/** * \file InsetParamsDialog.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetParamsDialog.h" #include "GuiBox.h" #include "GuiBranch.h" #include "GuiBibitem.h" #include "GuiERT.h" #include "GuiHSpace.h" #include "GuiHyperlink.h" #include "GuiInfo.h" #include "GuiLabel.h" #include "GuiLine.h" #include "GuiNomenclature.h" #include "GuiPrintNomencl.h" #include "GuiTabular.h" #include "GuiVSpace.h" #include "FloatPlacement.h" #include "InsetParamsWidget.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "LyX.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InsetParamsDialog::Private // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct InsetParamsDialog::Private { Private() : widget_(0), inset_(0), changed_(false) {} /// InsetParamsWidget * widget_; /// The inset that was used at last Restore or Apply operation. Inset const * inset_; /// Set to true whenever the dialog is changed and set back to /// false when the dialog is applied or restored. bool changed_; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InsetParamsDialog // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InsetParamsDialog::InsetParamsDialog(GuiView & lv, InsetParamsWidget * widget) : DialogView(lv, toqstr(insetName(widget->insetCode())), toqstr(insetName(widget->insetCode()))), d(new Private) { setupUi(this); setInsetParamsWidget(widget); immediateApplyCB->setChecked(false); synchronizedCB->setChecked(true); on_immediateApplyCB_stateChanged(false); setFocusProxy(widget); } InsetParamsDialog::~InsetParamsDialog() { delete d; } bool InsetParamsDialog::initialiseParams(std::string const & data) { if (!d->widget_->initialiseParams(data)) on_restorePB_clicked(); return true; } void InsetParamsDialog::setInsetParamsWidget(InsetParamsWidget * widget) { d->widget_ = widget; stackedWidget->addWidget(widget); stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(widget); connect(d->widget_, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(onWidget_changed())); } void InsetParamsDialog::on_restorePB_clicked() { updateView(true); restorePB->setEnabled(false); d->changed_ = false; d->inset_ = inset(d->widget_->insetCode()); } void InsetParamsDialog::on_okPB_clicked() { Inset const * i = inset(d->widget_->insetCode()); if (i) applyView(); else newInset(); hide(); } void InsetParamsDialog::newInset() { docstring const argument = d->widget_->dialogToParams(); dispatch(FuncRequest(d->widget_->creationCode(), argument)); } void InsetParamsDialog::on_newPB_clicked() { newInset(); } void InsetParamsDialog::on_applyPB_clicked() { applyView(); } void InsetParamsDialog::on_closePB_clicked() { hide(); } void InsetParamsDialog::on_immediateApplyCB_stateChanged(int state) { checkWidgets(state == Qt::Checked); } void InsetParamsDialog::on_synchronizedCB_stateChanged(int) { checkWidgets(false); } docstring InsetParamsDialog::checkWidgets(bool immediate) { bool const widget_ok = d->widget_->checkWidgets(); Inset const * ins = inset(d->widget_->insetCode()); docstring const argument = d->widget_->dialogToParams(); bool valid_argument = !argument.empty(); if (ins) valid_argument &= ins->validateModifyArgument(argument); FuncCode const code = immediate ? d->widget_->creationCode() : LFUN_INSET_MODIFY; bool const lfun_ok = lyx::getStatus(FuncRequest(code, argument)).enabled(); bool const read_only = buffer().isReadonly(); okPB->setEnabled(!immediate && widget_ok && !read_only && valid_argument); bool const can_be_restored = !immediate && !read_only && ins && (ins != d->inset_ || d->changed_); restorePB->setEnabled(can_be_restored); applyPB->setEnabled(!immediate && lfun_ok && widget_ok && !read_only && valid_argument); d->widget_->setEnabled(!read_only); synchronizedCB->setEnabled(!immediate); return argument; } void InsetParamsDialog::onWidget_changed() { d->changed_ = true; docstring const argument = checkWidgets(immediateApplyCB->isChecked()); if (immediateApplyCB->isChecked()) dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_INSET_MODIFY, argument)); } void InsetParamsDialog::applyView() { docstring const argument = checkWidgets(immediateApplyCB->isChecked()); dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_INSET_MODIFY, argument)); d->changed_ = false; d->inset_ = inset(d->widget_->insetCode()); updateView(true); } void InsetParamsDialog::updateView(bool update_widget) { if (update_widget) { Inset const * i = inset(d->widget_->insetCode()); if (i) { d->widget_->blockSignals(true); d->widget_->paramsToDialog(i); d->widget_->blockSignals(false); } } checkWidgets(immediateApplyCB->isChecked()); } void InsetParamsDialog::updateView() { bool const update_widget = (synchronizedCB->isChecked() || immediateApplyCB->isChecked()); updateView(update_widget); } Dialog * createDialog(GuiView & lv, InsetCode code) { InsetParamsWidget * widget; switch (code) { case ERT_CODE: widget = new GuiERT; break; case FLOAT_CODE: widget = new FloatPlacement(true); break; case BIBITEM_CODE: widget = new GuiBibitem; break; case BRANCH_CODE: widget = new GuiBranch; break; case BOX_CODE: widget = new GuiBox; break; case HYPERLINK_CODE: widget = new GuiHyperlink; break; case INFO_CODE: widget = new GuiInfo; break; case LABEL_CODE: widget = new GuiLabel; break; case LINE_CODE: widget = new GuiLine; break; case MATH_SPACE_CODE: widget = new GuiHSpace(true); break; case NOMENCL_CODE: widget = new GuiNomenclature; break; case NOMENCL_PRINT_CODE: widget = new GuiPrintNomencl; break; case SPACE_CODE: widget = new GuiHSpace(false); break; case TABULAR_CODE: widget = new GuiTabular; break; case VSPACE_CODE: widget = new GuiVSpace; break; default: return 0; } InsetParamsDialog * dialog = new InsetParamsDialog(lv, widget); return dialog; } Dialog * createDialog(GuiView & lv, string const & name) { return createDialog(lv, insetCode(name)); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "moc_InsetParamsDialog.cpp"