# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lyx2lyx
# Copyright (C) 2011 The LyX team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

""" Convert files to the file format generated by LyX 2.1"""

import re, string
import unicodedata
import sys, os

# Uncomment only what you need to import, please.

from parser_tools import count_pars_in_inset, del_token, find_token, find_token_exact, \
    find_token_backwards, find_end_of, find_end_of_inset, find_end_of_layout, \
    find_end_of_sequence, find_re, get_option_value, get_containing_layout, \
    get_containing_inset, get_value, get_quoted_value, set_option_value

#from parser_tools import find_token, find_end_of, find_tokens, \
  #find_end_of_inset, find_end_of_layout, \
  #is_in_inset, del_token, check_token

from lyx2lyx_tools import add_to_preamble, put_cmd_in_ert, get_ert

#from lyx2lyx_tools import insert_to_preamble, \
#  lyx2latex, latex_length, revert_flex_inset, \
#  revert_font_attrs, hex2ratio, str2bool

# Private helper functions

#def remove_option(lines, m, option):
    #''' removes option from line m. returns whether we did anything '''
    #l = lines[m].find(option)
    #if l == -1:
        #return False
    #val = lines[m][l:].split('"')[1]
    #lines[m] = lines[m][:l - 1] + lines[m][l+len(option + '="' + val + '"'):]
    #return True

def revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, line, endline, n, nmax, environment, opt):
    Reverts an InsetArgument to TeX-code
    revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, LineOfBegin, LineOfEnd, StartArgument, EndArgument, isEnvironment, isOpt)
    LineOfBegin is the line  of the \\begin_layout or \\begin_inset statement
    LineOfEnd is the line  of the \end_layout or \end_inset statement, if "0" is given, the end of the file is used instead
    StartArgument is the number of the first argument that needs to be converted
    EndArgument is the number of the last argument that needs to be converted or the last defined one
    isEnvironment must be true, if the layout is for a LaTeX environment
    isOpt must be true, if the argument is an optional one
    lineArg = 0
    wasOpt = False
    while lineArg != -1 and n < nmax + 1:
      lineArg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n), line)
      if lineArg > endline and endline != 0:
        return wasOpt
      if lineArg != -1:
        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", lineArg)
        # we have to assure that no other inset is in the Argument
        beginInset = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset", beginPlain)
        endInset = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", beginPlain)
        k = beginPlain + 1
        l = k
        while beginInset < endInset and beginInset != -1:
          beginInset = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset", k)
          endInset = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", l)
          k = beginInset + 1
          l = endInset + 1
        if environment == False:
          if opt == False:
            document.body[endInset - 2 : endInset + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}{")
            del(document.body[lineArg : beginPlain + 1])
            wasOpt = False
            document.body[endInset - 2 : endInset + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("]")
            document.body[lineArg : beginPlain + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("[")
            wasOpt = True
          document.body[endInset - 2 : endInset + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
          document.body[lineArg : beginPlain + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("{")
          wasOpt = False
        n += 1
    return wasOpt

def convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, line, n, nmax, inset, environment, opt):
    Converts TeX code for mandatory arguments to an InsetArgument
    The conversion of TeX code for optional arguments must be done with another routine
    !!! Be careful if the braces are different in your case as expected here:
    - "}{" separates mandatory arguments of commands
    - "}" + "{" separates mandatory arguments of commands
    - "}" + " " + "{" separates mandatory arguments of commands
    - { and } surround a mandatory argument of an environment
    convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, LineOfBeginLayout/Inset, StartArgument, EndArgument, isInset, isEnvironment, isOpt)
    LineOfBeginLayout/Inset is the line  of the \\begin_layout or \\begin_inset statement
    StartArgument is the number of the first ERT that needs to be converted
    EndArgument is the number of the last ERT that needs to be converted
    isInset must be true, if braces inside an InsetLayout needs to be converted
    isEnvironment must be true, if the layout is for a LaTeX environment
    isOpt must be true, if the argument is an optional one

    Todo: this routine can currently handle only one mandatory argument of environments

