/** * \file server_monitor.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Enrico Forestieri * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. * * This program sends commands to a running instance of LyX and * receives information back from LyX. * * Build instructions: * 1) Run moc or moc-qt4 on server_monitor.h to produce moc_server_monitor.cpp: * moc-qt4 server_monitor.h -o moc_server_monitor.cpp * 2) If the QtGui.pc file is not in the pkg-config search path, find the * directory where it is located (e.g., use the command `locate QtGui.pc') * and set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH to this directory. * For example: * export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/directory (if using bash) * setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH /path/to/directory (if using tcsh) * If the command `pkg-config --modversion QtGui' does not complain and * prints the Qt version, you don't need to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH. * 3) Compile using the following command: * g++ server_monitor.cpp -o monitor -I. `pkg-config --cflags --libs QtGui` * * Alternatively, you can create a Makefile with qmake and then build * the executable by running make (or nmake, if you use msvc): * qmake * make * * Usage: * 1) Set the LyXserver pipe path in the LyX preferences (on *nix you can use * any path, for example ~/.lyx/lyxpipe, whereas on Windows the path has * to start with `\\.\pipe\', for example you can use \\.\pipe\lyxpipe). * 2) Quit and restart LyX. * 3) Launch this program, adjust the pipe name to match that one used in LyX, * push the button labeled "Open pipes" and then try issuing some commands. */ #include #include #include #include "server_monitor.h" LyXServerMonitor::LyXServerMonitor() : pipein(-1), pipeout(-1), thread_exit(false), lyx_listen(false) { createGridGroupBox(); createCmdsGroupBox(); char const * const home = getenv("HOME"); QString const pipeName = (home && home[0]) ? QString::fromUtf8(home) + "/.lyx/lyxpipe" : "\\\\.\\pipe\\lyxpipe"; pipeNameLE->setText(pipeName); clientNameLE->setText("monitor"); submitCommandPB->setDisabled(true); closePipesPB->setDisabled(true); connect(openPipesPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openPipes())); connect(closePipesPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closePipes())); connect(submitCommandPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(submitCommand())); connect(donePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); QVBoxLayout * mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(gridGB); mainLayout->addWidget(horizontalGB); setLayout(mainLayout); setWindowTitle("LyX Server Monitor"); } LyXServerMonitor::~LyXServerMonitor() { if (pipein != -1) closePipes(); } void LyXServerMonitor::createGridGroupBox() { gridGB = new QGroupBox; QGridLayout * layout = new QGridLayout; labels[0] = new QLabel("Pipe name"); pipeNameLE = new QLineEdit; layout->addWidget(labels[0], 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight); layout->addWidget(pipeNameLE, 0, 1); labels[1] = new QLabel("Command"); commandLE = new QLineEdit; layout->addWidget(labels[1], 1, 0, Qt::AlignRight); layout->addWidget(commandLE, 1, 1); labels[2] = new QLabel("Client name"); clientNameLE = new QLineEdit; layout->addWidget(labels[2], 0, 2, Qt::AlignRight); layout->addWidget(clientNameLE, 0, 3); labels[3] = new QLabel("Argument"); argumentLE = new QLineEdit; layout->addWidget(labels[3], 1, 2, Qt::AlignRight); layout->addWidget(argumentLE, 1, 3); labels[4] = new QLabel("Info"); infoLB = new QLabel; infoLB->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); infoLB->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); layout->addWidget(labels[4], 2, 0, Qt::AlignRight); layout->addWidget(infoLB, 2, 1, 1, 3); labels[5] = new QLabel("Notify"); notifyLB = new QLabel; notifyLB->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); notifyLB->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); layout->addWidget(labels[5], 3, 0, Qt::AlignRight); layout->addWidget(notifyLB, 3, 1, 1, 3); layout->setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 200); layout->setColumnMinimumWidth(3, 200); gridGB->setLayout(layout); } void LyXServerMonitor::createCmdsGroupBox() { horizontalGB = new QGroupBox; QHBoxLayout * layout = new QHBoxLayout; openPipesPB = new QPushButton("&Open pipes"); layout->addWidget(openPipesPB); closePipesPB = new QPushButton("C&lose pipes"); layout->addWidget(closePipesPB); submitCommandPB = new QPushButton("&Submit Command"); layout->addWidget(submitCommandPB); donePB = new QPushButton("&Done"); layout->addWidget(donePB); horizontalGB->setLayout(layout); } void LyXServerMonitor::readPipe() { int n; errno = 0; bool notified = false; while ((n = ::read(pipeout, pipedata, BUFSIZE - 1)) && !thread_exit) { if (n > 0) { pipedata[n] = 0; QString const fromLyX = QString::fromUtf8(pipedata).trimmed(); qWarning() << "monitor: Coming: " << fromLyX; if (fromLyX.startsWith("LYXSRV:")) { if (fromLyX.contains("bye")) { qWarning() << "monitor: LyX has