/** * \file GuiCitation.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Angus Leeming * \author Kalle Dalheimer * \author Abdelrazak Younes * \author Richard Heck * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiCitation.h" #include "GuiApplication.h" #include "GuiSelectionManager.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "BiblioInfo.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "TextClass.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "insets/InsetCitation.h" #include "insets/InsetCommand.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstring.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef KeyPress #include "support/regex.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { // FIXME THREAD // I am guessing that it would not hurt to make these private members. static vector citeCmds_; static vector citeStyles_; template static QStringList to_qstring_list(vector const & v) { QStringList qlist; for (size_t i = 0; i != v.size(); ++i) { if (v[i].empty()) continue; qlist.append(lyx::toqstr(v[i])); } return qlist; } static vector to_docstring_vector(QStringList const & qlist) { vector v; for (int i = 0; i != qlist.size(); ++i) { if (qlist[i].isEmpty()) continue; v.push_back(lyx::qstring_to_ucs4(qlist[i])); } return v; } GuiCitation::GuiCitation(GuiView & lv) : DialogView(lv, "citation", qt_("Citation")), style_(QString()), params_(insetCode("citation")) { setupUi(this); // The filter bar filter_ = new FancyLineEdit(this); filter_->setButtonPixmap(FancyLineEdit::Right, getPixmap("images/", "editclear", "svgz,png")); filter_->setButtonVisible(FancyLineEdit::Right, true); filter_->setButtonToolTip(FancyLineEdit::Right, qt_("Clear text")); filter_->setAutoHideButton(FancyLineEdit::Right, true); filter_->setPlaceholderText(qt_("All avail. citations")); filterBarL->addWidget(filter_, 0); findKeysLA->setBuddy(filter_); // Add search options as button menu regexp_ = new QAction(qt_("Regular e&xpression"), this); regexp_->setCheckable(true); casesense_ = new QAction(qt_("Case se&nsitive"), this); casesense_->setCheckable(true); instant_ = new QAction(qt_("Search as you &type"), this); instant_->setCheckable(true); instant_->setChecked(true); QMenu * searchOpts = new QMenu(this); searchOpts->addAction(regexp_); searchOpts->addAction(casesense_); searchOpts->addAction(instant_); searchOptionsPB->setMenu(searchOpts); connect(citationStyleCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(on_citationStyleCO_currentIndexChanged(int))); connect(starredCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateStyles())); connect(literalCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(forceuppercaseCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateStyles())); connect(textBeforeED, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateStyles())); connect(textAfterED, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateStyles())); connect(textBeforeED, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(on_buttonBox_accepted())); connect(textAfterED, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(on_buttonBox_accepted())); selectionManager = new GuiSelectionManager(this, availableLV, selectedLV, addPB, deletePB, upPB, downPB, &available_model_, &selected_model_, 1); connect(selectionManager, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(setCitedKeys())); connect(selectionManager, SIGNAL(updateHook()), this, SLOT(updateControls())); connect(selectionManager, SIGNAL(okHook()), this, SLOT(on_buttonBox_accepted())); connect(filter_, SIGNAL(rightButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(resetFilter())); connect(filter_, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(filterChanged(QString))); connect(filter_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(filterPressed())); #if (QT_VERSION < 0x050000) connect(filter_, SIGNAL(downPressed()), availableLV, SLOT(setFocus())); #else connect(filter_, &FancyLineEdit::downPressed, availableLV, [=](){ focusAndHighlight(availableLV); }); #endif connect(regexp_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(regexChanged())); connect(casesense_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(caseChanged())); connect(instant_, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(instantChanged(bool))); #if (QT_VERSION < 0x050000) selectedLV->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); #else selectedLV->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); #endif selectedLV->setToolTip(qt_("Ordered list of all cited references.\n" "You can reorder, add and remove references with the buttons on the left.")); setFocusProxy(filter_); } void GuiCitation::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { clearSelection(); DialogView::closeEvent(e); } void GuiCitation::applyView() { int const choice = max(0, citationStyleCO->currentIndex()); style_ = citationStyleCO->itemData(citationStyleCO->currentIndex()).toString(); bool const full = starredCB->isChecked(); bool const force = forceuppercaseCB->isChecked(); QString const before = textBeforeED->text(); QString const after = textAfterED->text(); applyParams(choice, full, force, before, after); } void GuiCitation::showEvent(QShowEvent * e) { if (!filter_->text().isEmpty()) filterPressed(); availableLV->setFocus(); DialogView::showEvent(e); } void GuiCitation::on_buttonBox_accepted() { applyView(); clearSelection(); hide(); } void GuiCitation::on_buttonBox_rejected() { clearSelection(); hide(); } void GuiCitation::on_buttonBox_clicked(QAbstractButton * button) { switch (buttonBox->standardButton(button)) { case QDialogButtonBox::Apply: applyView(); break; case QDialogButtonBox::Reset: init(); updateFilterHint(); filterPressed(); break; default: break; } } void GuiCitation::on_literalCB_clicked() { InsetCitation::last_literal = literalCB->isChecked(); changed(); } void GuiCitation::updateControls() { BiblioInfo const & bi = bibInfo(); updateControls(bi); } // The main point of separating this out is that the fill*() methods // called in update() do not need to be called for INTERNAL updates, // such as when addPB is pressed, as the list of fields, entries, etc, // will not have changed. void GuiCitation::updateControls(BiblioInfo const & bi) { QModelIndex idx = selectionManager->getSelectedIndex(1); updateInfo(bi, idx); int i = citationStyleCO->currentIndex(); if (i == -1 || i > int(citeStyles_.size())) i = 0; updateFormatting(citeStyles_[size_type(i)]); selectionManager->update(); } void GuiCitation::updateFormatting(CitationStyle const & currentStyle) { BufferParams const bp = documentBuffer().params(); bool const force = currentStyle.forceUpperCase; bool const starred = currentStyle.hasStarredVersion; bool const full = starred && bp.fullAuthorList(); bool const textbefore = currentStyle.textBefore; bool const textafter = currentStyle.textAfter; int const rows = selectedLV->model()->rowCount(); bool const qualified = currentStyle.hasQualifiedList && (rows > 1 || !params_["pretextlist"].empty() || !params_["posttextlist"].empty() || !getPreTexts().empty() || !getPostTexts().empty()); selectedLV->horizontalHeader()->setVisible(qualified); selectedLV->setColumnHidden(0, !qualified); selectedLV->setColumnHidden(2, !qualified); bool const haveSelection = rows > 0; if (qualified) { textBeforeLA->setText(qt_("General text befo&re:")); textAfterLA->setText(qt_("General &text after:")); textBeforeED->setToolTip(qt_("Text that precedes the whole reference list. " "For text that precedes individual items, " "double-click on the respective entry above.")); textAfterLA->setToolTip(qt_("General &text after:")); textAfterED->setToolTip(qt_("Text that follows the whole reference list. " "For text that follows individual items, " "double-click on the respective entry above.")); } else { textBeforeLA->setText(qt_("Text befo&re:")); if (textbefore && haveSelection) textBeforeED->setToolTip(qt_("Text that precedes the reference (e.g., \"cf.\")")); else textBeforeED->setToolTip(qt_("Text that precedes the reference (e.g., \"cf.\"), " "if the current citation style supports this.")); textAfterLA->setText(qt_("&Text after:")); if (textafter && haveSelection) textAfterED->setToolTip(qt_("Text that follows the reference (e.g., pages)")); else textAfterED->setToolTip(qt_("Text that follows the reference (e.g., pages), " "if the current citation style supports this.")); } forceuppercaseCB->setEnabled(force && haveSelection); if (force && haveSelection) forceuppercaseCB->setToolTip(qt_("Force upper case in names (\"Del Piero\", not \"del Piero\").")); else forceuppercaseCB->setToolTip(qt_("Force upper case in names (\"Del Piero\", not \"del Piero\"), " "if the current citation style supports this.")); starredCB->setEnabled(full && haveSelection); textBeforeED->setEnabled(textbefore && haveSelection); textBeforeLA->setEnabled(textbefore && haveSelection); textAfterED->setEnabled(textafter && haveSelection); textAfterLA->setEnabled(textafter && haveSelection); literalCB->setEnabled(textbefore || textafter); citationStyleCO->setEnabled(haveSelection); citationStyleLA->setEnabled(haveSelection); // Check if we have a custom string/tooltip for the starred version if (starred && !currentStyle.stardesc.empty()) { string val = bp.documentClass().getCiteMacro(bp.citeEngineType(), currentStyle.stardesc); docstring guistring; if (!val.empty()) { guistring = translateIfPossible(from_utf8(val)); starredCB->setText(toqstr(guistring)); starredCB->setEnabled(haveSelection); } if (!currentStyle.startooltip.empty()) { val = bp.documentClass().getCiteMacro(bp.citeEngineType(), currentStyle.startooltip); if (!val.empty()) guistring = translateIfPossible(from_utf8(val)); } // Tooltip might also be empty starredCB->setToolTip(toqstr(guistring)); } else { // This is the default meaning of the starred commands starredCB->setText(qt_("All aut&hors")); if (full && haveSelection) starredCB->setToolTip(qt_("Always list all authors (rather than using \"et al.\")")); else starredCB->setToolTip(qt_("Always list all authors (rather than using \"et al.\"), " "if the current citation style supports this.")); } if (availableLV->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().isEmpty()) availableLV->setToolTip(qt_("All references available for citing.")); else availableLV->setToolTip(qt_("All references available for citing.\n" "To add the selected one, hit Add, press Enter or double-click.\n" "Hit Ctrl-Enter to add and close the dialog.")); // With qualified citation lists, it makes sense to add the same key multiple times selectionManager->allowMultiSelection(currentStyle.hasQualifiedList); } // Update the styles for the style combo, citationStyleCO, and mark the // settings as changed. Called upon changing the cited keys (including // merely reordering the keys) or editing the text before/after fields. void GuiCitation::updateStyles() { BiblioInfo const & bi = bibInfo(); updateStyles(bi); changed(); } // Update the styles for the style combo, citationStyleCO. void GuiCitation::updateStyles(BiblioInfo const & bi) { QStringList selected_keys = selectedKeys(); int curr = selectedLV->model()->rowCount() - 1; if (curr < 0 || selected_keys.empty()) { citationStyleCO->clear(); citationStyleCO->setEnabled(false); citationStyleLA->setEnabled(false); return; } static const size_t max_length = 80; BiblioInfo::CiteStringMap sty = citationStyles(bi, max_length); if (sty.empty()) { // some error citationStyleCO->setEnabled(false); citationStyleLA->setEnabled(false); citationStyleCO->clear(); return; } citationStyleCO->blockSignals(true); // save old style selection QString const curdata = citationStyleCO->itemData(citationStyleCO->currentIndex()).toString(); QString const olddata = (curdata.isEmpty()) ? style_ : curdata; citationStyleCO->clear(); BiblioInfo::CiteStringMap::const_iterator cit = sty.begin(); BiblioInfo::CiteStringMap::const_iterator end = sty.end(); for (int ii = 1; cit != end; ++cit, ++ii) citationStyleCO->addItem(toqstr(cit->second), toqstr(cit->first)); citationStyleCO->setEnabled(true); citationStyleLA->setEnabled(true); // restore old style selection int const i = citationStyleCO->findData(olddata); if (i != -1) citationStyleCO->setCurrentIndex(i); citationStyleCO->blockSignals(false); } void GuiCitation::fillFields(BiblioInfo const & bi) { fieldsCO->blockSignals(true); int const oldIndex = fieldsCO->currentIndex(); fieldsCO->clear(); QStringList const fields = to_qstring_list(bi.getFields()); fieldsCO->insertItem(0, qt_("All fields")); fieldsCO->insertItem(1, qt_("Keys")); fieldsCO->insertItems(2, fields); if (oldIndex != -1 && oldIndex < fieldsCO->count()) fieldsCO->setCurrentIndex(oldIndex); fieldsCO->blockSignals(false); } void GuiCitation::fillEntries(BiblioInfo const & bi) { entriesCO->blockSignals(true); int const oldIndex = entriesCO->currentIndex(); entriesCO->clear(); QStringList const entries = to_qstring_list(bi.getEntries()); entriesCO->insertItem(0, qt_("All entry types")); entriesCO->insertItems(1, entries); if (oldIndex != -1 && oldIndex < entriesCO->count()) entriesCO->setCurrentIndex(oldIndex); entriesCO->blockSignals(false); } bool GuiCitation::isSelected(QModelIndex const & idx) { QString const str = idx.data().toString(); return selectedKeys().contains(str); } void GuiCitation::setButtons() { int const srows = selectedLV->model()->rowCount(); buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(srows > 0); buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(srows > 0); } void GuiCitation::updateInfo(BiblioInfo const & bi, QModelIndex const & idx) { if (!idx.isValid() || bi.empty()) { infoML->document()->clear(); infoML->setToolTip(qt_("Displays a sketchy preview if a citation is selected above")); return; } infoML->setToolTip(qt_("Sketchy preview of the selected citation")); CiteItem ci; ci.richtext = true; QString const keytxt = toqstr( bi.getInfo(qstring_to_ucs4(idx.data().toString()), documentBuffer(), ci)); infoML->document()->setHtml(keytxt); } void GuiCitation::findText(QString const & text, bool reset) { //"All Fields" and "Keys" are the first two int index = fieldsCO->currentIndex() - 2; BiblioInfo const & bi = bibInfo(); vector const & fields = bi.getFields(); docstring field; if (index <= -1 || index >= int(fields.size())) //either "All Fields" or "Keys" or an invalid value field = from_ascii(""); else field = fields[size_type(index)]; //Was it "Keys"? bool const onlyKeys = index == -1; //"All Entry Types" is first. index = entriesCO->currentIndex() - 1; vector const & entries = bi.getEntries(); docstring entry_type; if (index < 0 || index >= int(entries.size())) entry_type = from_ascii(""); else entry_type = entries[size_type(index)]; bool const case_sentitive = casesense_->isChecked(); bool const reg_exp = regexp_->isChecked(); findKey(bi, text, onlyKeys, field, entry_type, case_sentitive, reg_exp, reset); //FIXME //It'd be nice to save and restore the current selection in //availableLV. Currently, we get an automatic reset, since the //model is reset. updateControls(bi); } void GuiCitation::on_fieldsCO_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/) { findText(filter_->text(), true); } void GuiCitation::on_entriesCO_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/) { findText(filter_->text(), true); } void GuiCitation::on_citationStyleCO_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < citationStyleCO->count()) { vector const & styles = citeStyles_; updateFormatting(styles[size_type(index)]); changed(); } } void GuiCitation::filterChanged(const QString & text) { if (!text.isEmpty()) { if (instant_->isChecked()) findText(filter_->text()); return; } findText(filter_->text()); filter_->setFocus(); } void GuiCitation::filterPressed() { findText(filter_->text(), true); } void GuiCitation::resetFilter() { filter_->setText(QString()); findText(filter_->text(), true); } void GuiCitation::caseChanged() { findText(filter_->text()); } void GuiCitation::regexChanged() { findText(filter_->text()); } void GuiCitation::updateFilterHint() { QString hint = instant_->isChecked() ? qt_("Enter string to filter the list of available citations") : qt_("Enter string to filter the list of available citations and press "); hint += qt_("\nThe down arrow key will get you into the list of filtered citations."); filter_->setToolTip(hint); } void GuiCitation::instantChanged(bool checked) { if (checked) findText(filter_->text(), true); updateFilterHint(); } void GuiCitation::changed() { setButtons(); } void GuiCitation::applyParams(int const choice, bool full, bool force, QString before, QString after) { if (cited_keys_.isEmpty()) return; vector const & styles = citeStyles_; CitationStyle cs = styles[size_type(choice)]; if (!cs.textBefore) before.clear(); if (!cs.textAfter) after.clear(); cs.forceUpperCase &= force; cs.hasStarredVersion &= full; string const command = citationStyleToString(cs); params_.setCmdName(command); params_["key"] = qstring_to_ucs4(cited_keys_.join(",")); params_["before"] = qstring_to_ucs4(before); params_["after"] = qstring_to_ucs4(after); if (cs.hasQualifiedList) { params_["pretextlist"] = getStringFromVector(getPreTexts(), from_ascii("\t")); params_["posttextlist"] = getStringFromVector(getPostTexts(), from_ascii("\t")); } params_["literal"] = literalCB->isChecked() ? from_ascii("true") : from_ascii("false"); dispatchParams(); } void GuiCitation::clearSelection() { cited_keys_.clear(); setSelectedKeys(cited_keys_); } void GuiCitation::setSelectedKeys(QStringList const sl) { selected_model_.clear(); selected_model_.setColumnCount(3); QStringList headers; headers << qt_("Text before") << qt_("Cite key") << qt_("Text after"); selected_model_.