    end_layout = find_end_of_layout(document.body, line)
    lineERT = line
    endn = line
    loop = 1
    while n < nmax + 1:
      lineERT = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset ERT", lineERT, end_layout)
      if lineERT == -1:
      if environment == False:
        end_ERT = find_end_of_inset(document.body, lineERT)
        if end_ERT == -1:
          document.warning("Can't find end of ERT!!")
        # Note that this only checks for ][ or }{ at the beginning of a line
        if opt:
          bracePair = find_token(document.body, "][", lineERT, end_ERT)
          bracePair = find_token(document.body, "}{", lineERT, end_ERT)
        if bracePair != -1:
          end = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", bracePair)
          document.body[lineERT : end_ERT + 1] = ["\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset"]
          if loop == 1:
            # in the case that n > 1 we have optional arguments before
            # therefore detect them if any
            if n > 1:
              # first check if there is an argument
              lineArg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", line)
              if lineArg < lineERT and lineArg != -1:
                # we have an argument, so now search backwards for its end
                # we must now assure that we don't find other insets like e.g. a newline
                endInsetArg = lineERT
                endLayoutArg = endInsetArg
                while endInsetArg != endLayoutArg + 2 and endInsetArg != -1:
                  endInsetArg = endInsetArg - 1
                  endLayoutArg = endInsetArg
                  endInsetArg = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\end_inset", endInsetArg)
                  endLayoutArg = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\end_layout", endLayoutArg)
                line = endInsetArg + 1
            if inset == False:
              document.body[line + 1 : line + 1] = ["\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n), "status open", "", "\\begin_layout Plain Layout"]
              document.body[line + 4 : line + 4] = ["\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n), "status open", "", "\\begin_layout Plain Layout"]
          else: # if loop != 1
            document.body[endn : endn] = ["\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n), "status open", "", "\\begin_layout Plain Layout"]
          n += 1
          endn = end
          loop += 1
          # no brace pair found
          # now check the case that we have "}" + "{" in two ERTs
          if opt:
            endBrace = find_token(document.body, "]", lineERT, end_layout)
            endBrace = find_token(document.body, "}", lineERT, end_layout)
          if endBrace == lineERT + 5:
            if opt:
              beginBrace = find_token(document.body, "[", endBrace, end_layout)
              beginBrace = find_token(document.body, "{", endBrace, end_layout)
            # assure that the ERTs are consecutive (11 or 12 depending if there is a space between the ERTs or not)
            if beginBrance != -1 and (beginBrace == endBrace + 11 or beginBrace == endBrace + 12):
              end = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", beginBrace)
              document.body[lineERT : end + 1] = ["\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset"]
              if loop == 1:
                # in the case that n > 1 we have optional arguments before
                # therefore detect them if any
                if n > 1:
                  # first check if there is an argument
                  lineArg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", line)
                  if lineArg < lineERT and lineArg != -1:
                    # we have an argument, so now search backwards for its end
                    # we must now assure that we don't find other insets like e.g. a newline
                    endInsetArg = lineERT
                    endLayoutArg = endInsetArg
                    while endInsetArg != endLayoutArg + 2 and endInsetArg != -1:
                      endInsetArg = endInsetArg - 1
                      endLayoutArg = endInsetArg
                      endInsetArg = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\end_inset", endInsetArg)
                      endLayoutArg = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\end_layout", endLayoutArg)
                    line = endInsetArg + 1
                if inset == False:
                  document.body[line + 1 : line + 1] = ["\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n), "status open", "", "\\begin_layout Plain Layout"]
                  document.body[line + 4 : line + 4] = ["\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n), "status open", "", "\\begin_layout Plain Layout"]
                document.body[endn : endn] = ["\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n), "status open", "", "\\begin_layout Plain Layout"]
              n += 1
              loop += 1
              # set the line where the next argument will be inserted
              if beginBrace == endBrace + 11:
                endn = end - 11
                endn = end - 12
              lineERT += 1
            lineERT += 1
      if environment == True:
        # FIXME This version of the routine does not check for and pass over
        # arguments before n. So it attempts to process the argument in the
        # document, no matter what has been specified.
        # The other branch does do that, but probably that code would be better
        # in a single location: Skip all those arguments, then process the ones
        # we want.
        end_ERT = find_end_of_inset(document.body, lineERT)
        if end_ERT == -1:
          document.warning("Can't find end of ERT!!")
        # Note that this only checks for [ or { at the beginning of a line
        if opt:
          opening = find_token(document.body, "[", lineERT, end_ERT)
          opening = find_token(document.body, "{", lineERT, end_ERT)
        if opening != -1:
          lineERT2 = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset ERT", end_ERT, end_layout)
          if lineERT2 == -1:
            # argument in a single ERT
            # strip off the opening bracket
            document.body[opening] = document.body[opening][1:]
            ertcontlastline = end_ERT - 3
            if (opt and document.body[ertcontlastline].endswith("]")) or document.body[ertcontlastline].endswith("}"):
              # strip off the closing bracket
              document.body[ertcontlastline] = document.body[ertcontlastline][:-1]
              end2 = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", ertcontlastline)
              document.body[lineERT : lineERT + 1] = ["\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n)]
            end_ERT2 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, lineERT2)
            if end_ERT2 == -1:
              document.warning("Can't find end of second ERT!!")
            if opt:
              closing = find_token(document.body, "]", lineERT2, end_ERT2)
              closing = find_token(document.body, "}", lineERT2, end_ERT2)
            if closing != -1: # assure that the "}" is in this ERT
              end2 = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", closing)
              document.body[lineERT2 : end2 + 1] = ["\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset"]
            document.body[lineERT : end_ERT + 1] = ["\\begin_inset Argument " + str(n), "status open", "", "\\begin_layout Plain Layout"]
          n += 1
          document.warning("Unable to process argument!")
          n += 1

### Conversion and reversion routines

def revert_visible_space(document):
    "Revert InsetSpace visible into its ERT counterpart"
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset space \\textvisiblespace{}", i)
      if i == -1:
      end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
      subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\textvisiblespace{}")
      document.body[i:end + 1] = subst

undertilde_commands = ["utilde"]
def convert_undertilde(document):
    " Load undertilde automatically "
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_mathdots" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_mhchem" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_esint" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find \\use_mathdots.")
    j = find_token(document.preamble, "\\usepackage{undertilde}", 0)
    if j != -1:
        # package was loaded in the preamble, convert this to header setting for round trip
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_undertilde 2") # on
        del document.preamble[j]
        j = 0
        while True:
            j = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Formula', j)
            if j == -1:
            k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, j)
            if k == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Formula inset at line " + str(j))
                j += 1
            code = "\n".join(document.body[j:k])
            for c in undertilde_commands:
                if code.find("\\%s" % c) != -1:
                    # at least one of the commands was found - need to switch package off
                    document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_undertilde 0") # off
            j = k
        # no command was found - set to auto (bug 9069)
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_undertilde 1") # auto

