/** * \file qt/GuiAlert.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * \author Abdelrazak Younes * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "alert.h" #include "InGuiThread.h" #include "frontends/Application.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "LyX.h" // for lyx::use_gui #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstring.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "support/ProgressInterface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // sync with GuiView.cpp #define EXPORT_in_THREAD 1 using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { void noAppDialog(QString const & title, QString const & msg, QMessageBox::Icon mode) { int argc = 1; const char *argv[] = { "lyx", 0 }; QApplication app(argc, (char**)argv); switch (mode) { case QMessageBox::Information: QMessageBox::information(0, title, msg); break; case QMessageBox::Warning: QMessageBox::warning(0, title, msg); break; case QMessageBox::Critical: QMessageBox::critical(0, title, msg); break; default: break; } } namespace Alert { docstring toPlainText(docstring const & msg) { return qstring_to_ucs4(qtHtmlToPlainText(toqstr(msg))); } int doPrompt(docstring const & title, docstring const & question, int default_button, int cancel_button, docstring const & b1, docstring const & b2, docstring const & b3, docstring const & b4) { //lyxerr << "PROMPT" << title << "FOCUS: " << qApp->focusWidget() << endl; if (!use_gui || lyxerr.debugging()) { lyxerr << toPlainText(title) << '\n' << "----------------------------------------\n" << toPlainText(question) << endl; lyxerr << "Assuming answer is "; switch (default_button) { case 0: lyxerr << b1 << endl; break; case 1: lyxerr << b2 << endl; break; case 2: lyxerr << b3 << endl; break; case 3: lyxerr << b4 << endl; } if (!use_gui) return default_button; } /// Long operation in progress prevents user from Ok-ing the error dialog bool long_op = theApp()->longOperationStarted(); if (long_op) theApp()->stopLongOperation(); // For some reason, sometimes Qt uses a hourglass or watch cursor when // displaying the alert. Hence, we ask for the standard cursor shape. qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); // FIXME replace that with guiApp->currentView() //LYXERR0("FOCUS: " << qApp->focusWidget()); QPushButton * b[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; QMessageBox msg_box(QMessageBox::Information, toqstr(title), toqstr(question), QMessageBox::NoButton, qApp->focusWidget()); b[0] = msg_box.addButton(b1.empty() ? "OK" : toqstr(b1), QMessageBox::ActionRole); if (!b2.empty()) b[1] = msg_box.addButton(toqstr(b2), QMessageBox::ActionRole); if (!b3.empty()) b[2] = msg_box.addButton(toqstr(b3), QMessageBox::ActionRole); if (!b4.empty()) b[3] = msg_box.addButton(toqstr(b4), QMessageBox::ActionRole); msg_box.setDefaultButton(b[default_button]); msg_box.setEscapeButton(static_cast(b[cancel_button])); int res = msg_box.exec(); qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); if (long_op) theApp()->startLongOperation(); // Qt bug: can return -1 on cancel or WM close, despite the docs. if (res == -1) res = cancel_button; return res; } int prompt(docstring const & title, docstring const & question, int default_button, int cancel_button, docstring const & b0, docstring const & b1, docstring const & b2, docstring const & b3) { #ifdef EXPORT_in_THREAD return InGuiThread().call(&doPrompt, #else return doPrompt( #endif title, question, default_button, cancel_button, b0, b1, b2, b3); } void doWarning(docstring const & title, docstring const & message, bool askshowagain) { lyxerr << "Warning: " << toPlainText(title) << '\n' << "----------------------------------------\n" << toPlainText(message) << endl; if (!use_gui) return; if (theApp() == 0) { noAppDialog(toqstr(title), toqstr(message), QMessageBox::Warning); return; } /// Long operation in progress prevents user from Ok-ing the error dialog bool long_op = theApp()->longOperationStarted(); if (long_op) theApp()->stopLongOperation(); // Don't use a hourglass cursor while displaying the alert qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); if (!askshowagain) { ProgressInterface::instance()->warning( toqstr(title), toqstr(message)); } else { ProgressInterface::instance()->toggleWarning( toqstr(title), toqstr(message), toqstr(message)); } qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); if (long_op) theApp()->startLongOperation(); } void warning(docstring const & title, docstring const & message, bool askshowagain) { #ifdef EXPORT_in_THREAD InGuiThread().call(&doWarning, #else doWarning( #endif title, message, askshowagain); } void doError(docstring const & title, docstring const & message, bool backtrace) { lyxerr << "Error: " << toPlainText(title) << '\n' << "----------------------------------------\n" << toPlainText(message) << endl; QString details; if (backtrace) details = toqstr(printCallStack()); if (!use_gui) return; if (theApp() == 0) { noAppDialog(toqstr(title), toqstr(message), QMessageBox::Critical); return; } /// Long operation in progress prevents user from Ok-ing the error dialog bool long_op = theApp()->longOperationStarted(); if (long_op) theApp()->stopLongOperation(); // Don't use a hourglass cursor while displaying the alert qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); ProgressInterface::instance()->error( toqstr(title), toqstr(message), details); qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); if (long_op) theApp()->startLongOperation(); } void error(docstring const & title, docstring const & message, bool backtrace) { #ifdef EXPORT_in_THREAD InGuiThread().call(&doError, #else doError( #endif title, message, backtrace); } void doInformation(docstring const & title, docstring const & message) { if (!use_gui || lyxerr.debugging()) lyxerr << toPlainText(title) << '\n' << "----------------------------------------\n" << toPlainText(message) << endl; if (!use_gui) return; if (theApp() == 0) { noAppDialog(toqstr(title), toqstr(message), QMessageBox::Information); return; } /// Long operation in progress prevents user from Ok-ing the error dialog bool long_op = theApp()->longOperationStarted(); if (long_op) theApp()->stopLongOperation(); // Don't use a hourglass cursor while displaying the alert qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); ProgressInterface::instance()->information( toqstr(title), toqstr(message)); qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); if (long_op) theApp()->startLongOperation(); } void information(docstring const & title, docstring const & message) { #ifdef EXPORT_in_THREAD InGuiThread().call(&doInformation, #else doInformation( #endif title, message); } bool doAskForText(docstring & response, docstring const & msg, docstring const & dflt) { if (!use_gui || lyxerr.debugging()) { lyxerr << "----------------------------------------\n" << toPlainText(msg) << '\n' << "Assuming answer is " << dflt << '\n' << "----------------------------------------" << endl; if (!use_gui) { response = dflt; return true; } } docstring const title = bformat(from_utf8("%1$s"), msg); /// Long operation in progress prevents user from Ok-ing the error dialog bool long_op = theApp()->longOperationStarted(); if (long_op) theApp()->stopLongOperation(); bool ok; QString text = QInputDialog::getText(qApp->focusWidget(), toqstr(title), toqstr(char_type('&') + msg), QLineEdit::Normal, toqstr(dflt), &ok); if (long_op) theApp()->startLongOperation(); if (ok) { response = qstring_to_ucs4(text); return true; } response.clear(); return false; } bool askForText(docstring & response, docstring const & msg, docstring const & dflt) { #ifdef EXPORT_in_THREAD return InGuiThread().call(&doAskForText, #else return doAskForText( #endif response, msg, dflt); } } // namespace Alert } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx