/** * \file InsetBox.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Angus Leeming * \author Martin Vermeer * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetBox.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "output_xhtml.h" #include "TextClass.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/Translator.h" #include "frontends/Application.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { namespace { typedef Translator BoxTranslator; typedef Translator BoxTranslatorLoc; BoxTranslator initBoxtranslator() { BoxTranslator translator("Boxed", InsetBox::Boxed); translator.addPair("Frameless", InsetBox::Frameless); translator.addPair("Framed", InsetBox::Framed); translator.addPair("ovalbox", InsetBox::ovalbox); translator.addPair("Ovalbox", InsetBox::Ovalbox); translator.addPair("Shadowbox", InsetBox::Shadowbox); translator.addPair("Shaded", InsetBox::Shaded); translator.addPair("Doublebox",InsetBox::Doublebox); return translator; } BoxTranslatorLoc initBoxtranslatorLoc() { BoxTranslatorLoc translator(_("simple frame"), InsetBox::Boxed); translator.addPair(_("frameless"), InsetBox::Frameless); translator.addPair(_("simple frame, page breaks"), InsetBox::Framed); translator.addPair(_("oval, thin"), InsetBox::ovalbox); translator.addPair(_("oval, thick"), InsetBox::Ovalbox); translator.addPair(_("drop shadow"), InsetBox::Shadowbox); translator.addPair(_("shaded background"), InsetBox::Shaded); translator.addPair(_("double frame"), InsetBox::Doublebox); return translator; } BoxTranslator const & boxtranslator() { static BoxTranslator translator = initBoxtranslator(); return translator; } BoxTranslatorLoc const & boxtranslator_loc() { static BoxTranslatorLoc translator = initBoxtranslatorLoc(); return translator; } } // namespace anon ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InsetBox // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InsetBox::InsetBox(Buffer * buffer, string const & label) : InsetCollapsable(buffer), params_(label) {} InsetBox::~InsetBox() { hideDialogs("box", this); } docstring InsetBox::name() const { // FIXME: UNICODE string name = "Box"; if (boxtranslator().find(params_.type) == Shaded) name += ":Shaded"; return from_ascii(name); } void InsetBox::write(ostream & os) const { params_.write(os); InsetCollapsable::write(os); } void InsetBox::read(Lexer & lex) { params_.read(lex); InsetCollapsable::read(lex); } void InsetBox::setButtonLabel() { BoxType const btype = boxtranslator().find(params_.type); docstring const type = _("Box"); docstring inner; if (params_.inner_box) { if (params_.use_parbox) inner = _("Parbox"); else inner = _("Minipage"); } docstring frame; if (btype != Frameless) frame = boxtranslator_loc().find(btype); docstring label; if (inner.empty() && frame.empty()) label = type; else if (inner.empty()) label = bformat(_("%1$s (%2$s)"), type, frame); else if (frame.empty()) label = bformat(_("%1$s (%2$s)"), type, inner); else label = bformat(_("%1$s (%2$s, %3$s)"), type, inner, frame); setLabel(label); } bool InsetBox::hasFixedWidth() const { return params_.inner_box || params_.special != "width"; } void InsetBox::metrics(MetricsInfo & m, Dimension & dim) const { // back up textwidth. int textwidth_backup = m.base.textwidth; if (hasFixedWidth()) m.base.textwidth = params_.width.inPixels(m.base.textwidth); InsetCollapsable::metrics(m, dim); // retore textwidth. m.base.textwidth = textwidth_backup; } bool InsetBox::forcePlainLayout(idx_type) const { return !params_.inner_box && params_.type != "Framed"; } bool InsetBox::showInsetDialog(BufferView * bv) const { bv->showDialog("box", params2string(params_), const_cast(this)); return true; } void InsetBox::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { //lyxerr << "InsetBox::dispatch MODIFY" << endl; if (cmd.getArg(0) == "changetype") params_.type = cmd.getArg(1); else string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), params_); break; } case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: cur.bv().updateDialog("box", params2string(params_)); break; default: InsetCollapsable::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } bool InsetBox::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag) const { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: if (cmd.getArg(0) == "changetype") flag.setOnOff(cmd.getArg(1) == params_.type); flag.setEnabled(true); return true; case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: flag.setEnabled(true); return true; case LFUN_BREAK_PARAGRAPH: if (params_.inner_box || params_.type == "Framed") return InsetCollapsable::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag); flag.setEnabled(false); return true; default: return InsetCollapsable::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag); } } int InsetBox::latex(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { BoxType btype = boxtranslator().find(params_.type); string width_string = params_.width.asLatexString(); bool stdwidth = false; if (params_.inner_box && (width_string.find("1.0\\columnwidth") != string::npos || width_string.find("1.0\\textwidth") != string::npos)) { stdwidth = true; switch (btype) { case Frameless: case Framed: break; case Boxed: case Shaded: width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 2\\fboxrule"; break; case ovalbox: width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 0.8pt"; break; case Ovalbox: width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 1.6pt"; break; case Shadowbox: // Shadow falls outside right margin... opinions? width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 2\\fboxrule"/* "-\\shadowsize"*/; break; case Doublebox: width_string += " - 2\\fboxsep - 7.5\\fboxrule - 1pt"; break; } } int i = 0; os << "%\n"; // Adapt to column/text width correctly also if paragraphs indented: if (stdwidth) os << "\\noindent"; switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Framed: os << "\\begin{framed}%\n"; i += 1; break; case Boxed: os << "\\framebox"; if (!params_.inner_box) { os << "{\\makebox"; // Special widths, see usrguide §3.5 // FIXME UNICODE if (params_.special != "none") { os << "[" << params_.width.value() << '\\' << from_utf8(params_.special) << ']'; } else os << '[' << from_ascii(width_string) << ']'; if (params_.hor_pos != 'c') os << "[" << params_.hor_pos << "]"; } os << "{"; break; case ovalbox: os << "\\ovalbox{"; break; case Ovalbox: os << "\\Ovalbox{"; break; case Shadowbox: os << "\\shadowbox{"; break; case Shaded: // later break; case Doublebox: os << "\\doublebox{"; break; } if (params_.inner_box) { if (params_.use_parbox) os << "\\parbox"; else os << "\\begin{minipage}"; os << "[" << params_.pos << "]"; if (params_.height_special == "none") { // FIXME UNICODE os << "[" << from_ascii(params_.height.asLatexString()) << "]"; } else { // Special heights // set no optional argument when the value is the default "1\height" // (special units like \height are handled as "in") // but when the user has chosen a non-default inner_pos, the height // must be given: \minipage[pos][height][inner-pos]{width} if ((params_.height != Length("1in") || params_.height_special != "totalheight") || params_.inner_pos != params_.pos) { // FIXME UNICODE os << "[" << params_.height.value() << "\\" << from_utf8(params_.height_special) << "]"; } } if (params_.inner_pos != params_.pos) os << "[" << params_.inner_pos << "]"; // FIXME UNICODE os << '{' << from_ascii(width_string) << '}'; if (params_.use_parbox) os << "{"; os << "%\n"; ++i; } if (btype == Shaded) { os << "\\begin{shaded}%\n"; ++i; } i += InsetText::latex(os, runparams); if (btype == Shaded) os << "\\end{shaded}"; if (params_.inner_box) { if (params_.use_parbox) os << "%\n}"; else os << "%\n\\end{minipage}"; } switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Framed: os << "\\end{framed}"; break; case Boxed: if (!params_.inner_box) os << "}"; // for makebox os << "}"; break; case ovalbox: case Ovalbox: case Doublebox: case Shadowbox: os << "}"; break; case Shaded: // already done break; } i += 2; return i; } int InsetBox::plaintext(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { BoxType const btype = boxtranslator().find(params_.type); switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Framed: case Boxed: os << "[\n"; break; case ovalbox: os << "(\n"; break; case Ovalbox: os << "((\n"; break; case Shadowbox: case Shaded: os << "[/\n"; break; case Doublebox: os << "[[\n"; break; } InsetText::plaintext(os, runparams); int len = 0; switch (btype) { case Frameless: os << "\n"; break; case Framed: case Boxed: os << "\n]"; len = 1; break; case ovalbox: os << "\n)"; len = 1; break; case Ovalbox: os << "\n))"; len = 2; break; case Shadowbox: case Shaded: os << "\n/]"; len = 2; break; case Doublebox: os << "\n]]"; len = 2; break; } return PLAINTEXT_NEWLINE + len; // len chars on a separate line } int InsetBox::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { return InsetText::docbook(os, runparams); } docstring InsetBox::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams) const { // construct attributes string attrs = "class='" + params_.type + "'"; string style; if (!params_.width.empty()) style += ("width: " + params_.width.asHTMLString() + ";"); if (!params_.height.empty()) style += ("height: " + params_.height.asHTMLString() + ";"); if (!style.empty()) attrs += " style='" + style + "'"; xs << StartTag("div", attrs); XHTMLOptions const opts = InsetText::WriteLabel | InsetText::WriteInnerTag; docstring defer = InsetText::insetAsXHTML(xs, runparams, opts); xs << EndTag("div"); xs << defer; return docstring(); } void InsetBox::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { BoxType btype = boxtranslator().find(params_.type); switch (btype) { case Frameless: break; case Framed: features.require("framed"); break; case Boxed: features.require("calc"); break; case ovalbox: case Ovalbox: case Shadowbox: case Doublebox: features.require("calc"); features.require("fancybox"); break; case Shaded: features.require("color"); features.require("framed"); break; } InsetCollapsable::validate(features); } docstring InsetBox::contextMenu(BufferView const &, int, int) const { return from_ascii("context-box"); } string InsetBox::params2string(InsetBoxParams const & params) { ostringstream data; data << "box" << ' '; params.write(data); return data.str(); } void InsetBox::string2params(string const & in, InsetBoxParams & params) { params = InsetBoxParams(string()); if (in.empty()) return; istringstream data(in); Lexer lex; lex.setStream(data); string name; lex >> name; if (!lex || name != "box") { LYXERR0("InsetBox::string2params(" << in << ")\n" "Expected arg 1 to be \"box\"\n"); return; } // This is part of the inset proper that is usually swallowed // by Text::readInset string id; lex >> id; if (!lex || id != "Box") { LYXERR0("InsetBox::string2params(" << in << ")\n" "Expected arg 2 to be \"Box\"\n"); } params.read(lex); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InsetBoxParams // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InsetBoxParams::InsetBoxParams(string const & label) : type(label), use_parbox(false), inner_box(true), width(Length("100col%")), special("none"), pos('t'), hor_pos('c'), inner_pos('t'), height(Length("1in")), height_special("totalheight") // default is 1\\totalheight {} void InsetBoxParams::write(ostream & os) const { os << "Box " << type << "\n"; os << "position \"" << pos << "\"\n"; os << "hor_pos \"" << hor_pos << "\"\n"; os << "has_inner_box " << inner_box << "\n"; os << "inner_pos \"" << inner_pos << "\"\n"; os << "use_parbox " << use_parbox << "\n"; os << "width \"" << width.asString() << "\"\n"; os << "special \"" << special << "\"\n"; os << "height \"" << height.asString() << "\"\n"; os << "height_special \"" << height_special << "\"\n"; } void InsetBoxParams::read(Lexer & lex) { lex.setContext("InsetBoxParams::read"); lex >> type; lex >> "position" >> pos; lex >> "hor_pos" >> hor_pos; lex >> "has_inner_box" >> inner_box; if (type == "Framed") inner_box = false; lex >> "inner_pos" >> inner_pos; lex >> "use_parbox" >> use_parbox; lex >> "width" >> width; lex >> "special" >> special; lex >> "height" >> height; lex >> "height_special" >> height_special; } } // namespace lyx