def revert_undertilde(document):
    " Load undertilde if used in the document "
    regexp = re.compile(r'(\\use_undertilde)')
    i = find_re(document.header, regexp, 0)
    value = "1" # default is auto
    if i != -1:
        value = get_value(document.header, "\\use_undertilde" , i).split()[0]
        del document.header[i]
    if value == "2": # on
        add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{undertilde}"])
    elif value == "1": # auto
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Formula', i)
            if i == -1:
            j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
            if j == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Formula inset at line " + str(i))
                i += 1
            code = "\n".join(document.body[i:j])
            for c in undertilde_commands:
                if code.find("\\%s" % c) != -1:
                    add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{undertilde}"])
            i = j

def revert_negative_space(document):
    "Revert InsetSpace negmedspace and negthickspace into its TeX-code counterpart"
    i = 0
    j = 0
    reverted = False
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset space \\negmedspace{}", i)
      if i == -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset space \\negthickspace{}", j)
        if j == -1:
          # load amsmath in the preamble if not already loaded if we are at the end of checking
          if reverted == True:
            i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_amsmath 2", 0)
            if i == -1:
              add_to_preamble(document, ["\\@ifundefined{negthickspace}{\\usepackage{amsmath}}"])
      if i == -1:
      end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
      subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\negmedspace{}")
      document.body[i:end + 1] = subst
      j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset space \\negthickspace{}", j)
      if j == -1:
      end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, j)
      subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\negthickspace{}")
      document.body[j:end + 1] = subst
      reverted = True

def revert_math_spaces(document):
    "Revert formulas with protected custom space and protected hfills to TeX-code"
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Formula", i)
      if i == -1:
      j = document.body[i].find("\\hspace*")
      if j != -1:
        end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        subst = put_cmd_in_ert(document.body[i][21:])
        document.body[i:end + 1] = subst
      i += 1

def convert_japanese_encodings(document):
    " Rename the japanese encodings to names understood by platex "
    jap_enc_dict = {
        "EUC-JP-pLaTeX": "euc",
        "JIS-pLaTeX":    "jis",
        "SJIS-pLaTeX":   "sjis"
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding" , 0)
    if i == -1:
    val = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
    if val in list(jap_enc_dict.keys()):
        document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding %s" % jap_enc_dict[val]

def revert_japanese_encodings(document):
    " Revert the japanese encodings name changes "
    jap_enc_dict = {
        "euc":  "EUC-JP-pLaTeX",
        "jis":  "JIS-pLaTeX",
        "sjis": "SJIS-pLaTeX"
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding" , 0)
    if i == -1:
    val = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
    if val in list(jap_enc_dict.keys()):
        document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding %s" % jap_enc_dict[val]

def convert_justification(document):
    " Add the \\justification buffer param"
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\suppress_date" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\paperorientation" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_indices" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_bibtopic" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\suppress_date.")
    document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\justification true")

def revert_justification(document):
    " Revert the \\justification buffer param"
    if not del_token(document.header, '\\justification', 0):
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\justification.")

def revert_australian(document):
    "Set English language variants Australian and Newzealand to English"

    if document.language == "australian" or document.language == "newzealand":
        document.language = "english"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\language english"
    j = 0
    while True:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang australian", j)
        if j == -1:
            j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang newzealand", 0)
            if j == -1:
                document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang newzealand", "\\lang english")
            document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang australian", "\\lang english")
        j += 1

def convert_biblio_style(document):
    "Add a sensible default for \\biblio_style based on the citation engine."
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine", 0)
    if i != -1:
        engine = get_value(document.header, "\\cite_engine", i).split("_")[0]
        style = {"basic": "plain", "natbib": "plainnat", "jurabib": "jurabib"}
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\biblio_style " + style[engine])

def revert_biblio_style(document):
    "BibTeX insets with default option use the style defined by \\biblio_style."
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\biblio_style" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("No \\biblio_style line. Nothing to do.")

    default_style = get_value(document.header, "\\biblio_style", i)
    del document.header[i]

    # We are looking for bibtex insets having the default option
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset bibtex", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of bibtex inset at line " + str(i))
            i += 1
        k = find_token(document.body, "options", i, j)
        if k != -1:
            options = get_quoted_value(document.body, "options", k)
            if "default" in options.split(","):
                document.body[k] = 'options "%s"' \
                    % options.replace("default", default_style)
        i = j

