LanguageUi 0 0 472 253 &Language: languageCO 20 &Quote style: quoteStyleCO Select the default style of Quote insets. Output quotation marks that automatically adapt to the style selected above. If this is not selected, the quotation marks will stick with the style they have been inserted with. Use d&ynamic quotation marks Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 0 23 &Encoding: encodingCO true false Select encoding of the generated LaTeX source (LaTeX input encoding). true Select Unicode encoding variant. false Specify whether to load the 'inputenc' package. false Select custom encoding. Language pa&ckage: languagePackageCO Select which language package LyX should use Enter the command to load the language package (default: \usepackage{babel}) Qt::Horizontal 0 20 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 71 171 languageCO quoteStyleCO languagePackageCO languagePackageLE qt_i18n.h