#include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "math_grid.h" #include "support/LOstream.h" #include "debug.h" #include "Painter.h" namespace { /// int const MATH_COLSEP = 10; /// int const MATH_ROWSEP = 10; /// int const MATH_BORDER = 2; } using namespace std; MathGridInset::RowInfo::RowInfo() : upperline_(false), lowerline_(false) {} MathGridInset::ColInfo::ColInfo() : h_align_('c'), leftline_(false), rightline_(false) {} MathGridInset::MathGridInset(int m, int n, string const & nm, MathInsetTypes ot) : MathInset(nm, ot, m * n), rowinfo_(n), colinfo_(m), v_align_('c') { if (m <= 0) lyxerr << "positve number of columns expected\n"; if (n <= 0) lyxerr << "positve number of rows expected\n"; } int MathGridInset::index(int row, int col) const { return col + ncols() * row; } void MathGridInset::halign(string const & hh) { int n = hh.size(); if (n > ncols()) n = ncols(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) colinfo_[i].h_align_ = hh[i]; } void MathGridInset::halign(char h, int col) { colinfo_[col].h_align_ = h; } char MathGridInset::halign(int col) const { return colinfo_[col].h_align_; } void MathGridInset::valign(char c) { v_align_ = c; } char MathGridInset::valign() const { return v_align_; } void MathGridInset::Metrics(MathStyles st) { // let the cells adjust themselves MathInset::Metrics(st); size_ = st; // adjust vertical structure for (int row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) { int asc = 0; int desc = 0; for (int col = 0; col < ncols(); ++col) { MathXArray const & c = xcell(index(row, col)); asc = max(asc, c.ascent()); desc = max(desc, c.descent()); } rowinfo_[row].ascent_ = asc; rowinfo_[row].descent_ = desc; if (row) rowinfo_[row].offset_ = rowinfo_[row - 1].offset_ + rowinfo_[row - 1].descent_ + MATH_ROWSEP + rowinfo_[row].ascent_; else rowinfo_[row].offset_ = 0; } // adjust vertical offset int h = 0; switch (v_align_) { case 't': h = 0; break; case 'b': h = rowinfo_.back().offset_; break; default: h = rowinfo_.back().offset_ / 2; } for (int row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) { rowinfo_[row].offset_ -= h; rowinfo_[row].offset_ += MATH_BORDER; } // adjust horizontal structure for (int col = 0; col < ncols(); ++col) { int wid = 0; for (int row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) wid = max(wid, xcell(index(row, col)).width()); colinfo_[col].width_ = wid; colinfo_[col].offset_ = colinfo_[col].width_; if (col) colinfo_[col].offset_ = colinfo_[col - 1].offset_ + colinfo_[col - 1].width_ + MATH_COLSEP; else colinfo_[col].offset_ = 0; colinfo_[col].offset_ += MATH_BORDER; } width_ = colinfo_.back().offset_ + colinfo_.back().width_; ascent_ = - rowinfo_.front().offset_ + rowinfo_.front().ascent_; descent_ = rowinfo_.back().offset_ + rowinfo_.back().descent_; /* // Increase ws_[i] for 'R' columns (except the first one) for (int i = 1; i < nc_; ++i) if (h_align_[i] == 'R') ws_[i] += 10 * df_width; // Increase ws_[i] for 'C' column if (h_align_[0] == 'C') if (ws_[0] < 7 * workwidth / 8) ws_[0] = 7 * workwidth / 8; // Adjust local tabs width = MATH_COLSEP; for (cxrow = row_.begin(); cxrow; ++cxrow) { int rg = MATH_COLSEP; int lf = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nc_; ++i) { bool isvoid = false; if (cxrow->getTab(i) <= 0) { cxrow->setTab(i, df_width); isvoid = true; } switch (h_align_[i]) { case 'l': lf = 0; break; case 'c': lf = (ws_[i] - cxrow->getTab(i))/2; break; case 'r': case 'R': lf = ws_[i] - cxrow->getTab(i); break; case 'C': if (cxrow == row_.begin()) lf = 0; else if (cxrow.is_last()) lf = ws_[i] - cxrow->getTab(i); else lf = (ws_[i] - cxrow->getTab(i))/2; break; } int const ww = (isvoid) ? lf : lf + cxrow->getTab(i); cxrow->setTab(i, lf + rg); rg = ws_[i] - ww + MATH_COLSEP; if (cxrow == row_.begin()) width += ws_[i] + MATH_COLSEP; } cxrow->setBaseline(cxrow->getBaseline() - ascent); } */ } void MathGridInset::draw(Painter & pain, int x, int y) { xo(x); yo(y); for (int row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) { int yy = y + rowinfo_[row].offset_; for (int col = 0; col < ncols(); ++col) { int xx = x + colinfo_[col].offset_; char align = colinfo_[col].h_align_; if (align == 'r' || align == 'R') xx += colinfo_[col].width_ - xcell(index(row, col)).width(); if (align == 'c' || align == 'C') xx += (colinfo_[col].width_ - xcell(index(row, col)).width()) / 2; xcell(index(row, col)).draw(pain, xx, yy); } } } void MathGridInset::Write(std::ostream & os, bool fragile) const { for (int row = 0; row < nrows(); ++row) { if (row) os << " \\\\\n"; for (int col = 0; col < ncols(); ++col) { if (col) os << " & "; cell(index(row, col)).Write(os, fragile); } } } void MathGridInset::addRow(int row) { rowinfo_.insert(rowinfo_.begin() + row + 1, RowInfo()); cells_.insert(cells_.begin() + (row + 1) * ncols(), ncols(), MathXArray()); } void MathGridInset::appendRow() { rowinfo_.push_back(RowInfo()); for (int i = 0; i < ncols(); ++i) cells_.push_back(); } void MathGridInset::delRow(int row) { if (nrows() == 1) return; lyxerr << "delRow: nr: " << nrows() << " nc: " << ncols() << " row: " << row << "\n"; cells_type::iterator it = cells_.begin() + row * ncols(); cells_.erase(it, it + ncols()); rowinfo_.erase(rowinfo_.begin() + row); } void MathGridInset::addCol(int newcol) { int nc = ncols(); int nr = nrows(); cells_type new_cells = cells_type((nc + 1) * nr); for (int row = 0; row < nr; ++row) for (int col = 0; col < nc; ++col) new_cells[row * (nc + 1) + col + (col > newcol)] = cells_[row * nc + col]; swap(cells_, new_cells); colinfo_.insert(colinfo_.begin() + newcol); } void MathGridInset::delCol(int col) { if (ncols() == 1) return; cells_type tmpcells; for (int i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) if (i % ncols() != col) tmpcells.push_back(cells_[i]); swap(cells_, tmpcells); colinfo_.erase(colinfo_.begin() + col); } bool MathGridInset::idxUp(int & idx, int & pos) const { if (idx < ncols()) return false; idx -= ncols(); pos = 0; return true; } bool MathGridInset::idxDown(int & idx, int & pos) const { if (idx >= ncols() * (nrows() - 1)) return false; idx += ncols(); pos = 0; return true; } bool MathGridInset::idxLeft(int & idx, int & pos) const { // leave matrix if on the left hand edge if (col(idx) == 0) return false; idx--; pos = cell(idx).size(); return true; } bool MathGridInset::idxRight(int & idx, int & pos) const { // leave matrix if on the right hand edge if (col(idx) == ncols() - 1) return false; idx++; pos = 0; return true; } bool MathGridInset::idxFirst(int & idx, int & pos) const { switch (v_align_) { case 't': idx = 0; break; case 'b': idx = (nrows() - 1) * ncols(); break; default: idx = (nrows() / 2) * ncols(); } pos = 0; return true; } bool MathGridInset::idxLast(int & idx, int & pos) const { switch (v_align_) { case 't': idx = ncols() - 1; break; case 'b': idx = nargs() - 1; break; default: idx = (nrows() / 2 + 1) * ncols() - 1; } pos = cell(idx).size(); return true; } MathGridInset::RowInfo const & MathGridInset::rowinfo(int i) const { return rowinfo_[i]; } MathGridInset::RowInfo & MathGridInset::rowinfo(int i) { return rowinfo_[i]; }