def handle_longtable_captions(document, forward):
    begin_table = 0
    while True:
        begin_table = find_token(document.body, '<lyxtabular version=', begin_table)
        if begin_table == -1:
        end_table = find_end_of(document.body, begin_table, '<lyxtabular', '</lyxtabular>')
        if end_table == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of table.")
            begin_table += 1
        fline = find_token(document.body, "<features", begin_table, end_table)
        if fline == -1:
            document.warning("Can't find features for inset at line " + str(begin_table))
            begin_table += 1
        p = document.body[fline].find("islongtable")
        if p == -1:
            # no longtable
            begin_table += 1
        numrows = get_option_value(document.body[begin_table], "rows")
            numrows = int(numrows)
            document.warning("Unable to determine rows!")
            begin_table = end_table
        begin_row = begin_table
        for row in range(numrows):
            begin_row = find_token(document.body, '<row', begin_row, end_table)
            if begin_row == -1:
                document.warning("Can't find row " + str(row + 1))
            end_row = find_end_of(document.body, begin_row, '<row', '</row>')
            if end_row == -1:
                document.warning("Can't find end of row " + str(row + 1))
            if forward:
                if (get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'caption') == 'true' and
                    get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endfirsthead') != 'true' and
                    get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endhead') != 'true' and
                    get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endfoot') != 'true' and
                    get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endlastfoot') != 'true'):
                    document.body[begin_row] = set_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'caption', 'true", endfirsthead="true')
            elif get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'caption') == 'true':
                if get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endfirsthead') == 'true':
                    document.body[begin_row] = set_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endfirsthead', 'false')
                if get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endhead') == 'true':
                    document.body[begin_row] = set_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endhead', 'false')
                if get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endfoot') == 'true':
                    document.body[begin_row] = set_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endfoot', 'false')
                if get_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endlastfoot') == 'true':
                    document.body[begin_row] = set_option_value(document.body[begin_row], 'endlastfoot', 'false')
            begin_row = end_row
        # since there could be a tabular inside this one, we
        # cannot jump to end.
        begin_table += 1

def convert_longtable_captions(document):
    "Add a firsthead flag to caption rows"
    handle_longtable_captions(document, True)

def revert_longtable_captions(document):
    "remove head/foot flag from caption rows"
    handle_longtable_captions(document, False)

def convert_use_packages(document):
    "use_xxx yyy => use_package xxx yyy"
    packages = ["amsmath", "esint", "mathdots", "mhchem", "undertilde"]
    for p in packages:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_%s" % p, 0)
        if i != -1:
            value = get_value(document.header, "\\use_%s" % p, i)
            document.header[i] = "\\use_package %s %s" % (p, value)

def revert_use_packages(document):
    "use_package xxx yyy => use_xxx yyy"
    packages = ["amsmath", "esint", "mhchem", "mathdots", "undertilde"]
    # the order is arbitrary for the use_package version, and not all packages need to be given.
    # Ensure a complete list and correct order (important for older LyX versions and especially lyx2lyx)
    # first loop: find line with first package
    j = -1
    for p in packages:
        regexp = re.compile(r'(\\use_package\s+%s)' % p)
        i = find_re(document.header, regexp, 0)
        if i != -1 and (j < 0 or i < j):
            j = i
    # second loop: replace or insert packages in front of all existing ones
    for p in packages:
        regexp = re.compile(r'(\\use_package\s+%s)' % p)
        i = find_re(document.header, regexp, 0)
        if i != -1:
            value = get_value(document.header, "\\use_package %s" % p, i).split()[1]
            del document.header[i]
            document.header.insert(j, "\\use_%s %s" % (p, value))
            document.header.insert(j, "\\use_%s 1" % p)
        j += 1

def convert_use_package(document, pkg, commands, oldauto):
    # oldauto defines how the version we are converting from behaves:
    # if it is true, the old version uses the package automatically.
    # if it is false, the old version never uses the package.
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_package", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find \\use_package.")
    j = find_token(document.preamble, "\\usepackage{" + pkg + "}", 0)
    if j != -1:
        # package was loaded in the preamble, convert this to header setting for round trip
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_package " + pkg + " 2") # on
        del document.preamble[j]
    # If oldauto is true we have two options:
    # We can either set the package to auto - this is correct for files in
    # format 425 to 463, and may create a conflict for older files which use
    # any command in commands with a different definition.
    # Or we can look whether any command in commands is used, and set it to
    # auto if not and to off if yes. This will not create a conflict, but will
    # create uncompilable documents for files in format 425 to 463, which use
    # any command in commands.
    # We choose the first option since its error is less likely.
    elif oldauto:
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_package " + pkg + " 1") # auto
        j = 0
        while True:
            j = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Formula', j)
            if j == -1:
            k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, j)
            if k == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Formula inset at line " + str(j))
                j += 1
            code = "\n".join(document.body[j:k])
            for c in commands:
                if code.find("\\%s" % c) != -1:
                    # at least one of the commands was found - need to switch package off
                    document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_package " + pkg + " 0") # off
            j = k
        # no command was found - set to auto (bug 9069)
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_package " + pkg + " 1") # auto

def revert_use_package(document, pkg, commands, oldauto):
    # oldauto defines how the version we are reverting to behaves:
    # if it is true, the old version uses the package automatically.
    # if it is false, the old version never uses the package.
    regexp = re.compile(r'(\\use_package\s+%s)' % pkg)
    i = find_re(document.header, regexp, 0)
    value = "1" # default is auto
    if i != -1:
        value = get_value(document.header, "\\use_package" , i).split()[1]
        del document.header[i]
    if value == "2": # on
        add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{" + pkg + "}"])
    elif value == "1" and not oldauto: # auto
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Formula', i)
            if i == -1:
            j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
            if j == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Formula inset at line " + str(i))
                i += 1
            code = "\n".join(document.body[i:j])
            for c in commands:
                if code.find("\\%s" % c) != -1:
                    add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{" + pkg + "}"])
            i = j

mathtools_commands = ["mathclap", "mathllap", "mathrlap", \
                "lgathered", "rgathered", "vcentcolon", "dblcolon", \
                "coloneqq", "Coloneqq", "coloneq", "Coloneq", "eqqcolon", \
                "Eqqcolon", "eqcolon", "Eqcolon", "colonapprox", \
                "Colonapprox", "colonsim", "Colonsim"]
def convert_use_mathtools(document):
    "insert use_package mathtools"
    convert_use_package(document, "mathtools", mathtools_commands, False)

def revert_use_mathtools(document):
    "remove use_package mathtools"
    revert_use_package(document, "mathtools", mathtools_commands, False)

