#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (SIAM)} # AMS-Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code # and from the Article textclass definition file, following the AMS sample # paper "testmath.tex" of January, 1995 # Author : David L. Johnson # Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes # modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN # Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin # Modified from amsart.layout May '08 by Andrew Corrigan Format 4 Columns 1 Sides 2 PageStyle Headers Provides makeidx 1 ClassOptions FontSize 8|9|10|11|12 End Style Standard Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End Preamble \newcommand\eqref[1]{(\ref{#1})} EndPreamble Input stdsections.inc Input stdstarsections.inc Input lyxmacros.inc Input stdlayouts.inc Input stdlists.inc Input stdfloats.inc Input stdcounters.inc Input amsmaths.inc # # some redefinitions of the AMS Theorems # Style Theorem LatexName theorem Preamble EndPreamble End Style Theorem* Obsoletedby Theorem End Style Corollary LatexName corollary Preamble EndPreamble End Style Corollary* Obsoletedby Corollary End Style Lemma LatexName lemma Preamble EndPreamble End Style Lemma* Obsoletedby Lemma End Style Proposition LatexName proposition Preamble EndPreamble End Style Proposition* Obsoletedby Proposition End Style Conjecture Preamble EndPreamble End Style Conjecture* Obsoletedby Conjecture End Style Algorithm Preamble EndPreamble End Style Algorithm* Obsoletedby Algorithm End Style Definition LatexName definition Preamble EndPreamble End Style Definition* Obsoletedby Definition End Style AMS Obsoletedby Subjectclass End NoStyle Criterion NoStyle Criterion* NoStyle Fact NoStyle Fact* NoStyle Axiom NoStyle Axiom* NoStyle Example NoStyle Example* NoStyle Condition NoStyle Condition* NoStyle Problem NoStyle Problem* NoStyle Exercise NoStyle Exercise* NoStyle Remark NoStyle Remark* NoStyle Claim NoStyle Claim* NoStyle Note NoStyle Note* NoStyle Notation NoStyle Notation* NoStyle Summary NoStyle Summary* Style Proof Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName proof NextNoIndent 1 OptionalArgs 1 LabelSep xx ParIndent MMM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString "Proof." EndLabelType Box Font Shape Up Size Normal EndFont LabelFont Shape Italic EndFont # We don't want the preamble from Theorem Preamble EndPreamble End ### Now the title stuff. We do not use stdstruct.inc to keep ### things in the right order Style Title Margin Static LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName title ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0 TopSep 0 BottomSep 1 ParSep 1 Align Center LabelType No_Label OptionalArgs 1 Font Shape Smallcaps Series Bold Size Larger EndFont End Style Author Margin Static LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName author LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Center LabelType No_Label Font Size Large Shape Smallcaps EndFont End Style Date Margin Dynamic LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName date LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.9 BottomSep 0.5 ParSep 1 Align Center LabelType Static LabelString "Date:" Font Size Large EndFont LabelFont Shape Italic Size Large EndFont End Style Abstract Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Environment InTitle 0 LatexName abstract LeftMargin MMM LabelIndent MMM RightMargin MMM ParIndent MM TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 Align Block LabelType Static LabelString "Abstract." LabelSep M Font Size Small EndFont LabelFont Shape Smallcaps EndFont End # Clear Address definition from lyxmacros NoStyle Address Style Address Margin Dynamic LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName address ParSkip 0.4 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Left AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType Static LabelString "Address:" LabelSep M LabelFont Shape Italic EndFont End Style Keywords CopyStyle Abstract LatexName keywords LabelString "Key words:" End Style Subjectclass CopyStyle Abstract LatexName AMS LabelString "AMS subject classifications:" End Style Bibliography Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Bib_Environment LatexName thebibliography NextNoIndent 1 LeftMargin MM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Bibliography LabelString "References" LabelBottomSep 0.7 Font Size Small EndFont LabelFont Size Normal Shape Smallcaps EndFont End NoStyle Chapter NoStyle Paragraph NoStyle Subparagraph NoStyle Chapter* #NoStyle Paragraph* #NoStyle Subparagraph* NoStyle Verse # Although mathematicians tend to be poets at times, # we don't need this. Style Section Align Center Font Series Medium Shape Smallcaps Size Large EndFont End Style Subsection Font Series Bold Size Normal EndFont End Style Subsubsection Font Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont End