select current word and treat it as the search string cur.innerText()->selectWord(cur, WHOLE_WORD); searchstr = cur.selectionAsString(false); } // if we still don't have a search string, report the error // and abort. if (!searchAllowed(searchstr)) return pair(false, 0); bool have_selection = cur.selection(); docstring const selected = cur.selectionAsString(false); bool match = case_sens ? searchstr == selected : compare_no_case(searchstr, selected) == 0; // no selection or current selection is not search word: // just find the search word if (!have_selection || !match) { findOne(bv, searchstr, case_sens, whole, forward); return pair(true, 0); } // we're now actually ready to replace. if the buffer is // read-only, we can't, though. if (bv->buffer().isReadonly()) return pair(false, 0); cap::replaceSelectionWithString(cur, replacestr, forward); bv->buffer().markDirty(); findOne(bv, searchstr, case_sens, whole, forward, false); return pair(true, 1); } } // namespace anon docstring const find2string(docstring const & search, bool casesensitive, bool matchword, bool forward) { odocstringstream ss; ss << search << '\n' << int(casesensitive) << ' ' << int(matchword) << ' ' << int(forward); return ss.str(); } docstring const replace2string(docstring const & replace, docstring const & search, bool casesensitive, bool matchword, bool all, bool forward) { odocstringstream ss; ss << replace << '\n' << search << '\n' << int(casesensitive) << ' ' << int(matchword) << ' ' << int(all) << ' ' << int(forward); return ss.str(); } bool lyxfind(BufferView * bv, FuncRequest const & ev) { if (!bv || ev.action() != LFUN_WORD_FIND) return false; //lyxerr << "find called, cmd: " << ev << endl; // data is of the form // " // " docstring search; docstring howto = split(ev.argument(), search, '\n'); bool casesensitive = parse_bool(howto); bool matchword = parse_bool(howto); bool forward = parse_bool(howto); return findOne(bv, search, casesensitive, matchword, forward); } bool lyxreplace(BufferView * bv, FuncRequest const & ev, bool has_deleted) { if (!bv || ev.action() != LFUN_WORD_REPLACE) return false; // data is of the form // " // // " docstring search; docstring rplc; docstring howto = split(ev.argument(), rplc, '\n'); howto = split(howto, search, '\n'); bool casesensitive = parse_bool(howto); bool matchword = parse_bool(howto); bool all = parse_bool(howto); bool forward = parse_bool(howto); int replace_count = 0; bool update = false; if (!has_deleted) { if (all) { replace_count = replaceAll(bv, search, rplc, casesensitive, matchword); update = replace_count > 0; } else { pair rv = replaceOne(bv, search, rplc, casesensitive, matchword, forward); update = rv.first; replace_count = rv.second; } Buffer const & buf = bv->buffer(); if (!update) { // emit message signal. buf.message(_("String not found!")); } else { if (replace_count == 0) { buf.message(_("String found.")); } else if (replace_count == 1) { buf.message(_("String has been replaced.")); } else { docstring const str = bformat(_("%1$d strings have been replaced."), replace_count); buf.message(str); } } } else { // if we have deleted characters, we do not replace at all, but // rather search for the next occurence if (findOne(bv, search, casesensitive, matchword, forward)) update = true; else bv->message(_("String not found!")); } return update; } bool findNextChange(BufferView * bv) { return findChange(bv, true); } bool findPreviousChange(BufferView * bv) { return findChange(bv, false); } bool findChange(BufferView * bv, bool next) { if (bv->cursor().selection()) { // set the cursor at the beginning or at the end of the selection // before searching. Otherwise, the current change will be found. if (next != (bv->cursor().top() > bv->cursor().normalAnchor())) bv->cursor().setCursorToAnchor(); } DocIterator cur = bv->cursor(); // Are we within a change ? Then first search forward (backward), // clear the selection and search the other way around (see the end // of this function). This will avoid changes to be selected half. bool search_both_sides = false; DocIterator tmpcur = cur; // Leave math first while (tmpcur.inMathed()) tmpcur.pop_back(); Change change_next_pos = tmpcur.paragraph().lookupChange(tmpcur.pos()); if (change_next_pos.changed() && cur.inMathed()) { cur = tmpcur; search_both_sides = true; } else if (tmpcur.pos() > 0 && tmpcur.inTexted()) { Change change_prev_pos = tmpcur.paragraph().lookupChange(tmpcur.pos() - 1); if (change_next_pos.isSimilarTo(change_prev_pos)) search_both_sides = true; } if (!findChange(cur, next)) return false; bv->cursor().setCursor(cur); bv->cursor().resetAnchor(); if (!next) // take a step into the change cur.backwardPos(); Change orig_change = cur.paragraph().lookupChange(cur.pos()); CursorSlice & tip = cur.top(); if (next) { for (; !tip.at_end(); tip.forwardPos()) { Change change = tip.paragraph().lookupChange(tip.pos()); if (!change.isSimilarTo(orig_change)) break; } } else { for (; !tip.at_begin();) { tip.backwardPos(); Change change = tip.paragraph().lookupChange(tip.pos()); if (!change.isSimilarTo(orig_change)) { // take a step forward to correctly set the selection tip.forwardPos(); break; } } } // Now put cursor to end of selection: bv->cursor().setCursor(cur); bv->cursor().setSelection(); if (search_both_sides) { bv->cursor().setSelection(false); findChange(bv, !next); } return true; } namespace { typedef vector > Escapes; /// A map of symbols and their escaped equivalent needed within a regex. Escapes const & get_regexp_escapes() { static Escapes escape_map; if (escape_map.empty()) { escape_map.push_back(pair("\\", "\\\\")); escape_map.push_back(pair("^", "\\^")); escape_map.push_back(pair("$", "\\$")); escape_map.push_back(pair("{", "\\{")); escape_map.push_back(pair("}", "\\}")); escape_map.push_back(pair("[", "\\[")); escape_map.push_back(pair("]", "\\]")); escape_map.push_back(pair("(", "\\(")); escape_map.push_back(pair(")", "\\)")); escape_map.push_back(pair("+", "\\+")); escape_map.push_back(pair("*", "\\*")); escape_map.push_back(pair(".", "\\.")); } return escape_map; } /// A map of lyx escaped strings and their unescaped equivalent. Escapes const & get_lyx_unescapes() { static Escapes escape_map; if (escape_map.empty()) { escape_map.push_back(pair("{*}", "*")); escape_map.push_back(pair("{[}", "[")); escape_map.push_back(pair("\\$", "$")); escape_map.push_back(pair("\\backslash{}", "\\")); escape_map.push_back(pair("\\backslash", "\\")); escape_map.push_back(pair("\\sim ", "~")); escape_map.push_back(pair("\\^", "^")); } return escape_map; } /** @todo Probably the maps need to be migrated to regexps, in order to distinguish if ** the found occurrence were escaped. **/ string apply_escapes(string s, Escapes const & escape_map) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Escaping: '" << s << "'"); Escapes::const_iterator it; for (it = escape_map.begin(); it != escape_map.end(); ++it) { // LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Escaping " << it->first << " as " << it->second); unsigned int pos = 0; while (pos < s.length() && (pos = s.find(it->first, pos)) < s.length()) { s.replace(pos, it->first.length(), it->second); // LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "After escape: " << s); pos += it->second.length(); // LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "pos: " << pos); } } LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Escaped : '" << s << "'"); return s; } /** Return the position of the closing brace matching the open one at s[pos], ** or s.size() if not found. **/ size_t find_matching_brace(string const & s, size_t pos) { LASSERT(s[pos] == '{', /* */); int open_braces = 1; for (++pos; pos < s.size(); ++pos) { if (s[pos] == '\\') ++pos; else if (s[pos] == '{') ++open_braces; else if (s[pos] == '}') { --open_braces; if (open_braces == 0) return pos; } } return s.size(); } /// Within \regexp{} apply get_regex_escapes(), while outside apply get_lyx_unescapes(). string escape_for_regex(string s) { size_t pos = 0; while (pos < s.size()) { size_t new_pos = s.find("\\regexp{{{", pos); if (new_pos == string::npos) new_pos = s.size(); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "new_pos: " << new_pos); string t = apply_escapes(s.substr(pos, new_pos - pos), get_lyx_unescapes()); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "t : " << t); t = apply_escapes(t, get_regexp_escapes()); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "t : " << t); s.replace(pos, new_pos - pos, t); new_pos = pos + t.size(); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Regexp after escaping: " << s); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "new_pos: " << new_pos); if (new_pos == s.size()) break; size_t end_pos = s.find("}}}", new_pos + 10); // find_matching_brace(s, new_pos + 7); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "end_pos: " << end_pos); t = apply_escapes(s.substr(new_pos + 10, end_pos - (new_pos + 10)), get_lyx_unescapes()); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "t : " << t); if (end_pos == s.size()) { s.replace(new_pos, end_pos - new_pos, t); pos = s.size(); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Regexp after \\regexp{} removal: " << s); break; } s.replace(new_pos, end_pos + 3 - new_pos, t); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Regexp after \\regexp{} removal: " << s); pos = new_pos + t.size(); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "pos: " << pos); } return s; } /// Wrapper for lyx::regex_replace with simpler interface bool regex_replace(string const & s, string & t, string const & searchstr, string const & replacestr) { lyx::regex e(searchstr); ostringstream oss; ostream_iterator it(oss); lyx::regex_replace(it, s.begin(), s.end(), e, replacestr); // tolerate t and s be references to the same variable bool rv = (s != oss.str()); t = oss.str(); return rv; } /** Checks if supplied string segment is well-formed from the standpoint of matching open-closed braces. ** ** Verify that closed braces exactly match open braces. This avoids that, for example, ** \frac{.*}{x} matches \frac{x+\frac{y}{x}}{z} with .* being 'x+\frac{y'. ** ** @param unmatched ** Number of open braces that must remain open at the end for the verification to succeed. **/ bool braces_match(string::const_iterator const & beg, string::const_iterator const & end, int unmatched = 0) { int open_pars = 0; string::const_iterator it = beg; LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Checking " << unmatched << " unmatched braces in '" << string(beg, end) << "'"); for (; it != end; ++it) { // Skip escaped braces in the count if (*it == '\\') { ++it; if (it == end) break; } else if (*it == '{') { ++open_pars; } else if (*it == '}') { if (open_pars == 0) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Found unmatched closed brace"); return false; } else --open_pars; } } if (open_pars != unmatched) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Found " << open_pars << " instead of " << unmatched << " unmatched open braces at the end of count"); return false; } LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Braces match as expected"); return true; } /** The class performing a match between a position in the document and the FindAdvOptions. **/ class MatchStringAdv { public: MatchStringAdv(lyx::Buffer & buf, FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt); /** Tests if text starting at the supplied position matches with the one provided to the MatchStringAdv ** constructor as opt.search, under the opt.* options settings. ** ** @param at_begin ** If set, then match is searched only against beginning of text starting at cur. ** If unset, then match is searched anywhere in text starting at cur. ** ** @return ** The length of the matching text, or zero if no match was found. **/ int operator()(DocIterator const & cur, int len = -1, bool at_begin = true) const; public: /// buffer lyx::Buffer * p_buf; /// first buffer on which search was started lyx::Buffer * const p_first_buf; /// options FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt; private: /// Auxiliary find method (does not account for opt.matchword) int findAux(DocIterator const & cur, int len = -1, bool at_begin = true) const; /** Normalize a stringified or latexified LyX paragraph. ** ** Normalize means: **
  • if search is not casesensitive, then lowercase the string; **
  • remove any newline at begin or end of the string; **
  • replace any newline in the middle of the string with a simple space; **
  • remove stale empty styles and environments, like \emph{} and \textbf{}. **
