#LyX 1.6.0svn created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/ \lyxformat 286 \begin_document \begin_header \textclass book \begin_preamble \usepackage{multicol} \IfFileExists{isolatin.def} {\usepackage[isolatin]{inputenc}} {\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}} \end_preamble \language english \inputencoding default \font_roman default \font_sans default \font_typewriter default \font_default_family default \font_sc false \font_osf false \font_sf_scale 100 \font_tt_scale 100 \graphics none \paperfontsize default \spacing single \papersize default \use_geometry false \use_amsmath 0 \use_esint 0 \cite_engine basic \use_bibtopic false \paperorientation portrait \secnumdepth 3 \tocdepth 3 \paragraph_separation indent \defskip medskip \quotes_language english \papercolumns 1 \papersides 2 \paperpagestyle headings \tracking_changes false \output_changes false \author "" \author "" \end_header \begin_manifest \end_manifest \begin_body \begin_layout Title Customizing LyX: Features for the Advanced User \end_layout \begin_layout Author by the LyX Team \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \noindent Principal maintainer of this file is \noun on Mike Ressler \noun default . If you have comments or error corrections, please send them to the LyX Documentation mailing list, . \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand tableofcontents \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Chapter Introduction \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This manual covers the customization features present in LyX. In it, we discuss issues like keyboard shortcuts, screen previewing options, printer options, sending commands to LyX via the LyX Server, internationalizati on, installing new LaTeX classes and LyX layouts, etc. We can't possibly hope to touch on everything you can change---our developers add new features faster than we can document them---but we will explain the most common customizations and hopefully point you in the right direction for some of the more obscure ones. \end_layout \begin_layout Chapter LyX configuration files \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "chap:config" \end_inset This chapter aims to help you to find your way through the LyX configuration files. Before continuing to read this chapter, you should find out where your LyX library directory is by using \family sans \bar under H \bar default elp\SpecialChar \menuseparator About\InsetSpace ~ Ly \bar under X \family default \bar default . This directory is the place where LyX places its system-wide configuration files, and we will simply name it \family typewriter LyXDir \family default in the remainder of this document. \end_layout \begin_layout Section What's in \family typewriter LyXDir \family default ? \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter LyXDir \family default and its sub-directories contain a number of files and that can be used to customise LyX's behaviour. You can change many of these files from within LyX itself through the \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references \family default dialog. Most customization that you might want to do to LyX is possible through this dialog. However, many other inner aspects of LyX can be customized by modifying the files in \family typewriter LyXDir \family default . They fall in different categories, described in the following subsections. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Automatically generated files \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These files are generated when you configure LyX. They contain various default values that are guessed by inspection. In general, it is not a good idea to modify them, since they might be overwritt en at any time. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium lyxrc.defaults \family default \series default contains defaults for various commands. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium packages.lst \family default \series default contains the list of packages that have been recognized by LyX. It is currently unused by the LyX program itself, but the information extracted , and more, is made available with \family sans \bar under H \bar default elp\SpecialChar \menuseparator L \bar under a \bar default TeX\InsetSpace ~ Configuration \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium textclass.lst \family default \series default is the list of text classes that have been found in your \family typewriter layout/ \family default directory, along with the associated LaTeX document class and their description. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx \family default is automatically generated during configuration from the file \family typewriter LaTeXConfig.lyx.in \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Directories \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium bind/ \family default \series default this directory contains files with the extension \family typewriter .bind \family default that define the keybindings used in LyX (see section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:bindings" \end_inset ). If there exists an internationalized version of the bind file named \family typewriter $LANG_xxx.bind \family default , that will be used first. See Chapter\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "chap:i18n" \end_inset , and section \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:bindings" \end_inset for details. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium clipart/ \family default \series default contains graphics files that can be included in documents. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium doc/ \family default \series default contains LyX documentation files (including the one you are currently reading). The file \family typewriter LaTeXConfig.lyx \family default deserves special attention, as noted above. If there exists an internationalized version of the help-document with \family typewriter $LANG_ \family default prepended to the name, that will be used first. See Chapter\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "chap:i18n" \end_inset for details. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium examples/ \family default \series default contains example files that explain how to use some features. In the file browser, press the \family sans Examples \family default button to get there. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter images/ \family default contains image files that are used by the \family sans Document \family default dialog. In addition, it also contains the individual icons used in the toolbar and the banners that can be shown when LyX is launched. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium kbd/ \family default \series default contains keyboard keymapping files. See Chapter\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:keymap" \end_inset for details. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium layouts/ \family default \series default contains the text class files described in Chapter\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "chap:textclass" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter scripts/ \family default contains some files that demonstrate the capabilities of the \family sans External\InsetSpace ~ Template \family default feature. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter templates/ \family default contains the standard LyX template files described in Chapter\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:templates" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter tex/ \family default contains some LaTeX cls files distributed with LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter ui/ \family default contains files with the extension \family typewriter .ui \family default that define the user interface to LyX. That is, the files define which items appear in which menus and the items appearing on the toolbar. See Chapter\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:ui" \end_inset for details. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Files you don't want to modify \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These files are used internally by LyX and you generally do not need to modify them unless you are a developer. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium CREDITS \family default \series default this file contains the list of LyX developers. The contents are displayed with the menu entry \family sans \bar under H \bar default elp\SpecialChar \menuseparator About\InsetSpace ~ LyX \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium chkconfig.ltx \family default \series default this is a LaTeX script used during the configuration process. Do not run directly. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series medium configure \family default \series default this is the script that is used to re-configure LyX. It creates configuration files in the directory it was run from. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Other files needing a line or two... \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter encodings \family default this contains tables describing how different character encodings can be mapped to unicode \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter external_templates \family default this file contains the templates available to the new \family sans External\InsetSpace ~ Template \family default feature. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter languages \family default this file contains a list of all the languages currently supported by LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Your local configuration directory \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Even if you are using LyX as an unprivileged user, you might want to change LyX configuration for your own use. The \family typewriter UserDir \family default directory contains all your personal configuration files. This is the directory described as \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset user directory \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset in \family sans \bar under H \bar default elp\SpecialChar \menuseparator About\InsetSpace ~ LyX \family default . This directory is used as a mirror of \family typewriter LyXDir \family default , which means that every file in \family typewriter UserDir \family default is a replacement for the corresponding file in \family typewriter LyXDir \family default . Any configuration file described in the above sections can be placed either in the system-wide directory, in which case it will affect all users, or in your local directory for your own use. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard To make things clearer, let's provide a few examples: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize The preferences set in the \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references \family default dialog are saved to a file \family typewriter preferences \family default in \family typewriter UserDir \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize When you reconfigure using \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under R \bar default econfigure \family default , LyX runs \family typewriter configure \family default and the resulting files are written in your local configuration directory (see section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:autodetected" \end_inset to have a list of the \family typewriter preferences \family default settings affected by this section). This means that any additional text class file that you might have added in \family typewriter UserDir/layouts \family default will be added to the list of classes in the \family sans \bar under L \bar default ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under D \bar default ocument \family default dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Similarly, if you have installed some LaTeX document classes in your home directory, that LaTeX can find with your \family typewriter TEXINPUTS \family default path, they will show up in your list of text classes. \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard as long as LyX or yourself have a \family typewriter .layout \family default file for it, of course. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize If you get some updated documentation from LyX ftp site and cannot install it because you do not have sysadmin rights on your system, you can just copy the files in \family typewriter UserDir/doc/ \family default and the items in the \family sans \bar under H \bar default elp \family default menu will open them! \end_layout \begin_layout Section Running LyX with multiple configurations \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The configuration freedom of the local configuration directory may not suffice if you want to have more than one configuration at your disposal. For example, you may want to be use different key bindings or printer settings at different times. You can achieve this by having several such directories. You then specify which directory to use at run-time. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Invoking LyX with the command line switch \family typewriter -userdir \family default \emph on \emph default instructs the program to read the configuration from that directory, and not from the default directory (you can determine the default directory by running LyX without this switch as described above). If this directory does not exist, LyX offers to create it for you, just like it does for the default directory on the first time you run the program. You can modify the configuration options in this additional \family typewriter Userdir \family default exactly as you would for the default directory. These directories are completely independent (but read on). Note that setting the environment variable \family typewriter LYX_USERDIR_15x \family default to some value has exactly the same effect \family typewriter . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Having several configurations also requires more maintenance: if you want to add a new layout to \family typewriter Userdir/layouts \family default which you want available from all your configurations, you must add it to each directory separately. You can avoid this with the following trick: after LyX creates the additional directory, most of the subdirectories (see above) are empty. If you want the new configuration to mirror an existing one, replace the empty subdirectory with a symbolic link to the matching subdirectory in the existing configuration. Take care with the \family typewriter \series medium doc/ \family default \series default subirectory, however, since it contains a file written by the configuration script (also accessible through \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under R \bar default econfigure \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:autodetected" \end_inset ) \family default which is configuration-specific. \end_layout \begin_layout Chapter The \family sans \bar under P \bar default references \family default dialog \end_layout \begin_layout Section Using the dialog for the first time \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter UserDir/preferences \family default file will contain only changes that you have made to the default behaviour, some of which is hard-coded into LyX and some of which is contained in the system file \family typewriter LyXDir/lyxrc.defaults \family default . Note that in both files lines beginning with a \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter # \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset are just comments and not interpreted. However, only system administrators should edit \family typewriter LyXDir/lyxrc \family default . Users should use the \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references \family default dialog to create and modify their own \family typewriter UserDir/preferences \family default file. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard We hope that the \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references \family default dialog will be largely self-explanatory. Almost all the commands have an associated comment, so you shouldn't have too much trouble modifying it to taste. Before we highlight a few of the more important commands below, however, a word of warning: \family sans Apply \family default ing some of your changes (e.g., screen fonts) will have an instant effect. Others (e.g. changing the bind file) will not. If nothing appears to have changed, just \family sans Save \family default the changes and restart LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Section On-screen fonts \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The font used to display your documents on the LyX screen is very important, since you'll be reading all your documents with this font. Therefore it is important that the font is as readable and good-looking as possible. The LyX team tried to provide the best possible default font for you, but since practically all X11 systems are different, it's likely that the default fonts will be sub-optimal on your system. Fortunately, you can do something about this. Before we explain how to do this, you should learn a bit more about fonts so that you are better prepared for choosing your fonts, because it is a trade-off that is specific to your preferences and the capabilities of your system. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Notice that this section only deals with the fonts on the \emph on screen \emph default inside the LyX window. The fonts that appear on the \emph on paper \emph default \emph on output \emph default are independent from these fonts, and are determined by the document class. Read the \emph on User's Guide \emph default to learn how to change the font of the printed version of your document. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Basically, screen fonts come in two different kinds: scalable outline fonts and non-scalable bitmap fonts. This distinction seems a bit arbitrary, since non-scalable fonts are actually scalable in most modern font renderers. The difference lies in the \emph on quality \emph default of the scaling, and the \emph on speed \emph default of display. The most important decision is thus whether you should use non-scalable bitmap fonts or scalable outline fonts. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The scalable fonts are built from \emph on outlines \emph default of the single glyphs (i.e. characters) in the font. This means that each glyph is defined using mathematical curves that are well suited for scaling to any requested size. This mathematical definition is interpreted by the font renderer and turned into a small picture composed of pixels according to which size and glyph, the programmer requests. This means that scalable fonts will look pretty good in all sizes. Well, almost all sizes. Since scalable fonts are defined in an abstract way, it can be hard to provide a good rendering at small sizes, where each pixel has to be very carefully computed to provide a good image. Technically it is possible to do this from the mathematical definition, but in order to keep the rendering reasonably fast, tradeoffs have to be made, and the result is that scalable fonts can be difficult to read at small sizes. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Bitmap fonts on the other hand, are defined by bitmap graphics from the start, so they will look good at all the sizes they are meant for. However, they don't scale well, because in order to scale a glyph, each pixel is enlarged into several pixels. It is the same effect that happens if you try to enlarge a picture in \family typewriter xv \family default or any other picture manipulation program. In order to relieve this effect, bitmap fonts are typically provided in several fixed sizes typically from around 8 pixels high up to 34 pixels or so high in steps according to what is believed to be useful. The advantage of bitmap fonts is that no complicated computations are necessary to display each glyph, so bitmap fonts are thus faster displayed than scalable fonts. The disadvantage is that sizes that don't exists as fixed versions have to be scaled by doubling pixels, and thus look bad. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The net result of all this, is that bitmap fonts are generally best for the small sizes, where they are available, while scalable fonts are generally best for large sizes. The logical conclusion would thus be to use bitmap fonts for the small sizes, and scalable fonts for the large sizes. Unfortunately, this is not a good idea, since bitmap fonts and scalable fonts are not designed to be used together, so the overall look of such a scheme would be bad. The best you can do is thus to try both schemes and decide for yourself what suits you. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard By default, LyX uses non-scalable bitmap fonts (when using the XForms frontend). For serif fonts, \emph on times \emph default is used, for sans serif fonts, \emph on helvetica \emph default is used, while \emph on courier \emph default is used as the monospaced/typewriter font. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In the following, we will describe what to do if the text does not look good in LyX. We'll start with the most important parameters: DPI and font zoom. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection DPI setting and Font Zoom \end_layout \begin_layout Standard LyX automatically tries to scale the fonts to look as close as the paper output size as possible, except for the so-called font zoom factor. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In order for this to work on all systems, it relies on the screen DPI (dots per inch) setting to be correct. The DPI setting for your system is autodetected by LyX using the information the X server can provide. You can check what LyX autodetects the DPI setting to, by running LyX as \family typewriter lyx -dbg 2 \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard On many systems, X is not set up correctly, so you should check that it is correct by hand. Run \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter xdpyinfo | more \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset and write down what the DPI is for the resolution you use (this will be close to the value LyX detects). It is the number mentioned as \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset resolution \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . Also write down the number of pixels you have in the width (the first number under \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset dimensions \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Then get the good old ruler out of the closet, and measure the width of the visible screen-image on your monitor. Convert this measurement to inches if you used a centimeter ruler by dividing by 2.54. Now you can determine the correct DPI setting for your screen by dividing the number of pixels in the width by the width of the screen-image on the monitor. If this number is more than, say, 5 DPI from the detected value, you should either fix the X setup, or at least tell LyX that the DPI is different than the detected value. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you can't fix the X setup (which of course is best since other programs than LyX will benefit from this as well), you can tell LyX the correct DPI using the \family sans Preferences \family default dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If the text is too small or too big for your taste, you should fiddle with the font zoom setting. This setting is used to scale the point size of the text. If your DPI setting is correct, and the font zoom setting is set to 100, this means that LyX will try to display the text exactly the same size as it will appear on the paper-output. If you set the zoom factor to 200, the text will try to be 2 times as big as on paper. Of course, this will only happen if LyX can find a font that has the appropriat e size, which you can't count on. Since LyX is a WYSIWYM system anyways, this limitation isn't much of an issue. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The default font zoom setting is 150, since a monitor is typically wider than a piece of paper, but you should try to fiddle with it through the \family sans Font\InsetSpace ~ \bar under Z \bar default oom \family default setting in the \family sans Preferences \family default dialog to find a size that you like. When you've found a setting that seems to work nicely for you (tip: use the \family sans \bar under A \bar default pply \family default button to keep the dialog open while you experiment), you can make this setting the default by using the \family sans \bar under S \bar default ave \family default button. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard While it is often possible to find a suitable size for the text on the screen, this doesn't necessarily mean that the fonts are the best ones available on your system. In order to help you get the most out of your system, you can use the font definition commands to fine-tune the look of the text in greater detail than merely size. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Font definition commands \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As mentioned, LyX uses non-scalable bitmap fonts by default with the XForms frontend. For serif fonts, \emph on times \emph default is used, for sans serif fonts, \emph on helvetica \emph default is used, while \emph on courier \emph default is used as the monospaced/typewriter font. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can change all of these from within the \family sans Preferences \family default dialog. The number of fonts that are available on different systems vary, but the program \family typewriter xfontsel \family default should be available everywhere. Use that program to find candidate fonts. When you've found a font that you like, try to insert the first two elements of the name (called \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset fndry \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset and \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset fmly \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset in \family typewriter xfontsel \family default ) in the appropriate field in the \family sans Preferences \family default dialog and press \family sans \bar under A \bar default pply \family default . LyX will then reformat your document using the new font, and if you like the font, you should \family sans \bar under S \bar default ave \family default it. One place to start for a new font is to see if the scalable font \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset utopia \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset is available. Tip: You can see whether a font is a bitmap font or a scalable font by checking the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset resx \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset or \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset resy \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset fields in \family typewriter xfontsel \family default . If the value 0 is available, the font is scalable. If the value 0 isn't available, the font is a bitmap font. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Before you go about scrapping a bitmap font because the larger sizes look \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset blocky \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , you should toggle the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Use scalable fonts \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset button. This is only useful if you use bitmap fonts, because only these don't scale well. If you define this flag, LyX will only use the fixed font sizes that are available, and this guarantees that all bitmap fonts look well. (You can see which individual font sizes are available with the \family typewriter xlsfonts \family default command. Try \family typewriter man xlsfonts \family default .) However, the prize is that the difference between the size of the fonts on screen and the size of fonts on paper will be larger because LyX will have to be satisfied with the closest available size, and not try to scale a size to fit. Also, you can risk that some logically different sizes, such as \family sans Large \family default and \family sans Larger \family default , will be mapped to the same screen font, making it hard for you to see the difference on screen. We've decided not to use scalable fonts by default because of these artifacts, but since LyX is a WYSIWYM system, many people like to use the flag anyways, well-knowing that the font size on the screen can't be trusted. But remember that this flag only makes a difference when you use bitmap fonts. Scalable fonts won't be affected for reasons you should understand by now. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard One final note regarding this flag: you should know that there is nothing wrong with using bitmap and scalable fonts at the same time for different purposes. For instance, it's common to use the scalable \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Utopia \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset for the serif text together with a bitmap version of \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Helvetica \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . And you can safely select the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Use scalable fonts \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset button without worries: It will only apply to the Helvetica font. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Sometimes the artifacts introduced by use of the flag can be relieved by using the fine-detail screen font sizes which defines which point sizes the different logical font sizes correspond to. Run LyX as \family typewriter lyx -dbg 513 \family default to see exactly what concrete fonts the logical sizes map to, and try adjusting the corresponding entries in the \family sans Preferences \family default dialog until you've managed to hit the nail and get the fonts you want. This can be hard to do, because LyX uses the DPI setting and the font zoom settings to calculate which exact screen font size to ask the X server for, thus obfuscating the mapping. If you can't make it by trial-and-error, you can make the process more transparent if you set both the DPI setting and font zoom settings to 100---eve n when this is known to be wrong. This will of course make your scalable fonts look weird, so use with care. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Font encoding \end_layout \begin_layout Standard By default, LyX will use fonts meant to write Western European text, including all kinds of English. This is defined through the so-called \emph on font \emph default \emph on encoding \emph default . If you want to use LyX to write for instance Eastern European text, Cyrillic or any other language not covered by the ISO-8859-1 font encoding, you can define a different one with the encoding setting. This requires you to have special fonts installed. You can use \family typewriter xfontsel \family default to see whether this is the case: check the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset rgstry \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset and \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset encdng \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset fields for ISO-8859-X values different from ISO-8859-1, and search for one that contains the national characters of your language. If you find any, enter this encoding in the dialog. If not, go searching the Web for appropriate fonts. For the Qt frontend, it's recommended you use an iso646 font set. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard When you've set LyX up to use a different font encoding, you should also consider changing the font used by dialog windows in LyX. For instance, the \family sans Table\InsetSpace ~ of\InsetSpace ~ Contents \family default dialog will not be understandable unless you tell LyX to use a different font for this. By default the menu font is set to \family typewriter -*-helvetica-medium-r \family default , but often Helvetica is not available in the font encoding you need, so the dialog allows this to be changed. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As you can see, there are quite a few options that can be used to fine tune the look of your fonts. This should not scare you from fiddling with the settings, because after all, you will hopefully be using LyX for many hours in the future. And contrary to real WYSIWYG word processors where you are tied to using fonts that have to look good both on paper and on screen, LyX gives you the possibility of using fonts that are designed to look good on the screen while using a different set of fonts to look good on paper. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Bindings \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:bindings" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Bindings are used to, well, bind a function to a key. Several prepackaged binding files are available: a CUA set of bindings (familiar as the typical set of PC and CDE set of keyboard shortcuts), an Emacs set of bindings, for those of us who follow the One True Way and refuse to lower our standards, \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard I'm kidding here, of course! \end_layout \end_inset as well as specialty bindings (broadway and hollywood) and other languages (French, German, etc.). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If, however, you'd like to customise the keybindings to your own exacting tastes, then copy the best-fit file in \family typewriter LyXDir/bind/ \family default to your own \family typewriter UserDir/bind/ \family default and modify that. Don't forget to load this new file into LyX using the \family sans Preferences \family default dialog. (For the moment you'll have to restart LyX for these changes to take effect.) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard LyX supports internationalization of the user interface (see Chapter\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "chap:i18n" \end_inset ). If your \emph on locale \emph default is set, with the environment variable \family typewriter $LANG \family default , LyX will try to use bindfiles by prepending \family typewriter $LANG_ \family default to their name. For example, you can put a translated copy of some standard bind file in your personal \family typewriter bind/ \family default directory, and LyX will use it automatically. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The syntax of the \family typewriter .bind \family default files is straightforward: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter \backslash bind \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Both key combination and lyx-function (including any arguments) must be enclosed in "double quotes". All the LyX functions are listed in the \emph on Reference Guide \emph default . \end_layout \begin_layout Section User Interface \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:ui" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The appearance of both the menu and toolbar may both be changed using the \family sans Preferences \family default dialog. Simply change the \family typewriter .ui \family default file in \family typewriter LyXDir/ui/ \family default . For the moment, only one file exists, \family typewriter default.ui \family default , but feel free to experiment. Just copy the file to the \family typewriter UserDir/ui/ \family default directory and play! Note that, for the moment, you'll have to restart LyX for these changes to take effect. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The syntax of the \family typewriter .ui \family default files is straightforward: have a look at \family typewriter default.ui. The Menubar \family default , \family typewriter Menu \family default and \family typewriter Toolbar \family default entries must be ended with an explicit \family typewriter End \family default . They may contain \family typewriter Submenu \family default s, \family typewriter Item \family default s, \family typewriter OptItem \family default s, \family typewriter Separator \family default s, \family typewriter Icon \family default s and in the case of the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset file \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset menus, a \family typewriter Lastfiles \family default entry. One small word of warning. \family typewriter Submenu \family default s may be inserted in a \family typewriter Menubar \family default or \family typewriter Menu \family default , but they are defined as \family typewriter Menu \family default s, not as \family typewriter Submenu \family default s. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:converters-etc" \end_inset Converters, Formats, and Copiers \end_layout \begin_layout Standard LyX has a powerful mechanism to convert to and from any file format using external programs. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Formats \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The first step is to define your file formats if they are not already defined. To do so, open the \family sans Tools\SpecialChar \menuseparator Preferences:Converters \family default dialog. Enter a new format name; a new GUI name (used in e.\InsetSpace \thinspace{} g.\InsetSpace ~ the \family sans View \family default and \family sans Export \family default menus); and a file extension. These are required. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family sans Document format \family default option tells LyX that a format is suitable for document export. If this is is set and if a suitable conversion route exists, the format will appear in the \family sans File\SpecialChar \menuseparator Export \family default menu. The format will also appear in the \family sans View \family default menu if it has a specified viewer. Pure image formats, e.\InsetSpace \thinspace{} g.\InsetSpace ~ \family typewriter png \family default , should not use this option. Formats that can both represent vector graphics and documents like e.\InsetSpace \thinspace{} g.\InsetSpace ~ \family typewriter pdf \family default should use it. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The option \family sans Vector graphics format \family default tells LyX that a format can contain vector graphics. This information is used to determine the target format of included graphics for \family sans pdflatex \family default export. Included graphics may need to be converted to either \family sans pdf \family default , \family sans png \family default , or \family sans jpg \family default , since \family sans pdflatex \family default cannot handle other image formats. If an included graphic is not already in \family sans pdf \family default , \family sans png \family default , or \family sans jpg \family default format, it is converted to \family sans pdf \family default if the vector format option is set, and otherwise to \family sans png \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A Format can have a Viewer and Editor program associated with it. For example, you might want to use \family sans Ghostview \family default to view PostScript files. You can enter the program call and its options to the corresponding fields. For the call you can use the four variable listed in the next section. The viewer is launched when you view an image in LyX or use the \family sans View \family default menu. If the operating system has a default viewer associated to a format, this viewer is used instead of the one defined here when you enter in the Viewer field \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans auto \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . The editor is for example launched when you press the \family sans Edit \family default button in the \family sans Graphics \family default or the \family sans External material \family default dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Copiers \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Each format can have a Copier associated with it. These are defined in the \family sans Tools\SpecialChar \menuseparator Preferences:Copiers \family default dialog. Since all conversions from one format to another take place in LyX's temporary directory, it is sometimes necessary to modify a file before copying it to the temporary directory in order that the conversion may be performed. \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard For example, the file may refer to other files---images, for example---using relative filenames, and these may become invalid when the file is copied to the temporary directory. \end_layout \end_inset This is done by the Copier: It copies a file to (or from) the temporary directory and may modify it in the process. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Copiers may also be used for other purposes. For example, if appropriate converters are found, LyX will automatically install copiers for the \family sans HTML \family default and \family sans HTML\InsetSpace ~ (MS Word) \family default formats. When these formats are exported, the copier sees that not just the main HTML file but various associated files (style files, images, etc.) are also copied. All these files are written to a subdirectory of the directory in which the original LyX file was found. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Copier can of course be customized. The optional \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset -e \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset argument takes a comma-separated list of extensions to be copied; if it is omitted, all files will be copied. The \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset -t \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset argument determines the extension added to the generated directory. By default, it is \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans LyXconv \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , so HTML generated from \family sans /path/to/filename.lyx \family default will end up in \family sans /path/to/filename.html.LyXconv \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The definitions of the copiers may use four variables: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$s The LyX system directory (e.\InsetSpace \thinspace{} g.\InsetSpace ~ \family sans /usr/share/lyx \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$i The input file \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$o The output file \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$l The `LaTeX name' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The latter is to be given in a form suitable for inclusion in a LaTeX's \series bold \backslash include \series default command and is relevant only when exporting files suitable for such inclusion. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Converters \end_layout \begin_layout Standard To define a new converter, select an existing one, select a different format in the \family sans From\InsetSpace ~ format \family default and\InsetSpace \thinspace{} /\InsetSpace \thinspace{} or \family sans To\InsetSpace ~ format \family default drop-down list, modify the \family sans Converter \family default field, and press the \family sans Add \family default button. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You do not have to define converters between all the formats between which you want to convert. For example, you will note that there is no `LyX to PostScript' converter, but LyX will export PostScript. It does so by first creating a LaTeX file (no converter needs to be defined for this) which is then converted to DVI using the `LaTeX to DVI' converter, and finally converts the resulting DVI file to PostScript. LyX finds such `chains' of converters automatically, and it will always choose the shortest possible chain. You can, though, still define multiple conversion methods between file formats. For example, the standard LyX configuration provides three ways to convert LaTeX to PDF: Directly, using \family sans pdflatex \family default ; via (DVI and) PostScript, using \family sans ps2pdf \family default ; or via DVI, using \family sans dvipdfm \family default . To define such alternate chains, you must define multiple target `file formats', as described in the next section. For example in the standard configuration the formats named \family sans pdf \family default , \family sans pdf2 \family default , and \family sans pdf3 \family default are defined, all of which share the extension \family sans .pdf \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Several variables can be used in the definition of converters: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$s The LyX system directory \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$i The input file \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$o The output file \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$b The base filename of the input file \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 $$p The path to the input file \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In the \family sans Extra\InsetSpace ~ Flag \family default field you can enter the following flags, separated by commas: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 latex This converter runs some form of LaTeX. This will make LyX's LaTeX error logs available. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 needaux Needs the LaTeX \family sans .aux \family default file for the conversion. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 xml Output is XML. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following three flags are not really flags at all because they take an argument in the \family sans key\InsetSpace ~ =\InsetSpace ~ value \family default format: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 parselog If set, the converter's standard error will be redirected to a file \family typewriter infile.out \family default , and the script given as argument will be run as: \family typewriter script infile.log \family default . The argument may contain $$s. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 resultdir The name of the directory in which the \emph on converter \emph default will dump the generated files. LyX will not create this directory, and it does not copy anything into it, though it will copy this directory to the destination. The argument may contain $$b, which will be replaced by the basename of the input and output files, respectively, when the directory is copied. \newline Note that resultdir and usetempdir make no sense together. The latter will be ignored if the former is given. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 resultfile Determines the output filename and may, contain $$b. Sensible only with resultdir, and optional even then; if not given, it defaults to `index'. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard None of these last three are presently used in any of the converters that are installed with LyX. But see section \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sub:LyX-and-Literate" \end_inset of the Extended Features guide for some examples of how you might use parselog. \end_layout \begin_layout Section BibTeX and makeindex \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Both the bibliography generating command (default \family typewriter bibtex \family default ) and the index generating command (default \family typewriter makeindex \family default with options \family typewriter -c \family default and \family typewriter -q \family default ) can be changed. As an alternative for \family typewriter makeindex \family default , \family typewriter xindy \family default can be recommended. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The command to enter is \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter makeindex.sh -m $$lang \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where the placeholder \family typewriter $$lang \family default will be replaced by the chosen document (babel) language. For this, you must \end_layout \begin_layout Standard have installed the packages \family typewriter xindy \family default and \family typewriter make-rules \family default ( \family typewriter xindy-make-rules \family default ). Type \family typewriter makeindex.sh \family default at a shell prompt for a help page. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Plain text export options \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset VSpace bigskip \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \noindent There are a couple of commands that can be used to \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset clean up \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset exported plain text files. Note that LyX automatically detects and uses the best settings for your system at installation time, but you can modify them if you disagree with its interpretation. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Plain text\InsetSpace ~ roff \family default \series default This option defines the command used to produce better plain text tables with the \family typewriter groff/troff/nroff \family default UNIX-commands (refer to their manpages for more information about them). Setting this as empty tells LyX to use the internal (inferior) formatter. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Plain text\InsetSpace ~ line\InsetSpace ~ length \family default \series default With this command you can set the default line length of the plain text output file. Setting it to 0 means endless lines. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Printer \end_layout \begin_layout Standard There are a bunch of configuration options that are used for interaction with the external print command from LyX. Normally the defaults are fine: if, however, your print command takes different option names, you can modify them here. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Changing Colors \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can change the colors used by LyX on-screen using the new \family sans Preferences \family default dialog. Alternatively, if you're feeling particularly perverse you could use the \family typewriter set-color \family default bindable function (see the \emph on Reference Guide \emph default ). Input would have the format: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter set-color LyXName X11Color \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Here is a (partial) list of the functions and default colors: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \align center \begin_inset Tabular \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none LyX Name \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none Purpose \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none Default Color (X11) \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none background \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none text background \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none black \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none foreground \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none text foreground \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none linen \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none latex \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none LaTeX code \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none DarkRed \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none math \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none Mathed formulae \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none DarkBlue \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none mathline \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none fraction Lines, brackets, etc. \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none Blue \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none mathbg \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none AntiqueWhite \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none mathframe \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none Magenta \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none mathcursor \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none black \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none selection \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none selection background \end_layout \end_inset \begin_inset Text \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none LightBlue \end_layout \end_inset \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Section The autodetected settings \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:autodetected" \end_inset There are several items that are detected for you when you run \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools \bar under \SpecialChar \menuseparator R \bar default econfigure \family default . In this section, we list those which pertain to the user preferences. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium \backslash plaintext_roff_command \family default \series default uses either \family typewriter groff \family default or \family typewriter nroff \family default + \family typewriter tbl \family default , depending on what is available. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium \backslash chktex_command \family default \series default is set to \family typewriter chktex \family default plus a bunch of options. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium \backslash print_spool_command \family default \series default is set to \family typewriter lp \family default on systems (so-called System V) who have this command, and \family typewriter lpr \family default otherwise (BSD systems). \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium \backslash print_spool_printerprefix \family default \series default is set to \family typewriter -d \family default or \family typewriter -P \family default , depending on whether \family typewriter lp \family default or \family typewriter lpr \family default was found. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium \backslash font_encoding \family default \series default is set to \family typewriter T1 \family default if the \family typewriter ec \family default fonts are found and LaTeX has support for these fonts built-in. You can set it manually if you only have the so-called \family typewriter dc \family default fonts. \end_layout \begin_layout Section The rest \end_layout \begin_layout Standard There are many other configuration options that can be used to customize LyX behavior. We still need to document them here, but again, most should be fairly obvious. Please ask on the mailing lists if you need some more information; it may even prompt us to expand this section. \end_layout \begin_layout Chapter Internationalizing LyX \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "chap:i18n" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard LyX supports using a translated interface. Last time we checked, LyX provided text in 14 languages together with the default English text. The language of choice is called your \emph on locale \emph default . (For further reading on locale settings, see also the documentation for locale that comes with your operating system. For Linux, the manual page for locale(5) could be a good place to start). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Notice that these translations will work, but do contain a few flaws. In particular, all dialogs have been designed with the English text in mind, which means that some of the translated text will be too large to fit within the space allocated. This is only a display problem and will not cause any harm. Also, you will find that some of the translations do not define short-cut keys for everything. Sometimes, there are simply not enough free letters to do it. Other times, the translator just hasn't got around to doing it yet. Our localization team -- which you may wish to join -- will try to fix these shortcomings in future versions of LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Selecting an alternative language for the user interface \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This feature is disabled by default, meaning that system default language will be used. To enable an alternative language, you have to set an appropriate environment variable. Use \family typewriter "setenv LANG xx" \family default \family roman for csh class shells \family default or \family typewriter "export LANG=xx" \family default \family roman for sh class shells \family default . Substitute the \family typewriter xx \family default with the two letter code (or four letter code, like \family typewriter en_GB \family default for British English) for the language you want. For instance, \family typewriter no \family default is Norwegian. Besides the user interface texts being translated, also the appropriate manuals will be presented under the Help menu -- if available. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard On some systems, you may have to redefine \family typewriter LC_ALL \family default or \family typewriter LC_MESSAGES \family default instead of \family typewriter LANG \family default , to override the system settings; their preference is in this order \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard The shell variable LANGUAGE has been disabled in LyX for technical reasons. Don't use it. \end_layout \end_inset , which corresponds to the way GNU \family typewriter gettext \family default does it. Consult your system documentation. Normally, you'll want to put the appropriate line in a shell script run on start-up, so that the translation is on by default. Remember that this affects \emph on all \emph default localized packages, not only LyX! \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If LyX is configured and compiled with \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter --disable-nls \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , this mechanism will not work. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Translating LyX \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Translating the graphical user interface (text messages). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard LyX uses the GNU \family typewriter gettext \family default library to handle the internationalization of the interface. To have LyX speak your favorite language in all menus and dialogs, you need a \family typewriter po \family default -file for that language. When this is available, you'll have to generate a mo-file from it and install the \family typewriter mo \family default -file. The process of doing all of this is explained in the documentation for GNU \family typewriter gettext \family default , but in short, this is what you do ( \series bold xx \series default denotes the language code): \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash begin{sloppypar} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Copy \family typewriter LYX-SOURCE-DIR/po/lyx.pot \family default to \series bold xx \family typewriter \series default .po \family default (if \family typewriter lyx.pot \family default doesn't exist, it can be remade with \family typewriter make lyx.pot \family default in that directory, or you can use an existing po-file for some other language as a template). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Edit \family typewriter xx.po \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard We recommend that you use Emacs to do this, since the \family typewriter gettext \family default distribution includes a nice mode that supports you in doing this. \end_layout \end_inset \family default . For some menu- and widget-labels, there are also shortcut keys that should be translated. Those keys are marked after a `|', and should be translated according to the words and phrases of the \series bold xx \series default -language. There is a tool named \family typewriter scgen.pl \family default written in Prolog in \family typewriter LYX-SOURCE-DIR/development/tools/ \family default that may be useful to help determine short-cut keys. Note that XForms (version 0.86 at least) can't handle anything but 7-bit characters as shortcut keys. You should also fill also out the information at the beginning of the new \family typewriter po \family default -file with your email-address, etc., so people know where to reach you with suggestions and entertaining flames. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Generate \series bold xx \family typewriter \series default .mo \family default . This can be done with \newline \family typewriter msgfmt -o \family default \series bold xx \family typewriter \series default .mo < \family default \series bold xx \family typewriter \series default .po \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Copy the \family typewriter mo \family default -file to your locale-tree, at the correct directory for application messages for the language \series bold xx \series default , and under the name \family typewriter lyx.mo \family default \newline (e.g. \family typewriter /usr/local/share/locale/ \family default \series bold xx \family typewriter \series default /LC_MESSAGES/lyx.mo \family default ) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash end{sloppypar} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Adding a new po-file to the \emph on distribution \emph default of LyX involves altering the configure scripts and more, but the way \family typewriter gettext \family default works, you don't actually need the source-code of LyX to translate it---having \family typewriter lyx.pot \family default (or an existing \family typewriter po \family default -file) and the \family typewriter gettext \family default tools suffices. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you've written a translation file for a language that LyX does not currently support, feel free to submit it for inclusion by sending a patch. In this case, we recommend that you read the \family typewriter README \family default provided in the \family typewriter LYX-SOURCE-DIR/po/ \family default directory for more instructions. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Ambigous messages \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Sometimes it turns out that one english message needs to be translated into different messages in the target language. One example is the message \family typewriter To \family default which has the german translation \family typewriter \lang german Nach \family default \lang english or \family typewriter \lang german Bis \family default \lang english . \family typewriter gettext \family default does not handle such ambigous translations. Therefore you have to add some context information to the message: Instead of \family typewriter To \family default it becomes \family typewriter To[[as in 'From format x to format y']] \family default and \family typewriter To[[as in 'From page x to page y']]. \family default Now the two occurences of \family typewriter To \family default are different for \family typewriter gettext \family default and can be translated correctly to \family typewriter \lang german Nach \family default \lang english and \family typewriter \lang german Bis \family default \lang english , respectively. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Of course the context information needs to be stripped off the original message when no translation is used. Therefore you have to put it in double square brackets at the end of the message (see the example above). The translation mechanism of LyX ensures that everything in double square brackets at the end of messages is removed before displaying the message. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Translating the documentation. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The online documentation (in the \family sans \bar under H \bar default elp \family default -menu) can (and should!) be translated. If there are translated versions of the documentation available \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard As of February 2003, almost all of the docs have been translated into German and French. The \emph on Tutorial \emph default has been translated into at least 12 other languages, with other translations in progress. The library of translated documents is growing rapidly. \end_layout \end_inset , and the locale is set accordingly, these will be used automagically by LyX. LyX looks for translated versions as \family typewriter LyXDir/doc/ \series bold xx \series default _DocName.lyx \family default , where \family typewriter \series bold xx \family default \series default denotes the language as set by the environmental variable \family typewriter $LANG \family default . If there are none, the default English versions will be displayed. Note that the translated versions must have the same filenames ( \family typewriter DocName \family default above) as the original. If you feel up to translating the documentation (an excellent way to proof-read the original documentation BTW!), there are a few things you should do right away: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Read \family typewriter DocStyle.lyx \family default , the guide to writing LyX documentation. Pay special attention to the translator's section. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Check out the documentation translation web page at \begin_inset LatexCommand url name "The LyX Developer's Web Site" target "http://www.devel.lyx.org" \end_inset . That way, you can find out which (if any) documents have already been translate d into your language. You can also find out who (if anyone) is organizing the effort to translate the documentation into your language. If no one is organizing the effort, please let us know that you're interested. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Once you get to actually translating, here's a few hints for you that may save you trouble: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Join the documentation team! There is information on how to do that in \family typewriter Intro.lyx \family default ( \family sans \bar under H \bar default elp\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under I \bar default ntroduction \family default ), which by the way is the first document you should translate. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Learn the typographic conventions for the language you are translating to. Typography is an ancient art and over the centuries, a great variety of conventions have developed throughout different parts of the world. Also study the professional terminology amongst typographers in your country. Inventing your own terminology will only confuse the users. \emph on (Warning! Typography is addictive!) \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Make a copy of the document. This will be your working copy. You can use this as your personal translated help-file by placing it in your \family typewriter ~/.lyx/doc/ \family default -directory. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Sometimes the original document (from the LyX-team) will be updated. Use the ViewCVS tool available at \begin_inset LatexCommand htmlurl target "http://www.lyx.org/viewcvs.cgi/lyxdoc/" \end_inset to see what has been changed \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Alternatively, you can keep a copy of the latest version of the English document which you've translated. \end_layout \end_inset . That way you can easily see which parts of the translated document need to be updated. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize If you ever find an error in the original document, fix it and notify the rest of the documentation team of the changes! (You didn't forget to join the documentation team did you?) \end_layout \begin_layout Section International Keyboard Support \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \emph on [Editor's Note: The following section is by \emph default \shape smallcaps \emph on Ivan Schreter \shape default . It needs to be fixed to conform to the new Documentation Style sheet and to make use of the new v1.0 features. The whole thing also needs to be merged with the section following it.-jw] \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Defining Own Keymaps: Keymap File Format \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Let's look at a keyboard definition file a little closer. It is a plain text file defining \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize key-to-key or key-to-string translations \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize dead keys \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize dead keys exceptions \end_layout \begin_layout Standard To define key-to-key or key-to-string translation, use this command: \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation \family typewriter \backslash kmap \family default \family typewriter key \family default \family typewriter outstring \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where \family typewriter key \family default is the key to be translated and \family typewriter outstring \family default is the string to be inserted into the document. To define dead keys, use: \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation \family typewriter \backslash kmod \family default \family typewriter key \family default \family typewriter deadkey \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where \family typewriter key \family default is keyboard key and \family typewriter deadkey \family default is dead key name. The following dead keys are supported (shortcut name is in parentheses): \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation \emph on Name \hfill Example \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation acute (acu) \hfill áéíóú \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation grave (gra) \hfill àèìòù \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation macron (mac) \hfill ō \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation tilde (til) \hfill ñÑ \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation underbar (underb) \hfill \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash b o \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation cedilla (ced) \hfill çÇ \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation underdot (underd) \hfill \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash d o \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation circumflex (circu) \hfill âêîôû \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation circle (circl) \hfill ÅůŮ \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation tie (tie) \hfill \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash t o \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation breve (bre) \hfill ă \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash u o \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation caron (car) \hfill čšž \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation hungarian umlaut (hug) \hfill őű \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation umlaut (uml) \hfill äöü \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation dot (dot) \hfill ż \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash .s \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Since in many international keyboards there are exceptions to what some dead keys should do, you can define them using \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation \family typewriter \backslash kxmod \family default \family typewriter deadkey key outstring \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For example, on Slovak keyboard, if you enter caron-o, it generates circumflex-o , so you put in \end_layout \begin_layout Quotation \family typewriter \backslash kxmod \family default \family typewriter caron o " \backslash ^o" \end_layout \begin_layout Standard to make it work correctly. Also, you have to define as exceptions dead keys over i and j, to remove the dot from them before inserting an accent mark. I will change this when the time comes, but so far I haven't had time. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Oh, and about characters: backslash is escaped, so to enter it, you'll need double backslash. Also, quotes and \family typewriter # \family default have different meaning. \family typewriter # \family default marks comments, quotes start and end LaTeX-style commands. To enter quote, you'll need to use \family typewriter \backslash " \family default , to enter \family typewriter # \family default , use \family typewriter \backslash # \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you make a keyboard description file that works for your language, please mail it to me, so I can include it in the next keymap distribution. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard More keywords will be supported in keymap configuration file in future, like \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter \backslash kinclude filename \family default \emph on \hfill \family typewriter \emph default include \family default another file \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter \backslash kprog program \family default \emph on \hfill \family typewriter \emph default define \family default an external keymap translation program \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Also, it should look into \family typewriter lyxrc \family default file for defaults, too (for example, a \family typewriter \backslash kinclude \family default option to include default keyboard). \end_layout \begin_layout Section International Keymap Stuff \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:keymap" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The next two sections describe the \family typewriter \shape up .kmap \family default \shape default and \family typewriter \shape up .cdef \family default \shape default file syntax in detail. These sections should help you design your own key map if the ones provided do not meet your needs. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection The .kmap File \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A \family sans \shape up . \family typewriter kmap \family default \shape default file maps keystrokes to characters or strings. As the name suggests it sets a keyboard mapping. The \family typewriter .kmap \family default file keywords \family typewriter \shape up kmap \shape default , \shape up kmod \shape default , \shape up ksmod \family default \shape default , and \family typewriter \shape up kcomb \family default \shape default are described in this section. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \shape up kmap \family default \shape default Map a character to a string \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash kmap \family roman \emph on char \family default \emph default \family roman \emph on string \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This will ma \family roman p \family default \family roman \emph on char \family default \emph default \family roman to \family default \family roman \emph on string \emph default . Note that in \family default \family roman \emph on string \emph default , \family default \family roman \shape up the double-quote (") \family default \shape default \family roman and \family default \family roman \shape up the backslash ( \backslash ) \family default \shape default \family roman must be escaped with a preceding backslash ( \shape up \backslash \shape default ) \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard An example of a \family sans \shape up kmap \family default \shape default statement to cause the symbol \family sans \shape up / \family default \shape default to be output for the keystroke \family sans \shape up & \family default \shape default is: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash kmap & / \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \shape up kmod \family default \shape default Specify an accent character \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash kmod \family roman \emph on char accent allowed \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This will make the cha \family roman racter \family default \family roman \emph on char \family default \emph default \family roman \shape up \emph on be an accent \family default \shape default \emph default \family roman \shape up on the \family default \shape default \family roman \shape up \emph on allowed \family default \shape default \emph default \family roman \shape up cha \family default racter(s). This is the dead key \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard The term \family roman \emph on dead key \family default \emph default refers to a key that does not produce a character by itself, but when followed with another key, produces the desired accent character. For example, a German characte \family roman r with an umlaut like \family default \family roman \emph on ä \family default \emph default \family roman can be produced in this manner. \end_layout \end_inset mechanism. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you \family roman hit \family default \family roman \emph on char \family default \emph default \family roman and then another key not in \family default \family roman \emph on allowed \emph default , you will get a \family default \family roman \emph on char \family default \emph default \family roman followed by the other, unallowed key, as output. \family default Note that a \family sans \shape up Backspace \family default \shape default cancels a dead key, so if \family roman you hit \family default \family roman \emph on char \family default \emph default \family sans \shape up \emph on Backspace \family default \emph default , the cursor will not go one position backwards but will instead cancel the effect t \family roman hat \family default \shape default \family roman \shape up \emph on char \family default \shape default \emph default \family roman \shape up might have had on the next keystroke. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following example specifies that the character ' is to be an acute accent, allowed on the characters a, e, i, o, u, A, E, I, O, and U: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash kmod ' acute aeiouAEIOU \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter ksmod \family default Specify an exception to the accent character \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash kxmod \family roman \emph on accent char result \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This defines an exce \family roman ption for \family default \family roman \emph on accent \family default \emph default \family roman on \family default \family roman \emph on char \emph default . T \shape up he \family default \shape default \family roman \shape up \emph on accent \family default \shape default \emph default \family roman \shape up must \family default \shape default \shape up have been assigned a keystroke with a previous \shape default \family typewriter \shape up \backslash kmo \shape default d \family default declar \family roman ation and \family default \family roman \emph on char \family default \emph default \family roman must not belong in the \family default \family roman \emph on allowed \family default \emph default \family roman set of \family default \family roman \emph on accent \emph default . When \family default \family roman \shape up you enter the \family default \shape default \family roman \shape up \emph on accent char \family default \shape default \emph default \family roman \shape up sequence, \family default \shape default \family roman \shape up \emph on result \family default \shape default \emph default \family roman \shape up is produced. If such a declaration does not exist in \family default \shape default \shape up the \shape default \family typewriter \shape up .kmap \family default \shape default file and yo \family roman u enter \family default \family roman \emph on accent char \emph default , you get \family default \family roman \emph on accent_key char \family default \emph default \family roman where \family default \family roman \emph on accent_key \family default \emph default \family roman is the first arg \family default ument of the \family typewriter \shape up \backslash kmod \family default \shape default declaration. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following command produces causes äi to be produced when you enter acute-i ('i): \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash kxmod acute i " \backslash \backslash '{ \backslash \backslash i}" \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter kcomb \family default Combine two accent characters \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash kcomb \family roman \emph on accent1 accent2 allowed \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This one is getting pretty esoteric. It allows you to combine the effect \family roman of \family default \family roman \emph on accent1 \family default \emph default \family roman and \family default \family roman \emph on accent2 \family default \emph default \family roman (in that order!) on \family default \family roman \emph on allowed \family default \emph default \family roman chars. The keystrokes for \family default \family roman \emph on accent1 \family default \emph default \family roman and \family default \family roman \emph on accent2 \family default \emph default \family roman must have be \family default en set with a \family typewriter \shape up \backslash kmod \family default \shape default command at \family roman a \family default \family roman \emph on previous \family default \emph default \family roman point in the \family default file. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Consider this example from the \family typewriter \shape up greek.kmap \family default \shape default file: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash kmod ; acute aeioyvhAEIOYVH \backslash kmod : umlaut iyIY \backslash kcomb acute umlaut iyIY \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This allows you to press \family sans \shape up ;:i \family default \shape default and get the effect of \family typewriter \shape up \backslash '{ \backslash "{i}} \family default \shape default . \family roman \shape up A backspace \family default \shape default in this case cancels the last dead key, so if you press \family sans \shape up ;: Backspace i \family default \shape default you get \family typewriter \shape up \backslash '{i} \family default \shape default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection The .cdef File \end_layout \begin_layout Standard After the \family typewriter \shape up .kmap \family default \shape default mapping is performed, a \family typewriter \shape up .cde \shape default f \family default file maps the strings that the symbols generate to characters in the current font. The LyX distribution currently includes at least the \family typewriter \shape up iso8859-1.cdef \family default \shape default and \family typewriter \shape up iso8859-2.cdef \family default \shape default files. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In general the \family typewriter \shape up .cdef \family default \shape default file is a sequence of declarations of the form \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \family roman \emph on char_index_in_set \family default \emph default \family roman \emph on string \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For example, in order to map \family sans \shape up \backslash '{e} \family default \shape default to the corresponding character in the iso-8859-1 set (233), the following declaration is used \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code 233 " \backslash \backslash '{e}" \end_layout \begin_layout Standard with \family typewriter \backslash \family default and \family typewriter " \family default being escap \family roman ed in \family default \family roman \emph on string \emph default . Note that \family default the same character can apply to more than one string. In the \family typewriter i \shape up so-8859-7.cdef \family default \shape default file you have \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code 192 " \backslash \backslash '{ \backslash \backslash \backslash "{i}}" \newline 192 " \backslash \backslash \backslash "{ \backslash \backslash '{i}}" \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If LyX cannot find a mapping for the string produced by the keystroke or a deadkey sequence, it will check if it looks like an accented char and try to draw an accent over the character on screen. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Dead Keys \end_layout \begin_layout Standard There is a second way to add support for international characters through so-called dead-keys. A dead-key works in combination with a letter to produce an accented character. Here, we'll explain how to create a really simple dead-key to illustrate how they work. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Suppose you happen to need the circumflex character, \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset ̂ \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . You could bind the \family sans ^ \family default -key [a.k.a.\InsetSpace ~ \family sans Shift-6 \family default ] to the LyX command \family typewriter accent-circumflex \family default in your \family typewriter lyxrc \family default file. Now, whenever you type the \family sans ^ \family default -key followed by a letter, that letter will have a circumflex accent on it. For example, the sequence \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans ^e \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset produces the letter: \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset ê \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . If you tried to type \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans ^t \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , however, LyX will complain with a beep, since a \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans t \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset never takes a circumflex accent. Hitting \family sans Space \family default after a dead-key produces the bare-accent. Please note this last point! If you bind a key to a dead-key, you'll need to rebind the character on that key to yet another key. Binding the \family sans ,-key \family default to a cedilla is a bad idea, since you'll only get cedillas instead of commas. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard One common way to bind dead-keys is to use \family sans Meta- \family default , \family sans Ctrl- \family default , and \family sans Shift- \family default in combination with an accent, like \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans ~ \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset or \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans , \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset or \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans ^ \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . Another way involves using \family typewriter xmodmap \family default and \family typewriter xkeycaps \family default [remember them from section?] to set up the special \family typewriter Mode_Switch \family default key. The \family typewriter Mode_Switch \family default acts in some ways just like \family sans Shift \family default and permits you to bind keys to accented characters. You can also turn keys into dead-keys by binding them to something like \family typewriter usldead_cedilla \family default and then binding this symbolic key to the corresponding LyX command. \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Note from \noun on John Weiss \noun default : This is exactly what I do in my \family typewriter ~/.lyx/lyxrc \family default and my \family typewriter ~/.xmodmap \family default files. I have my \family sans Scroll\InsetSpace ~ Lock \family default key set up as \family typewriter Mode_Shift \family default and a bunch of these \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter usldead_* \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset symbolic keys bound such things as \family sans Scroll\InsetSpace ~ Lock-^ \family default and \family sans Scroll\InsetSpace ~ Lock-~ \family default . This is how I produce my accented characters. \end_layout \end_inset You can make just about anything into the \family typewriter Mode_Switch \family default key: One of the \family sans Ctrl- \family default keys, a spare function key, etc. As for the LyX commands that produce accents, check the entry for \family typewriter accent-acute \family default in the \emph on Reference Manual \emph default . You'll find the complete list there. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Saving your Language Configuration \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:savlang" \end_inset You can edit your preferences so that your desired language environment is automatically configured when LyX starts up, via the \family sans \bar under E \bar default dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references \family default dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout Chapter Installing New Document Classes, Layouts, and Templates \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "chap:textclass" \end_inset \begin_inset OptArg status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Installing New Document Classes \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In this chapter, we describe the procedures for creating and installing new LyX layout and template files, as well as offer a refresher on correctly installing new LaTeX document classes. Some definitions: a document class is a LaTeX file (usually ending in \family typewriter .cls \family default or \family typewriter .sty \family default ) which describes the format of a document such as an article, report, journal preprint, etc. and all the commands needed to realize that format. A layout file is a LyX file which corresponds to a LaTeX document class and which tells LyX how to \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset draw \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset things on the screen to make the display look something like the final printed page. More precisely, a layout file describes a \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset text class \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset which is the internal construct LyX uses to render the screen display. \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Layout \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset and \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset text class \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset can be used somewhat interchangeably, but it is better to refer to the file as the layout, and the thing living in LyX's memory as the text class. A template file is simply a LyX document which contains a set of predefined entries for a given document class which are generally required for that class. Templates are especially useful for things like journal manuscripts which are to be submitted electronically. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Installing a new LaTeX package \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Some installations may not include a LaTeX package that you would like to use within LyX. For example, you might need FoilTeX, a common (and very powerful) package for preparing slides or viewgraphs for overhead projectors. Here are the formal steps involved in getting the package up and running if you are using teTeX or some other web2c based distribution. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Get the package from CTAN or wherever. \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard See the \emph on Inventory of your LaTeX configuration \emph default manual for details of what CTAN is and where supported document classes can be found. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Read the file \family typewriter texmf.cnf \family default (this usually lives in the directory \family typewriter $TEXMF/web2c \family default , though you can run \family typewriter kpsewhich texmf.cnf \family default to locate it). It describes how to add a local \family typewriter texmf \family default directory; follow the instructions. You need to insert the name of your local \family typewriter texmf \family default directory in \family typewriter texmf.cnf \family default . Under Linux, \family typewriter /usr/local \family default is a logical place to install software that did not come with your distribution , so you might use \family typewriter /usr/local/texmf \family default . Usually, you will have to modify only two things: \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout Enumerate Set \family typewriter TEXMFLOCAL \family default to the directory you chose; e.g. \newline \family typewriter TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/local/texmf \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Make sure \family typewriter TEXMF \family default includes the \family typewriter TEXMFLOCAL \family default variable; e.g. \newline \family typewriter TEXMF = {$HOMETEXMF,!!$TEXMFLOCAL,!!$TEXMFMAIN} \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout Enumerate Create your local \family typewriter texmf \family default directory (e.g. \family typewriter /usr/local/texmf \family default ). You must follow the directory structure of your existing \family typewriter texmf \family default directory (for example, latex packages should go under \family typewriter /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/ \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Install the package. For example, you would unpack the FoilTeX tarball and create \family typewriter /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/foiltex \family default . The \family typewriter foiltex \family default directory contains various files. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Run: \family typewriter texhash \family default . This should create \family typewriter /usr/local/texmf/ls-R \family default amongst others. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate From within LyX, do: \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under R \bar default econfigure \family default . Restart LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Now you should see your new package---for example \family sans slides (FoilTeX) \family default ---under \family sans \bar under L \bar default ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under D \bar default ocument \family default , field \family sans \bar under C \bar default lass \family default . Note that there are simpler ways of installing packages: you can add a link to the new package directory in the system LaTeX directory ( \family typewriter $TEXMF/tex/latex \family default , don't forget to then run \family typewriter texconfig \family default ), or sometimes simply set the \family typewriter $TEXINPUTS \family default environment variable to include the new package. However, the formal procedure described in \family typewriter texmf.cnf \family default is guaranteed to work, so you should follow it unless circumstances absolutely prevent it: such as, when you don't have superuser access. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:Layouts" \end_inset Layouts \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This section describes how to write and install your own LyX layout files (also known as text classes) and walks through the \family typewriter article \family default text class format as an example. The \family typewriter .layout \family default files describe what paragraph styles are available for a given document class and how LyX should display them. We try to provide a thorough description of the process here; however, there are so many different types of documents supported by LaTeX classes that we can't hope to cover every different possibility or problem you might encounter. (The LyX users' list is frequented by people with lots of experience with layout design who are willing to share what they've learned.) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As you prepare to write a new layout, it is extremely helpful to look at the example layouts distributed with LyX. If you use a nice LaTeX document class that might be of interest for others, too, and have a nice corresponding LyX layout, feel free to contribute the stuff to us, so we may put it into the distribution. There is also a section on the LyX wiki for this kind of material. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard All the tags described in this chapter are case-insensitive; this means that \family typewriter Style \family default , \family typewriter style \family default and \family typewriter StYlE \family default are really the same command. The possible values are printed in brackets after the feature's name. The default value if a feature isn't specified inside a text class-description is typeset \family typewriter \emph on emphasized \family default \emph default . If the argument has a datatype like \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset string \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset or \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset float \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , the default is shown like this: \family typewriter float= \emph on default \family default \emph default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Layout modules \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Similar to layout files, and new with LyX 1.6, are layout \emph on modules \emph default . Modules are to LaTeX packages much as layouts are to LaTeX classes, and some modules---such as the URL module---provide support for just such a package. In a sense, layout modules are similar to included files---files like stdsectio ns.inc---in that modules are not specific to a given document layout but may be used with many different layouts. The difference is that using a layout module does not require editing the layout file. Rather, modules are selected in the \family sans \bar under D \bar default ocument\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under S \bar default ettings \family default dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Building modules is the easiest way to get started with layout editing, since it can be as simple as adding a single new paragraph or flex inset. But modules may, in principle, contain anything a layout file can contain. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A module must begin with a line like the following: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code # \backslash DeclareLyXModule[url.sty]{Adds a character style for the \backslash url command.