/** * \file GuiInclude.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * \author John Levon * \author Angus Leeming * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiInclude.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "LyXRC.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/os.h" #include "support/FileName.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "insets/InsetListingsParams.h" #include "insets/InsetInclude.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; using namespace lyx::support::os; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { GuiInclude::GuiInclude(GuiView & lv) : GuiDialog(lv, "include", qt_("Child Document")), params_(insetCode("include")) { setupUi(this); connect(okPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotOK())); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotClose())); connect(visiblespaceCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(filenameED, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(editPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit())); connect(browsePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(browse())); connect(typeCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(typeCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(typeChanged(int))); connect(previewCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(captionLE, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(labelLE, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(listingsED, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(listingsED, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(setListingsMsg())); connect(bypassCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(change_adaptor())); connect(bypassCB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setListingsMsg())); setFocusProxy(filenameED); bc().setPolicy(ButtonPolicy::OkApplyCancelReadOnlyPolicy); bc().setOK(okPB); bc().setCancel(closePB); bc().addReadOnly(filenameED); bc().addReadOnly(browsePB); bc().addReadOnly(visiblespaceCB); bc().addReadOnly(typeCO); bc().addReadOnly(listingsED); bc().addCheckedLineEdit(filenameED, filenameLA); } void GuiInclude::change_adaptor() { changed(); } docstring GuiInclude::validate_listings_params() { // use a cache here to avoid repeated validation // of the same parameters // FIXME THREAD static string param_cache = string(); static docstring msg_cache = docstring(); if (typeCO->currentIndex() != 3 || bypassCB->isChecked()) return docstring(); string params = fromqstr(listingsED->toPlainText()); if (params != param_cache) { param_cache = params; msg_cache = InsetListingsParams(params).validate(); } return msg_cache; } void GuiInclude::setListingsMsg() { // FIXME THREAD static bool isOK = true; docstring msg = validate_listings_params(); if (msg.empty()) { if (isOK) return; isOK = true; listingsTB->setPlainText( qt_("Input listing parameters on the right. Enter ? for a list of parameters.")); } else { isOK = false; listingsTB->setPlainText(toqstr(msg)); } } void GuiInclude::typeChanged(int v) { switch (v) { //case Include case 0: visiblespaceCB->setEnabled(false); visiblespaceCB->setChecked(false); previewCB->setEnabled(false); previewCB->setChecked(false); listingsGB->setEnabled(false); break; //case Input case 1: visiblespaceCB->setEnabled(false); visiblespaceCB->setChecked(false); previewCB->setEnabled(true); listingsGB->setEnabled(false); break; //case listings case 3: visiblespaceCB->setEnabled(false); visiblespaceCB->setChecked(false); previewCB->setEnabled(false); previewCB->setChecked(false); listingsGB->setEnabled(true); break; //case Verbatim default: visiblespaceCB->setEnabled(true); previewCB->setEnabled(false); previewCB->setChecked(false); listingsGB->setEnabled(false); break; } //see this thread // http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg118471.html //for the reason this is here. okPB->setDefault(true); } void GuiInclude::paramsToDialog(InsetCommandParams const & params_) { filenameED->setText(toqstr(params_["filename"])); visiblespaceCB->setChecked(false); visiblespaceCB->setEnabled(false); previewCB->setChecked(false); previewCB->setEnabled(false); listingsGB->setEnabled(false); captionLE->clear(); labelLE->clear(); listingsED->clear(); listingsTB->setPlainText( qt_("Input listing