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers); selectedLV->setColumnHidden(0, true); selectedLV->setColumnHidden(2, true); selectedLV->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); selectedLV->horizontalHeader()->setVisible(false); QStringList::const_iterator it = sl.begin(); QStringList::const_iterator end = sl.end(); for (int i = 0; it != end; ++it, ++i) { QStandardItem * si = new QStandardItem(); si->setData(*it); si->setText(*it); si->setToolTip(*it); si->setEditable(false); selected_model_.setItem(i, 1, si); } } QStringList GuiCitation::selectedKeys() { QStringList res; for (int i = 0; i != selected_model_.rowCount(); ++i) { QStandardItem const * item = selected_model_.item(i, 1); if (item) res.append(item->text()); } return res; } void GuiCitation::setPreTexts(vector const & m) { // account for multiple use of the same keys QList handled; for (docstring const & s: m) { QStandardItem * si = new QStandardItem(); docstring key; docstring pre = split(s, key, ' '); si->setData(toqstr(pre)); si->setText(toqstr(pre)); QModelIndexList qmil = selected_model_.match(selected_model_.index(0, 1), Qt::DisplayRole, toqstr(key), -1, Qt::MatchFlags(Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchWrap)); for (int i = 0; i < qmil.size(); ++i){ QModelIndex idx = qmil[i]; if (!handled.contains(idx)) { selected_model_.setItem(idx.row(), 0, si); handled.append(idx); break; } } } } vector GuiCitation::getPreTexts() { vector res; for (int i = 0; i != selected_model_.rowCount(); ++i) { QStandardItem const * key = selected_model_.item(i, 1); QStandardItem const * pre = selected_model_.item(i, 0); if (key && pre && !key->text().isEmpty()) res.push_back(qstring_to_ucs4(key->text()) + " " + qstring_to_ucs4(pre->text())); } return res; } void GuiCitation::setPostTexts(vector const & m) { // account for multiple use of the same keys QList handled; for (docstring const & s: m) { QStandardItem * si = new QStandardItem(); docstring key; docstring post = split(s, key, ' '); si->setData(toqstr(post)); si->setText(toqstr(post)); QModelIndexList qmil = selected_model_.match(selected_model_.index(0, 1), Qt::DisplayRole, toqstr(key), -1, Qt::MatchFlags(Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchWrap)); for (int i = 0; i < qmil.size(); ++i){ QModelIndex idx = qmil[i]; if (!handled.contains(idx)) { selected_model_.setItem(idx.row(), 2, si); handled.append(idx); break; } } } } vector GuiCitation::getPostTexts() { vector res; for (int i = 0; i != selected_model_.rowCount(); ++i) { QStandardItem const * key = selected_model_.item(i, 1); QStandardItem const * post = selected_model_.item(i, 2); if (key && post && !key->text().isEmpty()) res.push_back(qstring_to_ucs4(key->text()) + " " + qstring_to_ucs4(post->text())); } return res; } void GuiCitation::init() { // Make the list of all available bibliography keys BiblioInfo const & bi = bibInfo(); all_keys_ = to_qstring_list(bi.getKeys()); available_model_.setStringList(all_keys_); // Ditto for the keys cited in this inset QString str = toqstr(params_["key"]); if (str.isEmpty()) cited_keys_.clear(); else cited_keys_ = str.split(","); setSelectedKeys(cited_keys_); // Initialize the drop downs fillEntries(bi); fillFields(bi); // Initialize the citation formatting string const & cmd = params_.getCmdName(); CitationStyle const cs = citationStyleFromString(cmd, documentBuffer().params()); forceuppercaseCB->setChecked(cs.forceUpperCase); starredCB->setChecked(cs.hasStarredVersion && documentBuffer().params().fullAuthorList()); textBeforeED->setText(toqstr(params_["before"])); textAfterED->setText(toqstr(params_["after"])); // if this is a new citation, we set the literal checkbox // to its last set value. if (cited_keys_.isEmpty()) literalCB->setChecked(InsetCitation::last_literal); else