}{URL} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The argument in square brackets is optional: It declares any LaTeX packages on which the module depends. The two mandatory arguments, in curly brackets, are a short description of the module and the name of the module, as they should appear in \family sans Document\SpecialChar \menuseparator Settings \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard After creating a new module, you will need to reconfigure and then restart LyX for it to appear in the menu. However, changes you make to the module will be seen immediately, if you open \family sans Document\SpecialChar \menuseparator Settings \family default , make some change (or even just highlight something), and then hit \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset OK \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . It is strongly recommended that you save your work before doing so. It is, in fact, strongly recommended that you not attempt to create or edit modules while simultaneously working on documents. Though of course the developers strive to keep LyX stable in such situations, syntax errors and the like in your module file could cause strange behavior. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Supporting new document classes \end_layout \begin_layout Standard There are two situations you are likely to encounter when wanting to support a new LaTeX document class, involving LaTeX2e class ( \family typewriter .cls \family default ) and style ( \family typewriter .sty \family default ) files. Supporting a style file is usually fairly easy. Supporting a new document class is a bit harder. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection A layout for a \family sans sty \family default file \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If your new document class is provided as a style file that is used in conjuncti on with an existing, supported document class---for the sake of the example, we'll assume that the style file is called \family sans myclass.sty \family default and it is meant to be used with \family sans report.cls \family default , which is a standard class---start by copying the existing class's layout file into your local directory: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code cp report.layout ~/.lyx/layouts/myclass.layout \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Then edit \family typewriter myclass.layout \family default and change the line: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash DeclareLaTeXClass{report} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard to read \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash DeclareLaTeXClass[report, myclass.sty]{report (myclass)} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Then add: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Preamble \newline \backslash usepackage{myclass} \newline EndPreamble \end_layout \begin_layout Standard near the top of the file. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Start LyX and select \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under R \bar default econfigure \family default . Then restart LyX and try creating a new document. You should see " \family sans report (myclass) \family default " as a document class option in the \family sans \bar under D \bar default ocument\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under S \bar default ettings \family default dialog. It is likely that some of the sectioning commands and such in your new class will work differently from how they worked in the base class--- \family typewriter report \family default in this example---so you can fiddle around with the settings for the different sections if you wish. See below for more discussion on this. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Layout for a \family sans cls \family default file \end_layout \begin_layout Standard There are two possibilities here. One is that the class file is itself based upon an existing document class. For example, many thesis classes are based upon \family sans book.cls \family default . To see whether yours is, look for a line like \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash LoadClass{book} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard in the file. If so, then you may proceed largely as in the previous section, though the DeclareLaTeXClass line will be different. If your new class is thesis, and it is based upon book, then the line should read: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash DeclareLaTeXClass[myclass, book]{thesis} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If, on the other hand, the new class is not based upon an existing class, you will probably have to \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset roll your own \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset layout. We strongly suggest copying an existing layout file which uses a similar LaTeX class and then modifying it, if you can do so. At least use an existing file as a starting point so you can find out what items you need to worry about. Again, the specifics are covered below. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Declaring a new text class \end_layout \begin_layout Standard When it's finally time to get your hands dirty and create or edit your own layout file, the following sections describe what you're up against. Our advice is to go slowly, save and test often, listen to soothing music, and enjoy one or two of your favorite adult beverages; more if you are getting particularly stuck. It's really not that hard, except that the multitude of options can become overwhelming if you try to do to much in one sitting. Go have another adult beverage, just for good measure. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Here we go! \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Lines in a layout file which begin with a \family typewriter # \family default are comments. There is one exception to this rule: all layouts should begin with lines like: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \size small #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \size small # \backslash DeclareLaTeXClass{article} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The second line is used when you configure LyX. The layout file is read by the LaTeX script \family typewriter chkconfig.ltx \family default , in a special mode where \family typewriter # \family default is ignored. The first line is just a LaTeX comment, and the second one contains the declaration of the text class. If these lines appear in a file named \family typewriter article.layout \family default , then they define a text class of name \family typewriter article \family default (the name of the layout file) which uses the LaTeX document class \family typewriter article.cls \family default (the default is to use the same name as the layout). The string \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset article \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset that appears above is used as a description of the text class in the \family sans \bar under D \bar default ocument\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under S \bar default ettings \family default dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Let's assume that you wrote your own text class that uses the \family typewriter article.cls \family default documentclass, but where you changed the appearance of the section headings. If you put it in a file \family typewriter myarticle.layout \family default , the header of this file should be: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \size small #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \size small # \backslash DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{article (with my own headings)} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This declares a text class \family typewriter myarticle \family default , associated with the LaTeX document class \family typewriter article.cls \family default and described as \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset article (with my own headings) \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . If your text class depends on several packages, you can declare it as: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \size small #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \size small # \backslash DeclareLaTeXClass[article,foo.sty]{article (with my own headings)} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This indicates that your text class uses the foo.sty package. Finally, it is also possible to declare classes for DocBook code. Typical declarations will look like \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \size small #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \size small # \backslash DeclareDocBookClass[article]{SGML (DocBook article)} \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that these declarations can also be given an optional parameter declaring the name of the document class (but not a list). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard When the text class has been modified to your taste, all you have to do is to copy it either in \family typewriter $LyXDir/layouts/ \family default or in \family typewriter $UserDir/layouts \family default and run \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under R \bar default econfigure \family default . Exit LyX and restart it; then your new text class should be available along with the others. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In versions of LyX prior to 1.6, you had to restart LyX to see any changes you made to your layout files. As a result, editing layout files could be very time consuming. Beginning with 1.6, however, you can force a reload of the layout currently in use by using the LyX function \family sans layout-reload \family default . There is no default binding for this function---though, of course, you can bind it to a key yourself (see section \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:bindings" \end_inset ). You should simply enter this command in the mini-buffer. \emph on Warning \emph default : This is very much an `advanced feature'. It is \emph on strongly \emph default recommended that you save your work before using this function. It is, in fact, \emph on strongly \emph default recommended that you not attempt to edit your layout while simultaneously working on a document that you care about. Use a test document. Syntax errors and the like in your layout file could cause peculiar behavior. In particular, such errors could cause LyX to regard the current layout as invalid and to attempt to switch to some other layout. The LyX team strives to keep LyX stable in such situations, but safe is better than sorry. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection File format \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The first non-comment line must contain the file format number: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Format \family default \series default [ \family typewriter int \family default ] This tag was introduced with LyX 1.4.0 (layout files of LyX 1.3.x and earlier don't have an explicit file format). The file format that is documented here is \family typewriter 2 \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection General text class parameters \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These are the general parameters which describe the form of the entire document: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash begin{sloppypar} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Columns \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 1 \emph default , 2 \family default ] Whether the class-default should have one or two columns. Can be changed in the \family sans \bar under D \bar default ocument\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under S \bar default ettings \family default dialog. This setting (same goes for \family typewriter Sides \family default , too) is important: if your text class has two columns by default but you forget to set it correctly, the \family typewriter twocolumn \family default LaTeX option will \emph on not \emph default be output when you select \family sans Two columns \family default in \family sans \bar under D \bar default ocument\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under S \bar default ettings. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Sides \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 1 \emph default , 2 \family default ] Whether the class-default should be printing on one or both sides of the paper. Can be changed in the \family sans \bar under D \bar default ocument\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under S \bar default ettings \family default dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium PageStyle \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on plain \emph default , empty, headings \family default ] The class default pagestyle. Can be changed in the \family sans \bar under D \bar default ocument\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under S \bar default ettings \family default dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium ClassOptions\SpecialChar \ldots{} End \family default \series default This section describes various global options supported by the document class. See Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:classoptions" \end_inset for a description. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Provides \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default ] [ \family typewriter \emph on 0 \emph default , 1 \family default ] Whether the class already provides the feature \family typewriter string \family default . A feature is in general the name of a package (amsmath, makeidx, \SpecialChar \ldots{} ) or a macro (url, boldsymbol,\SpecialChar \ldots{} ); the complete list of supported features is unfortunat ely not documented. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium DefaultFont \family default \series default This is used to describe the default font of the document. See Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:fonts" \end_inset for a description. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium DefaultStyle \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default ] This is the style that will be assigned to new paragraphs, usually \family sans Standard \family default . This will default to the first defined style if not given, but you are highly encouraged to use this directive. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TitleLatexType \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on CommandAfter \family default \emph default , \family typewriter Environment \family default ] Indicates what kind of markup is used to define the title of a document. \family typewriter CommandAfter \family default means that the macro with name \family typewriter TitleLatexName \family default will be inserted after the last layout which has \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter InTitle 1 \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . \family typewriter Environment \family default corresponds to the case where the block of paragraphs which have \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter InTitle 1 \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset should be enclosed into the \family typewriter TitleLatexName \family default environment \family typewriter . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TitleLatexName \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="maketitle" \family default ] The name of the command/environment mentionned above. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Preamble\SpecialChar \ldots{} EndPreamble \family default \series default A set of macro definitions that will be output at the beginning of the LaTeX files. Use this for global definitions. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Input \family default \series default As its name implies, this command allows you to include another layout definition file within yours to avoid duplicating commands. Common examples are the standard layout files, for example, \family typewriter stdclass.inc \family default , which contains most of the basic layouts. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Style\SpecialChar \ldots{} End \family default \series default This sequence defines a new style. If the style already exists, it will redefine some of its parameters instead. See Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:style" \end_inset for details. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium NoStyle \family default \series default This command deletes an existing style. This is particularly useful when you want to suppress a style that has be defined in an input file. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Float\SpecialChar \ldots{} End \family default \series default This sequence defines a new float. See Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:floats" \end_inset for details. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium NoFloat \family default \series default This command deletes an existing float. This is particularly useful when you want to suppress a float that has be defined in an input file. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium InsetLayout\SpecialChar \ldots{} End \family default \series default This section (re-)defines the layout of an inset. It can be applied to an existing inset of to a new, user-defined inset, e.g., a new character style. See Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:charstyle" \end_inset for a description. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Counter\SpecialChar \ldots{} End \family default \series default This sequence defines a new counter. See Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:counter" \end_inset for details. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash end{sloppypar} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \family typewriter ClassOptions \family default section \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:classoptions" \end_inset The \family typewriter ClassOptions \family default section can contain the following entries: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium FontSize \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="10|11|12" \family default ] The list of available font sizes for the document's main font, separated by \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter | \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium PageStyle \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="empty|plain|headings|fancy" \family default ] The list of available page styles, separated by \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter | \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Other \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] Some document class options, separated by a comma, that will be added to the optional part of the \family typewriter \backslash documentclass \family default command. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Specific Paragraph Layouts \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:style" \end_inset A paragraph layout description looks like this \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Note that this will either define a new layout or modify an existing one. \end_layout \end_inset : \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Style \family roman \emph on name \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ... \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code End \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where the following commands are allowed: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash begin{sloppypar} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium CopyStyle \family default \series default \family typewriter [string] \family default This is used to copy all the features of an existing layout into the current one. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LatexType \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on Paragraph \emph default , Command, Environment, Item_Environment, \family default \family typewriter List_Environment \family default ] How the layout should be translated into LaTeX. \family typewriter Paragraph \family default means nothing special. \family typewriter Command \family default means \family typewriter \backslash \emph on LatexName \emph default {\SpecialChar \ldots{} } \family default and \family typewriter Environment \family default means \family typewriter \backslash begin{ \emph on LatexName \emph default }\SpecialChar \ldots{} \backslash end{ \emph on LatexName \emph default } \family default . \family typewriter Item_Environment \family default is the same as \family typewriter Environment \family default , except that a \family typewriter \backslash item \family default is generated for each paragraph of this environment. \family typewriter List_Environment \family default is the same as \family typewriter Item_Environment \family default , except that \family typewriter LabelWidthString \family default is passed as an argument to the environment. \family typewriter LabelWidthString \family default can be defined in the \family sans \bar under L \bar default ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default aragraph \family default dialog. \family typewriter \emph on LatexType \family default \emph default is perhaps a bit misleading, since these rules apply to SGML classes, too. Visit the SGML class files for specific examples. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium InTitle \family default \series default \family typewriter [1, 0] \family default If 1, marks the layout as being part of a title block (see also the \family typewriter TitleLatexType \family default and \family typewriter TitleLatexName \family default global entries) \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LatexName \family default \series default The name of the corresponding LaTeX stuff. Either the environment or command name. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LatexParam \family default \series default The optional parameter for the corresponding \family typewriter \series medium LatexName \family default \series default stuff. This parameter cannot be changed from within LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium OptionalArgs \family default \series default [ \family typewriter int=0 \family default ] The number of optional arguments that can be used with this layout. This is useful for things like section headings, and only makes sense with LaTeX. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Margin \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on Static \emph default , Manual, Dynamic, First_Dynamic, Right_Address_Box \family default ] \newline The kind of margin that the layout has on the left side. \family typewriter Static \family default just means a fixed margin. \family typewriter Manual \family default means that the left margin depends on the string entered in the \family sans \bar under E \bar default dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default aragraph\InsetSpace ~ Settings \family default dialog. This is used to typeset nice lists without tabulators. \family typewriter Dynamic \family default means that the margin depends on the size of the label. This is used for automatic enumerated headlines. It is obvious that the headline \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Very long headline \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset must have a wider left margin (as wide as \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset plus the space) than \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset 3.2 Very long headline \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , even if other word processors are not able to do this. \family typewriter First_Dynamic \family default is similar, but only the very first row of the paragraph is dynamic, while the others are static; this is used, for example, for descriptions. \family typewriter Right_Address_Box \family default means the margin is chosen in a way that the longest row of this paragraph fits to the right margin. This is used to typeset an address on the right edge of the page. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium NextNoIndent \family default \series default [ \family typewriter 1, \family default \family typewriter \emph on 0 \family default \emph default ] Whether the following Paragraph is allowed to indent its very first row. \family typewriter 1 \family default means that it is not allowed to do so, \family typewriter 0 \family default means it could do so if it wants to. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium ParIndent \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] The indent of the very first line of a paragraph. The argument is passed as a string. For example \family typewriter "MM" \family default means that the paragraph is indented with the width of \family typewriter "MM" \family default in \family typewriter the \family default normal font. You can get a negative width by prefixing the string with \family typewriter "-" \family default . This way was chosen so that the look is the same with each used screen font. The \family typewriter Parindent \family default will be fixed for a certain layout. The exception is Standard layout, since the indentation of a Standard layout paragraph can be prohibited with \family typewriter NextNoIndent \family default . Also, Standard layout paragraphs inside environments use the \family typewriter Parindent \family default of the environment, not their native one. For example, Standard paragraphs inside an enumeration are not indented. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Parskip \family default \series default [ \family typewriter float=0 \family default ] LyX allows to choose either \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset indent \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset or \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset skip \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset to typeset a document. When \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset indent \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset is chosen, this value is completely ignored. When \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset skip \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset is chosen, the parindent of a LaTeXtype \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Paragraph \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset layout is ignored and all paragraphs are additionally separated by this parskip argument. The vertical space is calculated with \family typewriter value*DefaultHeight() \family default where \family typewriter DefaultHeight() \family default is the height of a row with the normal font. This way, the look stays the same with different screen fonts. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TopSep \family default \series default [ \family typewriter float=0 \family default ] The vertical space with which the very first of a chain of paragraphs with this layout is separated from the previous paragraph. If the previous paragraph has another layout, the separations are not simply added, but the maximum is taken. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium BottomSep \family default \series default [ \family typewriter float=0 \family default ] The same as \family typewriter TopSep \family default for the very last paragraph. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Parsep \family default \series default [ \family typewriter float=0 \family default ] The vertical space between two paragraphs of this layout. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Itemsep \family default \series default [ \family typewriter float=0 \family default ] This is an extra space between the paragraphs of an environment layout. If you put other layouts into an environment, each is separated with the environment's \family typewriter Parsep \family default . But the whole items of the environment are additionally separated with this \family typewriter Itemsep \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LeftMargin \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] If you put layouts into environments, the leftmargins are not simply added, but added with a factor \begin_inset Formula $\frac{4}{depth+4}$ \end_inset . Note that this parameter is also used when the border is defined as \family typewriter Manual \family default or \family typewriter Dynamic \family default . Then it is added to the manual or dynamic border. This string has the same meaning as for \family typewriter ParIndent \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium RightMargin \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] Similar to \family typewriter LeftMargin \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Labeltype \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on No_Label \emph default , Manual, Static, Top_Environment, \newline Centered_Top_Environment, Sensitive, Counter \family default ] \newline \family typewriter Manual \family default means the label is the very first word (up to the first real blank). \family typewriter Static \family default means it is defined in the layout (see \family typewriter LabelString \family default ). \family typewriter Top_Environment \family default and \family typewriter Centered_Top_Environment \family default are special cases of \family typewriter Static \family default . The label will be printed above the paragraph, but only at the top of an environment or the top of a chain of paragraphs with this layout. Usage is for example the \family sans Abstract \family default layout or the \family sans Bibliography \family default layout. This is also the case for \family typewriter Manual \family default labels with latex type \family typewriter Environment \family default , in order to make layouts for theorems work correctly. \family typewriter Sensitive \family default is a special case for the caption-labels \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Figure \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset and \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Table \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . \family typewriter Sensitive \family default means the (hardcoded) label string depends on the kind of float. The \family typewriter Counter \family default label type defines automatically numbered labels. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelCounter \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] \newline The name of the counter for automatic numbering (see Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:counter" \end_inset for details). This must be given if \family typewriter \series medium Labeltype \family default \series default is \family typewriter Counter \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Labelsep \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] The horizontal space between the label and the text body. Only used for labels that are not above the text body. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelBottomsep \family default \series default [float=0] The vertical space between the label and the text body. Only used for labels that are above the text body ( \family typewriter Top_Environment \family default , \family typewriter Centered_Top_Environment \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelString \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] The string used for a label with a \family typewriter Static \family default labeltype. When the border is \family typewriter Manual \family default this string is also used as a suggestion for the \family typewriter LabelWidthString \family default that can be set in the \family sans \bar under E \bar default dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default aragraph\InsetSpace ~ Settings \family default dialog. When \family typewriter \series medium LabelCounter \family default \series default is set, this string can be contain the special formatting commands described in Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:counter" \end_inset . For the sake of backwards compatibility, the string \family typewriter @ \emph on style-name \emph default @ \family default will be replaced by the expanded \family typewriter LabelString \family default of style \family typewriter \emph on style-name \family default \emph default . This feature is now obsolete and should be replaced by the mechanisms of Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:counter" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelStringAppendix \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] This is used inside the appendix instead of \family typewriter LabelString \family default . Note that every \family typewriter LabelString \family default statement resets \family typewriter \series medium LabelStringAppendix \family default \series default too \family typewriter \series medium . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TocLevel [int] \family default \series default The level of the style in the table of contents. This is used for automatic numbering of section headings. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium EndLabeltype \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on No_Label \emph default , Box, Filled_Box, Static \family default ] The type of label that stands at the end of the paragraph (or sequence of paragraphs if \family typewriter LatexType \family default is \family typewriter Environment \family default , \family typewriter Item_Environment \family default or \family typewriter List_Environment \family default ). \family typewriter No_Label \family default means \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset nothing \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , \family typewriter Box \family default (resp. \family typewriter \InsetSpace ~ Filled_Box \family default ) is a white (resp.\InsetSpace ~ black) square suitable for end of proof markers, \family typewriter Static \family default is an explicit text string. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium EndLabelString \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string="" \family default ] The string used for a label with a \family typewriter Static \family default \family typewriter EndLabelType \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Align \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on block \emph default , left, right, center \family default ] Paragraph alignment. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium AlignPossible \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on block \emph default , left, right, center \family default ] A comma separated \emph on list \emph default of possible aligns. Some LaTeX styles prohibit certain alignments, since those wouldn't make sense. For example a right-aligned or centered enumeration isn't possible. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Fill_Top \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 0 \emph default ,1 \family default ] With this parameter the \family sans Fill \family default value of the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Vertical space above \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset list of the \family sans \bar under E \bar default dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default aragraph\InsetSpace ~ Settings \family default dialog can be set when initializing a paragraph with this layout \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \emph on Note from Jean-Marc: \emph default I'm not sure that this setting has much use, and it should probably be removed in later versions. \end_layout \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Fill_Bottom \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 0 \emph default ,1 \family default ] Similar to \family typewriter Fill_Top \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium NeedProtect \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 0 \emph default ,1 \family default ] Whether fragile commands in this layout should be \family typewriter \backslash protect \family default 'ed. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Newline \family default \series default [ \family typewriter 0, \family default \family typewriter \emph on 1 \family default \emph default ] Whether newlines are translated into LaTeX newlines ( \family typewriter \backslash \backslash \family default ) or not. The translation can be switched off to allow more comfortable LaTeX editing inside LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium PassThru \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 0 \emph default , 1 \family default ] Whether the contents of this paragraph should be output in raw form, meaning without special translations that LaTeX would require. This somehow replaces the older \family typewriter Latex \family default font property. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium FreeSpacing \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 0 \emph default , 1 \family default ] Usually LyX doesn't allow you to insert more than one space between words, since a space is considered as the separation between two words, not a character or symbol of its own. This is a very fine thing but sometimes annoying, for example when typing program code or plain LaTeX code. For this reason, \family typewriter FreeSpacing \family default can be enabled. Note that LyX will create protected blanks for the additional blanks when in another mode than LaTeX-mode. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium KeepEmpty \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 0 \emph default , 1 \family default ] Usually LyX does not allow you to leave a paragraph empty, since it would lead to empty LaTeX output. There are some cases where this could be desirable however: in a letter template, the required fields can be provided as empty fields, so that people do not forget them; in some special classes, a layout can be used as some kind of break, which does not contain actual text. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Spacing \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on single \emph default , onehalf, double, other \family default \emph on value \emph default ] This defines what the default spacing should be in the layout. The arguments \family typewriter single \family default , \family typewriter onehalf \family default and \family typewriter double \family default correspond respectively to a multiplier value of 1, 1.25 and 1.667. If you specify the argument \family typewriter other \family default , then you should also provide a numerical argument which will be the actual multiplier value. Note that, contrary to other parameters, \family typewriter Spacing \family default implies the generation of specific LaTeX code, using the package \family typewriter setspace.sty \family roman . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Font \family default \series default The font used for both the text body \emph on and \emph default the label. See section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:fonts" \end_inset . Note that defining this font automatically defines the \family typewriter LabelFont \family default to the same value. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TextFont \family default \series default The font used for the text body . See section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:fonts" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelFont \family default \series default The font used for the label. See section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:fonts" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Preamble\SpecialChar \ldots{} EndPreamble \family default \series default A set of macro definitions that will be output at the beginning of the LaTeX files when the layout is used. Use this to define the macros needed by this particular layout. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium DependsOn \family default \series default the name of a style which preamble should be output \emph on before \emph default the one mentionned above. This allows to ensure some ordering of the preamble snippets when macros definitions depend on one another \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Note that, besides that functionality, there is no way to ensure any ordering of preambles. The ordering that you see in a given version of LyX may change without warning in later versions. \end_layout \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash end{sloppypar} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Floats \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:floats" \end_inset Since version 1.3.0 of LyX, it is necessary to define the floats ( \family sans figure \family default , \family sans table \family default , \SpecialChar \ldots{} ) in the text class itself. If you are looking here to learn how to upgrade an existing text class, it will probably turn out that all you have to do is to add \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Input stdfloats.inc \end_layout \begin_layout Standard at a reasonable location of the text class. \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Don't forget to also have a look at counters in next section. \end_layout \end_inset If you want to implement a text class that proposes some other float types (like the AGU class bundled with LyX), the information below will hopefully help you: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Type \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] The \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset type \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset of the new class of floats, like program or algorithm. After the appropriate \family typewriter \backslash newfloat \family default , commands such as \family typewriter \backslash begin{program} \family default or \family typewriter \backslash end{algorithm*} \family default will be available. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium GuiName \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] The string that will be used in the menus and also for the caption. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LaTeXBuiltin \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on 0 \family default \emph default , \family typewriter 1 \family default ] Set to \family typewriter 1 \family default if the float is already defined by the documentclass. If this is set to \family typewriter 0 \family default , the float will be defined using the LaTeX package \family typewriter float \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium NumberWithin \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] This (optional) argument determines whether floats of this class will be numbered within some sectional unit of the document. For example, if within is equal to \family typewriter chapter \family default , the floats will be numbered within chapters. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Style \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] The style used when defining the float using \family typewriter \backslash newfloat \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Placement \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] The default placement for the given class of floats. They are like in standard LaTeX: \family typewriter t \family default , \family typewriter b \family default , \family typewriter p \family default and \family typewriter h \family default for top, bottom, page, and here, respectively. \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Note that the order of these letters in the string is irrelevant, like in LaTeX. \end_layout \end_inset On top of that there is a new type, \family typewriter H \family default , which does not really correspond to a float, since it means: put it \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset here \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset and nowhere else. Note, however that the \family typewriter H \family default specifier is special and, because of implementation details cannot be used in non-builtin float types. If you do not understand what this means, just use \family typewriter "tbp" \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Extension \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] The file name extension of an auxiliary file for the list of figures (or whatever). LaTeX writes the captions to this file. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium ListName \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] The heading used for the list of floats. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that defining a float with type \family typewriter \emph on type \family default \emph default automatically defines the corresponding counter with name \family typewriter \emph on type \family default \emph default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Inset layouts and Flex insets \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:charstyle" \end_inset You can define character styles since version 1.4.0 of LyX; since version 1.6.0 these are called Flex insets. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Furthermore it is possible to define the general layout of many different types of insets. Currently layout parameters can be defined for footnotes, marginal notes, note insets, ERT insets, branch insets, and Flex insets. The latter are definable from the user GUI and come in three different kinds: character style ( \family typewriter CharStyle \family default ) , user custom ( \family typewriter Custom \family default ), and XML element ( \family typewriter Element \family default ) insets. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter InsetLayout \family default definition starting line is of the form \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code InsetLayout \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter \family default can be \family typewriter Foot, Margin, Note, Flex \family default , and \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter \family default can be empty (for foot- and marginal notes, branches and ERT) or one of types \family typewriter CharStyle:Noun \family default , \family typewriter Note:Comment \family default , \family typewriter Custom:Endnote \family default , \family typewriter Element:Filename \family default , etc. Here, the second part of the name can be chosen freely (for CharStyle, Custom and Element), or from a predefined list (for Note). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following \family typewriter InsetLayout \family default section can contain the following entries: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LyxType \family default \series default can be \family typewriter charstyle \family default , \family typewriter custom \family default , \family typewriter element \family default , \family typewriter end \family default (indicating a dummy definition ending definitions of charstyles etc.). This entry is only meaningful for Flex (user definable) insets, the three types of which are CharStyle, Custom and Element. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Decoration \family default \series default can be \family typewriter \series medium Classic \family default \series default , \family typewriter \series medium Minimalistic or Conglomerate \family default \series default , describing the rendering style used for the inset's frame and buttons. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelString \family default \series default defines what will be displayed on the button or elsewhere as the inset label. Some inset types (ERT and Branch) modify this label on the fly. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Font \family default \series default The font used for both the text body \emph on and \emph default the label. See section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:fonts" \end_inset . Note that defining this font automatically defines the \family typewriter LabelFont \family default to the same value. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelFont \family default \series default The font used for the label. See section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:fonts" \end_inset . Note that this definition can never appear before \family typewriter Font \family default , lest it be ineffective (see above) \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LatexName \family default \series default The name of the corresponding LaTeX stuff. Either the environment or command name. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LatexParam \family default \series default The optional parameter for the corresponding \family typewriter \series medium LatexName \family default \series default stuff, including possible bracket pairs like \family typewriter [] \family default . This parameter cannot be changed from within LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LatexType \family default \series default See section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:style" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Preamble\SpecialChar \ldots{} EndPreamble \family default \series default See section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand ref reference "sec:style" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Counters \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:counter" \end_inset Since version 1.3.0 of LyX, it is necessary to define the counters ( \family sans chapter \family default , \family sans figure \family default , \SpecialChar \ldots{} ) in the text class itself. If you are looking here to learn how to upgrade an existing text class, it will probably turn out that all you have to do is to add \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Input stdcounters.inc \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following parameters can be used: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Name \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] The name of the counter. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Within \family default \series default [ \family typewriter string \family default = \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ] If this is set to the name of another counter, the present counter will be reset everytime the other one is increased. For example, \family typewriter subsection \family default is numbered inside \family typewriter section \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelString [string=""] \family default \series default when this is defined, this string defines how the counter is displayed. Setting this value resets \family typewriter LabelStringAppendix \family default to the same value. The following special constructs can be used in the string: \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter \backslash thecounter \family default will be replaced by the expansion of the \family typewriter LabelString \family default (or \family typewriter LabelStringAppendix \family default ) of the counter \family typewriter counter \family default . If these are empty, a default value is constructed as follows: if the counter has a master counter \family typewriter master \family default , the string \family typewriter \backslash themaster. \backslash arabic{counter} \family default is used; otherwise the string \family typewriter \backslash arabic{counter} \family default is used. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize counter values can be expressed using LaTeX-like macros \family typewriter \backslash \emph on numbertype \emph default { \emph on counter \emph default } \family default , where \family typewriter \emph on numbertype \family default \emph default can be: \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium arabic \family default \series default to translate \family typewriter counter \family default to arabic numerals, like 1, 2, 3\SpecialChar \ldots{} \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off \color none Actually, the situation is a bit more complicated than that: any \family default \series default \shape default \emph default \bar default \family typewriter \size default \emph on \noun default numbertype \family roman \series medium \shape up \size normal \emph off \bar no \noun off other than those descibed below will produce arabic numerals. It would not be surprising to see this change in the future. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium alph \family default \series default for lower-case letters: a, b, c, \SpecialChar \ldots{} \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Alph \family default \series default for upper-case letters: A, B, C, \SpecialChar \ldots{} \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium roman \family default \series default for lower-case roman numerals: i, ii, iii, \SpecialChar \ldots{} \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Roman \family default \series default for upper-case roman numerals: I, II, III\SpecialChar \ldots{} \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium hebrew \family default \series default for hebrew numerals. \end_layout \end_deeper \end_deeper \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium LabelStringAppendix [string=""] \family default \series default the same as \family typewriter LabelString \family default , for use in appendix. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Font description \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:fonts" \end_inset A font description looks like that: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Font \family roman \emph on or \family default \emph default LabelFont \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ... \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code EndFont \end_layout \begin_layout Standard and the following commands are available: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Family \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on Roman \emph default , Sans, Typewriter \family default ] \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Series \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on Medium \emph default , Bold \family default ] \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Shape \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on Up \emph default , Italic, SmallCaps, Slanted \family default ] \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Size \family default \series default [ \family typewriter tiny, small, \family default \family typewriter \emph on normal \emph default , large, larger, largest, huge, giant \family default ] \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Color \family default \series default [ \family typewriter \emph on none \emph default , black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow \family default ] \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Upgrading old layout files \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The file format of layout files changes from time to time, so old layout files need to be converted. This process has been automated in LyX 1.4.0: If LyX reads an old format layout file it will call the conversion tool \family typewriter $LyXDir/scripts/layout2layout.py \family default and convert it to a temporary file in current format. The original file is left untouched, so that you can still use it with LyX 1.3.x. If you want to convert the layout file permanently, just call the converter by hand: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code python $LyXDir/scripts/layout2layout.py myclass.layout myclassnew.layout \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Then copy \family typewriter myclassnew.layout \family default to \family typewriter $UserDir/layouts/ \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The automatic conversion does only handle syntax changes. It cannot handle the case where the contents of included files was changed. For example, layout files based on \family typewriter book.layout \family default need to include \family typewriter numreport.inc \family default in addition to \family typewriter stdclass.inc \family default . If you get error messages about undefined counters, try to convert your file with \family typewriter layout2layout.py \family default and then add one of \family typewriter numarticle.inc \family default , \family typewriter numreport.inc \family default and \family typewriter numrevtex.inc \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Section Creating Templates \begin_inset LatexCommand label name "sec:templates" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Templates are created just like usual documents. The only difference is that usual documents contain all possible settings, including the fontscheme and the papersize. Usually a user doesn't want a template to overwrite his defaults in these cases. For that reason, the designer of a template should remove the corresponding commands like \family typewriter \backslash fontscheme \family default or \family typewriter \backslash papersize \family default from the template LyX file. This can be done with any simple text-editor, for example \family typewriter vi \family default or \family typewriter xedit \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Put the edited template files you create in \family typewriter $UserDir/templates/ \family default , copy the ones you use from the global template directory in \family typewriter $LyXDir/templates/ \family default to the same place, and redefine the template path in the \family sans \bar under E \bar default dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references \family default dialog (tabs \family sans Input \family default , \family sans Path \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that there is a template which has a particular meaning: \family typewriter defaults.lyx \family default . This template is loaded everytime you create a new document with \family sans \bar under F \bar default ile \family default \SpecialChar \menuseparator \family sans \bar under N \bar default ew \family default in order to provide useful defaults. To create this template from inside LyX, all you have to do is to open a document with the correct settings, and use the \family sans Sa \bar under v \bar default e as Document Defaults \family default button. \end_layout \begin_layout Chapter Including External Material \end_layout \begin_layout Section Background \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Note Note status collapsed \begin_layout Standard This section is completely outdated. \end_layout \end_inset One often requested feature from LyX users is to be able to interface LyX with Xfig, Dia, or other similar applications that specialize in producing a certain kind of diagram, figure, schematic or whatever material might be relevant to include in your document. Previously, it was only possible to include boring, static, fixed images in LyX documents with the graphics feature, but there are several limitations attached to this approach: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize If you want to change the figure, you have to invoke an external program by hand \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize LyX does not notice that the referenced files change, so the on-screen display can fast become obsolete, and this is aggravated by the lack of a means of updating the display \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize The graphics stuff does not provide any mechanisms for coping with different exported formats such as DocBook, HTML or plain text \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The external material facility attempts to solve all of these problems \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Even if the graphics facility can't solve all problems, it is still valuable because it does provide in-line preview of the graphics, and supports advanced geometric transformations with a comfortable user interface. \end_layout \end_inset . It does this by offering a general method to interface LyX to external applications. Instead of introducing a long list of different constructs tailored for each specific application, we chose to sacrifice the in-line displaying of the included material in order to provide a general construct to cover a wide range of applications. The result is the external material construct. External material presents itself in the document simply as a button, but don't let this fool you. When you click on it, a dialog will appear that allows you to chose exactly what material to include, and in the following sections you will learn that this is indeed a powerful mechanism that can solve all of the above problems, and more. \end_layout \begin_layout Section How does it work? \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The external material feature is based on the concept of a \emph on template \emph default . A template is a specification of how LyX should interface with a certain kind of material. As bundled, LyX comes with predefined templates for Xfig figures, Dia diagrams, various raster format images, gnuplot, and more. You can check the actual list by using the menu \family sans Insert\SpecialChar \menuseparator File\SpecialChar \menuseparator External \family default \InsetSpace ~ \family sans Material \family default . Furthermore, it is possible to roll your own template to support a specific kind of material. Later we'll describe in more detail what is involved, and hopefully you will submit all the templates you create so we can include them in a later LyX version. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Another basic idea of the external material feature is to distinguish between the original file that serves as a base for final material and the produced file that is included in your exported or printed document. For example, consider the case of a figure produced with \family typewriter Xfig \family default . The Xfig application itself works on an original file with the \family typewriter .fig \family default extension. Within XFig, you create and change your figure, and when you are done, you save the \family typewriter fig \family default -file. When you want to include the figure in your document, you invoke \family typewriter transfig \family default in order to create a PostScript file that can readily be included in your LaTeX file. In this case, the \family typewriter .fig \family default file is the original file, and the PostScript file is the produced file. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This distinction is important in order to allow updating of the material while you are in the process of writing the document. Furthermore, it provides us with the flexibility that is needed to support multiple export formats. For instance, in the case of a plain text file, it is not exactly an award-winn ing idea to include the figure as raw PostScript. Instead, you'd either prefer to just include a reference to the figure, or try to invoke some graphics to Ascii converter to make the final result look similar to the real graphics. The external material management allows you to do this, because it is parameter ized on the different export formats that LyX supports. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Besides supporting the production of different products according to the exported format, it supports tight integration with editing and viewing applications. In the case of an XFig figure, you are able to invoke \family typewriter Xfig \family default on the original file with a single click from within the external material dialog in LyX, and also preview the produced PostScript file with \family typewriter ghostview \family default with another click. No more fiddling around with the command line and/or file browsers to locate and manipulate the original or produced files. In this way, you are finally able to take full advantage of the many different applications that are relevant to use when you write your documents, and ultimately be more productive. \end_layout \begin_layout Section External material dialog \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family sans External Material \family default dialog is described in the \family sans \emph on EmbeddedObjects \family default \emph default manual. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Examples \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In this section, we should include some examples of use of the external material. Those examples could include: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize External raster images \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize External XFig figures \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Chess diagrams \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Sound samples \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize The use of makefiles \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Recursive external LyX templates \end_layout \begin_layout Section The external template configuration file \end_layout \begin_layout Standard It is relatively easy to add custom external template definitions to LyX. However, be aware this doing this in an careless manner most probably \emph on will \emph default introduce an easily exploitable security hole. So before you do this, please read the discussion about security which will follow later. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Having said that, we encourage you to submit any interesting templates that you create. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The external templates are defined in the \family typewriter lib/external_templates \family default file. You can place your own version in \family typewriter .lyx/external_templates \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A typical template looks like this: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Template XFig \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code GuiName "XFig: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code HelpText \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code An XFig figure. \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code HelpTextEnd \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code InputFormat fig \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code FileFilter "*.fig" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code AutomaticProduction true \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Transform Rotate \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Transform Resize \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Format LaTeX \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code TransformCommand Resize ResizeLatexCommand \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Product "$$RotateFront$$ResizeFront \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash \backslash input{$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pstex_t} \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code $$ResizeBack$$RotateBack" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code UpdateFormat pstex \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pstex_t" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Requirement "graphicx" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pstex_t" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ReferencedFile dvi "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code FormatEnd \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Format PDFLaTeX \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code TransformCommand Resize ResizeLatexCommand \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Product "$$RotateFront$$ResizeFront \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \backslash \backslash input{$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pdftex_t} \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code $$ResizeBack$$RotateBack" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code UpdateFormat pdftex \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdftex_t" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Requirement "graphicx" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pdftex_t" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdf" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code FormatEnd \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Format Ascii \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Product "$$Contents( \backslash "$$AbsPath$$Basename.asc \backslash ")" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code UpdateFormat asciixfig \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.asc" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code FormatEnd \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Format DocBook \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Product " \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code " \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code UpdateFormat eps \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ReferencedFile docbook "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ReferencedFile docbook-xml "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code FormatEnd \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Product "[XFig: $$FName]" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code FormatEnd \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code TemplateEnd \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As you can see, the template is enclosed in \family typewriter Template \family default \SpecialChar \ldots{} \family typewriter TemplateEnd \family default . It contains a header specifying some general settings, and for each supported primary document file format a section \family typewriter Format \family default \SpecialChar \ldots{} \family typewriter FormatEnd \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection The template header \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Template\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default A unique name for the template. It must not contain substitution macros (see below). \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium GuiName\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default The text that is displayed on the button. This command must occur exactly once. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium HelpText\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ HelpTextEnd \family default \series default The help text that is used in the External dialog. Provide enough information to explain to the user just what the template can provide him with. This command must occur exactly once. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium InputFormat\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default The file format of the original file. This must be the name of a format that is known to LyX (see the \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references:Conversion \family default dialog). Use \family typewriter "*" \family default if the template can handle original files of more than one format. LyX will attempt to interrogate the file itself in order to deduce its format in this case. This command must occur exactly once. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium FileFilter\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default A glob pattern that is used in the file dialog to filter out the desired files. If there is more than one possible file extension (e.g.\InsetSpace ~ tgif has \family typewriter .obj \family default and \family typewriter .tgo \family default ), use something like \family typewriter "*.{obj,tgo}" \family default . This command must occur exactly once. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium AutomaticProduction\InsetSpace ~ true|false \family default \series default Wether the file represented by the template must be generated by LyX. This command must occur exactly once. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Transform\InsetSpace ~ Rotate|Resize|Clip|Extra \family default \series default This command specifies which transformations are supported by this template. It may occur zero or more times. This command enables the corresponding tabs in the external dialog. Each \family typewriter Transform \family default command must have either a corresponding \family typewriter TransformCommand \family default or a \family typewriter TransformOption \family default command in the \family typewriter Format \family default section. Otherwise the transformation will not be supported by that format. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection The Format section \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Format\InsetSpace ~ LaTeX|PDFLaTeX|PlainText|DocBook \family default \series default The primary document file format that this format definition is for. Not every template has a sensible representation in all document file formats. Please define nevertheless a \family typewriter Format \family default section for all formats. Use a dummy text when no representation is available. Then you can at least see a reference to the external material in the exported document. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TransformCommand\InsetSpace ~ Rotate\InsetSpace ~ RotationLatexCommand \family default \series default This command specifies that the built in LaTeX command should be used for rotation. This command may occur once or not at all. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TransformCommand\InsetSpace ~ Resize\InsetSpace ~ ResizeLatexCommand \family default \series default This command specifies that the built in LaTeX command should be used for resizing. This command may occur once or not at all. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TransformOption\InsetSpace ~ Rotate\InsetSpace ~ RotationLatexOption \family default \series default This command specifies that rotation is done via an optional argument. This command may occur once or not at all. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TransformOption\InsetSpace ~ Resize\InsetSpace ~ ResizeLatexOption \family default \series default This command specifies that resizing is done via an optional argument. This command may occur once or not at all. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TransformOption\InsetSpace ~ Clip\InsetSpace ~ ClipLatexOption \family default \series default This command specifies that clipping is done via an optional argument. This command may occur once or not at all. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium TransformOption\InsetSpace ~ Extra\InsetSpace ~ ExtraLatexOption \family default \series default This command specifies that an extra optional argument is used. This command may occur once or not at all. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Product\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default The text that is inserted in the exported document. This is actually the most important command and can be quite complex. This command must occur exactly once. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium UpdateFormat\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default The file format of the converted file. This must be the name of a format that is known to LyX (see the \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references:Conversion \family default dialog). This command must occur exactly once. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium UpdateResult\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default The file name of the converted file. The file name must be absolute. This command must occur exactly once. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium ReferencedFile\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default This command denotes files that are created by the conversion process and are needed for a particular export format. If the filename is relative, it is interpreted relative to the master document. This command may be given zero or more times. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Requirement\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default The name of a required LaTeX package. The package is included via \family typewriter \backslash usepackage{} \family default in the LaTeX preamble. This command may occur zero or more times. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Preamble\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default This command specifies a preamble snippet that will be included in the LaTeX preamble. It has to be defined using \family typewriter PreambleDef \family default \SpecialChar \ldots{} \family typewriter PreambleDefEnd \family default . This command may occur zero or more times. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter \series medium Option\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default This command defines an additional macro \family typewriter $$ \family default for substitution in \family typewriter Product \family default . \family typewriter \family default itself may contain substitution macros. The advantage over using \family typewriter \family default directly in \family typewriter Product \family default is that the substituted value of \family typewriter $$ \family default is sanitized so that it is a valid optional argument in the document format. This command may occur zero or more times. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Preamble definitions \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The external template configuration file may contain additional preamble definitions enclosed by \family typewriter PreambleDef \family default \SpecialChar \ldots{} \family typewriter PreambleDefEnd \family default . They can be used by the templates in the \family typewriter Format \family default section. \end_layout \begin_layout Section The substitution mechanism \end_layout \begin_layout Standard When the external material facility invokes an external program, it is done on the basis of a command defined in the template configuration file. These commands can contain various macros that are expanded before execution. Execution always take place in the directory of the containing document. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Also, whenever external material is to be displayed, the name will be produced by the substitution mechanism, and most other commands in the template definition support substitution as well. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The available macros are the following: \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$FName The filename of the file specified in the external material dialog. This is either an absolute name, or it is relative to the LyX document. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Basename The filename without path and without the extension. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Extension The file extension (including the dot). \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$FPath The path part of \family typewriter $$FName \family default (absolute name or relative to the LyX document). \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$AbsPath The absolute file path. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$RelPathMaster The file path, relative to the master LyX document. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$RelPathParent The file path, relative to the LyX document. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$AbsOrRelPathMaster The file path, absolute or relative to the master LyX document. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$AbsOrRelPathParent The file path, absolute or relative to the LyX document. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Tempname A name and full path to a temporary file which will be automatically deleted whenever the containing document is closed, or the external material insertion deleted. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Contents( \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset filename.ext \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ) This macro will expand to the contents of the file with the name \family typewriter filename.ext \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Sysdir This macro will expand to the absolute path of the system directory. This is typically used to point to the various helper scripts that are bundled with LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard All path macros contain a trailing directory separator, so you can construct e.g. the absolute filename with \family typewriter $$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The macros above are substituted in all commands unless otherwise noted. The command \family typewriter Product \family default supports additionally the following substitutions if they are enabled by the \family typewriter Transform \family default and \family typewriter TransformCommand \family default commands: \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$ResizeFront The front part of the resize command. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$ResizeBack The back part of the resize command. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$RotateFront The front part of the rotation command. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$RotateBack The back part of the rotation command. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The value string of the \family typewriter Option \family default command supports additionally the following substitutions if they are enabled by the \family typewriter Transform \family default and \family typewriter TransformOption \family default commands: \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Clip The clip option. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Extra The extra option. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Resize The resize option. \end_layout \begin_layout Description $$Rotate The rotation option. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You may ask why there are so many path macros. There are mainly two reasons: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard First, relative and absolute file names should remain relative or absolute, respectively. Users may have reasons to prefer either form. Relative names are useful for portable documents that should work on different machines, for example. Absolute names may be required by some programs. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Second, LaTeX treats relative file names differently than LyX and other programs in nested included files. For LyX, a relative file name is always relative to the document that contains the file name. For LaTeX, it is always relative to the master document. These two definitions are identical if you have only one document, but differ if you have a master document that includes part documents. That means that relative filenames must be transformed when presented to LaTeX. Fortunately LyX does this automatically for you if you choose the right macros. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard So which path macro should be used in new template definitions? The rule is not difficult: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use \family typewriter $$AbsPath \family default if an absolute path is required. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use \family typewriter $$AbsOrRelPathMaster \family default if the substituted string is some kind of LaTeX input. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Else use \family typewriter $$AbsOrRelPathParent \family default in order to preserve the user's choice. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard There are special cases where this rule does not work and e.g.\InsetSpace ~ relative names are needed, but normally it will work just fine. One example for such a case is the command \family typewriter ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pstex_t" \family default in the XFig template above: We can't use the absolute name because the copier for \family typewriter .pstex_t \family default files needs the relative name in order to rewrite the file content. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Security discussion \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Note Note status collapsed \begin_layout Standard This section is outdated \end_layout \end_inset The external material feature interfaces with a lot of external programs and does so automatically, so we have to consider the security implications of this. In particular, since you have the option of including your own filenames and/or parameter strings and those are expanded into a command, it seems that it would be possible to create a malicious document which executes arbitrary commands when a user views or prints the document. This is something we definately want to avoid. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard However, since the external program commands are specified in the template configuration file only, there are no security issues if LyX is properly configured with safe templates only. This is so because the external programs are invoked with the \family typewriter execvp \family default -system call rather than the \family typewriter system \family default system-call, so it's not possible to execute arbitrary commands from the filename or parameter section via the shell. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This also implies that you are restricted in what command strings you can use in the external material templates. In particular, pipes and redirection are not readily available. This has to be so if LyX should remain safe. If you want to use some of the shell features, you should write a safe script to do this in a controlled manner, and then invoke the script from the command string. In the \family typewriter lib/scripts \family default directory of the LyX installation, you can find a safe wrapper script \family typewriter general_command_wrapper.py \family default that supports redirection of input and output. That can serve as an example for how to write safe template scripts. For a more advanced example that uses \family typewriter fork \family default and friends, take a look at the \family typewriter pic2ascii.py \family default converter script. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard It is possible to design a template that interacts directly with the shell, but since this would allow a malicious user to execute arbitrary commands by writing clever filenames and/or parameters, we generally recommend that you only use safe scripts that work with the \family typewriter execvp \family default system call in a controlled manner. Of course, for use in a controlled environment, it can be tempting to just fall back to use ordinary shell scripts. If you do so, be aware that you \emph on will \emph default provide an easily exploitable security hole in your system. Of course it stands to reason that such unsafe templates will never be included in the standard LyX distribution, although we do encourage people to submit new templates in the open source tradition. But LyX as shipped from the official distribution channels will never have unsafe templates. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Including external material provides a lot of power, and you have to be careful not to introduce security hazards with this power. A subtle error in a single line in an innocent looking script can open the door to huge security problems. So if you do not fully understand the issues, we recommend that you consult a knowledgable security professional or the LyX development team if you have any questions about whether a given template is safe or not. And do this before you use it in an uncontrolled environment. \end_layout \begin_layout Chapter The LyX Server \end_layout \begin_layout Section Introduction \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The LyX server is a method implemented in LyX that will enable other programs to talk to LyX, invoke LyX commands, and retrieve information about the LyX internal state. This is only intended for advanced users, but they should find it useful. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Starting the LyX Server \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The LyX server works through the use of a pair of named pipes. These are usually located in your home directory and have the names \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter .lyxpipe.in \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset and \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter .lyxpipe.out \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . External programs write into \family typewriter .lyxpipe.in \family default and read back data from \family typewriter .lyxpipe.out \family default . The stem of the pipe names can be defined in the \family sans \bar under T \bar default ools\SpecialChar \menuseparator \bar under P \bar default references \family default dialog, for example \family typewriter "/home/myhome/.lyxpipe" \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard LyX will add the ' \family typewriter .in \family default ' and ' \family typewriter .out \family default ' to create the pipes. The above setting also has the effect of activating the LyX server. If one of the pipes already exists, LyX will assume that another LyX process is already running and will not start the server. To have several LyX processes with servers at the same time, you have to change the configuration between the start of the programs. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you are developing a client program, you might find it useful to enable debugging information from the LyX server. Do this by starting LyX as \family typewriter lyx -dbg lyxserver. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Warning: if LyX crashes, it may not manage to remove the pipes; in this case you must remove them manually. If LyX starts and the pipes exist already, it will not start any server. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Other than this, there are a few points to consider: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Both server and clients must run on UNIX or OS/2 machines. Communications between LyX on UNIX and clients on OS/2 or vice versa is not possible right now. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize On OS/2, only one client can connect to LyXServer at a time. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize On OS/2, clients must open inpipe with \family typewriter O_WRONLY \family default mode. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can find a complete example client written in C in the source distribution as \family typewriter development/server_monitor.c \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Section Normal communication \end_layout \begin_layout Standard To issue a LyX call, the client writes a line of ASCII text into the input pipe. This line has the following format: \end_layout \begin_layout Quote LYXCMD: \emph on clientname \emph default : \emph on function \emph default : \emph on argument \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Here \emph on clientname \emph default is a name that the client can choose arbitrarily. Its only use is that LyX will echo it if it sends an answer - so a client can dispatch results from different requesters. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \emph on function \emph default is the function you want LyX to perform. It is the same as the commands you'd use in the minibuffer. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \emph on argument \emph default is an optional argument which is meaningful only to some functions (for instance \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset self-insert \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset which will insert the argument as text at the cursor position.) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The answer from LyX will arrive in the output pipe and be of the form \end_layout \begin_layout Quote INFO: \emph on clientname \emph default : \emph on function \emph default : \emph on data \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where \emph on clientname \emph default and \emph on function \emph default are just echoed from the command request, while \emph on data \emph default is more or less useful information filled according to how the command execution worked out. Some commands will return information about the internal state of LyX, such as \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset font-state \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , while other will return an empty data-response. This means that the command execution went fine. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In case of errors, the response from LyX will have this form \end_layout \begin_layout Quote ERROR: \emph on clientname \emph default : \emph on function \emph default : \emph on error message \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where the \emph on error message \emph default should contain an explanation of why the command failed. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Examples: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code echo "LYXCMD:test:beginning-of-buffer:" >~/.lyxpipe.in \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code echo "LYXCMD:test:get-xy:" >~/.lyxpipe.in \newline read a <~/.lyxpipe.out \newline echo $a \end_layout \begin_layout Section Notification \end_layout \begin_layout Standard LyX can notify clients of events going on asynchronously. Currently it will only do this if the user binds a key sequence with the function \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset notify \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . The format of the string LyX sends is as follows: \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter NOTIFY: \family default \emph on key-sequence \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where \emph on key-sequence \emph default is the printed representation of the key sequence that was actually typed by the user. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This mechanism can be used to extend LyX's command set and implement macros: bind some key sequence to \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset notify \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , start a client that listens on the out pipe, dispatches the command according to the sequence and starts a function that may use LyX calls and LyX requests to issue a command or a series of commands to LyX. \end_layout \begin_layout Section The simple LyX Server Protocol \end_layout \begin_layout Standard LyX implements a simple protocol that can be used for session management. All messages are of the form \end_layout \begin_layout Quote LYXSRV: \emph on clientname \emph default : \emph on protocol message \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where \emph on protocol message \emph default can be \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset hello \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset or \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset bye \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . If \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset hello \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset is received from a client, LyX will report back to inform the client that it's listening to it's messages, while \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset bye \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset sent from LyX will inform clients that LyX is closing. \end_layout \begin_layout Chapter \start_of_appendix Bindings \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This appendix is a huge cross-reference to all the English language keybindings. Originally, we simply wanted to list all of the key bindings followed by the function it's bound to. That way, a user can look up a key to find out what it does. We then decided, what the hey, why not include the default toolbar and menu bindings, too. Please note this section is likely to be very out of date. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The form is really self-explanatory, but here are a few tips: all entries are arranged roughly alphabetically for a given modifier ( \family sans C-a \family default , \family sans C-b \family default , etc.). For the general keyboard layout, simpler prefixes precede the more complex ( \family sans C-s \family default before \family sans C-S-c \family default ). All entries were gleaned from the default user interface and binding files located in the directories \family typewriter \SpecialChar \ldots{} /share/lyx/ui \family default and \family typewriter \SpecialChar \ldots{} /share/lyx/bind \family default ; they should be treated as the final word on the bindings. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As a final note, be aware that some window managers (such as FVWM) take control of some of the function keys or motion keys. \family sans C-right \family default is listed here as generating \family typewriter word-forward \family default , but FVWM grabs it and uses it to change virtual desktops instead. Very annoying unless you instruct your window manager to stop intercepting such sequences. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Toolbar \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Toolbar \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Layouts \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "buffer-open" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "buffer-write" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "buffer-print" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Separator \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "cut" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "copy" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "paste" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Separator \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "font-emph" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "font-noun" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "font-free" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Separator \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "tex-mode" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "math-mode" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Separator \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "footnote-insert" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "marginpar-insert" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "depth-next" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Separator \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "figure-insert" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Icon "dialog-tabular-insert" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code End \end_layout \begin_layout Section Menu \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that the following bindings are for LyX with English menus. The second character of the binding depends on the menu language. For example \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans M-i r \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset is with German menus \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family sans M-e q \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . To find out the shortcuts of your language press the Meta (Alt)-key and press then the keys of the underlined characters of the menu names. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection File \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ a \family default \family typewriter buffer-write-as \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ c \family default \family typewriter buffer-close \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ d \family default \family typewriter buffer-reload \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ e \family default \family typewriter file_export \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ f \family default \family typewriter buffer-export fax \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ i \family default \family typewriter file_import \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ n \family default \family typewriter buffer-new \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ o \family default \family typewriter buffer-open \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ p \family default \family typewriter buffer-print \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter buffer-write \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ t \family default \family typewriter buffer-new-template \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ v \family default \family typewriter file_vc \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans h \family default \family typewriter vc-history \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans i \family default \family typewriter vc-check-in \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans l \family default \family typewriter vc-revert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans o \family default \family typewriter vc-check-out \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans r \family default \family typewriter vc-register \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans u \family default \family typewriter vc-undo-last \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-f\InsetSpace ~ x \family default \family typewriter lyx-quit \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Edit \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ a \family default \family typewriter paste \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ c \family default \family typewriter cut \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ d \family default \family typewriter redo \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ e \family default \family typewriter error-remove-all \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ f \family default \family typewriter find-replace \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ h \family default \family typewriter buffer-chktex \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ i \family default \family typewriter edit_floats \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans a \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature append-row \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans b \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature toggle-line-bottom \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans c \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature align-center \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans d \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature delete-column \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans e \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature align-left \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans i \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature align-right \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans l \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature toggle-line-left \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans m \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature multicolumn \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans n \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature valign-center \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans o \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature valign-top \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans r \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature toggle-line-right \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans t \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature toggle-line-top \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans u \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature append-column \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans v \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature valign-bottom \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans w \family default \family typewriter tabular-feature delete-row \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ l \family default \family typewriter math-panel \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans a \family default \family typewriter floats-operate openfoot \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans c \family default \family typewriter floats-operate closefoot \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans f \family default \family typewriter floats-operate openfig \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans m \family default \family typewriter melt \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans o \family default \family typewriter open-stuff \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans t \family default \family typewriter floats-operate closefig \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ o \family default \family typewriter copy \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ p \family default \family typewriter dialog-preferences \family default \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ r \family default \family typewriter reconfigure \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter spellchecker \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ t \family default \family typewriter edit_tabular \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ u \family default \family typewriter undo \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-e\InsetSpace ~ x \family default \family typewriter edit_paste \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans l \family default \family typewriter primary-selection-paste \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans p \family default \family typewriter primary-selection-paste paragraph \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout Subsection Insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ a \family default \family typewriter insert_floats \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans a \family default \family typewriter buffer-float-insert algorithm \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans d \family default \family typewriter buffer-float-insert wide-tab \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans f \family default \family typewriter buffer-float-insert figure \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans t \family default \family typewriter buffer-float-insert table \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans w \family default \family typewriter buffer-float-insert wide-fig \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ b \family default \family typewriter dialog-tabular-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ c \family default \family typewriter citation-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ d \family default \family typewriter math-display \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ e \family default \family typewriter buffer-child-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ f \family default \family typewriter footnote-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ g \family default \family typewriter figure-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ h \family default \family typewriter math-mode \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ i \family default \family typewriter index-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ l \family default \family typewriter label-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ m \family default \family typewriter marginpar-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ n \family default \family typewriter note-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ o \family default \family typewriter insert_toc \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans a \family default \family typewriter loa-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans b \family default \family typewriter bibtex-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans c \family default \family typewriter toc-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans f \family default \family typewriter lof-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans i \family default \family typewriter index-print \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans t \family default \family typewriter lot-insert \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ r \family default \family typewriter reference-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter insert_special \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans b \family default \family typewriter protected-space-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans e \family default \family typewriter end-of-sentence-period-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans h \family default \family typewriter hfill-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans i \family default \family typewriter dots-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans l \family default \family typewriter break-line \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans m \family default \family typewriter menu-separator-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans p \family default \family typewriter hyphenation-point-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans q \family default \family typewriter quote-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans s \family default \family typewriter command-sequence math-insert ^;math-mode; \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans u \family default \family typewriter command-sequence math-insert _;math-mode; \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ t \family default \family typewriter insert_file \family default submenu \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans l \family default \family typewriter file-insert-plaintext lines \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans p \family default \family typewriter file-insert-plaintext paragraphs \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans x \family default \family typewriter file-insert \end_layout \end_deeper \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ u \family default \family typewriter url-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ w \family default \family typewriter index-insert-last \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-i\InsetSpace ~ x \family default \family typewriter external-insert \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Layout \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ a \family default \family typewriter appendix \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ b \family default \family typewriter font-bold \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ c \family default \family typewriter layout-character \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ d \family default \family typewriter layout-document \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ e \family default \family typewriter font-emph \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ l \family default \family typewriter layout-preamble \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ n \family default \family typewriter font-noun \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ p \family default \family typewriter layout-paragraph \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter layout-save-default \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ t \family default \family typewriter layout-tabular \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ v \family default \family typewriter depth-increment \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-l\InsetSpace ~ x \family default \family typewriter tex-mode \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection \family sans Layout\SpecialChar \menuseparator Character \family default \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ b \family default \family typewriter font-bold \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ c \family default \family typewriter font-noun \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ e \family default \family typewriter font-emph \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ m \family default \family typewriter math-mode \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ p \family default \family typewriter font-code \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ r \family default \family typewriter font-roman \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter font-sans \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ u \family default \family typewriter font-underline \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ space \family default \family typewriter font-default \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ Down \family default \family typewriter word-lowcase \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ Up \family default \family typewriter word-upcase \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-c\InsetSpace ~ Right \family default \family typewriter word-capitalize \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ h \family default \family typewriter font-size huge \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ l \family default \family typewriter font-size large \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ n \family default \family typewriter font-size normal \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter font-size small \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ t \family default \family typewriter font-size tiny \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 0 \family default \family typewriter font-size huger \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 1 \family default \family typewriter font-size tiny \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 2 \family default \family typewriter font-size smallest \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 3 \family default \family typewriter font-size smaller \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 4 \family default \family typewriter font-size small \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 5 \family default \family typewriter font-size normal \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 6 \family default \family typewriter font-size large \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 7 \family default \family typewriter font-size larger \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 8 \family default \family typewriter font-size largest \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ 9 \family default \family typewriter font-size huge \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ S-H \family default \family typewriter font-size huger \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ S-L \family default \family typewriter font-size larger \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ S-S \family default \family typewriter font-size smaller \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ plus \family default \family typewriter font-size increase \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-s\InsetSpace ~ minus \family default \family typewriter font-size decrease \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection View \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Navigate \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Help \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Paragraph Style \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ a \family default \family typewriter layout Abstract \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ b \family default \family typewriter layout Itemize \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ c \family default \family typewriter layout LyX-Code \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ d \family default \family typewriter layout Description \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ e \family default \family typewriter layout Enumerate \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ f \family default \family typewriter layout ShortFoilhead \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ i \family default \family typewriter layout Itemize \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ l \family default \family typewriter layout List \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ n \family default \family typewriter layout Enumerate \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ q \family default \family typewriter layout Quote \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ r \family default \family typewriter layout ShortRotatefoilhead \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter layout Standard \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ t \family default \family typewriter layout Title \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ v \family default \family typewriter layout Verse \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ space \family default \family typewriter drop-layouts-choice \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p \noun on \InsetSpace ~ 0 \family default \noun default \family typewriter layout Part \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p \noun on \InsetSpace ~ 1 \family default \noun default \family typewriter layout Chapter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ 2 \family default \family typewriter layout Section \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ 3 \family default \family typewriter layout Subsection \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ 4 \family default \family typewriter layout Subsubsection \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ 5 \family default \family typewriter layout Paragraph \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ 6 \family default \family typewriter layout Subparagraph \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ asterisk\InsetSpace ~ 0 \family default \family typewriter layout Part* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ asterisk\InsetSpace ~ 1 \family default \family typewriter layout Chapter* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ asterisk\InsetSpace ~ 2 \family default \family typewriter layout Section* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ asterisk\InsetSpace ~ 3 \family default \family typewriter layout Subsection* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ asterisk\InsetSpace ~ 4 \family default \family typewriter layout Subsubsection* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ asterisk\InsetSpace ~ 5 \family default \family typewriter layout Paragraph* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ asterisk\InsetSpace ~ 6 \family default \family typewriter layout Subparagraph* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-A \family default \family typewriter layout Author \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-B \family default \family typewriter layout Bibliography \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-C \family default \family typewriter layout Comment \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-D \family default \family typewriter layout Date \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-F \family default \family typewriter layout Foilhead \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-L \family default \family typewriter layout LaTeX \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-Q \family default \family typewriter layout Quotation \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-R \family default \family typewriter layout Rotatefoilhead \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ C-a \family default \family typewriter layout RightAddress \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ M-a \family default \family typewriter layout Address \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ M-c \family default \family typewriter layout Caption \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ Left \family default \family typewriter depth-decrement \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ Right \family default \family typewriter depth-increment \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These ones are kept for backwards compatibility, but only make sense on a qwerty keyboard: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-at \family default \family typewriter layout Section* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-dollar \family default \family typewriter layout Subsubsection* \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-p\InsetSpace ~ S-numbersign \family default \family typewriter layout Subsection* \end_layout \begin_layout Section Keyboard \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Specific to \family typewriter emacs.bind \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-a \family default \family typewriter line-begin \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-b \family default \family typewriter char-backward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-d \family default \family typewriter delete-forward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-e \family default \family typewriter line-end \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-f \family default \family typewriter char-forward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-g \family default \family typewriter cancel \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-h \family default \family typewriter hyphenation-point-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-i \family default \family typewriter hfill-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-k \family default \family typewriter line-delete-forward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-l \family default \family typewriter screen-recenter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-m \family default \family typewriter mark-toggle \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-n \family default \family typewriter down \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-o \family default \family typewriter open-stuff \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-p \family default \family typewriter up \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-q \family default \family typewriter quote-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s \family default \family typewriter find-replace \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-u \family default \family typewriter font-underline \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-v \family default \family typewriter screen-down \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-w \family default \family typewriter cut \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-y \family default \family typewriter paste \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Y \family default \family typewriter layout-paste \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ a \family default \family typewriter buffer-auto-save \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ b \family default \family typewriter buffer-previous \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ c \family default \family typewriter lyx-quit \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ d \family default \family typewriter buffer-new \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans ?\InsetSpace ~ C-x\InsetSpace ~ f \family default \family typewriter buffer-open \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ g \family default \family typewriter buffer-view-ps \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ k \family default \family typewriter buffer-close \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ p \family default \family typewriter buffer-view \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ r \family default \family typewriter buffer-typeset \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans ?\InsetSpace ~ C-x\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter buffer-write \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ t \family default \family typewriter buffer-typeset \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ u \family default \family typewriter undo \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ v\InsetSpace ~ c \family default \family typewriter vc-undo-last \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ v\InsetSpace ~ h \family default \family typewriter vc-history \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ v\InsetSpace ~ i \family default \family typewriter vc-register \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ v\InsetSpace ~ u \family default \family typewriter vc-revert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ v\InsetSpace ~ v \family default \family typewriter vc-check-in \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans ?\InsetSpace ~ C-x\InsetSpace ~ w \family default \family typewriter buffer-write-as \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ bracketleft \family default \family typewriter screen-up \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ bracketright \family default \family typewriter screen-down \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-a \family default \family typewriter buffer-auto-save \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-b \family default \family typewriter menu-open Documents \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-c \family default \family typewriter lyx-quit \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-d \family default \family typewriter buffer-new \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-f \family default \family typewriter buffer-open \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-g \family default \family typewriter buffer-view-ps \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-p \family default \family typewriter buffer-view \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-q \family default \family typewriter buffer-toggle-read-only \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-s \family default \family typewriter buffer-write \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-t \family default \family typewriter buffer-typeset \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x\InsetSpace ~ C-w \family default \family typewriter buffer-write-as \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans Home \family default \family typewriter buffer-begin \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans End \family default \family typewriter buffer-end \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Home \family default \family typewriter line-begin-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-End \family default \family typewriter line-end-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Up \family default \family typewriter up-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Down \family default \family typewriter down-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Next \family default \family typewriter screen-down-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Prior \family default \family typewriter screen-up-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Left \family default \family typewriter backward-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Right \family default \family typewriter forward-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Up \family default \family typewriter paragraph-up \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Down \family default \family typewriter paragraph-down \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Left \family default \family typewriter word-backward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Right \family default \family typewriter word-forward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Delete \family default \family typewriter word-delete-forward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-BackSpace \family default \family typewriter word-delete-backward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Return \family default \family typewriter break-line \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-period \family default \family typewriter end-of-sentence-period-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-space \family default \family typewriter protected-space-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-at \family default \family typewriter mark-on \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-greater \family default \family typewriter label-goto \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-less \family default \family typewriter reference-back \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-slash \family default \family typewriter undo \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-underscore \family default \family typewriter undo \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-quotedbl \family default \family typewriter quote-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Home \family default \family typewriter buffer-begin-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-End \family default \family typewriter buffer-end-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Up \family default \family typewriter paragraph-up-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Down \family default \family typewriter paragraph-down-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Left \family default \family typewriter word-backward-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Right \family default \family typewriter word-forward-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans Escape \family default \family typewriter meta-prefix \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-d \family default \family typewriter word-delete-forward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-w \family default \family typewriter copy \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-x \family default \family typewriter command-execute \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-S-W \family default \family typewriter layout-copy \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-period \family default \family typewriter dots-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-Return \family default \family typewriter break-paragraph-keep-layout \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-S-percent \family default \family typewriter find-replace \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Specific to \family typewriter cua.bind \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-b \family default \family typewriter font-bold \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-c \family default \family typewriter copy \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-d \family default \family typewriter buffer-view \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-e \family default \family typewriter font-emph \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-f \family default \family typewriter find-replace \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-g \family default \family typewriter error-next \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-i \family default \family typewriter open-stuff \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-k \family default \family typewriter font-noun \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-l \family default \family typewriter tex-mode \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-m \family default \family typewriter math-mode \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-n \family default \family typewriter buffer-new \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-o \family default \family typewriter buffer-open \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-p \family default \family typewriter buffer-print \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-q \family default \family typewriter lyx-quit \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-r \family default \family typewriter buffer-reload \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s \family default \family typewriter buffer-write \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-t \family default \family typewriter buffer-view-ps \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-u \family default \family typewriter font-underline \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-v \family default \family typewriter paste \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-w \family default \family typewriter buffer-close \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x \family default \family typewriter cut \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-z \family default \family typewriter undo \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-space \family default \family typewriter protected-space-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-C \family default \family typewriter layout-copy \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-D \family default \family typewriter buffer-typeset \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-M \family default \family typewriter math-display \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-N \family default \family typewriter buffer-new-template \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-P \family default \family typewriter font-code \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-S \family default \family typewriter buffer-write-as \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-T \family default \family typewriter buffer-typeset-ps \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-V \family default \family typewriter layout-paste \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Z \family default \family typewriter redo \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Insert \family default \family typewriter paste \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Delete \family default \family typewriter cut \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-period \family default \family typewriter end-of-sentence-period-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-greater \family default \family typewriter label-goto \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-less \family default \family typewriter reference-back \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-minus \family default \family typewriter hyphenation-point-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-quotedbl \family default \family typewriter quote-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-space \family default \family typewriter protected-space-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-x \family default \family typewriter command-execute \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Home \family default \family typewriter line-begin-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-End \family default \family typewriter line-end-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Up \family default \family typewriter up-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Down \family default \family typewriter down-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Delete \family default \family typewriter cut \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Insert \family default \family typewriter paste \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Next \family default \family typewriter screen-down-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Prior \family default \family typewriter screen-up-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Left \family default \family typewriter backward-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-Right \family default \family typewriter forward-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Home \family default \family typewriter buffer-begin \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-End \family default \family typewriter buffer-end \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Up \family default \family typewriter paragraph-up \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Down \family default \family typewriter paragraph-down \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Delete \family default \family typewriter word-delete-forward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-BackSpace \family default \family typewriter word-delete-backward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Insert \family default \family typewriter copy \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Return \family default \family typewriter break-line \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Left \family default \family typewriter word-backward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Right \family default \family typewriter word-forward \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Down \family default \family typewriter paragraph-down-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-End \family default \family typewriter buffer-end-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Home \family default \family typewriter buffer-begin-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Left \family default \family typewriter word-backward-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Right \family default \family typewriter word-forward-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-Up \family default \family typewriter paragraph-up-select \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-quotedbl \family default \family typewriter quote-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-Return \family default \family typewriter break-paragraph-keep-layout \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-period \family default \family typewriter dots-insert \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-S-Right \family default \family typewriter depth-increment \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-S-Left \family default \family typewriter depth-decrement \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans Escape \family default \family typewriter cancel \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F2 \family default \family typewriter buffer-write \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F3 \family default \family typewriter buffer-open \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F5 \family default \family typewriter screen-recenter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F7 \family default \family typewriter spellchecker \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F9 \family default \family typewriter meta-prefix \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-F4 \family default \family typewriter buffer-close \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-F4 \family default \family typewriter lyx-quit \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Specific to \family typewriter sciword.bind \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These are LyX keyboard definitions for mathematics, similar to those of Scientific Word. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The bindings file and the present documentation were prepared by Serge Winitzki with assistance from Jean-Marc Lasgouttes. Version 1.3, for LyX 1.2.x and 1.3.x. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These definitions make it a lot easier to type equations without using the mouse, especially for people familiar with Scientific Word. The standard LyX bindings such as \family typewriter M-m \family default or \family typewriter M-o \family default are unmodified. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Tip: to find the "LyX bind name" for a key, look at the status bar after typing some non-existent key combination. E.g. to find how "Ctrl-&" is referenced, press Ctrl-S and then Ctrl-&: the status bar shows "C-s S-C-ampersand." (This does not work in LyX 1.3.0!) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-c \family default \family typewriter copy \family default -- Copy, cut, paste is as in Sciword, \family typewriter C-c \family default , \family typewriter C-x \family default , and \family typewriter C-v \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-d \family default \family typewriter math-display \family default -- Display equation toggle: type \family typewriter C-d \family default to insert a displayed formula ( \family typewriter d \family default for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset displayed \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). You can also type \family typewriter C-d \family default in a displayed formula to convert it back to an inline formula. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-f \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash frac \family default -- Fractions: type \family typewriter C-f \family default to insert a fraction ( \family typewriter f \family default for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset fraction \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). You can also select an expression and type \family typewriter C-f \family default to convert it to the numerator of a fraction. Note: pressing \family typewriter Backspace \family default at the \emph on left \emph default end of the denominator will delete the numerator and convert the denominator to a non-fraction. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-i \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash int \family default -- Inserts \begin_inset Formula $\int$ \end_inset ( \family typewriter i \family default for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset integral \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-k \family default \family typewriter line-delete-forward \family default -- Emacs-like binding: delete forward of cursor to end of line. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-m \family default \family typewriter math-mode \family default -- A text/math toggle ( \family typewriter m \family default for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset math \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ): switches to math in text mode, and also inserts roman text in math mode. Also bound to \family typewriter C-t \family default ( \family typewriter t \family default for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset text \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-n \family default \family typewriter math-number \family default -- Add/remove numbering in a single equation. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-N \family default \family typewriter math-nonumber \family default -- Add/remove numbering at a line in equation arrays. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The above commands are toggles that control the numbering of equations ( \family typewriter N \family default for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset number \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). Note: when deleting a number in a labeled eqnarray, the label is not really removed (the TeX code becomes \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter \backslash label{} \backslash nonumber \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ) and this generates a (harmless) LaTeX warning. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-o \family default \family typewriter file-open \family default -- Open a new document. (W*ndows) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-q \family default \family typewriter quote-insert \family default -- Insert a quote character " ( \family typewriter q \family default for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset quote \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). This is not the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset smart \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset double quote character that you get by default. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-r \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash sqrt \family default -- Square root sign \begin_inset Formula $\sqrt{x}$ \end_inset ( \family typewriter r \family default for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset root \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-R \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash root \family default -- root sign \begin_inset Formula $\sqrt[n]{x}$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-t \family default \family typewriter math-mode \family default -- Another binding for a switch between the text and the math mode ( \family typewriter t \family default is for \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset text \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). Note that the roman text inserted in math mode is special. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-u \family default \family typewriter font-underline \family default -- \bar under Underline \bar default the selected text (text mode only, use things like \family typewriter \backslash overline \family default or \family typewriter \backslash underbar \family default for math ). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-v \family default \family typewriter paste \family default -- W*ndows heritage. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-w \family default \family typewriter buffer-close \family default -- Close the current document (again, a W*ndows heritage). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-x \family default \family typewriter cut \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-z \family default \family typewriter undo \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-Z \family default \family typewriter redo \family default -- the \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Redo \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset operation, or \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset undo the undo \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Bracket delimiters: press \family typewriter Ctrl \family default - to insert a matching pair of delimiters. For example, \family typewriter Ctrl-[ \family default inserts a pair of parentheses \begin_inset Formula $\left[\right]$ \end_inset . (Note: \family typewriter Ctrl-] \family default does the same thing.) It will switch to math mode if needed. The supported characters are ( [ { < |. It is the same to press the right or the left bracket. The corresponding delimiters are \begin_inset Formula $\left(\right)$ \end_inset \begin_inset Formula $\left[\right]$ \end_inset \begin_inset Formula $\left\{ \right\} $ \end_inset \begin_inset Formula $\left\langle \right\rangle $ \end_inset \begin_inset Formula $\left|\right|$ \end_inset . The delimiters are \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset smart \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset and resize with their contents. Use Math Panel to get other or non-matching delimiters. Press backspace on the \emph on left \emph default delimiter to remove both \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset smart \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset delimiters without removing their contents. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-9 \family default \family typewriter math-delim ( ) \family default -- for convenience, pressing \family typewriter Ctrl-9 \family default is the same as \family typewriter Ctrl-( \family default or \family typewriter Ctrl-) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-parenleft \family default \family typewriter math-delim ( ) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-0 \family default \family typewriter math-delim ( ) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-parenright \family default \family typewriter math-delim ( ) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-bracketleft \family default \family typewriter math-delim [ ] \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-bracketright \family default \family typewriter math-delim [ ] \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-less \family default \family typewriter math-delim langle rangle \family default -- angular delimiters \begin_inset Formula $\left\langle \right\rangle $ \end_inset , not to confuse with ordinary < > signs. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-greater \family default \family typewriter math-delim langle rangle \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The bar bracket: on some keyboards (e.g.\InsetSpace ~ some British ones), the bar character is bound to an \family typewriter Alt \family default -something and on some wayward Unices to "brokenbar". So we define all of these keys as well. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-bar \family default \family typewriter math-delim | | \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-S-brokenbar \family default \family typewriter math-delim | | \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-M-bar \family default \family typewriter math-delim | | \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-braceleft \family default \family typewriter math-delim { } \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-braceright \family default \family typewriter math-delim { } \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Accents are in most cases \family typewriter Ctrl \family default -, e.g.\InsetSpace ~ \family typewriter Ctrl-. \family default for overdot, \family typewriter Ctrl-' \family default for acute accent, \family typewriter Ctrl-~ \family default for tilde (you also need to press \family typewriter Shift \family default here) etc. For example, \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \family typewriter Ctrl-' \family default \family typewriter a \family default \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset inserts á. Some accents work only in math mode and others only in text mode. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-period \family default \family typewriter accent-dot \family default -- overdot accent, ȧ (text mode only). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-comma \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash dot \family default -- overdot accent, \begin_inset Formula $\dot{a}$ \end_inset (math mode only -- in physics this denotes a first derivative). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-equals \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash overrightarrow \family default -- Vector accent over math \begin_inset Formula $\overrightarrow{x}$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-quotedbl \family default \family typewriter accent-umlaut \family default -- umlaut accent, ä (text mode only) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-colon \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash ddot \family default -- double dot accent, \begin_inset Formula $\ddot{a}$ \end_inset (math mode only -- in physics this denotes a second derivative). To get a triple dot in math mode, use \family typewriter \backslash dddot \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-quoteleft \family default \family typewriter accent-grave \family default -- grave accent à (text mode only, use \family typewriter \backslash grave \family default for math) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-asciitilde \family default \family typewriter accent-tilde \family default -- tilde accent ã (text mode only, use \family typewriter \backslash tilde \family default for math) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-apostrophe \family default \family typewriter accent-acute \family default -- acute accent á (text mode only, use \family typewriter \backslash acute \family default for math) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-C-asciicircum \family default \family typewriter accent-circumflex \family default -- circumflex (caret) accent â (text mode only, use \family typewriter \backslash hat \family default for math). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Function keys. The new key S-F2 for creating a LaTeX file seems handy. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F2 \family default \family typewriter buffer-write \family default -- Save current document. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-F2 \family default \family typewriter buffer-export latex \family default -- Write a LaTeX file for the current document. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F3 \family default \family typewriter find-replace \family default -- Find and replace dialog. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-F4 \family default \family typewriter buffer-close \family default -- same as \family typewriter C-w \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-F4 \family default \family typewriter lyx-quit \family default -- \family typewriter Alt-F4 \family default to quit LyX is the W*ndows w*ndow manager's mnemonic. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter F4 \family default to \family typewriter F8 \family default are used to switch fonts. Use \family typewriter F4 \family default to switch back to the normal font. The non-default font switches \family typewriter F5 \family default - \family typewriter F8 \family default all work as toggles. They also work on the whole word if you put the cursor in the middle of the word, or if you select some text. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F4 \family default \family typewriter font-default \family default -- stop using any special font \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F5 \family default \family typewriter font-bold \family default -- make \series bold bold \series default text. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F6 \family default \family typewriter font-emph \family default -- make \emph on emphasized \emph default text. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F7 \family default \family typewriter font-code \family default -- make \family typewriter typewritten \family default text. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans F8 \family default \family typewriter font-noun \family default -- make \noun on Caps/small caps \noun default text. (Used sometimes for people's names.) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter F9 \family default is bound as \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset meta-prefix \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , same as the \family typewriter Alt \family default key (useful e.g.\InsetSpace ~ if the keyboard has no working \family typewriter Alt \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Here are some Sciword-inspired mnemonics for frequently used math symbols. Many symbols start with a \family typewriter C-s \family default sequence. Therefore \family typewriter C-s \family default cannot be itself bound to anything. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-apostrophe \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash prime \family default -- The \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset prime \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset symbol \begin_inset Formula $\prime$ \end_inset in math mode. This is frequently unnecessary: in most cases the normal apostrophe works just fine, e.g. \begin_inset Formula $x'+2x=0$ \end_inset , but in some cases this would generate a double superscript error in LaTeX. For example: \begin_inset Formula $x^{\prime2}$ \end_inset ( \begin_inset Formula $x$ \end_inset prime squared) must be entered with the prime character. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ apostrophe \family default \family typewriter command-sequence math-superscript; math-insert \backslash prime; \family default -- Insert a prime as a superscript (see example above). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Up \family default \family typewriter math-insert ^ \family default -- Insert an upper index. Also, \family typewriter ^ \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-Down \family default \family typewriter math-insert _ \family default -- Insert a lower index. Also, \family typewriter _ \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ d \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash partial \family default -- Partial derivative symbol \begin_inset Formula $\partial$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ e \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash sum \family default -- Summation symbol \begin_inset Formula $\sum$ \end_inset (not the same as the Greek letter uppercase Sigma \begin_inset Formula $\Sigma$ \end_inset because it can resize and allows smart upper/lower limits). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ p \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash prod \family default -- Product symbol \begin_inset Formula $\prod$ \end_inset (not the same as the Greek letter uppercase Pi, \begin_inset Formula $\Pi$ \end_inset ). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ i \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash infty \family default -- Infinity \begin_inset Formula $\infty$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ x \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash times \family default -- Cross product \begin_inset Formula $\times$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ v \family default \family typewriter math-matrix 1 2 \family default -- Insert a stacked array \begin_inset Formula $\begin{array}{c} \begin{array}{c} \end{array}\end{array}$ \end_inset . (Frequently useful in formulae.) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ m \family default \family typewriter math-matrix 3 3 \family default -- Insert a 3 \begin_inset Formula $\times$ \end_inset 3 matrix \begin_inset Formula $\begin{array}{ccc} \\\\\end{array}$ \end_inset . (Then you can modify its size using the \family sans Edit\SpecialChar \menuseparator Math \family default menu.) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ S-plus \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash dagger \family default -- The \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset dagger \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Formula $\dagger$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ equal \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash equiv \family default -- \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Identical equality \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Formula $\equiv$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-equal \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash approx \family default -- \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Approximate equality \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Formula $\approx$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-minus \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash sim \family default -- The \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset of order \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset sign \begin_inset Formula $\sim$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-minus \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash rightarrow \family default -- The arrow \begin_inset Formula $\rightarrow$ \end_inset as in \begin_inset Formula $\lim_{x\rightarrow0}$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-M-less \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash leq \family default -- Less-or-equal \begin_inset Formula $\leq$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans S-M-greater \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash geq \family default -- Greater-or-equal \begin_inset Formula $\geq$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ S-less \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash ll \family default -- \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Much less than \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \begin_inset Formula $\ll$ \end_inset (useful in physics) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans C-s\InsetSpace ~ S-greater \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash gg \family default -- \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Much greater than \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset sign \begin_inset Formula $\gg$ \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Standard math bindings \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ b \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash overline \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ d \family default \family typewriter math-display \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ e \family default \family typewriter math-insert ^ \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ f \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash frac \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ g \family default \family typewriter math-greek \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ h \family default \family typewriter accent-circumflex \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ i \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash int \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ l \family default \family typewriter math-limits \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ m \family default \family typewriter math-mode \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ n \family default \family typewriter math-number \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ o \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash oint \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ p \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash partial \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ r \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash sqrt \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ s \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash sqrt \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ u \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash sum \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ v \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash vec \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ x \family default \family typewriter math-insert _ \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ 8 \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash infty \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-G \family default \family typewriter math-greek-toggle \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-N \family default \family typewriter math-nonumber \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-period \family default \family typewriter accent-dot \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-asciitilde \family default \family typewriter accent-tilde \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-apostrophe \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash prime \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-parenleft \family default \family typewriter math-delim ( ) \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-bracketleft \family default \family typewriter math-delim [ ] \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-braceleft \family default \family typewriter math-delim { } \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-less \family default \family typewriter math-delim langle rangle \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-greater \family default \family typewriter math-delim rangle langle \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-bar \family default \family typewriter math-delim | | \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-plus \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash pm \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-m\InsetSpace ~ S-equal \family default \family typewriter math-insert \backslash neq \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Other Accelerators \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-k\InsetSpace ~ o \family default \family typewriter keymap-off \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-k\InsetSpace ~ t \family default \family typewriter keymap-toggle \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-k\InsetSpace ~ x \family default \family typewriter keymap-off \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-k\InsetSpace ~ 1 \family default \family typewriter keymap-primary \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family sans M-k\InsetSpace ~ 2 \family default \family typewriter keymap-secondary \end_layout \end_body \end_document