# commands provided by stmaryrd.sty but LyX uses other packages:
# boxdot lightning, bigtriangledown, bigtriangleup
stmaryrd_commands = ["shortleftarrow", "shortrightarrow", "shortuparrow", \
                    "shortdownarrow", "Yup", "Ydown", "Yleft", "Yright", \
                    "varcurlyvee", "varcurlywedge", "minuso", "baro", \
                    "sslash", "bbslash", "moo", "varotimes", "varoast", \
                    "varobar", "varodot", "varoslash", "varobslash", \
                    "varocircle", "varoplus", "varominus", "boxast", \
                    "boxbar", "boxslash", "boxbslash", "boxcircle", \
                    "boxbox", "boxempty", "merge", "vartimes", \
                    "fatsemi", "sswarrow", "ssearrow", "curlywedgeuparrow", \
                    "curlywedgedownarrow", "fatslash", "fatbslash", "lbag", \
                    "rbag", "varbigcirc", "leftrightarroweq", \
                    "curlyveedownarrow", "curlyveeuparrow", "nnwarrow", \
                    "nnearrow", "leftslice", "rightslice", "varolessthan", \
                    "varogreaterthan", "varovee", "varowedge", "talloblong", \
                    "interleave", "obar", "obslash", "olessthan", \
                    "ogreaterthan", "ovee", "owedge", "oblong", "inplus", \
                    "niplus", "nplus", "subsetplus", "supsetplus", \
                    "subsetpluseq", "supsetpluseq", "Lbag", "Rbag", \
                    "llbracket", "rrbracket", "llparenthesis", \
                    "rrparenthesis", "binampersand", "bindnasrepma", \
                    "trianglelefteqslant", "trianglerighteqslant", \
                    "ntrianglelefteqslant", "ntrianglerighteqslant", \
                    "llfloor", "rrfloor", "llceil", "rrceil", "arrownot", \
                    "Arrownot", "Mapstochar", "mapsfromchar", "Mapsfromchar", \
                    "leftrightarrowtriangle", "leftarrowtriangle", \
                    "rightarrowtriangle", \
                    "bigcurlyvee", "bigcurlywedge", "bigsqcap", "bigbox", \
                    "bigparallel", "biginterleave", "bignplus", \
                    "varcopyright", "longarrownot", "Longarrownot", \
                    "Mapsto", "mapsfrom", "Mapsfrom" "Longmapsto", \
                    "longmapsfrom", "Longmapsfrom"]
def convert_use_stmaryrd(document):
    "insert use_package stmaryrd"
    convert_use_package(document, "stmaryrd", stmaryrd_commands, False)

def revert_use_stmaryrd(document):
    "remove use_package stmaryrd"
    revert_use_package(document, "stmaryrd", stmaryrd_commands, False)

stackrel_commands = ["stackrel"]
def convert_use_stackrel(document):
    "insert use_package stackrel"
    convert_use_package(document, "stackrel", stackrel_commands, False)

def revert_use_stackrel(document):
    "remove use_package stackrel"
    revert_use_package(document, "stackrel", stackrel_commands, False)

def convert_cite_engine_type(document):
    "Determine the \\cite_engine_type from the citation engine."
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine", 0)
    if i == -1:
    engine = get_value(document.header, "\\cite_engine", i)
    if "_" in engine:
        engine, type = engine.split("_")
        type = {"basic": "numerical", "jurabib": "authoryear"}[engine]
    document.header[i] = "\\cite_engine " + engine
    document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\cite_engine_type " + type)

def revert_cite_engine_type(document):
    "Natbib had the type appended with an underscore."
    engine_type = "numerical"
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine_type" , 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("No \\cite_engine_type line. Assuming numerical.")
        engine_type = get_value(document.header, "\\cite_engine_type", i)
        del document.header[i]

    # We are looking for the natbib citation engine
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine natbib", 0)
    if i == -1:
    document.header[i] = "\\cite_engine natbib_" + engine_type

def convert_cite_engine_type_default(document):
    "Convert \\cite_engine_type to default for the basic citation engine."
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine basic", 0)
    if i == -1:
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine_type" , 0)
    if i == -1:
    document.header[i] = "\\cite_engine_type default"

def revert_cite_engine_type_default(document):
    """Revert \\cite_engine_type default.

