# Textclass definition file for docbook.
# Author : José Abílio Oliveira Matos <jamatos@lyx.org>

# This file is the counterpart of stdclass.inc
# It is desirable, as far as possible, to have the same look and feel for
# related layouts in latex and docbook.

Format 2
OutputType              docbook

Columns                 1
Sides                   1
SecNumDepth             3
TocDepth                3
DefaultStyle            Standard

#	Header		"PUBLIC &quot;-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.3//EN&quot;"
	Other		".-"

Style Standard
	Margin                Static
	LatexType             Paragraph
	LatexName             para
	ParIndent             MM
	ParSkip               0.4
	Align                 Block
	AlignPossible         Block
	LabelType             No_Label

Input db_stdcharstyles.inc
Input db_stdlists.inc
Input db_stdsections.inc
Input db_stdstarsections.inc
Input db_stdtitle.inc
Input db_stdstruct.inc
Input db_lyxmacros.inc
Input db_stdlayouts.inc
Input stdcounters.inc
Input db_stdcounters.inc
Input stdfloats.inc