parameters on the right. Enter ? for a list of parameters.")); string cmdname = params_.getCmdName(); if (cmdname != "include" && cmdname != "verbatiminput" && cmdname != "verbatiminput*" && cmdname != "lstinputlisting") cmdname = "input"; if (cmdname == "include") { typeCO->setCurrentIndex(0); } else if (cmdname == "input") { typeCO->setCurrentIndex(1); previewCB->setEnabled(true); previewCB->setChecked(params_.preview()); } else if (cmdname == "verbatiminput*") { typeCO->setCurrentIndex(2); visiblespaceCB->setEnabled(true); visiblespaceCB->setChecked(true); } else if (cmdname == "verbatiminput") { typeCO->setCurrentIndex(2); visiblespaceCB->setEnabled(true); } else if (cmdname == "lstinputlisting") { typeCO->setCurrentIndex(3); listingsGB->setEnabled(true); listingsED->setEnabled(true); InsetListingsParams par(to_utf8(params_["lstparams"])); // extract caption and label and put them into their respective editboxes vector pars = getVectorFromString(par.separatedParams(), "\n"); for (vector::iterator it = pars.begin(); it != pars.end(); ++it) { if (prefixIs(*it, "caption=")) { string cap = it->substr(8); if (cap[0] == '{' && cap[cap.size() - 1] == '}') { captionLE->setText(toqstr(cap.substr(1, cap.size() - 2))); *it = ""; } } else if (prefixIs(*it, "label=")) { string lbl = it->substr(6); if (lbl[0] == '{' && lbl[lbl.size()-1] == '}') { labelLE->setText(toqstr(lbl.substr(1, lbl.size() - 2))); *it = ""; } } } // the rest is put to the extra edit box. string extra = getStringFromVector(pars); listingsED->setPlainText(toqstr(InsetListingsParams(extra).separatedParams())); } // Make sure that the bc is in the INITIAL state if (bc().policy().buttonStatus(ButtonPolicy::OKAY)) bc().restore(); } void GuiInclude::applyView() { params_["filename"] = from_utf8(internal_path(fromqstr(filenameED->text()))); params_.preview(previewCB->isChecked()); int const item = typeCO->currentIndex(); if (item == 0) { params_.setCmdName("include"); } else if (item == 1) { params_.setCmdName("input"); } else if (item == 3) { params_.setCmdName("lstinputlisting"); // the parameter string should have passed validation InsetListingsParams par(fromqstr(listingsED->toPlainText())); string caption = fromqstr(captionLE->text()); string label = fromqstr(labelLE->text()); if (!caption.empty()) par.addParam("caption", "{" + caption + "}"); if (!label.empty()) par.addParam("label", "{" + label + "}"); string const listparams = par.params(); params_["lstparams"] = from_utf8(listparams); } else { if (visiblespaceCB->isChecked()) params_.setCmdName("verbatiminput*"); else params_.setCmdName("verbatiminput"); } } void GuiInclude::browse() { Type type; int const item = typeCO->currentIndex(); if (item == 0) type = INCLUDE; else if (item == 1) type = INPUT; else if (item == 2) type = VERBATIM; else type = LISTINGS; QString name = browse(filenameED->text(), type); if (!name.isEmpty()) filenameED->setText(name); } void GuiInclude::edit() { if (!isValid()) return; string const file = fromqstr(filenameED->text()); if (bc().policy().buttonStatus(ButtonPolicy::OKAY)) { slotOK(); applyView(); } else hideView(); dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_INSET_EDIT)); } bool GuiInclude::isValid() { return !filenameED->text().isEmpty() && validate_listings_params().empty(); } QString GuiInclude::browse(QString const & in_name, Type in_type) const { QString const title = qt_("Select document to include"); // input TeX, verbatim, or LyX file ? QStringList filters; switch (in_type) { case INCLUDE: case INPUT: filters = fileFilters(qt_("LaTeX/LyX Documents (*.tex *.lyx)")); break; case VERBATIM: case LISTINGS: filters = fileFilters(QString()); break; } QString const docpath = toqstr(support::onlyPath(buffer().absFileName())); return browseRelToParent(in_name, docpath, title, filters, false, qt_("Documents|#o#O"), toqstr(lyxrc.document_path)); } bool GuiInclude::initialiseParams(std::string const & data) { InsetCommand::string2params(data, params_); paramsToDialog(params_); return true; } void GuiInclude::dispatchParams() { std::string const lfun = InsetCommand::params2string(params_); dispatch(FuncRequest(getLfun(), lfun)); } Dialog * createGuiInclude(GuiView & lv) { return new GuiInclude(lv); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "moc_GuiInclude.cpp"