    Revert to numerical for the basic cite engine, otherwise to authoryear."""
    engine_type = "authoryear"
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine_type default" , 0)
    if i == -1:
    j = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine basic", 0)
    if j != -1:
        engine_type = "numerical"
    document.header[i] = "\\cite_engine_type " + engine_type

cancel_commands = ["cancel", "bcancel", "xcancel", "cancelto"]
# this is the same, as revert_use_cancel() except for the default
def revert_cancel(document):
    "add cancel to the preamble if necessary"
    revert_use_package(document, "cancel", cancel_commands, False)

def revert_verbatim(document, starred = False):
    " Revert verbatim environments completely to TeX-code. "
    i = 0
    consecutive = False

    layout_name = "Verbatim"
    latex_name  = "verbatim"
    if starred:
        layout_name = "Verbatim*"
        latex_name  = "verbatim*"

    subst_end = ['\\end_layout', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                 '\\end_layout', '',
                 '\\begin_layout Plain Layout', '', '',
                 '\\backslash', '',
                 'end{%s}' % (latex_name),
                 '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset',
                 '', '', '\\end_layout']
    subst_begin = ['\\begin_layout Standard', '\\noindent',
                   '\\begin_inset ERT', 'status open', '',
                   '\\begin_layout Plain Layout', '', '', '\\backslash',
                   'begin{%s}' % (latex_name),
                   '\\end_layout', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout', '']

    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout %s" % (layout_name), i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of %s layout" \
              % (layout_name))
            i += 1
        # delete all line breaks insets (there are no other insets)
        l = i
        while True:
            n = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Newline newline", l, j)
            if n == -1:
                n = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Newline linebreak", l, j)
                if n == -1:
            m = find_end_of_inset(document.body, n)
            document.body[n:n+1] = ['\\end_layout', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout']
            l += 1
            # we deleted a line, so the end of the inset moved forward.
            # FIXME But we also added some lines, didn't we? I think this
            # should be j += 1.
            j -= 1
        # consecutive verbatim environments need to be connected
        k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout %s" % (layout_name), j)
        if k == j + 2 and consecutive == False:
            consecutive = True
            document.body[j:j+1] = ['\\end_layout', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout']
            document.body[i:i+1] = subst_begin
        if k == j + 2 and consecutive == True:
            document.body[j:j+1] = ['\\end_layout', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout']
        if k != j + 2 and consecutive == True:
            document.body[j:j+1] = subst_end
            # the next paragraph must not be indented
            # FIXME This seems to be causing problems, because of the
            # hardcoded use of 19. We should figure out exactly where
            # this needs to go by searching for the right tag.
            document.body[j+19:j+19] = ['\\noindent']
            consecutive = False
            document.body[j:j+1] = subst_end
            # the next paragraph must not be indented
            # FIXME This seems to be causing problems, because of the
            # hardcoded use of 19. We should figure out exactly where
            # this needs to go by searching for the right tag.
            document.body[j+19:j+19] = ['\\noindent']
            document.body[i:i+1] = subst_begin

def revert_tipa(document):
    " Revert native TIPA insets to mathed or ERT. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset IPA", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of IPA inset")
            i += 1
        Multipar = False
        n = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i, j)
        if n == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: IPA inset has no embedded layout")
            i += 1
        m = find_end_of_layout(document.body, n)
        if m == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of embedded layout")
            i += 1
        content = document.body[n+1:m]
        p = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", m, j)
        if p != -1 or len(content) > 1:
            Multipar = True
            content = document.body[i+1:j]
        if Multipar:
            # IPA insets with multiple pars need to be wrapped by \begin{IPA}...\end{IPA}
            document.body[i:j+1] = ['\\end_layout', '', '\\begin_layout Standard'] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{IPA}") + ['\\end_layout'] + content + ['\\begin_layout Standard'] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{IPA}")
            add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{tipa,tipx}"])
            # single-par IPA insets can be reverted to mathed
            document.body[i:j+1] = ["\\begin_inset Formula $\\text{\\textipa{" + content[0] + "}}$", "\\end_inset"]
        i = j

def revert_cell_rotation(document):
  "Revert cell rotations to TeX-code"

  load_rotating = False
  i = 0
    while True:
      # first, let's find out if we need to do anything
      i = find_token(document.body, '<cell ', i)
      if i == -1:
      j = document.body[i].find('rotate="')
      if j != -1:
        k = document.body[i].find('"', j + 8)
        value = document.body[i][j + 8 : k]
        if value == "0":
          rgx = re.compile(r' rotate="[^"]+?"')
          # remove rotate option
          document.body[i] = rgx.sub('', document.body[i])
        elif value == "90":
          rgx = re.compile(r' rotate="[^"]+?"')
          document.body[i] = rgx.sub(' rotate="true"', document.body[i])
          rgx = re.compile(r' rotate="[^"]+?"')
          load_rotating = True
          # remove rotate option
          document.body[i] = rgx.sub('', document.body[i])
          # write ERT
          document.body[i + 5 : i + 5] = \
          document.body[i + 4 : i + 4] = \
            put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{turn}{" + value + "}")

      i += 1

    if load_rotating:
      add_to_preamble(document, ["\\@ifundefined{turnbox}{\\usepackage{rotating}}{}"])

def convert_cell_rotation(document):
    'Convert cell rotation statements from "true" to "90"'

    i = 0
    while True:
      # first, let's find out if we need to do anything
      i = find_token(document.body, '<cell ', i)
      if i == -1:
      j = document.body[i].find('rotate="true"')
      if j != -1:
        rgx = re.compile(r'rotate="[^"]+?"')
        # convert "true" to "90"
        document.body[i] = rgx.sub('rotate="90"', document.body[i])

      i += 1

def revert_table_rotation(document):
  "Revert table rotations to TeX-code"

