/** * \file GuiDelimiter.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GuiDelimiter.h" #include "GuiApplication.h" #include "GuiView.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "gettext.h" #include #include #include // Set to zero if unicode symbols are preferred. #define USE_PIXMAP 1 using std::string; static char const * latex_delimiters[] = { "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", "lceil", "rceil", "lfloor", "rfloor", "langle", "rangle", "uparrow", "updownarrow", "Uparrow", "Updownarrow", "downarrow", "Downarrow", "|", "Vert", "/", "backslash", "" }; static int const nr_latex_delimiters = sizeof(latex_delimiters) / sizeof(char const *); static QString const bigleft[] = {"", "bigl", "Bigl", "biggl", "Biggl"}; static QString const bigright[] = {"", "bigr", "Bigr", "biggr", "Biggr"}; static char const * const biggui[] = { N_("big[[delimiter size]]"), N_("Big[[delimiter size]]"), N_("bigg[[delimiter size]]"), N_("Bigg[[delimiter size]]"), "" }; // FIXME: It might be better to fix the big delim LFUN to not require // additional '\' prefix. static QString fix_name(QString const & str, bool big) { if (str.isEmpty()) return "."; if (!big || str == "(" || str == ")" || str == "[" || str == "]" || str == "|" || str == "/") return str; return "\\" + str; } namespace lyx { namespace frontend { GuiDelimiter::GuiDelimiter(LyXView & lv) : GuiMath(lv, "mathdelimiter") { setupUi(this); setViewTitle(_("Math Delimiter")); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); setFocusProxy(leftLW); leftLW->setViewMode(QListView::IconMode); rightLW->setViewMode(QListView::IconMode); typedef std::map ListItems; ListItems list_items; // The last element is the empty one. int const end = nr_latex_delimiters - 1; for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { string const delim = latex_delimiters[i]; MathSymbol const & ms = mathSymbol(delim); QString symbol(ms.fontcode? QChar(ms.fontcode) : toqstr(docstring(1, ms.unicode))); QListWidgetItem * lwi = new QListWidgetItem(symbol); lwi->setToolTip(toqstr(delim)); FontInfo lyxfont; lyxfont.setFamily(ms.fontfamily); QFont const & symbol_font = guiApp->guiFontLoader().get(lyxfont); lwi->setFont(symbol_font); list_items[ms.unicode] = lwi; leftLW->addItem(lwi); } for (int i = 0; i != leftLW->count(); ++i) { MathSymbol const & ms = mathSymbol( fromqstr(leftLW->item(i)->toolTip())); rightLW->addItem(list_items[doMatch(ms.unicode)]->clone()); } // The last element is the empty one. leftLW->addItem(qt_("(None)")); rightLW->addItem(qt_("(None)")); sizeCO->addItem(qt_("Variable")); for (int i = 0; *biggui[i]; ++i) sizeCO->addItem(qt_(biggui[i])); on_leftLW_currentRowChanged(0); bc().setPolicy(ButtonPolicy::IgnorantPolicy); } char_type GuiDelimiter::doMatch(char_type const symbol) { string const & str = texName(symbol); string match; if (str == "(") match = ")"; else if (str == ")") match = "("; else if (str == "[") match = "]"; else if (str == "]") match = "["; else if (str == "{") match = "}"; else if (str == "}") match = "{"; else if (str == "l") match = "r"; else if (str == "rceil") match = "lceil"; else if (str == "lceil") match = "rceil"; else if (str == "rfloor") match = "lfloor"; else if (str == "lfloor") match = "rfloor"; else if (str == "rangle") match = "langle"; else if (str == "langle") match = "rangle"; else if (str == "backslash") match = "/"; else if (str == "/") match = "backslash"; else return symbol; return mathSymbol(match).unicode; } void GuiDelimiter::updateTeXCode(int size) { bool const bigsize = size != 0; QString left_str = fix_name(leftLW->currentItem()->toolTip(), bigsize); QString right_str = fix_name(rightLW->currentItem()->toolTip(), bigsize); if (!bigsize) tex_code_ = left_str + ' ' + right_str; else { tex_code_ = bigleft[size] + ' ' + left_str + ' ' + bigright[size] + ' ' + right_str; } // Generate TeX-code for GUI display. // FIXME: Instead of reconstructing the TeX code it would be nice to // FIXME: retrieve the LateX code directly from mathed. // In all cases, we want the '\' prefix if needed, so we pass 'true' // to fix_name. left_str = fix_name(leftLW->currentItem()->toolTip(), true); right_str = fix_name(rightLW->currentItem()->toolTip(), true); QString code_str; if (!bigsize) code_str = "\\left" + left_str + " \\right" + right_str; else { // There should be nothing in the TeX-code when the delimiter is "None". if (left_str != ".") code_str = "\\" + bigleft[size] + left_str + ' '; if (right_str != ".") code_str += "\\" + bigright[size] + right_str; } texCodeL->setText(qt_("TeX Code: ") + code_str); } void GuiDelimiter::on_insertPB_clicked() { if (sizeCO->currentIndex() == 0) dispatchDelim(fromqstr(tex_code_)); else { QString command = '"' + tex_code_ + '"'; command.replace(' ', "\" \""); dispatchBigDelim(fromqstr(command)); } } void GuiDelimiter::on_sizeCO_activated(int index) { updateTeXCode(index); } void GuiDelimiter::on_leftLW_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *) { on_insertPB_clicked(); accept(); } void GuiDelimiter::on_rightLW_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *) { on_insertPB_clicked(); accept(); } void GuiDelimiter::on_leftLW_currentRowChanged(int item) { if (matchCB->isChecked()) rightLW->setCurrentRow(item); updateTeXCode(sizeCO->currentIndex()); } void GuiDelimiter::on_rightLW_currentRowChanged(int item) { if (matchCB->isChecked()) leftLW->setCurrentRow(item); updateTeXCode(sizeCO->currentIndex()); } void GuiDelimiter::on_matchCB_stateChanged(int state) { if (state == Qt::Checked) on_leftLW_currentRowChanged(leftLW->currentRow()); updateTeXCode(sizeCO->currentIndex()); } Dialog * createGuiDelimiter(LyXView & lv) { return new GuiDelimiter(lv); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "GuiDelimiter_moc.cpp"