** ** @todo Normalization should also expand macros, if the corresponding ** search option was checked. **/ string normalize(docstring const & s) const; // normalized string to search string par_as_string; // regular expression to use for searching lyx::regex regexp; // same as regexp, but prefixed with a ".*" lyx::regex regexp2; // unmatched open braces in the search string/regexp int open_braces; // number of (.*?) subexpressions added at end of search regexp for closing // environments, math mode, styles, etc... int close_wildcards; }; MatchStringAdv::MatchStringAdv(lyx::Buffer & buf, FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt) : p_buf(&buf), p_first_buf(&buf), opt(opt) { par_as_string = normalize(opt.search); open_braces = 0; close_wildcards = 0; if (! opt.regexp) { // Remove trailing closure of math, macros and environments, so to catch parts of them. do { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "par_as_string now is '" << par_as_string << "'"); if (regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*)[[:blank:]]\\'", "$1")) continue; if (regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*[^\\\\]) ?\\$\\'", "$1")) continue; // @todo need to account for open square braces as well ? if (regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*[^\\\\]) ?\\\\\\]\\'", "$1")) continue; if (regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*[^\\\\]) ?\\\\end\\{[a-zA-Z_]*\\}\\'", "$1")) continue; if (regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*[^\\\\]) ?\\}\\'", "$1")) { ++open_braces; continue; } break; } while (true); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Open braces: " << open_braces); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Built MatchStringAdv object: par_as_string = '" << par_as_string << "'"); } else { par_as_string = escape_for_regex(par_as_string); // Insert (.*?) before trailing closure of math, macros and environments, so to catch parts of them. LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "par_as_string now is '" << par_as_string << "'"); if ( // Insert .* before trailing '\$' ('$' has been escaped by escape_for_regex) regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*[^\\\\])(\\\\\\$)\\'", "$1(.*?)$2") // Insert .* before trailing '\\\]' ('\]' has been escaped by escape_for_regex) || regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*[^\\\\])(\\\\\\\\\\\\\\])\\'", "$1(.*?)$2") // Insert .* before trailing '\\end\{...}' ('\end{...}' has been escaped by escape_for_regex) || regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*[^\\\\])(\\\\\\\\end\\\\\\{[a-zA-Z_]*\\\\\\})\\'", "$1(.*?)$2") // Insert .* before trailing '\}' ('}' has been escaped by escape_for_regex) || regex_replace(par_as_string, par_as_string, "(.*[^\\\\])(\\\\\\})\\'", "$1(.*?)$2") ) { ++close_wildcards; } LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "par_as_string now is '" << par_as_string << "'"); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Open braces: " << open_braces); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Close .*? : " << close_wildcards); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Replaced text (to be used as regex): " << par_as_string); // If entered regexp must match at begin of searched string buffer regexp = lyx::regex(string("\\`") + par_as_string); // If entered regexp may match wherever in searched string buffer regexp2 = lyx::regex(string("\\`.*") + par_as_string); } } int MatchStringAdv::findAux(DocIterator const & cur, int len, bool at_begin) const { docstring docstr = stringifyFromForSearch(opt, cur, len); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Matching against '" << lyx::to_utf8(docstr) << "'"); string str = normalize(docstr); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "After normalization: '" << str << "'"); if (! opt.regexp) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Searching in normal mode: par_as_string='" << par_as_string << "', str='" << str << "'"); if (at_begin) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "size=" << par_as_string.size() << ", substr='" << str.substr(0, par_as_string.size()) << "'"); if (str.substr(0, par_as_string.size()) == par_as_string) return par_as_string.size(); } else { size_t pos = str.find(par_as_string); if (pos != string::npos) return par_as_string.size(); } } else { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Searching in regexp mode"); // Try all possible regexp matches, //until one that verifies the braces match test is found regex const *p_regexp = at_begin ? ®exp : ®exp2; sregex_iterator re_it(str.begin(), str.end(), *p_regexp); sregex_iterator re_it_end; for (; re_it != re_it_end; ++re_it) { match_results const & m = *re_it; // Check braces on the segment that matched the entire regexp expression, // plus the last subexpression, if a (.