# Author : David L. Johnson <dlj0@lehigh.edu>
# Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <Jean-Marc.Lasgouttes@inria.fr>
# modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN <gureghia@boston.bertin.fr>
# This version has Theorems and other results numbered in one sequence, and all
# numbered environments (figures as well) containing the section number.
# (Themorem (1.1), Corollary (1.2) Theorem (1.3), etc.
# These are only the theorems styles environnements
# Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin <rubin@msu.edu>
# Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Heck <rgheck@comcast.net>

Format 33

Style Proof
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	AlignPossible         Block, Left
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