;-------------------------------- !macro GetFileExtProg ProgPath AppExe Extension Subentry ReadRegStr ${AppExe} HKCU \ "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\${Extension}\OpenWithList" \ "${Subentry}" ${if} ${AppExe} != "" ReadRegStr ${ProgPath} HKLM \ "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\${AppExe}" "Path" ;remove the "\" at the end StrCpy $0 ${ProgPath} "" -1 ${if} $0 == "\" StrCpy ${ProgPath} ${ProgPath} -1 ${endif} ${endif} !macroend ;-------------------------------- !macro FileCheck Result FileName FilePath Push $0 Push $1 StrCpy $0 "" StrCpy $1 "" FileOpen $0 "${Filepath}\${FileName}" r ${if} $0 = "" StrCpy $1 "False" ${Else} StrCpy $1 "True" ${endif} FileClose $0 StrCpy ${Result} $1 Pop $1 Pop $0 !macroend !macro TranslateLangCode LangNme LangISOCode ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1030 StrCpy ${LangNme} "Dansk" ${endif} ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1031 StrCpy ${LangNme} "Deutsch" ${endif} ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1033 StrCpy ${LangNme} "English" ${endif} ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1034 StrCpy ${LangNme} "Español" ${endif} ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1036 StrCpy ${LangNme} "Français" ${endif} ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1040 StrCpy ${LangNme} "Italiano" ${endif} ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1043 StrCpy ${LangNme} "Nederlands" ${endif} ${if} ${LangISOCode} = 1053 StrCpy ${LangNme} "Svenska" ${endif} !macroend !macro GetLangCode LangCde Name ${if} ${Name} == "Dansk" StrCpy ${LangCde} "da_DK" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Deutsch" StrCpy ${LangCde} "de_DE" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "English" StrCpy ${LangCde} "en_EN" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Español" StrCpy ${LangCde} "es_ES" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Euskara" StrCpy ${LangCde} "eu_EU" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Français" StrCpy ${LangCde} "fr_FR" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Italiano" StrCpy ${LangCde} "it_IT" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Magyar nyelv" StrCpy ${LangCde} "hu_HU" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Nederlands" StrCpy ${LangCde} "nl_NL" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Norsk" StrCpy ${LangCde} "no_NO" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Nynorsk" StrCpy ${LangCde} "no_NY" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Polski" StrCpy ${LangCde} "pl_PL" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Româna" StrCpy ${LangCde} "ro_RO" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Russian" StrCpy ${LangCde} "ru_RU" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Slovenskı" StrCpy ${LangCde} "sk_SK" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Slovenšcina" StrCpy ${LangCde} "sl_SI" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Suomi" StrCpy ${LangCde} "fi_FI" ${endif} ${if} ${Name} == "Türkçe" StrCpy ${LangCde} "tr_TR" ${endif} !macroend