*?) was inserted in the constructor. if (! braces_match(m[0].first, m[0].second, open_braces)) return 0; // Check braces on segments that matched all (.*?) subexpressions. for (size_t i = 1; i < m.size(); ++i) if (! braces_match(m[i].first, m[i].second)) return false; // Exclude from the returned match length any length // due to close wildcards added at end of regexp if (close_wildcards == 0) return m[0].second - m[0].first; else return m[m.size() - close_wildcards].first - m[0].first; } } return 0; } int MatchStringAdv::operator()(DocIterator const & cur, int len, bool at_begin) const { int res = findAux(cur, len, at_begin); if (res == 0 || !at_begin || !opt.matchword || !cur.inTexted()) return res; Paragraph const & par = cur.paragraph(); bool ws_left = cur.pos() > 0 ? par.isWordSeparator(cur.pos() - 1) : true; bool ws_right = cur.pos() + res < par.size() ? par.isWordSeparator(cur.pos() + res) : true; LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "cur.pos()=" << cur.pos() << ", res=" << res << ", separ: " << ws_left << ", " << ws_right << endl); if (ws_left && ws_right) return res; return 0; } string MatchStringAdv::normalize(docstring const & s) const { string t; if (! opt.casesensitive) t = lyx::to_utf8(lowercase(s)); else t = lyx::to_utf8(s); // Remove \n at begin while (t.size() > 0 && t[0] == '\n') t = t.substr(1); // Remove \n at end while (t.size() > 0 && t[t.size() - 1] == '\n') t = t.substr(0, t.size() - 1); size_t pos; // Replace all other \n with spaces while ((pos = t.find("\n")) != string::npos) t.replace(pos, 1, " "); // Remove stale empty \emph{}, \textbf{} and similar blocks from latexify LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Removing stale empty \\emph{}, \\textbf{}, \\*section{} macros from: " << t); while (regex_replace(t, t, "\\\\(emph|textbf|subsubsection|subsection|section|subparagraph|paragraph)(\\{\\})+", "")) LYXERR(Debug::FIND, " further removing stale empty \\emph{}, \\textbf{} macros from: " << t); return t; } docstring stringifyFromCursor(DocIterator const & cur, int len) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Stringifying with len=" << len << " from cursor at pos: " << cur); if (cur.inTexted()) { Paragraph const & par = cur.paragraph(); // TODO what about searching beyond/across paragraph breaks ? // TODO Try adding a AS_STR_INSERTS as last arg pos_type end = ( len == -1 || cur.pos() + len > int(par.size()) ) ? int(par.size()) : cur.pos() + len; OutputParams runparams(&cur.buffer()->params().encoding()); odocstringstream os; runparams.nice = true; runparams.flavor = OutputParams::LATEX; runparams.linelen = 100000; //lyxrc.plaintext_linelen; // No side effect of file copying and image conversion runparams.dryrun = true; LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Stringifying with cur: " << cur << ", from pos: " << cur.pos() << ", end: " << end); return par.stringify(cur.pos(), end, AS_STR_INSETS, runparams); } else if (cur.inMathed()) { odocstringstream os; CursorSlice cs = cur.top(); MathData md = cs.cell(); MathData::const_iterator it_end = ( ( len == -1 || cs.pos() + len > int(md.size()) ) ? md.end() : md.begin() + cs.pos() + len ); for (MathData::const_iterator it = md.begin() + cs.pos(); it != it_end; ++it) os << *it; return os.str(); } LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Don't know how to stringify from here: " << cur); return docstring(); } /** Computes the LaTeX export of buf starting from cur and ending len positions * after cur, if len is positive, or at the paragraph or innermost inset end * if len is -1. */ docstring latexifyFromCursor(DocIterator const & cur, int len) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Latexifying with len=" << len << " from cursor at pos: " << cur); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, " with cur.lastpost=" << cur.lastpos() << ", cur.lastrow=" << cur.lastrow() << ", cur.lastcol=" << cur.lastcol()); Buffer const & buf = *cur.buffer(); LASSERT(buf.isLatex(), /* */); TexRow texrow; odocstringstream ods; OutputParams