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\begin_layout Title

Test of AMS-Book Style

\begin_layout Author

David L.

\begin_layout Address

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18015

\begin_layout Current Address


\begin_layout Email


\begin_layout URL


\begin_layout Keywords


\begin_layout Thanks

To Emmanuel, for forcing me to fix this, and Jean-Marc, for making it possible,
 and necessary.

\begin_layout Dedicatory

To my wife.

\begin_layout Translator


\begin_layout Subjectclass

Primary: 12G34, Secondary: 09G87

\begin_layout Chapter


\begin_layout Section


\begin_layout Standard

This file, using the amsbook layout, numbers all results, Theorems, Definitions,
 etc., using 
\begin_inset Formula $(m.n.p)$

 where the 
\begin_inset Formula $m$

 is the chapter number, the 
\begin_inset Formula $n$

 is the section number, and, finally, the 
\begin_inset Formula $p$

 is the result number in that section.

\begin_layout Standard

This can be changed by modifying the layout file, removing the line
\family default
\family typewriter


\family default

from the
\family default
\family typewriter
\family default

\begin_layout Theorem

This is a theorem

\begin_layout Proof

Here is its proof.

\begin_layout Standard

More text.

\begin_layout Corollary

First corollary.

\begin_layout Proof

Its proof.

\begin_layout Lemma

Lemma number 1

\begin_layout Proposition

First proposition.

\begin_layout Conjecture

A wild guess.

\begin_layout Criterion

Need some criteria

\begin_layout Algorithm

first this, then the next

\begin_layout Fact

Not fiction.

\begin_layout Axiom

It stands to reason.

\begin_layout Definition

a word means exactly what I say it means.

\begin_layout Example

This should be an example.

\begin_layout Standard

Plain text.

\begin_layout Condition

If you say so.

\begin_layout Problem

I don't know what to write is the problem.

\begin_layout Remark

I think this will be useful.

\begin_layout Claim

I did it the way the documentation said to.

\begin_layout Note

It may need more work yet.

\begin_layout Standard

More plain text, in standard format.

\begin_layout Theorem

This is a second theorem

\begin_layout Proof

Here is its proof.

\begin_layout Standard

More text.

\begin_layout Corollary

Second corollary.

\begin_layout Proof

Its proof.

\begin_layout Lemma

Lemma number 2

\begin_layout Proposition

Second proposition.

\begin_layout Conjecture

A wild guess.

\begin_layout Criterion

Need some criteria

\begin_layout Notation

\begin_inset Formula $S=\mathbb{R}$


\begin_layout Summary

In the end, will it matter?

\begin_layout Acknowledgement

Thanks to Mattias Ettrich.
 Without him I never would have learned LaTeX.

\begin_layout Case

If this works, then the rest will.

\begin_layout Conclusion

It seems to work.

\begin_layout Proof

Here goes another proof.

\begin_layout Standard

Plain text

\begin_layout Chapter Exercises

Exercise 1

\begin_layout Chapter Exercises

Exercise 2

\begin_layout Chapter Exercises

These should not be italicised!

\begin_layout Section

Next try.

\begin_layout Standard

This tries out the section environments.

\begin_layout Theorem

This is a theorem

\begin_layout Proof

Here is its proof.

\begin_layout Standard

More text.

\begin_layout Corollary

Third corollary.
 First one of this section.

\begin_layout Proof

Its proof.

\begin_layout Lemma

Lemma number 3

\begin_layout Proposition

Third proposition.

\begin_layout Conjecture

A wild guess.

\begin_layout Criterion

Need some criteria

\begin_layout Subsection

This is a subsection

\begin_layout Standard

With more results therein.

\begin_layout Theorem

This is a theorem, maybe the fourth one.

\begin_layout Proof

Here is its proof.

\begin_layout Standard

More text.

\begin_layout Chapter

Next one.

\begin_layout Section

Next Section

\begin_layout Corollary

Fourth corollary.

\begin_layout Proof

Its proof.

\begin_layout Lemma

Lemma number 4

\begin_layout Proposition

Fourth proposition.

\begin_layout Conjecture

A wild guess.

\begin_layout Criterion

Need some criteria

\begin_layout Standard

More random text.

\begin_layout Section

Another section

\begin_layout Theorem

This is a theorem

\begin_layout Proof

Here is its proof.

\begin_layout Standard

More text.

\begin_layout Corollary

Fifth corollary.

\begin_layout Proof

Its proof.

\begin_layout Lemma

Lemma number 5

\begin_layout Proposition

Fifth proposition.

\begin_layout Conjecture

A wild guess.

\begin_layout Criterion

Need some criteria

\begin_layout Subsubsection

This is the subsection with results.

\begin_layout Standard

The quick, brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

\begin_layout Theorem

This is a theorem - sixth in the series

\begin_layout Proof

Here is its proof.

\begin_layout Standard

More text.

\begin_layout Corollary

Sixth corollary.

\begin_layout Proof

Its proof.

\begin_layout Lemma

Lemma number 6

\begin_layout Proposition

Sixth proposition.

\begin_layout Conjecture

A wild guess.

\begin_layout Criterion

Need some criteria

\begin_layout Bibliography
\begin_inset LatexCommand bibitem
key "1"


Johnson, D.

\emph default
\emph on
Out of my head

\begin_layout Bibliography
\begin_inset LatexCommand bibitem
key "2"


American Mathematical Society,
\emph default
\emph on
Instructions for preparation of papers and monographs: AMS-LaTeX
\emph default
, (1997).

\begin_layout Bibliography
\begin_inset LatexCommand bibitem
key "3"


American Mathematical Society, 

\begin_layout Standard

