/** * \file TocModel.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "TocModel.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "DocIterator.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "LyX.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "TocBackend.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { /// A QStandardItemModel that gives access to the reset methods. /// This is needed in order to fix http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/3740 // FIXME: Better appropriately subclass QStandardItemModel and implement // the toc-specific reset methods there. class TocTypeModel : public QStandardItemModel { public: /// TocTypeModel(QObject * parent) : QStandardItemModel(parent) {} /// void reset() { QStandardItemModel::beginResetModel(); QStandardItemModel::endResetModel(); } /// void beginResetModel() { QStandardItemModel::beginResetModel(); } /// void endResetModel() { QStandardItemModel::endResetModel(); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TocModel // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TocModel::TocModel(QObject * parent) : model_(new TocTypeModel(parent)), sorted_model_(new QSortFilterProxyModel(parent)), is_sorted_(false), toc_(new Toc()), maxdepth_(0), mindepth_(0) { sorted_model_->setSortLocaleAware(true); sorted_model_->setSourceModel(model_); } QAbstractItemModel * TocModel::model() { if (is_sorted_) return sorted_model_; return model_; } QAbstractItemModel const * TocModel::model() const { if (is_sorted_) return sorted_model_; return model_; } void TocModel::clear() { model_->blockSignals(true); model_->clear(); toc_ = make_shared(); model_->blockSignals(false); } void TocModel::sort(bool sort_it) { is_sorted_ = sort_it; if (is_sorted_) sorted_model_->sort(0); } TocItem const & TocModel::tocItem(QModelIndex const & index) const { return (*toc_)[model()->data(index, Qt::UserRole).toUInt()]; } QModelIndex TocModel::modelIndex(DocIterator const & dit) const { if (toc_->empty()) return QModelIndex(); unsigned int const toc_index = TocBackend::findItem(*toc_, dit) - toc_->begin(); QModelIndexList list = model()->match(model()->index(0, 0), Qt::UserRole, QVariant(toc_index), 1, Qt::MatchFlags(Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive)); LASSERT(!list.isEmpty(), return QModelIndex()); return list[0]; } void TocModel::reset() { model_->reset(); } void TocModel::setString(TocItem const & item, QModelIndex index) { // Use implicit sharing of QStrings QString str = toqstr(item.asString()); model_->setData(index, str, Qt::DisplayRole); model_->setData(index, str, Qt::ToolTipRole); } void TocModel::updateItem(DocIterator const & dit) { QModelIndex const index = modelIndex(dit); setString(tocItem(index), index); } void TocModel::reset(shared_ptr toc) { toc_ = toc; if (toc_->empty()) { maxdepth_ = 0; mindepth_ = 0; reset(); return; } model_->blockSignals(true); model_->beginResetModel(); model_->insertColumns(0, 1); maxdepth_ = 0; mindepth_ = INT_MAX; size_t end = toc_->size(); for (unsigned int index = 0; index != end; ++index) { TocItem const & item = (*toc_)[index]; maxdepth_ = max(maxdepth_, item.depth()); mindepth_ = min(mindepth_, item.depth()); int current_row = model_->rowCount(); model_->insertRows(current_row, 1); QModelIndex top_level_item = model_->index(current_row, 0); setString(item, top_level_item); model_->setData(top_level_item, index, Qt::UserRole); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "Toc: at depth " << item.depth() << ", added item " << item.asString()); populate(index, top_level_item); if (index >= end) break; } model_->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, QVariant("title"), Qt::DisplayRole); sorted_model_->setSourceModel(model_); if (is_sorted_) sorted_model_->sort(0); model_->blockSignals(false); model_->endResetModel(); } void TocModel::populate(unsigned int & index, QModelIndex const & parent) { int curdepth = (*toc_)[index].depth() + 1; QModelIndex child_item; model_->insertColumns(0, 1, parent); size_t end = toc_->size(); ++index; for (; index != end; ++index) { TocItem const & item = (*toc_)[index]; if (item.depth() < curdepth) { --index; return; } maxdepth_ = max(maxdepth_, item.depth()); mindepth_ = min(mindepth_, item.depth()); int current_row = model_->rowCount(parent); model_->insertRows(current_row, 1, parent); child_item = model_->index(current_row, 0, parent); setString(item, child_item); model_->setData(child_item, index, Qt::UserRole); populate(index, child_item); if (index >= end) break; } } int TocModel::modelDepth() const { int const d = maxdepth_ - mindepth_; LASSERT(d >= 0 && d <= 100, return 0); return d; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TocModels // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TocModels::TocModels() { names_ = new TocTypeModel(this); names_sorted_ = new TocModelSortProxyModel(this); names_sorted_->setSourceModel(names_); names_sorted_->setSortLocaleAware(true); names_sorted_->sort(0); } void TocModels::clear() { names_->blockSignals(true); names_->clear(); names_->blockSignals(false); iterator end = models_.end(); for (iterator it = models_.begin(); it != end; ++it) it.value()->clear(); } int TocModels::depth(QString const & type) { const_iterator it = models_.find(type); if (it == models_.end()) return 0; return it.value()->modelDepth(); } QAbstractItemModel * TocModels::model(QString const & type) { iterator it = models_.find(type); if (it != models_.end()) return it.value()->model(); LYXERR0("type not found: " << type); return 0; } QAbstractItemModel * TocModels::nameModel() { return names_sorted_; } QModelIndex TocModels::currentIndex(QString const & type, DocIterator const & dit) const { const_iterator it = models_.find(type); if (it == models_.end()) return QModelIndex(); return it.value()->modelIndex(dit); } FuncRequest TocModels::goTo(QString const & type, QModelIndex const & index) const { const_iterator it = models_.find(type); if (it == models_.end() || !index.isValid()) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "TocModels::goTo(): QModelIndex is invalid!"); return FuncRequest(LFUN_NOACTION); } LASSERT(index.model() == it.value()->model(), return FuncRequest(LFUN_NOACTION)); TocItem const item = it.value()->tocItem(index); LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "TocModels::goTo " << item.asString()); return item.action(); } TocItem const TocModels::currentItem(QString const & type, QModelIndex const & index) const { const_iterator it = models_.find(type); if (it == models_.end() || !index.isValid()) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "TocModels::currentItem(): QModelIndex is invalid!"); return TocItem(); } LASSERT(index.model() == it.value()->model(), return TocItem()); return it.value()->tocItem(index); } void TocModels::updateItem(QString const & type, DocIterator const & dit) { models_[type]->updateItem(dit); } void TocModels::reset(BufferView const * bv) { clear(); if (!bv) { iterator end = models_.end(); for (iterator it = models_.begin(); it != end; ++it) it.value()->reset(); names_->reset(); return; } names_->blockSignals(true); names_->beginResetModel(); names_->insertColumns(0, 1); // In the outliner, add Tocs from the master document TocBackend const & backend = bv->buffer().masterBuffer()->tocBackend(); for (pair> const & toc : backend.tocs()) { QString const type = toqstr(toc.first); // First, fill in the toc models. iterator mod_it = models_.find(type); if (mod_it == models_.end()) mod_it = models_.insert(type, new TocModel(this)); mod_it.value()->reset(toc.second); // Fill in the names_ model. QString const gui_name = toqstr(backend.outlinerName(toc.first)); int const current_row = names_->rowCount(); names_->insertRows(current_row, 1); QModelIndex const index = names_->index(current_row, 0); names_->setData(index, gui_name, Qt::DisplayRole); names_->setData(index, type, Qt::UserRole); } names_->blockSignals(false); names_->endResetModel(); } bool TocModels::isSorted(QString const & type) const { const_iterator it = models_.find(type); if (it == models_.end()) { LYXERR0("type not found: " << type); return false; } return it.value()->isSorted(); } void TocModels::sort(QString const & type, bool sort_it) { iterator it = models_.find(type); if (it == models_.end()) LYXERR0("type not found: " << type); else it.value()->sort(sort_it); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "moc_TocModel.cpp"