runparams(&buf.params().encoding()); runparams.nice = false; runparams.flavor = OutputParams::LATEX; runparams.linelen = 8000; //lyxrc.plaintext_linelen; // No side effect of file copying and image conversion runparams.dryrun = true; if (cur.inTexted()) { // @TODO what about searching beyond/across paragraph breaks ? ParagraphList::const_iterator pit = cur.innerText()->paragraphs().begin(); for (int i = 0; i < cur.pit(); ++i) ++pit; pos_type const endpos = (len == -1 || cur.pos() + len > int(pit->size())) ? pit->size() : cur.pos() + len; TeXOnePar(buf, *cur.innerText(), pit, ods, texrow, runparams, string(), cur.pos(), endpos); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Latexified text: '" << lyx::to_utf8(ods.str()) << "'"); } else if (cur.inMathed()) { // Retrieve the math environment type, and add '$' or '$[' or others (\begin{equation}) accordingly for (int s = cur.depth() - 1; s >= 0; --s) { CursorSlice const & cs = cur[s]; if (cs.asInsetMath() && cs.asInsetMath() && cs.asInsetMath()->asHullInset()) { WriteStream ws(ods); cs.asInsetMath()->asHullInset()->header_write(ws); break; } } CursorSlice const & cs = cur.top(); MathData md = cs.cell(); MathData::const_iterator it_end = ( ( len == -1 || cs.pos() + len > int(md.size()) ) ? md.end() : md.begin() + cs.pos() + len ); for (MathData::const_iterator it = md.begin() + cs.pos(); it != it_end; ++it) ods << *it; // Retrieve the math environment type, and add '$' or '$]' // or others (\end{equation}) accordingly for (int s = cur.depth() - 1; s >= 0; --s) { CursorSlice const & cs = cur[s]; InsetMath * inset = cs.asInsetMath(); if (inset && inset->asHullInset()) { WriteStream ws(ods); inset->asHullInset()->footer_write(ws); break; } } LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Latexified math: '" << lyx::to_utf8(ods.str()) << "'"); } else { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Don't know how to stringify from here: " << cur); } return ods.str(); } /** Finalize an advanced find operation, advancing the cursor to the innermost ** position that matches, plus computing the length of the matching text to ** be selected **/ int findAdvFinalize(DocIterator & cur, MatchStringAdv const & match) { // Search the foremost position that matches (avoids find of entire math // inset when match at start of it) size_t d; DocIterator old_cur(cur.buffer()); do { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Forwarding one step (searching for innermost match)"); d = cur.depth(); old_cur = cur; cur.forwardPos(); } while (cur && cur.depth() > d && match(cur) > 0); cur = old_cur; LASSERT(match(cur) > 0, /* */); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Ok"); // Compute the match length int len = 1; if (cur.pos() + len > cur.lastpos()) return 0; LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "verifying unmatch with len = " << len); while (cur.pos() + len <= cur.lastpos() && match(cur, len) == 0) { ++len; LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "verifying unmatch with len = " << len); } // Length of matched text (different from len param) int old_len = match(cur, len); int new_len; // Greedy behaviour while matching regexps while ((new_len = match(cur, len + 1)) > old_len) { ++len; old_len = new_len; LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "verifying match with len = " << len); } return len; } /// Finds forward int findForwardAdv(DocIterator & cur, MatchStringAdv & match) { if (!cur) return 0; while (cur && !match(cur, -1, false)) { if (cur.pit() < cur.lastpit()) cur.forwardPar(); else { cur.forwardPos(); } } for (; cur; cur.forwardPos()) { if (match(cur)) return findAdvFinalize(cur, match); } return 0; } /// Find the most backward consecutive match within same paragraph while searching backwards. int findMostBackwards(DocIterator & cur, MatchStringAdv const & match) { DocIterator cur_begin = doc_iterator_begin(cur.buffer()); DocIterator tmp_cur = cur; int len = findAdvFinalize(tmp_cur, match); Inset & inset = cur.inset(); for (; cur != cur_begin; cur.backwardPos()) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "findMostBackwards(): cur=" << cur); DocIterator new_cur = cur; new_cur.backwardPos(); if (new_cur == cur || &new_cur.inset() != &inset || !match(new_cur)) break; int new_len = findAdvFinalize(new_cur, match); if (new_len == len) break; len = new_len; } LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "findMostBackwards(): exiting with cur=" << cur); return len; } /// Finds backwards int findBackwardsAdv(DocIterator & cur, MatchStringAdv & match) { if (! cur) return 0; // Backup of original position DocIterator cur_begin = doc_iterator_begin(cur.buffer()); if (cur == cur_begin) return 0; cur.backwardPos(); DocIterator cur_orig(cur); bool found_match; bool pit_changed = false; found_match = false; do { cur.pos() = 0; found_match = match(cur, -1, false); if (found_match) { if (pit_changed) cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); else cur.pos() = cur_orig.pos(); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "findBackAdv2: cur: " << cur); DocIterator cur_prev_iter; do { found_match = match(cur); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "findBackAdv3: found_match=" << found_match << ", cur: " << cur); if (found_match) return findMostBackwards(cur, match); // Stop if begin of document reached if (cur == cur_begin) break; cur_prev_iter = cur; cur.backwardPos(); } while (true); } if (cur == cur_begin) break; if (cur.pit() > 0) --cur.pit(); else cur.backwardPos(); pit_changed = true; } while (true); return 0; } } // anonym namespace docstring stringifyFromForSearch(FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt, DocIterator const & cur, int len) { if (!opt.ignoreformat) return latexifyFromCursor(cur, len); else return stringifyFromCursor(cur, len); } FindAndReplaceOptions::FindAndReplaceOptions(docstring const & search, bool casesensitive, bool matchword, bool forward, bool expandmacros, bool ignoreformat, bool regexp, docstring const & replace, bool keep_case, SearchScope scope) : search(search), casesensitive(casesensitive), matchword(matchword), forward(forward), expandmacros(expandmacros), ignoreformat(ignoreformat), regexp(regexp), replace(replace), keep_case(keep_case), scope(scope) { } namespace { /** Check if 'len' letters following cursor are all non-lowercase */ static bool allNonLowercase(DocIterator const & cur, int len) { pos_type end_pos = cur.pos() + len; for (pos_type pos = cur.pos(); pos != end_pos; ++pos) if (isLowerCase(cur.paragraph().getChar(pos))) return false; return true; } /** Check if first letter is upper case and second one is lower case */ static bool firstUppercase(DocIterator const & cur) { char_type ch1, ch2; if (cur.pos() >= cur.lastpos() - 1) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "No upper-case at cur: " << cur); return false; } ch1 = cur.paragraph().getChar(cur.pos()); ch2 = cur.paragraph().getChar(cur.pos()+1); bool result = isUpperCase(ch1) && isLowerCase(ch2); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "firstUppercase(): " << "ch1=" << ch1 << "(" << char(ch1) << "), ch2=" << ch2 << "(" << char(ch2) << ")" << ", result=" << result << ", cur=" << cur); return result; } /** Make first letter of supplied buffer upper-case, and the rest lower-case. ** ** \fixme What to do with possible further paragraphs in replace buffer ? **/ static void changeFirstCase(Buffer & buffer, TextCase first_case, TextCase others_case) { ParagraphList::iterator pit = buffer.paragraphs().begin(); pos_type right = pos_type(1); pit->changeCase(buffer.params(), pos_type(0), right, first_case); right = pit->size() + 1; pit->changeCase(buffer.params(), right, right, others_case); } } // anon namespace /// static void findAdvReplace(BufferView * bv, FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt, MatchStringAdv & matchAdv) { Cursor & cur = bv->cursor(); if (opt.replace == docstring(from_utf8(LYX_FR_NULL_STRING))) return; DocIterator sel_beg = cur.selectionBegin(); DocIterator sel_end = cur.selectionEnd(); if (&sel_beg.inset() != &sel_end.inset() || sel_beg.pit() != sel_end.pit()) return; int sel_len = sel_end.pos() - sel_beg.pos(); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "sel_beg: " << sel_beg << ", sel_end: " << sel_end << ", sel_len: " << sel_len << endl); if (sel_len == 0) return; LASSERT(sel_len > 0, /**/); if (!matchAdv(sel_beg, sel_len)) return; string lyx = to_utf8(opt.replace); // FIXME: Seems so stupid to me to rebuild a buffer here, // when we already have one (replace_work_area_.buffer()) Buffer repl_buffer("", false); repl_buffer.setUnnamed(true); LASSERT(repl_buffer.readString(lyx), /**/); repl_buffer.changeLanguage( repl_buffer.language(), cur.getFont().language()); if (opt.keep_case && sel_len >= 2) { if (cur.inTexted()) { if (firstUppercase(cur)) changeFirstCase(repl_buffer, text_uppercase, text_lowercase); else if (allNonLowercase(cur, sel_len)) changeFirstCase(repl_buffer, text_uppercase, text_uppercase); } } cap::cutSelection(cur, false, false); if (!cur.inMathed()) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Replacing by pasteParagraphList()ing repl_buffer"); cap::pasteParagraphList(cur, repl_buffer.paragraphs(), repl_buffer.params().documentClassPtr(), bv->buffer().errorList("Paste")); } else { odocstringstream ods; OutputParams runparams(&repl_buffer.params().encoding()); runparams.nice = false; runparams.flavor = OutputParams::LATEX; runparams.linelen = 8000; //lyxrc.plaintext_linelen; runparams.dryrun = true; TexRow texrow; TeXOnePar(repl_buffer, repl_buffer.text(), repl_buffer.paragraphs().begin(), ods, texrow, runparams); //repl_buffer.getSourceCode(ods, 0, repl_buffer.paragraphs().size(), false); docstring repl_latex = ods.str(); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Latexified replace_buffer: '" << repl_latex << "'"); string s; regex_replace(to_utf8(repl_latex), s, "\\$(.*)\\$", "$1"); regex_replace(s, s, "\\\\\\[(.*)\\\\\\]", "$1"); repl_latex = from_utf8(s); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Replacing by niceInsert()ing latex: '" << repl_latex << "'"); cur.niceInsert(repl_latex); } bv->buffer().markDirty(); cur.pos() -= repl_buffer.paragraphs().begin()->size(); bv->putSelectionAt(DocIterator(cur), repl_buffer.paragraphs().begin()->size(), !opt.forward); } /// Perform a FindAdv operation. bool findAdv(BufferView * bv, FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt) { DocIterator cur; int match_len; if (opt.search.empty()) { bv->message(_("Search text is empty!")); return false; } try { MatchStringAdv matchAdv(bv->buffer(), opt); findAdvReplace(bv, opt, matchAdv); cur = bv->cursor(); if (opt.forward) match_len = findForwardAdv(cur, matchAdv); else match_len = findBackwardsAdv(cur, matchAdv); } catch (...) { // This may only be raised by lyx::regex() bv->message(_("Invalid regular expression!")); return false; } if (match_len == 0) { bv->message(_("Match not found!")); return false; } bv->message(_("Match found!")); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Putting selection at cur=" << cur << " with len: " << match_len); bv->putSelectionAt(cur, match_len, !opt.forward); return true; } ostringstream & operator<<(ostringstream & os, FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt) { os << to_utf8(opt.search) << "\nEOSS\n" << opt.casesensitive << ' ' << opt.matchword << ' ' << opt.forward << ' ' << opt.expandmacros << ' ' << opt.ignoreformat << ' ' << opt.regexp << ' ' << to_utf8(opt.replace) << "\nEOSS\n" << opt.keep_case << ' ' << int(opt.scope); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "built: " << os.str()); return os; } istringstream & operator>>(istringstream & is, FindAndReplaceOptions & opt) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "parsing"); string s; string line; getline(is, line); while (line != "EOSS") { if (! s.empty()) s = s + "\n"; s = s + line; if (is.eof()) // Tolerate malformed request break; getline(is, line); } LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "searching for: '" << s << "'"); opt.search = from_utf8(s); is >> opt.casesensitive >> opt.matchword >> opt.forward >> opt.expandmacros >> opt.ignoreformat >> opt.regexp; is.get(); // Waste space before replace string s = ""; getline(is, line); while (line != "EOSS") { if (! s.empty()) s = s + "\n"; s = s + line; if (is.eof()) // Tolerate malformed request break; getline(is, line); } is >> opt.keep_case; int i; is >> i; opt.scope = FindAndReplaceOptions::SearchScope(i); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "parsed: " << opt.casesensitive << ' ' << opt.matchword << ' ' << opt.forward << ' ' << opt.expandmacros << ' ' << opt.ignoreformat << ' ' << opt.regexp << ' ' << opt.keep_case); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "replacing with: '" << s << "'"); opt.replace = from_utf8(s); return is; } } // lyx namespace