  load_rotating = False
  i = 0
    while True:
      # first, let's find out if we need to do anything
      i = find_token(document.body, '<features ', i)
      if i == -1:
      j = document.body[i].find('rotate="')
      if j != -1:
        end_table = find_token(document.body, '</lyxtabular>', j)
        k = document.body[i].find('"', j + 8)
        value = document.body[i][j + 8 : k]
        if value == "0":
          rgx = re.compile(r' rotate="[^"]+?"')
          # remove rotate option
          document.body[i] = rgx.sub('', document.body[i])
        elif value == "90":
          rgx = re.compile(r'rotate="[^"]+?"')
          document.body[i] = rgx.sub('rotate="true"', document.body[i])
          rgx = re.compile(r' rotate="[^"]+?"')
          load_rotating = True
          # remove rotate option
          document.body[i] = rgx.sub('', document.body[i])
          # write ERT
          document.body[end_table + 3 : end_table + 3] = \
          document.body[i - 2 : i - 2] = \
            put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{turn}{" + value + "}")

      i += 1

    if load_rotating:
      add_to_preamble(document, ["\\@ifundefined{turnbox}{\\usepackage{rotating}}{}"])

def convert_table_rotation(document):
    'Convert table rotation statements from "true" to "90"'

    i = 0
    while True:
      # first, let's find out if we need to do anything
      i = find_token(document.body, '<features ', i)
      if i == -1:
      j = document.body[i].find('rotate="true"')
      if j != -1:
        rgx = re.compile(r'rotate="[^"]+?"')
        # convert "true" to "90"
        document.body[i] = rgx.sub('rotate="90"', document.body[i])

      i += 1

def convert_listoflistings(document):
    'Convert ERT \lstlistoflistings to TOC lstlistoflistings inset'
    # We can support roundtrip because the command is so simple
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset ERT", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of ERT inset")
            i += 1
        ert = get_ert(document.body, i)
        if ert == "\\lstlistoflistings{}":
            document.body[i:j] = ["\\begin_inset CommandInset toc", "LatexCommand lstlistoflistings", ""]
            i = i + 4
            i = j + 1

def revert_listoflistings(document):
    'Convert TOC lstlistoflistings inset to ERT lstlistoflistings'
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset toc", i)
        if i == -1:
        if document.body[i+1] == "LatexCommand lstlistoflistings":
            j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
            if j == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of TOC inset")
                i += 1
            subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\lstlistoflistings{}")
            document.body[i:j+1] = subst
            add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{listings}"])
        i += 1

def convert_use_amssymb(document):
    "insert use_package amssymb"
    regexp = re.compile(r'(\\use_package\s+amsmath)')
    i = find_re(document.header, regexp, 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find \\use_package amsmath.")
    value = get_value(document.header, "\\use_package" , i).split()[1]
    useamsmath = 0
        useamsmath = int(value)
        document.warning("Invalid \\use_package amsmath: " + value + ". Assuming auto.")
        useamsmath = 1
    j = find_token(document.preamble, "\\usepackage{amssymb}", 0)
    if j == -1:
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_package amssymb %d" % useamsmath)
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_package amssymb 2")
        del document.preamble[j]

def revert_use_amssymb(document):
    "remove use_package amssymb"
    regexp1 = re.compile(r'(\\use_package\s+amsmath)')
    regexp2 = re.compile(r'(\\use_package\s+amssymb)')
    i = find_re(document.header, regexp1, 0)
    j = find_re(document.header, regexp2, 0)
    value1 = "1" # default is auto
    value2 = "1" # default is auto
    if i != -1:
        value1 = get_value(document.header, "\\use_package" , i).split()[1]
    if j != -1:
        value2 = get_value(document.header, "\\use_package" , j).split()[1]
        del document.header[j]
    if value1 != value2 and value2 == "2": # on
        add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{amssymb}"])

def convert_use_cancel(document):
    "insert use_package cancel"
    convert_use_package(document, "cancel", cancel_commands, True)

def revert_use_cancel(document):
    "remove use_package cancel"
    revert_use_package(document, "cancel", cancel_commands, True)

def revert_ancientgreek(document):
    "Set the document language for ancientgreek to greek"

    if document.language == "ancientgreek":
        document.language = "greek"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\language greek"
    j = 0
    while True:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang ancientgreek", j)
        if j == -1:
            document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang ancientgreek", "\\lang greek")
        j += 1

def revert_languages(document):
    "Set the document language for new supported languages to English"

    languages = [
                 "coptic", "divehi", "hindi", "kurmanji", "lao", "marathi", "occitan", "sanskrit",
                 "syriac", "tamil", "telugu", "urdu"
    for n in range(len(languages)):
        if document.language == languages[n]:
            document.language = "english"
            i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
            if i != -1:
                document.header[i] = "\\language english"
        j = 0
        while j < len(document.body):
            j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang " + languages[n], j)
            if j != -1:
                document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang " + languages[n], "\\lang english")
                j += 1
                j = len(document.body)

def convert_armenian(document):
    "Use polyglossia and thus non-TeX fonts for Armenian"

    if document.language == "armenian":
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\use_non_tex_fonts true"

def revert_armenian(document):
    "Use ArmTeX and thus TeX fonts for Armenian"

    if document.language == "armenian":
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\use_non_tex_fonts false"

