/* * File: math_cursor.C * Purpose: Interaction for mathed * Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * Created: January 1996 * Description: Math interaction for a WYSIWYG math editor. * * Dependencies: Xlib, XForms * * Copyright: (c) 1996, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * * Version: 0.8beta, Mathed & Lyx project. * * You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. */ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include #include FORMS_H_LOCATION #include "math_inset.h" #include "math_parser.h" #include "math_cursor.h" #include "math_macro.h" #include "math_root.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "debug.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "Painter.h" #ifndef USE_PAINTER extern void mathed_set_font(short type, int style); #endif #ifndef USE_PAINTER extern GC canvasGC, mathGC, latexGC, cursorGC, mathFrameGC; #endif static LyxArrayBase * selarray = 0; inline bool IsAlpha(char c) { return ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'); } // This was very smaller, I'll change it later inline bool IsMacro(short tok, int id) { return (tok != LM_TK_STACK && tok != LM_TK_FRAC && tok != LM_TK_SQRT && tok != LM_TK_WIDE && tok != LM_TK_SPACE && tok != LM_TK_DOTS && tok != LM_TK_FUNCLIM && tok != LM_TK_BIGSYM && tok != LM_TK_ACCENT && !(tok == LM_TK_SYM && id < 255)); } // Yes, mathed isn't using string yet. inline char * strnew(char const * s) { char * s1 = new char[strlen(s)+1]; strcpy(s1, s); return s1; } #define MAX_STACK_ITEMS 32 struct MathStackXIter { int i, imax; MathedXIter * item; MathStackXIter(int n = MAX_STACK_ITEMS): imax(n) { item = new MathedXIter[imax]; i = 0; } MathStackXIter(MathStackXIter & stk); ~MathStackXIter() { delete[] item; } void push(MathedXIter ** a) { *a = &item[i++]; } MathedXIter * pop() { --i; return &item[i - 1]; } MathedXIter * Item(int idx) { return (idx + 1 <= i) ? &item[i - idx - 1] : 0; } void Reset() { i = 0; } bool Full() { return i >= MAX_STACK_ITEMS; } bool Empty() { return i <= 1; } int Level() { return i; } } mathstk, *selstk = 0; MathStackXIter::MathStackXIter(MathStackXIter & stk) { imax = stk.imax; item = new MathedXIter[imax]; i = stk.i; for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) { item[k].SetData(stk.item[k].getPar()); item[k].GoBegin(); item[k].goPosAbs(stk.item[k].getPos()); } } /***---------------- Mathed Cursor ---------------------------***/ MathedCursor::MathedCursor(MathParInset * p) // : par(p) { accent = 0; anchor = 0; lastcode = LM_TC_MIN; SetPar(p); // selarray = 0; if (!MathMacroTable::built) MathMacroTable::mathMTable.builtinMacros(); } void MathedCursor::SetPar(MathParInset * p) { win = 0; is_visible = False; macro_mode = false; selection = false; // not SelClear() ? mathstk.Reset(); mathstk.push(&cursor); par = p; cursor->SetData(par); } #ifdef USE_PAINTER void MathedCursor::draw(Painter & pain, int x, int y) { // lyxerr << "Cursor[" << x << " " << y << "] "; //win = pm; // win = (mathedCanvas) ? mathedCanvas: pm; par->Metrics(); int w = par->Width() + 2; int a = par->Ascent() + 1; int h = par->Height() + 1; if (par->GetType() > LM_OT_PAR) { a += 4; h += 8; } pain.rectangle(x - 1, y - a, w, h, LColor::mathframe); par->draw(pain, x, y); cursor->Adjust(); } #else void MathedCursor::Draw(long unsigned pm, int x, int y) { // lyxerr << "Cursor[" << x << " " << y << "] "; win = pm; // win = (mathedCanvas) ? mathedCanvas: pm; par->Metrics(); int w = par->Width()+2, a = par->Ascent()+1, h = par->Height()+1; if (par->GetType() > LM_OT_PAR) { a += 4; h += 8; } if (!canvasGC) mathed_set_font(LM_TC_VAR, 1); // XFillRectangle(fl_display, pm, canvasGC, x, y-a, w, h); XDrawRectangle(fl_display, pm, mathFrameGC, x - 1, y - a, w, h); XFlush(fl_display); MathParInset::pm = pm; par->Draw(x, y); cursor->Adjust(); } #endif #ifdef USE_PAINTER void MathedCursor::Redraw(Painter & pain) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Mathed: Redrawing!" << endl; par->Metrics(); int w = par->Width(), h = par->Height(); int x, y; par->GetXY(x, y); //mathed_set_font(LM_TC_VAR, 1); pain.fillRectangle(x, y - par->Ascent(), x + w, y - par->Ascent() + h, LColor::mathbg); par->draw(pain, x, y); } #else void MathedCursor::Redraw() { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Mathed: Redrawing!" << endl; par->Metrics(); int w = par->Width(), h = par->Height(); int x, y; par->GetXY(x, y); mathed_set_font(LM_TC_VAR, 1); XFillRectangle(fl_display, win, canvasGC, x, y-par->Ascent(), w, h); XFlush(fl_display); MathParInset::pm = win; par->Draw(x, y); } #endif bool MathedCursor::Left(bool sel) { if (macro_mode) { MacroModeBack(); return true; } clearLastCode(); if (sel && !selection) SelStart(); if (!sel && selection) SelClear(); bool result = cursor->Prev(); if (!result && !mathstk.Empty()) { cursor = mathstk.pop(); cursor->Adjust(); result = true; if (selection) SelClear(); } else if (result && cursor->IsActive()) { if (cursor->IsScript()) { cursor->Prev(); if (!cursor->IsScript()) cursor->Next(); cursor->Adjust(); return true; } if (!selection) { MathParInset * p = cursor->GetActiveInset(); if (!p) return result; p->setArgumentIdx(p->getMaxArgumentIdx()); mathstk.push(&cursor); cursor->SetData(p); cursor->GoLast(); } } return result; } // Leave the inset bool MathedCursor::Pop() { if (!mathstk.Empty()) { cursor = mathstk.pop(); cursor->Next(); return true; } return false; } // Go to the inset bool MathedCursor::Push() { if (cursor->IsActive()) { MathParInset * p = cursor->GetActiveInset(); if (!p) return false; mathstk.push(&cursor); cursor->SetData(p); return true; } return false; } bool MathedCursor::Right(bool sel) { if (macro_mode) { MacroModeClose(); return true; } clearLastCode(); if (sel && !selection) SelStart(); if (!sel && selection) SelClear(); bool result = false; if (cursor->IsActive()) { if (cursor->IsScript()) { cursor->Next(); // A script may be followed by another script if (cursor->IsScript()) cursor->Next(); return true; } if (!selection) { MathParInset *p = cursor->GetActiveInset(); if (!p) { lyxerr << "Math error: Inset expected." << endl; return cursor->Next(); } p->setArgumentIdx(0); mathstk.push(&cursor); cursor->SetData(p); result = true; } else result = cursor->Next(); } else { if (cursor->GetChar()!= LM_TC_CR) result = cursor->Next(); if (!result && !mathstk.Empty()) { cursor = mathstk.pop(); cursor->Next(); cursor->Adjust(); result = true; if (selection) SelClear(); } } return result; } void MathedCursor::SetPos(int x, int y) { int xp = 0; if (macro_mode) MacroModeClose(); lastcode = LM_TC_MIN; mathstk.Reset(); mathstk.push(&cursor); cursor->SetData(par); cursor->fitCoord(x, y); while (cursor->GetX()OK()) { if (cursor->IsActive()) { MathParInset * p = cursor->GetActiveInset(); if (p->Inside(x, y)) { p->SetFocus(x, y); mathstk.push(&cursor); cursor->SetData(p); cursor->fitCoord(x, y); continue; } } xp = cursor->GetX(); cursor->ipush(); if (!cursor->Next() && !Pop()) break; } if (x-xp < cursor->GetX()-x) cursor->ipop(); cursor->Adjust(); } void MathedCursor::Home() { if (macro_mode) MacroModeClose(); clearLastCode(); mathstk.Reset(); mathstk.push(&cursor); cursor->GoBegin(); } void MathedCursor::End() { if (macro_mode) MacroModeClose(); clearLastCode(); mathstk.Reset(); mathstk.push(&cursor); cursor->GoLast(); } void MathedCursor::Insert(byte c, MathedTextCodes t) { if (selection) SelDel(); if (t == LM_TC_MIN) t = lastcode; if (macro_mode && !(MathIsAlphaFont(t) || t == LM_TC_MIN)) MacroModeClose(); if (t == LM_TC_CR) { MathParInset * p = cursor->p; if (p == par && p->GetType()GetType()>LM_OT_MIN) { MathMatrixInset * mt = new MathMatrixInset(3, 0); mt->SetAlign(' ', "rcl"); mt->SetStyle(LM_ST_DISPLAY); mt->SetType((p->GetType() == LM_OT_PARN) ? LM_OT_MPARN: LM_OT_MPAR); mt->SetData(p->GetData()); p->SetData(0);//BUG duda delete p; par = mt; p = mt; p->Metrics(); int pos = cursor->getPos(); cursor->SetData(par); cursor->goPosAbs(pos); } if (p && p->Permit(LMPF_ALLOW_CR)) { cursor->addRow(); } } else if (t == LM_TC_TAB) { MathParInset * p = cursor->p; if (p && p->Permit(LMPF_ALLOW_TAB)) { if (c) { cursor->Insert(c, t); cursor->checkTabs(); } else cursor->goNextColumn(); } else // Navigate between arguments if (p && p->GetType() == LM_OT_MACRO) { if (p->getArgumentIdx() < p->getMaxArgumentIdx()) { p->setArgumentIdx(p->getArgumentIdx()+1); cursor->SetData(p); return; } } } else { if (macro_mode) { if (MathIsAlphaFont(t) || t == LM_TC_MIN) { MacroModeInsert(c); return; } } if (accent) { doAccent(c, t); } else cursor->Insert(c, t); lastcode = t; return; } clearLastCode(); } void MathedCursor::Insert(MathedInset * p, int t) { if (macro_mode) MacroModeClose(); if (selection) { if (MathIsActive(t)) { SelCut(); static_cast(p)->SetData(selarray); } else SelDel(); } if (mathstk.i < MAX_STACK_ITEMS - 1) { if (accent && !MathIsActive(t)) { doAccent(p); } else { cursor->Insert(p, t); if (MathIsActive(t)) { cursor->Prev(); Push(); } } } else lyxerr << "Math error: Full stack." << endl; } void MathedCursor::Delete() { if (macro_mode) return; if (selection) { SelDel(); return; } if (cursor->Empty() && !mathstk.Empty()) { cursor = mathstk.pop(); } // if (cursor->GetChar()!= LM_TC_TAB) cursor->Delete(); cursor->checkTabs(); } void MathedCursor::DelLine() { if (macro_mode) MacroModeClose(); if (selection) { SelDel(); return; } MathParInset *p= cursor->p; if (p && (p->GetType()<= LM_OT_MATRIX && p->GetType()>= LM_OT_MPAR)) { cursor->delRow(); } } bool MathedCursor::Up(bool sel) { bool result = false; if (macro_mode) MacroModeClose(); if (sel && !selection) SelStart(); if (!sel && selection) SelClear(); if (cursor->IsScript()) { char cd = cursor->GetChar(); if (MathIsUp(cd)) { Push(); return true; } else { // A subscript may be followed by a superscript cursor->ipush(); cursor->Next(); if (MathIsUp(cursor->GetChar())) { Push(); return true; } else // return to the previous state cursor->ipop(); } } result = cursor->Up(); if (!result && cursor->p) { MathParInset * p = cursor->p; if (p->GetType() == LM_OT_SCRIPT) { MathedXIter * cx = mathstk.Item(1); bool is_down = (cx->GetChar() == LM_TC_DOWN); cursor = mathstk.pop(); cursor->Next(); result = (is_down) ? true: Up(); } else { result = (p->getArgumentIdx() > 0); if (result) { p->setArgumentIdx(p->getArgumentIdx()-1); cursor->SetData(p); } } if (!result && !mathstk.Empty()) { cursor = mathstk.pop(); return Up(); } } return result; } bool MathedCursor::Down(bool sel) { bool result = false; if (macro_mode) MacroModeClose(); if (sel && !selection) SelStart(); if (!sel && selection) SelClear(); // if (selection) SelClear(); if (cursor->IsScript()) { char cd = cursor->GetChar(); if (MathIsDown(cd)) { Push(); return true; } else { // A superscript may be followed by a subscript cursor->ipush(); cursor->Next(); if (MathIsDown(cursor->GetChar())) { Push(); return true; } else cursor->ipop(); } } result = cursor->Down(); if (!result && cursor->p) { MathParInset * p= cursor->p; if (p->GetType() == LM_OT_SCRIPT) { MathedXIter * cx = mathstk.Item(1); bool is_up = (cx->GetChar() == LM_TC_UP); cursor = mathstk.pop(); cursor->Next(); result = (is_up) ? true: Down(); } else { result = (p->getArgumentIdx() < p->getMaxArgumentIdx()); if (result) { p->setArgumentIdx(p->getArgumentIdx()+1); cursor->SetData(p); } } if (!result && !mathstk.Empty()) { cursor = mathstk.pop(); return Down(sel); } } return result; } bool MathedCursor::Limits() { if (cursor->IsInset()) { MathedInset * p = cursor->GetInset(); bool ol = p->GetLimits(); p->SetLimits(!ol); return (ol!= p->GetLimits()); } return false; } void MathedCursor::SetSize(short size) { MathParInset * p = cursor->p; p->UserSetSize(size); cursor->SetData(p); } void MathedCursor::setLabel(char const * label) { // ugly hack and possible bug if (!cursor->setLabel(strnew(label))) lyxerr << "MathErr: Bad place to set labels." << endl; } void MathedCursor::setNumbered() { // another ugly hack MathedRowSt * crow = cursor->crow; if (!crow) return; crow->setNumbered(!crow->isNumbered()); } void MathedCursor::Interpret(char const * s) { MathedInset * p = 0; latexkeys * l = 0; MathedTextCodes tcode = LM_TC_INSET; if (s[0] == '^' || s[0] == '_') { char c = cursor->GetChar(); if (MathIsUp(c) && s[0] == '^' || MathIsDown(c) && s[0] == '_') { Push(); return; } else // A script may be followed by a script if (MathIsUp(c) || MathIsDown(c)) { cursor->ipush(); cursor->Next(); c = cursor->GetChar(); if (MathIsUp(c) && s[0] == '^' || MathIsDown(c) && s[0] == '_') { Push(); return; } else cursor->ipop(); } p = new MathParInset(LM_ST_SCRIPT, "", LM_OT_SCRIPT); Insert (p, (s[0] == '_') ? LM_TC_DOWN: LM_TC_UP); return; } else if (s[0] == '!' || s[0] == ',' || s[0] == ':' || s[0] == ';') { int sp = ((s[0] == ',') ? 1:((s[0] == ':') ? 2:((s[0] == ';') ? 3: 0))); p = new MathSpaceInset(sp); Insert(p); return; } else l = in_word_set (s, strlen(s)); if (!l) { p = MathMacroTable::mathMTable.getMacro(s); if (!p) { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Macro2 " << s << ' ' << tcode << endl; if (strcmp("root", s) == 0) { p = new MathRootInset(); tcode = LM_TC_ACTIVE_INSET; } else p = new MathFuncInset(s, LM_OT_UNDEF); } else { tcode = static_cast(p)->getTCode(); lyxerr << "Macro2 " << s << ' ' << tcode << " " ; } } else { MathedInsetTypes fractype = LM_OT_FRAC; switch (l->token) { case LM_TK_BIGSYM: { p = new MathBigopInset(l->name, l->id); break; } case LM_TK_SYM: { if (l->id<255) { Insert(static_cast(l->id), MathIsBOPS(l->id) ? LM_TC_BOPS: LM_TC_SYMB); } else { p = new MathFuncInset(l->name); } break; } case LM_TK_STACK: fractype = LM_OT_STACKREL; lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << " i:stackrel " << endl; case LM_TK_FRAC: { p = new MathFracInset(fractype); tcode = LM_TC_ACTIVE_INSET; break; } case LM_TK_SQRT: { p = new MathSqrtInset; tcode = LM_TC_ACTIVE_INSET; break; } case LM_TK_WIDE: { p = new MathDecorationInset(l->id); tcode = LM_TC_ACTIVE_INSET; break; } case LM_TK_FUNCLIM: { p = new MathFuncInset(l->name, LM_OT_FUNCLIM); break; } case LM_TK_SPACE: { p = new MathSpaceInset(l->id); break; } case LM_TK_DOTS: { p = new MathDotsInset(l->name, l->id); break; } case LM_TK_ACCENT: setAccent(l->id); break; case LM_TK_MACRO: p = MathMacroTable::mathMTable.getMacro(s); tcode = static_cast(p)->getTCode(); lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Macro " << s << ' ' << tcode << endl; break; default: { p = new MathFuncInset(l->name); break; } } } if (p) { Insert(p, tcode); par->Metrics(); } } bool MathedCursor::pullArg() { if (cursor->IsActive()) { MathParInset * p = cursor->GetActiveInset(); if (!p) { return false; } LyxArrayBase * a = p->GetData(); p->SetData(0); Delete(); if (a) { cursor->Merge(a); cursor->Adjust(); } return true; } return false; } void MathedCursor::MacroModeOpen() { if (!macro_mode) { macroln = 0; macrobf[0] = '\0'; imacro = new MathFuncInset(¯obf[0]); Insert (imacro); macro_mode = true; } else lyxerr << "Mathed Warning: Already in macro mode" << endl; } void MathedCursor::MacroModeClose() { if (macro_mode) { macro_mode = false; latexkeys * l = in_word_set(macrobf, macroln); if (macroln > 0 && (!l || (l && IsMacro(l->token, l->id))) && !MathMacroTable::mathMTable.getMacro(macrobf)) { if (!l) { imacro->SetName(strnew(macrobf)); // This guarantees that the string will be removed by destructor imacro->SetType(LM_OT_UNDEF); } else imacro->SetName(l->name); } else { Left(); imacro->SetName(0); if (cursor->GetInset()->GetType() == LM_OT_ACCENT) { setAccent(static_cast(cursor->GetInset())->getAccentCode()); } cursor->Delete(); if (l || MathMacroTable::mathMTable.getMacro(macrobf)) { Interpret(macrobf); } } imacro = 0; } } void MathedCursor::MacroModeBack() { if (macro_mode) { if (macroln>0) { macrobf[--macroln] = '\0'; imacro->Metrics(); } else MacroModeClose(); } else lyxerr << "Mathed Warning: we are not in macro mode" << endl; } void MathedCursor::MacroModeInsert(char c) { if (macro_mode) { macrobf[macroln + 1] = macrobf[macroln]; macrobf[macroln++] = c; imacro->Metrics(); } else lyxerr << "Mathed Warning: we are not in macro mode" << endl; } void MathedCursor::SelCopy() { if (selection) { int p1 = (cursor->pos < selpos) ? cursor->pos: selpos; int p2 = (cursor->pos > selpos) ? cursor->pos: selpos; selarray = cursor->Copy(p1, p2); cursor->Adjust(); SelClear(); } } void MathedCursor::SelCut() { if (selection) { if (cursor->pos == selpos) return; int p1 = (cursor->pos < selpos) ? cursor->pos: selpos; int p2 = (cursor->pos > selpos) ? cursor->pos: selpos; selarray = cursor->Copy(p1, p2); cursor->Clean(selpos); cursor->Adjust(); SelClear(); } } void MathedCursor::SelDel() { // lyxerr << "Deleting sel " if (selection) { if (cursor->pos == selpos) return; cursor->Clean(selpos); cursor->Adjust(); SelClear(); } } void MathedCursor::SelPaste() { // lyxerr << "paste " << selarray << " " << curor->pos; if (selection) SelDel(); if (selarray) { cursor->Merge(selarray); cursor->Adjust(); } } void MathedCursor::SelStart() { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Starting sel " << endl; if (!anchor) { selpos = cursor->pos; selstk = new MathStackXIter(mathstk); anchor = selstk->Item(-1); anchor->SetData(cursor->p); anchor->GoBegin(); anchor->goPosAbs(selpos); selection = true; } } void MathedCursor::SelClear() { lyxerr[Debug::MATHED] << "Clearing sel " << endl; selection = false; delete selstk; selstk = 0; anchor = 0; } // Anchor position must be at the same level that stack. void MathedCursor::SelBalance() { int d = mathstk.Level() - selstk->Level(); // If unbalanced, balance them while (d != 0) { if (d < 0) { // lyxerr << "b[" << mathstk.Level() << " " << selstk->Level << " " << anchor->GetX() << " " << cursor->GetX() << "]"; anchor = selstk->pop(); if (anchor->GetX() >= cursor->GetX()) anchor->Next(); } else { // lyxerr <<"a[" << mathstk.Level() << " " << selstk->Level() <<"]"; Pop(); } d = mathstk.Level() - selstk->Level(); } // Once balanced the levels, check that they are at the same paragraph selpos = anchor->pos; } #ifdef USE_PAINTER void MathedCursor::SelGetArea(int * xp, int * yp, int & np) { if (!selection) { np = 0; return; } static int xpoint[10]; static int ypoint[10]; // single row selection int i = 0, x, y, a, d, xo, yo, x1, y1, a1, d1; // Balance anchor and cursor SelBalance(); cursor->p->GetXY(xo, yo); int w = cursor->p->Width(); cursor->GetPos(x1, y1); cursor->getAD(a1, d1); anchor->GetPos(x, y); anchor->getAD(a, d); xpoint[i] = x; ypoint[i++] = y + d; xpoint[i] = x; ypoint[i++] = y - a; if (y != y1) { xpoint[i] = xo + w; ypoint[i++] = y - a; if (x1 < xo + w) { xpoint[i] = xo + w; ypoint[i++] = y1 - a; } } xpoint[i] = x1; ypoint[i++] = y1 - a; xpoint[i] = x1; ypoint[i++] = y1 + d; if (y != y1) { xpoint[i] = xo; ypoint[i++] = y1 + d; if (x > xo) { xpoint[i] = xo; ypoint[i++] = y + d; } } xpoint[i] = xpoint[0]; ypoint[i++] = ypoint[0]; xp = &xpoint[0]; yp = &ypoint[0]; np = i; // lyxerr << "AN[" << x << " " << y << " " << x1 << " " << y1 << "] "; // lyxerr << "MT[" << a << " " << d << " " << a1 << " " << d1 << "] "; // for (i = 0; i < np; ++i) // lyxerr << "XY[" << point[i].x << " " << point[i].y << "] "; } #else XPoint * MathedCursor::SelGetArea(int & np) { if (!selection) { np = 0; return 0; } static XPoint point[10]; // single row selection int i = 0, x, y, a, d, xo, yo, x1, y1, a1, d1; //, p1, p2; // Balance anchor and cursor SelBalance(); cursor->p->GetXY(xo, yo); int w = cursor->p->Width(); cursor->GetPos(x1, y1); cursor->getAD(a1, d1); anchor->GetPos(x, y); anchor->getAD(a, d); point[i].x = x; point[i++].y = y+d; point[i].x = x; point[i++].y = y-a; if (y != y1) { point[i].x = xo + w; point[i++].y = y - a; if (x1 < xo + w) { point[i].x = xo + w; point[i++].y = y1 - a; } } point[i].x = x1; point[i++].y = y1 - a; point[i].x = x1; point[i++].y = y1 + d; if (y != y1) { point[i].x = xo; point[i++].y = y1 + d; if (x > xo) { point[i].x = xo; point[i++].y = y + d; } } point[i].x = point[0].x; point[i++].y = point[0].y; np = i; // lyxerr << "AN[" << x << " " << y << " " << x1 << " " << y1 << "] "; // lyxerr << "MT[" << a << " " << d << " " << a1 << " " << d1 << "] "; // for (i = 0; i < np; ++i) // lyxerr << "XY[" << point[i].x << " " << point[i].y << "] "; return &point[0]; } #endif void MathedCursor::setAccent(int ac) { if (ac > 0 && accent < 8) { nestaccent[accent++] = ac; } else accent = 0; // consumed! } int MathedCursor::getAccent() const { return (accent > 0) ? nestaccent[accent - 1]: 0; } void MathedCursor::doAccent(byte c, MathedTextCodes t) { MathedInset * ac = 0; for (int i = accent - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i == accent - 1) ac = new MathAccentInset(c, t, nestaccent[i]); else ac = new MathAccentInset(ac, nestaccent[i]); } if (ac) cursor->Insert(ac); accent = 0; // consumed! } void MathedCursor::doAccent(MathedInset * p) { MathedInset * ac = 0; for (int i = accent - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i == accent - 1) ac = new MathAccentInset(p, nestaccent[i]); else ac = new MathAccentInset(ac, nestaccent[i]); } if (ac) cursor->Insert(ac); accent = 0; // consumed! }