closed " "connection!"; pipethread->emitNotice(fromLyX); notified = true; break; } if (fromLyX.contains("hello")) { lyx_listen = true; qWarning() << "monitor: " "LyX is listening!"; submitCommandPB->setDisabled(false); } } if (fromLyX[0] == QLatin1Char('I')) pipethread->emitInfo(fromLyX); else pipethread->emitNotice(fromLyX); #ifdef _WIN32 // On Windows, we have to close and reopen // the pipe after each use. ::close(pipeout); pipeout = ::open( outPipeName().toLocal8Bit().constData(), O_RDONLY); if (pipeout < 0) { perror("monitor"); pipethread->emitNotice("An error occurred, " "closing pipes"); notified = true; break; } #endif } else if (n < 0) { #ifdef __CYGWIN__ if (errno == ECOMM) { // When talking to a native Windows version of // LyX, the second time we try to use the pipe, // read() fails with ECOMM. In this case, we // have to simply close and reopen it. ::close(pipeout); pipeout = ::open( outPipeName().toLocal8Bit().constData(), O_RDONLY); if (pipeout >= 0) continue; } #endif perror("monitor"); pipethread->emitNotice("An error occurred, closing pipes"); notified = true; break; } else break; } if (!notified) { if (thread_exit) { qWarning() << "monitor: Closing pipes"; pipethread->emitNotice("Closing pipes"); } else { qWarning() << "monitor: LyX has closed connection!"; pipethread->emitNotice("LyX has closed connection!"); } } QEvent * event = new QEvent(QEvent::User); QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, event); lyx_listen = false; if (!thread_exit) pipethread->emitClosing(); } bool LyXServerMonitor::event(QEvent * e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::User) { pipethread->wait(); thread_exit = false; delete pipethread; return true; } return QDialog::event(e); } void LyXServerMonitor::showInfo(QString const & msg) { infoLB->setText(msg); notifyLB->clear(); } void LyXServerMonitor::showNotice(QString const & msg) { infoLB->clear(); notifyLB->setText(msg); } void LyXServerMonitor::openPipes() { if (pipein == -1) { qWarning() << "monitor: Opening pipes " << inPipeName() << " and " << outPipeName(); pipein = ::open(inPipeName().toLocal8Bit().constData(), O_WRONLY); pipeout = ::open(outPipeName().toLocal8Bit().constData(), O_RDONLY); if (pipein < 0 || pipeout < 0) { qWarning() << "monitor: Could not open the pipes"; infoLB->clear(); notifyLB->setText("Could not open the pipes"); if (pipein >= 0 || pipeout >= 0) closePipes(); return; } pipethread = new ReadPipe(this); pipethread->start(); if (!pipethread->isRunning()) { qWarning() << "monitor: Could not create pipe thread"; infoLB->clear(); notifyLB->setText("Could not create pipe thread"); closePipes(); return; } connect(pipethread, SIGNAL(info(QString const &)), this, SLOT(showInfo(QString const &))); connect(pipethread, SIGNAL(notice(QString const &)), this, SLOT(showNotice(QString const &))); connect(pipethread, SIGNAL(closing()), this, SLOT(closePipes())); openPipesPB->setDisabled(true); closePipesPB->setDisabled(false); // greet LyX QString const clientname = clientNameLE->text(); snprintf(buffer, BUFSIZE - 1, "LYXSRV:%s:hello\n", clientname.toUtf8().constData()); buffer[BUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; ::write(pipein, buffer, strlen(buffer)); } else qWarning() << "monitor: Pipes already opened, close them first\n"; } void LyXServerMonitor::closePipes() { if (pipein == -1 && pipeout == -1) { qWarning() << "monitor: Pipes are not opened"; return; } if (pipein >= 0) { if (lyx_listen) { lyx_listen = false; QString const clientname = clientNameLE->text(); if (pipethread->isRunning()) { thread_exit = true; // The thread, currently blocked on the read() // call, will be waked up by the reply from // LyX and will exit. snprintf(buffer, BUFSIZE - 1, "LYXCMD:%s:message:Client '%s' is leaving\n", clientname.toUtf8().constData(), clientname.toUtf8().constData()); buffer[BUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; ::write(pipein, buffer, strlen(buffer)); } // Say goodbye snprintf(buffer, BUFSIZE - 1, "LYXSRV:%s:bye\n", clientname.toUtf8().constData()); buffer[BUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; ::write(pipein, buffer, strlen(buffer)); pipethread->wait(); thread_exit = false; } ::close(pipein); } if (pipeout >= 0) ::close(pipeout); pipein = pipeout = -1; submitCommandPB->setDisabled(true); openPipesPB->setDisabled(false); closePipesPB->setDisabled(true); } void LyXServerMonitor::submitCommand() { if (pipein >= 0) { QString const command = commandLE->text(); QString const argument = argumentLE->text(); QString const clientname = clientNameLE->text(); snprintf(buffer, BUFSIZE - 2, "LYXCMD:%s:%s:%s", clientname.toUtf8().constData(), command.toUtf8().constData(), argument.toUtf8().constData()); buffer[BUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; qWarning() << "monitor: Sending: " << buffer; strcat(buffer, "\n"); ::write(pipein, buffer, strlen(buffer)); } else qWarning() << "monitor: Pipe is not opened"; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); LyXServerMonitor dialog; return dialog.exec(); } #include "moc_server_monitor.cpp"