/** * \file FindAndReplace.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Tommaso Cucinotta * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "FindAndReplace.h" #include "GuiApplication.h" #include "GuiView.h" #include "GuiWorkArea.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferList.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "lyxfind.h" #include "output_latex.h" #include "OutputParams.h" #include "TexRow.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/FileName.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { FindAndReplaceWidget::FindAndReplaceWidget(GuiView & view) : view_(view) { setupUi(this); find_work_area_->setGuiView(view_); find_work_area_->init(); find_work_area_->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel); setFocusProxy(find_work_area_); replace_work_area_->setGuiView(view_); replace_work_area_->init(); replace_work_area_->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel); // We don't want two cursors blinking. replace_work_area_->stopBlinkingCursor(); } bool FindAndReplaceWidget::eventFilter(QObject * obj, QEvent * event) { if (event->type() != QEvent::KeyPress || (obj != find_work_area_ && obj != replace_work_area_)) return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event); QKeyEvent * e = static_cast (event); switch (e->key()) { case Qt::Key_Escape: if (e->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { hideDialog(); return true; } break; case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Return: { // with shift we (temporarily) change search/replace direction bool const searchback = searchbackCB->isChecked(); if (e->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier && !searchback) searchbackCB->setChecked(!searchback); if (obj == find_work_area_) on_findNextPB_clicked(); else on_replacePB_clicked(); // back to how it was searchbackCB->setChecked(searchback); return true; break; } case Qt::Key_Tab: if (e->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { if (obj == find_work_area_){ LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Focusing replace WA"); replace_work_area_->setFocus(); return true; } } break; case Qt::Key_Backtab: if (obj == replace_work_area_) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Focusing find WA"); find_work_area_->setFocus(); return true; } break; default: break; } // standard event processing return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event); } static docstring buffer_to_latex(Buffer & buffer) { OutputParams runparams(&buffer.params().encoding()); odocstringstream os; runparams.nice = true; runparams.flavor = OutputParams::LATEX; runparams.linelen = 80; //lyxrc.plaintext_linelen; // No side effect of file copying and image conversion runparams.dryrun = true; buffer.texrow().reset(); ParagraphList::const_iterator pit = buffer.paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::const_iterator const end = buffer.paragraphs().end(); for (; pit != end; ++pit) { TeXOnePar(buffer, buffer.text(), pit, os, buffer.texrow(), runparams); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "searchString up to here: " << os.str()); } return os.str(); } static vector const & allManualsFiles() { static vector v; static const char * files[] = { "Intro", "UserGuide", "Tutorial", "Additional", "EmbeddedObjects", "Math", "Customization", "Shortcuts", "LFUNs", "LaTeXConfig" }; if (v.empty()) { FileName fname; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(files) / sizeof(files[0]); ++i) { fname = i18nLibFileSearch("doc", files[i], "lyx"); v.push_back(fname.absFileName()); } } return v; } /** Switch p_buf to point to next document buffer. ** ** Return true if restarted from master-document buffer. ** ** @note ** Not using p_buf->allRelatives() here, because I'm not sure ** whether or not the returned order is independent of p_buf. **/ static bool next_document_buffer(Buffer * & p_buf) { Buffer *p_master = p_buf; Buffer *p_old; do { p_old = p_master; p_master = const_cast(p_master->masterBuffer()); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "p_old=" << p_old << ", p_master=" << p_master); } while (p_master != p_old); LASSERT(p_master != NULL, /**/); vector v_children; /* Root master added as first buffer in the vector */ v_children.push_back(p_master); p_master->getChildren(v_children, true); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "v_children.size()=" << v_children.size()); vector::const_iterator it = find(v_children.begin(), v_children.end(), p_buf); LASSERT(it != v_children.end(), /**/) ++it; if (it == v_children.end()) { p_buf = *v_children.begin(); return true; } p_buf = *it; return false; } /** Switch p_buf to point to previous document buffer. ** ** Return true if restarted from last child buffer. ** ** @note ** Not using p_buf->allRelatives() here, because I'm not sure ** whether or not the returned order is independent of p_buf. **/ static bool prev_document_buffer(Buffer * & p_buf) { Buffer *p_master = p_buf; Buffer *p_old; do { p_old = p_master; p_master = const_cast(p_master->masterBuffer()); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "p_old=" << p_old << ", p_master=" << p_master); } while (p_master != p_old); LASSERT(p_master != NULL, /**/); vector v_children; /* Root master added as first buffer in the vector */ v_children.push_back(p_master); p_master->getChildren(v_children, true); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "v_children.size()=" << v_children.size()); vector::const_iterator it = find(v_children.begin(), v_children.end(), p_buf); LASSERT(it != v_children.end(), /**/) if (it == v_children.begin()) { it = v_children.end(); --it; p_buf = *it; return true; } --it; p_buf = *it; return false; } /** Switch buf to point to next or previous buffer in search scope. ** ** Return true if restarted from scratch. **/ static bool next_prev_buffer(Buffer * & buf, FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt) { bool restarted = false; switch (opt.scope) { case FindAndReplaceOptions::S_BUFFER: restarted = true; break; case FindAndReplaceOptions::S_DOCUMENT: if (opt.forward) restarted = next_document_buffer(buf); else restarted = prev_document_buffer(buf); break; case FindAndReplaceOptions::S_OPEN_BUFFERS: if (opt.forward) { buf = theBufferList().next(buf); restarted = buf == *theBufferList().begin(); } else { buf = theBufferList().previous(buf); restarted = buf == *(theBufferList().end() - 1); } break; case FindAndReplaceOptions::S_ALL_MANUALS: vector const & v = allManualsFiles(); vector::const_iterator it = find(v.begin(), v.end(), buf->absFileName()); if (it == v.end()) { it = v.begin(); } else if (opt.forward) { ++it; if (it == v.end()) { it = v.begin(); restarted = true; } } else { if (it == v.begin()) { it = v.end(); restarted = true; } --it; } FileName const & fname = FileName(*it); if (!theBufferList().exists(fname)) { guiApp->currentView()->setBusy(false); guiApp->currentView()->loadDocument(fname, false); guiApp->currentView()->setBusy(true); } buf = theBufferList().getBuffer(fname); break; } return restarted; } /** Find the finest question message to post to the user */ docstring question_string(FindAndReplaceOptions const & opt) { docstring scope; switch (opt.scope) { case FindAndReplaceOptions::S_BUFFER: scope = _("file[[scope]]"); break; case FindAndReplaceOptions::S_DOCUMENT: scope = _("master document[[scope]]"); break; case FindAndReplaceOptions::S_OPEN_BUFFERS: scope = _("open files[[scope]]"); break; case FindAndReplaceOptions::S_ALL_MANUALS: scope = _("manuals[[scope]]"); break; } docstring message = opt.forward ? bformat(_("End of %1$s reached while searching forward.\n" "Continue searching from the beginning?"), scope) : bformat(_("Beginning of %1$s reached while searching backward.\n" "Continue searching from the end?"), scope); return message; } void FindAndReplaceWidget::findAndReplaceScope(FindAndReplaceOptions & opt) { int wrap_answer = -1; ostringstream oss; oss << opt; FuncRequest cmd(LFUN_WORD_FINDADV, from_utf8(oss.str())); BufferView * bv = view_.documentBufferView(); Buffer * buf = &bv->buffer(); Buffer * buf_orig = &bv->buffer(); DocIterator cur_orig(bv->cursor()); if (opt.scope == FindAndReplaceOptions::S_ALL_MANUALS) { vector const & v = allManualsFiles(); if (std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), buf->absFileName()) == v.end()) { FileName const & fname = FileName(*v.begin()); if (!theBufferList().exists(fname)) { guiApp->currentView()->setBusy(false); guiApp->currentView()->loadDocument(fname, false); guiApp->currentView()->setBusy(true); } buf = theBufferList().getBuffer(fname); lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BUFFER_SWITCH, buf->absFileName())); bv = view_.documentBufferView(); bv->cursor().clear(); bv->cursor().push_back(CursorSlice(buf->inset())); } } do { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Dispatching LFUN_WORD_FINDADV"); dispatch(cmd); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "dispatched"); if (bv->cursor().result().dispatched()) { // Match found, selected and replaced if needed return; } // No match found in current buffer: // select next buffer in scope, if any bool prompt = next_prev_buffer(buf, opt); if (prompt) { if (wrap_answer != -1) break; docstring q = question_string(opt); wrap_answer = frontend::Alert::prompt( _("Wrap search?"), q, 0, 1, _("&Yes"), _("&No")); if (wrap_answer == 1) break; } if (buf != &view_.documentBufferView()->buffer()) lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BUFFER_SWITCH, buf->absFileName())); bv = view_.documentBufferView(); if (opt.forward) { bv->cursor().clear(); bv->cursor().push_back(CursorSlice(buf->inset())); } else { //lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BUFFER_END)); bv->cursor().setCursor(doc_iterator_end(buf)); bv->cursor().backwardPos(); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "findBackAdv5: cur: " << bv->cursor()); } bv->clearSelection(); } while (wrap_answer != 1); if (buf_orig != &view_.documentBufferView()->buffer()) lyx::dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BUFFER_SWITCH, buf_orig->absFileName())); bv = view_.documentBufferView(); bv->cursor().setCursor(cur_orig); } void FindAndReplaceWidget::findAndReplace( bool casesensitive, bool matchword, bool backwards, bool expandmacros, bool ignoreformat, bool replace, bool keep_case) { Buffer & buffer = find_work_area_->bufferView().buffer(); docstring searchString; if (!ignoreformat) { searchString = buffer_to_latex(buffer); } else { ParIterator it = buffer.par_iterator_begin(); ParIterator end = buffer.par_iterator_end(); OutputParams runparams(&buffer.params().encoding()); odocstringstream os; runparams.nice = true; runparams.flavor = OutputParams::LATEX; runparams.linelen = 100000; //lyxrc.plaintext_linelen; runparams.dryrun = true; for (; it != end; ++it) { LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Adding to search string: '" << it->asString(false) << "'"); searchString += it->stringify(pos_type(0), it->size(), AS_STR_INSETS, runparams); } } if (to_utf8(searchString).empty()) { buffer.message(_("Nothing to search")); return; } bool const regexp = to_utf8(searchString).find("\\regexp") != std::string::npos; docstring replaceString; if (replace) { Buffer & repl_buffer = replace_work_area_->bufferView().buffer(); ostringstream oss; repl_buffer.write(oss); //buffer_to_latex(replace_buffer); replaceString = from_utf8(oss.str()); } else { replaceString = from_utf8(LYX_FR_NULL_STRING); } FindAndReplaceOptions::SearchScope scope = FindAndReplaceOptions::S_BUFFER; if (CurrentDocument->isChecked()) scope = FindAndReplaceOptions::S_BUFFER; else if (MasterDocument->isChecked()) scope = FindAndReplaceOptions::S_DOCUMENT; else if (OpenDocuments->isChecked()) scope = FindAndReplaceOptions::S_OPEN_BUFFERS; else if (AllManualsRB->isChecked()) scope = FindAndReplaceOptions::S_ALL_MANUALS; else LASSERT(false, /**/); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "FindAndReplaceOptions: " << "searchstring=" << searchString << ", casesensitiv=" << casesensitive << ", matchword=" << matchword << ", backwards=" << backwards << ", expandmacros=" << expandmacros << ", ignoreformat=" << ignoreformat << ", regexp=" << regexp << ", replaceString" << replaceString << ", keep_case=" << keep_case << ", scope=" << scope); FindAndReplaceOptions opt(searchString, casesensitive, matchword, !backwards, expandmacros, ignoreformat, regexp, replaceString, keep_case, scope); view_.setBusy(true); findAndReplaceScope(opt); view_.setBusy(false); } void FindAndReplaceWidget::findAndReplace(bool backwards, bool replace) { if (! view_.currentMainWorkArea()) { view_.message(_("No open document(s) in which to search")); return; } // FIXME: create a Dialog::returnFocus() // or something instead of this: view_.setCurrentWorkArea(view_.currentMainWorkArea()); findAndReplace(caseCB->isChecked(), wordsCB->isChecked(), backwards, expandMacrosCB->isChecked(), ignoreFormatCB->isChecked(), replace, keepCaseCB->isChecked()); } void FindAndReplaceWidget::hideDialog() { dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_DIALOG_TOGGLE, "findreplaceadv")); } void FindAndReplaceWidget::on_findNextPB_clicked() { findAndReplace(searchbackCB->isChecked(), false); find_work_area_->setFocus(); } void FindAndReplaceWidget::on_replacePB_clicked() { findAndReplace(searchbackCB->isChecked(), true); replace_work_area_->setFocus(); } void FindAndReplaceWidget::on_replaceallPB_clicked() { replace_work_area_->setFocus(); } void FindAndReplaceWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent * /* ev */) { view_.setCurrentWorkArea(find_work_area_); LYXERR(Debug::FIND, "Selecting entire find buffer"); dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BUFFER_BEGIN)); dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BUFFER_END_SELECT)); find_work_area_->installEventFilter(this); replace_work_area_->installEventFilter(this); } void FindAndReplaceWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent *ev) { replace_work_area_->removeEventFilter(this); find_work_area_->removeEventFilter(this); this->QWidget::hideEvent(ev); } bool FindAndReplaceWidget::initialiseParams(std::string const & /*params*/) { return true; } FindAndReplace::FindAndReplace(GuiView & parent, Qt::DockWidgetArea area, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : DockView(parent, "Find LyX", qt_("Advanced Find and Replace"), area, flags) { widget_ = new FindAndReplaceWidget(parent); setWidget(widget_); setFocusProxy(widget_); } FindAndReplace::~FindAndReplace() { setFocusProxy(0); delete widget_; } bool FindAndReplace::initialiseParams(std::string const & params) { return widget_->initialiseParams(params); } Dialog * createGuiSearchAdv(GuiView & lv) { FindAndReplace * gui = new FindAndReplace(lv, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea); #ifdef Q_WS_MACX // On Mac show and floating gui->setFloating(true); #endif return gui; } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "moc_FindAndReplace.cpp"