I am a title I am an author I am a date I am an abstract I am also an abstract
I am the first section I am the first paragraph of the first section. I am the second paragraph of the first section.
I am a quote \,with\,a\,formula withaformula .
Formula! Formula! \text{I am a formula with a ref.}\label{eq:EQ.} I am a formula with a ref. See . Also, a formula with an user-defined macro that outputs well in LaTeX but cannot in MathML (hence replaced by picture): \testmacro MathML export failed. Please report this as a bug. .
I am the first subsection I am the only paragraph of the first subsection.
I am the second subsection I am the only paragraph of the second subsection.
I am the second section I am the only paragraph of the second section. Hyperlink. “Text between quotes.” See .
I am the third section and I have fun with lists First item.
Second line of the first item, after a line break.
Second item. Item has no order (1). Item has no order (2). Word description Sentence meaning
I am the fourth section and I deal with formatting. The following paragraph should be code. I am some code. I am a second line of code. I am no more code. This line has inline code. This has typewriter fontI repeat that in a footnote. . On the other hand, this footnote has multiple paragraphs. .
I am the fifth section and I deal with floats Now, three tables:
I am a table caption below the table.
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3
Row 1 Col 3, row 1
Row 2 Col 3, row 2
I am a table caption above the table.
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3
Row 1 Col 3, row 1
Row 2 Col 3, row 2
Table that has no caption 1 Table that has no caption 2 Table that has no caption 3 Row 1 Col 3, row 1 Row 2 Col 3, row 2 Then, one figure:
I am the sixth section and I really like bibliographies This text has references. First reference: . Second reference: . Both at the same time: , . A book: . Many things, just testing for completeness: , , , , , .
I am the seventh section and I deal with indices First, a term to index: Term to index. Then a term to add to the second index: Term to add to the second index. Then several terms for the first index: Termtoindex. With a see: Termindex. With a see also: Termindex. Several terms with a see: Termtoindexindex. Several terms with a see also: Termtoindexindex. A start of range: Term to index. The corresponding end of range: Term to index. Several terms with a start of range: Termtoindex. The corresponding end of range: Termtoindex. These terms already appeared before! Start of range: Termtoindex. The corresponding end of range: Termtoindex.
I am the eight section and I deal with star sections Star part Star section (sect1) Star subsection (sect2) Star subsubsection (sect3) Star paragraph (sect4) Star subparagraph (sect5)
References The title of the work4201-213article 1993 The name of the journal Peter Adams 2 An optional note The title of the work43book The name of the publisher
The address
1993 Peter Babington An optional note
The title of the workbooklet 1993 Peter Caxton The title of the work213conference The publisher 1993 Peter Draper The title of the work201-213inbook The name of the publisher 1993 Peter Eston The title of the work43201-213incollection The name of the publisher
The address of the publisher
1993 The title of the book Peter Farindon An optional note
A small paper-1article 1997 The journal of small papers Freely I. P. Ditto Johannes to appear Éléments de géométrie algébriquebook 1960 Alexander Grothendieck A big paperMCMXCVIIarticle 7991 The journal of big papers Hugh Jass