QTabularDialogBase config.h gettext.h QDialog name QTabularDialogBase geometry 0 0 497 338 caption Table Settings sizeGripEnabled true margin 11 spacing 6 QTabWidget name TabWidget tabPosition Top tabShape Rounded toolTip QWidget name tab title Ta&ble margin 11 spacing 6 name Spacer2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer8 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer6 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer7 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer5 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QPushButton name columnDeletePB text &Delete column toolTip Delete current column QPushButton name rowDeletePB text Dele&te row toolTip Delete this row QPushButton name rowAppendPB text Appe&nd row toolTip Append row (below) QPushButton name borderSetPB text &Set borders toolTip Set all borders QPushButton name borderUnsetPB text &Unset borders toolTip Unset all borders QCheckBox name rotateTabularCB text Rotate table &90° toolTip Rotate the table by 90° QPushButton name columnAppendPB text A&ppend column toolTip Append column (right) name Spacer3 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer10 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer11 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer12 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title &Columns/Rows margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name hAlignCO text &Horizontal alignment: buddy hAlignCB QLabel name specialAlignmentLA text LaTe&X argument: buddy specialAlignmentED QGroupBox name GroupBox33 title Borders margin 11 spacing 6 QPushButton name borderBottomPB text &Bottom toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip Toggle border below (whole row) QPushButton name borderLeftPB text Le&ft toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip Toggle border left (whole column) QPushButton name borderRightPB text &Right toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip Toggle border right (whole column) QPushButton name borderTopPB text &Top toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip Toggle border above (whole row) name Spacer83 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer86 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer87 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer88 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QGroupBox name GroupBox12 title Fixed width margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name fixedWidthColLA text &Width: buddy widthED QLabel name vAlignCO text &Vertical alignment: buddy vAlignCB QLineEdit name widthED enabled true text toolTip Fixed with of the column LengthCombo name widthUnit enabled true minimumSize 50 0 focusPolicy StrongFocus toolTip Width unit QComboBox text Top text Center text Bottom name vAlignCB toolTip Vertical alignment for fixed width columns name Spacer212 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer108 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QComboBox text Left text Center text Right name hAlignCB toolTip Horizontal alignment in column QLineEdit name specialAlignmentED toolTip Custom column format (LaTeX) name Spacer23 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer24 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title Ce&ll margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout28 margin 0 spacing 6 QCheckBox name MulticolumnCB text &Multicolumn toolTip Merge cells QCheckBox name rotateCellCB text Rotate cell &90° toolTip Rotate this cell by 90° QLabel name hAlignCellCO text &Horizontal alignment: buddy hAlignCB QLabel name specialAlignmentCellLA text LaTe&X argument: buddy specialAlignmentCellED QLineEdit name specialAlignmentCellED toolTip Custom column format (LaTeX) QComboBox text Left text Center text Right name hAlignCellCB toolTip Horizontal alignment of the multicolumn cell name Spacer25 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QGroupBox name GroupBox33_2 title Borders margin 11 spacing 6 QPushButton name borderLeftCellPB text Le&ft toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip Toggle left border QPushButton name borderRightCellPB text &Right toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip Toggle right border QPushButton name borderBottomCellPB text &Bottom toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip Toggle border below QPushButton name borderTopCellPB text &Top toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip Toggle border above name Spacer179 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer182 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer178 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer180 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer183 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer181 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QGroupBox name GroupBox12_2 title Fixed width margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name fixedWidthCellLA text &Width: buddy widthCellED QLineEdit name widthCellED enabled true text toolTip Fixed with of the multicolumn cell LengthCombo name widthCellUnit enabled true minimumSize 50 0 focusPolicy StrongFocus toolTip Width unit QComboBox text Top text Center text Bottom name vAlignCellCB toolTip Vertical alignment for fixed width columns QLabel name vAlignCellCO text &Vertical alignment: buddy vAlignCellCB name Spacer184 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer185 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title L&ong table margin 11 spacing 6 QCheckBox name LTnewpageCB text Page &break on current row toolTip Set a page break on the current row QCheckBox name LongtabularCB text &Use long table toolTip Select for tables that span multiple pages QGroupBox name GroupBox6 title Settings margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name StatusLA text Status QLabel name HeaderLA text Header: QPushButton name firstHeaderStatusPB text Header on toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name footerStatusPB text Header on toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name firstHeaderStatusPB_3 text Header on toggleButton true toggleButton true QLabel name FooterLA text Footer: QLabel name FirstHeaderLA text First header: QLabel name LastFooterLA text Last footer: QPushButton name headerStatusPB text Header on toggleButton true toggleButton true toolTip QPushButton name headerDoubleAbovePB text Double toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name firstHeaderDoubleAbovePB text Double toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name footerDoubleAbovePB text Double toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name firstHeaderDoubleAbovePB_3 text Double toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name headerDoubleBelowPB text Double toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name firstHeaderDoubleBelowPB text Double toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name footerDoubleBelowPB text Double toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name firstHeaderDoubleBelowPB_3 text Double toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name firstHeaderEmptyPB text Empty toggleButton true toggleButton true QPushButton name firstHeaderEmptyPB_3 text Empty toggleButton true toggleButton true QLabel name ContentsLA text Contents QLabel name BorderAboveLA text Border above QLabel name BorderBelowLA text Border below QLayoutWidget name Layout3 margin 0 spacing 6 QLineEdit name tabularColumnED toolTip Current column position QPushButton name closePB sizePolicy 1 0 text Close autoDefault false name Spacer1 orientation Horizontal sizeType Fixed sizeHint 275 26 QLineEdit name tabularRowED toolTip Current row position LengthCombo
-1 -1 0 5 5 image0 selectionChanged(LyXLength::UNIT)
image0 789c6dd2c10ac2300c00d07bbf2234b7229d1be245fc04c5a3201e4615f430059d0711ff5ddb2e6bb236ec90eed134cb5a19d8ef36602af5ecdbfeeac05dda0798d3abebde87e3faa374d3807fa0d633a52d38d8de6f679fe33fc776e196f53cd010188256a3600a292882096246517815ca99884606e18044a3a40d91824820924265a7923a2e8bcd05f33db1173e002913175f2a6be6d3294871a2d95fa00e8a94ee017b69d339d90df1e77c57ea072ede6758 columnAppendPB clicked() QTabularDialogBase columnAppend_clicked() rowAppendPB clicked() QTabularDialogBase rowAppend_clicked() columnDeletePB clicked() QTabularDialogBase columnDelete_clicked() rowDeletePB clicked() QTabularDialogBase columnDelete_clicked() borderSetPB clicked() QTabularDialogBase borderSet_clicked() borderUnsetPB clicked() QTabularDialogBase borderUnset_clicked() rotateTabularCB stateChanged(int) QTabularDialogBase rotateTabular_checked() borderBottomPB toggled(bool) QTabularDialogBase border_toggled() borderTopPB toggled(bool) QTabularDialogBase border_toggled() borderLeftPB toggled(bool) QTabularDialogBase border_toggled() borderRightPB toggled(bool) QTabularDialogBase border_toggled() columnDelete_clicked() change_adaptor() columnAppend_clicked() rowAppend_clicked() rowDelete_clicked() borderSet_clicked() borderUnset_clicked() rotateTabular_checked() border_toggled() setEnabled(bool) TabWidget columnAppendPB closePB