/* uninstall.nsh Uninstall */ Var FileAssociation # ---------------------------------- Section "un.LyX" un.SecUnProgramFiles # LaTeX class files that were installed together with LyX # will not be uninstalled because other LyX versions will # need them and these few files don't harm to stay in LaTeX # Binaries #!insertmacro FileListLyXBin Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListQtBin Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListDll Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListMSVC Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListNetpbmBin Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListDTLBin Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListDvipostBin Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListPDFToolsBin Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListPDFViewBin Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" #!insertmacro FileListMetaFile2EPS Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\bin" # Resources RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Resources" # Python RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\python" # Components of ImageMagick #!insertmacro FileListImageMagick Delete "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\" #!insertmacro FileListMSVC Delete "$INSTDIR\imagemagick\" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\imagemagick" # Components of Ghostscript #!insertmacro FileListGhostscript Delete "$INSTDIR\ghostscript\" #!insertmacro FileListMSVC Delete "$INSTDIR\ghostscript\" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\ghostscript" # delete start menu folder ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "${APP_UNINST_KEY}" "StartMenu" RMDir /r "$0" #Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\${APP_NAME} ${APP_SERIES_NAME}.lnk" # delete desktop icon Delete "$DESKTOP\${APP_NAME} ${APP_SERIES_NAME}.lnk" # remove file extension .lyx ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "${APP_DIR_REGKEY}" "OnlyWithLyX" # special entry to test if they were registered by this LyX version ${if} $0 == "Yes${APP_SERIES_KEY}" ReadRegStr $R0 SHCTX "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}" "" ${if} $R0 == "${APP_REGNAME_DOC}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}13" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}14" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}15" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}16" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "Software\Classes\${APP_REGNAME_DOC}" ${endif} ${endif} # Uninstaller itself Delete "$INSTDIR\${SETUP_UNINSTALLER}" # Application folder SetOutPath "$TEMP" RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" # Registry keys DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${APP_REGKEY_SETUP}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${APP_REGKEY}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${APP_UNINST_KEY}" DeleteRegKey HKCR "Applications\lyx.exe" # File associations ReadRegStr $FileAssociation SHELL_CONTEXT "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}" "" ${If} $FileAssociation == "${APP_REGNAME_DOC}" DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "Software\Classes\${APP_EXT}" ${EndIf} ${If} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Admin" ${OrIf} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Power" # Delete Postscript printer for metafile to EPS conversion ExecWait '$PrinterConf /q /dl /n "Metafile to EPS Converter"' ${EndIf} # clean other registry entries DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\${APP_NAME}.exe" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\${APP_REGKEY}" SectionEnd #--------------------------------- # user preferences Section "un.$(UnLyXPreferencesTitle)" un.SecUnPreferences # remove LyX's config files StrCpy $AppSubfolder ${APP_DIR_USERDATA} Call un.DelAppPathSub # function from LyXUtils.nsh SectionEnd #--------------------------------- # MiKTeX Section "un.MiKTeX" un.SecUnMiKTeX ${if} $LaTeXInstalled == "MiKTeX" # only uninstall MiKTeX when it was installed together with LyX ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MiKTeX ${MiKTeXDeliveredVersion}" "UninstallString" ExecWait $1 # run MiKTeX's uninstaller ${endif} SectionEnd #--------------------------------- # JabRef Section "un.JabRef" un.SecUnJabRef ${if} $JabRefInstalled == "Yes" # only uninstall JabRef when it was installed together with LyX ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\JabRef ${JabRefVersion}" "UninstallString" ExecWait "$1" # run JabRef's uninstaller ${endif} SectionEnd #--------------------------------- # Section descriptions !insertmacro MUI_UNFUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnMiKTeX} "$(SecUnMiKTeXDescription)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnJabRef} "$(SecUnJabRefDescription)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnPreferences} "$(SecUnPreferencesDescription)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnProgramFiles} "$(SecUnProgramFilesDescription)" !insertmacro MUI_UNFUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END #Section "un.User Preferences and Custom Files" un.SecUserFiles # # SetShellVarContext current # RMDir /r "$APPDATA\${APP_DIR_USERDATA}" # #SectionEnd