literalCB->setChecked(params_["literal"] == "true"); setPreTexts(getVectorFromString(params_["pretextlist"], from_ascii("\t"))); setPostTexts(getVectorFromString(params_["posttextlist"], from_ascii("\t"))); // Update the interface updateControls(bi); updateStyles(bi); if (selected_model_.rowCount()) { selectedLV->blockSignals(true); selectedLV->setFocus(); selectedLV->selectRow(0); selectedLV->blockSignals(false); // Find the citation style vector const & cmds = citeCmds_; vector::const_iterator cit = std::find(cmds.begin(), cmds.end(), cs.name); int i = 0; if (cit != cmds.end()) i = int(cit - cmds.begin()); // Set the style combo appropriately citationStyleCO->blockSignals(true); citationStyleCO->setCurrentIndex(i); citationStyleCO->blockSignals(false); updateFormatting(citeStyles_[size_type(i)]); } else availableLV->setFocus(); buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(false); buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(false); } void GuiCitation::findKey(BiblioInfo const & bi, QString const & str, bool only_keys, docstring field, docstring entry_type, bool case_sensitive, bool reg_exp, bool reset) { // FIXME THREAD // This should be moved to a class member. // Used for optimisation: store last searched string. static QString last_searched_string; // Used to disable the above optimisation. static bool last_case_sensitive; static bool last_reg_exp; // Reset last_searched_string in case of changed option. if (last_case_sensitive != case_sensitive || last_reg_exp != reg_exp) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, "GuiCitation::findKey: optimisation disabled!"); last_searched_string.clear(); } // save option for next search. last_case_sensitive = case_sensitive; last_reg_exp = reg_exp; Qt::CaseSensitivity qtcase = case_sensitive ? Qt::CaseSensitive: Qt::CaseInsensitive; QStringList keys; // If new string (str) contains the last searched one... if (!reset && !last_searched_string.isEmpty() && str.size() > 1 && str.contains(last_searched_string, qtcase)) // ... then only search within already found list. keys = available_model_.stringList(); else // ... else search all keys. keys = all_keys_; // save searched string for next search. last_searched_string = str; QStringList result; // First, filter by entry_type, which will be faster than // what follows, so we may get to do that on less. vector keyVector = to_docstring_vector(keys); filterByEntryType(bi, keyVector, entry_type); if (str.isEmpty()) result = to_qstring_list(keyVector); else result = to_qstring_list(searchKeys(bi, keyVector, only_keys, qstring_to_ucs4(str), field, case_sensitive, reg_exp)); available_model_.setStringList(result); } BiblioInfo::CiteStringMap GuiCitation::citationStyles(BiblioInfo const & bi, size_t max_size) { vector const keys = to_docstring_vector(cited_keys_); vector styles = citeStyles_; int ind = citationStyleCO->currentIndex(); if (ind == -1) ind = 0; CitationStyle cs = styles[size_type(ind)]; vector pretexts = getPreTexts(); vector posttexts = getPostTexts(); bool const qualified = cs.hasQualifiedList && (selectedLV->model()->rowCount() > 1 || !pretexts.empty() || !posttexts.empty()); vector> pres; for (docstring const & s: pretexts) { docstring key; docstring val = split(s, key, ' '); pres.push_back(make_pair(key, val)); } vector> posts; for (docstring const & s: posttexts) { docstring key; docstring val = split(s, key, ' '); posts.push_back(make_pair(key, val)); } CiteItem ci; ci.textBefore = qstring_to_ucs4(textBeforeED->text()); ci.textAfter = qstring_to_ucs4(textAfterED->text()); ci.forceUpperCase = forceuppercaseCB->isChecked(); ci.Starred = starredCB->isChecked(); ci.context = CiteItem::Dialog; ci.max_size = max_size; ci.isQualified = qualified; ci.pretexts = pres; ci.posttexts = posts; BiblioInfo::CiteStringMap ret = bi.getCiteStrings(keys, styles, documentBuffer(), ci); return ret; } void GuiCitation::setCitedKeys() { cited_keys_ = selectedKeys(); updateStyles(); } bool GuiCitation::initialiseParams(string const & sdata) { InsetCommand::string2params(sdata, params_); citeCmds_ = documentBuffer().params().citeCommands(); citeStyles_ = documentBuffer().params().citeStyles(); init(); return true; } void GuiCitation::clearParams() { params_.clear(); } void GuiCitation::filterByEntryType(BiblioInfo const & bi, vector & keyVector, docstring entry_type) { if (entry_type.empty()) return; vector::iterator it = keyVector.begin(); vector::iterator end = keyVector.end(); vector result; for (; it != end; ++it) { docstring const key = *it; BiblioInfo::const_iterator cit = bi.find(key); if (cit == bi.end()) continue; if (cit->second.entryType() == entry_type) result.push_back(key); } keyVector = result; } // Escape special chars. // All characters are literals except: '.|*?+(){}[]^$\' // These characters are literals when preceded by a "\", which is done here // @todo: This function should be moved to support, and then the test in tests // should be moved there as well. static docstring escape_special_chars(docstring const & expr) { // Search for all chars '.|*?+(){}[^$]\' // Note that '[', ']', and '\' must be escaped. static const lyx::regex reg("[.|*?+(){}^$\\[\\]\\\\]"); // $& is an ECMAScript format expression that expands to all // of the current match #ifdef LYX_USE_STD_REGEX // To prefix a matched expression with a single literal backslash, we // need to escape it for the C++ compiler and use: // FIXME: UNICODE return from_utf8(lyx::regex_replace(to_utf8(expr), reg, string("\\$&"))); #else // A backslash in the format string starts an escape sequence in boost. // Thus, to prefix a matched expression with a single literal backslash, // we need to give two backslashes to the regex engine, and escape both // for the C++ compiler and use: // FIXME: UNICODE return from_utf8(lyx::regex_replace(to_utf8(expr), reg, string("\\\\$&"))); #endif } vector GuiCitation::searchKeys(BiblioInfo const & bi, vector const & keys_to_search, bool only_keys, docstring const & search_expression, docstring field, bool case_sensitive, bool regex) { vector foundKeys; docstring expr = trim(search_expression); if (expr.empty()) return foundKeys; if (!regex) // We must escape special chars in the search_expr so that // it is treated as a simple string by lyx::regex. expr = escape_special_chars(expr); lyx::regex reg_exp; try { reg_exp.assign(to_utf8(expr), case_sensitive ? lyx::regex_constants::ECMAScript : lyx::regex_constants::icase); } catch (lyx::regex_error const & e) { // lyx::regex throws an exception if the regular expression is not // valid. LYXERR(Debug::GUI, e.what()); return vector(); } vector::const_iterator it = keys_to_search.begin(); vector::const_iterator end = keys_to_search.end(); for (; it != end; ++it ) { BiblioInfo::const_iterator info = bi.find(*it); if (info == bi.end()) continue; BibTeXInfo const & kvm = info->second; string sdata; if (only_keys) sdata = to_utf8(*it); else if (field.empty()) sdata = to_utf8(*it) + ' ' + to_utf8(kvm.allData()); else sdata = to_utf8(kvm[field]); if (sdata.empty()) continue; try { if (lyx::regex_search(sdata, reg_exp)) foundKeys.push_back(*it); } catch (lyx::regex_error const & e) { LYXERR(Debug::GUI, e.what()); return vector(); } } return foundKeys; } void GuiCitation::dispatchParams() { std::string const lfun = InsetCommand::params2string(params_); dispatch(FuncRequest(getLfun(), lfun)); } BiblioInfo const & GuiCitation::bibInfo() const { Buffer const & buf = documentBuffer(); buf.reloadBibInfoCache(); return buf.masterBibInfo(); } void GuiCitation::saveSession(QSettings & settings) const { Dialog::saveSession(settings); settings.setValue( sessionKey() + "/regex", regexp_->isChecked()); settings.setValue( sessionKey() + "/casesensitive", casesense_->isChecked()); settings.setValue( sessionKey() + "/autofind", instant_->isChecked()); settings.setValue( sessionKey() + "/citestyle", style_); settings.setValue( sessionKey() + "/literal", InsetCitation::last_literal); } void GuiCitation::restoreSession() { Dialog::restoreSession(); QSettings settings; regexp_->setChecked(settings.value(sessionKey() + "/regex").toBool()); casesense_->setChecked(settings.value(sessionKey() + "/casesensitive").toBool()); instant_->setChecked(settings.value(sessionKey() + "/autofind", true).toBool()); style_ = settings.value(sessionKey() + "/citestyle").toString(); InsetCitation::last_literal = settings.value(sessionKey() + "/literal", false).toBool(); updateFilterHint(); } Dialog * createGuiCitation(GuiView & lv) { return new GuiCitation(lv); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "moc_GuiCitation.cpp"