/** * \file GuiIndices.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Edwin Leuven * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiIndices.h" #include "ColorCache.h" #include "GuiApplication.h" #include "Validator.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { GuiIndices::GuiIndices(QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent) { setupUi(this); indicesTW->setColumnCount(2); indicesTW->headerItem()->setText(0, qt_("Name")); indicesTW->headerItem()->setText(1, qt_("Label Color")); indicesTW->setSortingEnabled(true); indexCO->clear(); indexCO->addItem(qt_("Default"), QString("default")); for (set::const_iterator it = lyxrc.index_alternatives.begin(); it != lyxrc.index_alternatives.end(); ++it) { QString const command = toqstr(*it).left(toqstr(*it).indexOf(" ")); indexCO->addItem(command, command); } } void GuiIndices::update(BufferParams const & params) { indiceslist_ = params.indiceslist(); multipleIndicesCB->setChecked(params.use_indices); bool const state = params.use_indices; indicesTW->setEnabled(state); newIndexLE->setEnabled(state); newIndexLA->setEnabled(state); addIndexPB->setEnabled(state); availableLA->setEnabled(state); removePB->setEnabled(state); colorPB->setEnabled(state); string command; string options = split(params.index_command, command, ' '); int const pos = indexCO->findData(toqstr(command)); if (pos != -1) { indexCO->setCurrentIndex(pos); indexOptionsED->setText(toqstr(options).trimmed()); } else { indexCO->setCurrentIndex(0); indexOptionsED->clear(); } indexOptionsED->setEnabled( indexCO->currentIndex() != 0); updateView(); } void GuiIndices::updateView() { // store the selected index QTreeWidgetItem * item = indicesTW->currentItem(); QString sel_index; if (item != 0) sel_index = item->text(0); indicesTW->clear(); IndicesList::const_iterator it = indiceslist_.begin(); IndicesList::const_iterator const end = indiceslist_.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { QTreeWidgetItem * newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(indicesTW); QString const iname = toqstr(it->index()); newItem->setText(0, iname); QColor const itemcolor = rgb2qcolor(it->color()); if (itemcolor.isValid()) { QPixmap coloritem(30, 10); coloritem.fill(itemcolor); newItem->setIcon(1, QIcon(coloritem)); } // restore selected index if (iname == sel_index) { indicesTW->setCurrentItem(newItem); indicesTW->setItemSelected(newItem, true); } } indicesTW->resizeColumnToContents(0); bool const have_sel = !indicesTW->selectedItems().isEmpty(); removePB->setEnabled(have_sel); renamePB->setEnabled(have_sel); colorPB->setEnabled(have_sel); // emit signal changed(); } void GuiIndices::apply(BufferParams & params) const { params.use_indices = multipleIndicesCB->isChecked(); params.indiceslist() = indiceslist_; string const index_command = fromqstr(indexCO->itemData( indexCO->currentIndex()).toString()); string const index_options = fromqstr(indexOptionsED->text()); if (index_command == "default" || index_options.empty()) params.index_command = index_command; else params.index_command = index_command + " " + index_options; } void GuiIndices::on_indexCO_activated(int n) { indexOptionsED->setEnabled(n != 0); changed(); } void GuiIndices::on_indexOptionsED_textChanged(QString) { changed(); } void GuiIndices::on_addIndexPB_pressed() { QString const new_index = newIndexLE->text(); if (!new_index.isEmpty()) { indiceslist_.add(qstring_to_ucs4(new_index)); newIndexLE->clear(); updateView(); } } void GuiIndices::on_removePB_pressed() { QTreeWidgetItem * selItem = indicesTW->currentItem(); QString sel_index; if (selItem != 0) sel_index = selItem->text(0); if (!sel_index.isEmpty()) { if (indiceslist_.find(qstring_to_ucs4(sel_index)) == indiceslist_.findShortcut(from_ascii("idx"))) { Alert::error(_("Cannot remove standard index"), _("The default index cannot be removed.")); return; } indiceslist_.remove(qstring_to_ucs4(sel_index)); newIndexLE->clear(); updateView(); } } void GuiIndices::on_renamePB_clicked() { QTreeWidgetItem * selItem = indicesTW->currentItem(); QString sel_index; if (selItem != 0) sel_index = selItem->text(0); if (!sel_index.isEmpty()) { docstring newname; docstring const oldname = qstring_to_ucs4(sel_index); bool success = false; if (Alert::askForText(newname, _("Enter new index name"), oldname)) { if (newname.empty() || oldname == newname) return; success = indiceslist_.rename(qstring_to_ucs4(sel_index), newname); newIndexLE->clear(); updateView(); if (!success) Alert::error(_("Renaming failed"), _("The index could not be renamed. " "Check if the new name already exists.")); } } } void GuiIndices::on_indicesTW_itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem * item, int /*col*/) { toggleColor(item); } void GuiIndices::on_indicesTW_itemSelectionChanged() { bool const have_sel = !indicesTW->selectedItems().isEmpty(); removePB->setEnabled(have_sel); renamePB->setEnabled(have_sel); colorPB->setEnabled(have_sel); } void GuiIndices::on_colorPB_clicked() { toggleColor(indicesTW->currentItem()); } void GuiIndices::on_multipleIndicesCB_toggled(bool const state) { bool const have_sel = !indicesTW->selectedItems().isEmpty(); indicesTW->setEnabled(state); newIndexLE->setEnabled(state); newIndexLA->setEnabled(state); addIndexPB->setEnabled(state); availableLA->setEnabled(state); removePB->setEnabled(state && have_sel); colorPB->setEnabled(state && have_sel); renamePB->setEnabled(state && have_sel); // emit signal changed(); } void GuiIndices::toggleColor(QTreeWidgetItem * item) { if (item == 0) return; QString sel_index = item->text(0); if (sel_index.isEmpty()) return; docstring current_index = qstring_to_ucs4(sel_index); Index * index = indiceslist_.find(current_index); if (!index) return; QColor const initial = rgb2qcolor(index->color()); QColor ncol = QColorDialog::getColor(initial, qApp->focusWidget()); if (!ncol.isValid()) return; // add the color to the indiceslist index->setColor(fromqstr(ncol.name())); newIndexLE->clear(); updateView(); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "moc_GuiIndices.cpp"