def revert_libertine(document):
    " Revert native libertine font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman libertine", 0)
        if i != -1:
            osf = False
            j = find_token(document.header, "\\font_osf true", 0)
            if j != -1:
                osf = True
            preamble = "\\usepackage"
            if osf:
                document.header[j] = "\\font_osf false"
                preamble += "[osf]"
                preamble += "[lining]"
            preamble += "{libertine-type1}"
            add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
            document.header[i] = "\\font_roman default"

def revert_txtt(document):
    " Revert native txtt font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_typewriter txtt", 0)
        if i != -1:
            preamble = "\\renewcommand{\\ttdefault}{txtt}"
            add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
            document.header[i] = "\\font_typewriter default"

def revert_mathdesign(document):
    " Revert native mathdesign font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        mathdesign_dict = {
        "mdbch":  "charter",
        "mdput":  "utopia",
        "mdugm":  "garamond"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman", 0)
        if i == -1:
        val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_roman", i)
        if val in list(mathdesign_dict.keys()):
            preamble = "\\usepackage[%s" % mathdesign_dict[val]
            expert = False
            j = find_token(document.header, "\\font_osf true", 0)
            if j != -1:
                expert = True
                document.header[j] = "\\font_osf false"
            l = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sc true", 0)
            if l != -1:
                expert = True
                document.header[l] = "\\font_sc false"
            if expert:
                preamble += ",expert"
            preamble += "]{mathdesign}"
            add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
            document.header[i] = "\\font_roman default"

def revert_texgyre(document):
    " Revert native TeXGyre font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        texgyre_fonts = ["tgadventor", "tgbonum", "tgchorus", "tgcursor", \
                         "tgheros", "tgpagella", "tgschola", "tgtermes"]
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman", 0)
        if i != -1:
            val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_roman", i)
            if val in texgyre_fonts:
                preamble = "\\usepackage{%s}" % val
                add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
                document.header[i] = "\\font_roman default"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sans", 0)
        if i != -1:
            val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_sans", i)
            if val in texgyre_fonts:
                preamble = "\\usepackage{%s}" % val
                add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
                document.header[i] = "\\font_sans default"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_typewriter", 0)
        if i != -1:
            val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_typewriter", i)
            if val in texgyre_fonts:
                preamble = "\\usepackage{%s}" % val
                add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
                document.header[i] = "\\font_typewriter default"

def revert_ipadeco(document):
    " Revert IPA decorations to ERT "
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset IPADeco", i)
      if i == -1:
      end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
      if end == -1:
          document.warning("Can't find end of inset at line " + str(i))
          i += 1
      line = document.body[i]
      rx = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset IPADeco (.*)$')
      m = rx.match(line)
      decotype = m.group(1)
      if decotype != "toptiebar" and decotype != "bottomtiebar":
          document.warning("Invalid IPADeco type: " + decotype)
          i = end
      blay = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i, end)
      if blay == -1:
          document.warning("Can't find layout for inset at line " + str(i))
          i = end
      bend = find_end_of_layout(document.body, blay)
      if bend == -1:
          document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of IPADeco inset's layout.")
          i = end
      substi = ["\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "",
                "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", "", "", "\\backslash",
                decotype + "{", "\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset"]
      substj = ["\\size default", "", "\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "",
                "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", "", "}", "\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset"]
      # do the later one first so as not to mess up the numbering
      document.body[bend:end + 1] = substj
      document.body[i:blay + 1] = substi
      i = end + len(substi) + len(substj) - (end - bend) - (blay - i) - 2
      add_to_preamble(document, "\\usepackage{tipa}")

def revert_ipachar(document):
    ' Revert \\IPAChar to ERT '
    i = 0
    found = False
    while i < len(document.body):
        m = re.match(r'(.*)\\IPAChar \\(\w+\{\w+\})(.*)', document.body[i])
        if m:
            found = True
            before = m.group(1)
            ipachar = m.group(2)
            after = m.group(3)
            subst = [before,
                     '\\begin_inset ERT',
                     'status collapsed', '',
                     '\\begin_layout Standard',
                     '', '', '\\backslash',
                     '\\end_layout', '',
                     '\\end_inset', '',
            document.body[i: i+1] = subst
            i = i + len(subst)
            i += 1
    if found:
        add_to_preamble(document, "\\usepackage{tone}")

def revert_minionpro(document):
    " Revert native MinionPro font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman minionpro", 0)
        if i != -1:
            osf = False
            j = find_token(document.header, "\\font_osf true", 0)
            if j != -1:
                osf = True
            preamble = "\\usepackage"
            if osf:
                document.header[j] = "\\font_osf false"
                preamble += "[lf]"
            preamble += "{MinionPro}"
            add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
            document.header[i] = "\\font_roman default"

def revert_mathfonts(document):
    " Revert native math font definitions to LaTeX "

    i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_math", 0)
    if i == -1:
    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_math", i)
        if val == "eulervm":
            add_to_preamble(document, "\\usepackage{eulervm}")
        elif val == "default":
            mathfont_dict = {
            "lmodern":  "\\renewcommand{\\rmdefault}{lmr}",
            "minionpro":  "\\usepackage[onlytext,lf]{MinionPro}",
            "minionpro-osf":  "\\usepackage[onlytext]{MinionPro}",
            "palatino":  "\\renewcommand{\\rmdefault}{ppl}",
            "palatino-osf":  "\\renewcommand{\\rmdefault}{pplj}",
            "times":  "\\renewcommand{\\rmdefault}{ptm}",
            "utopia":  "\\renewcommand{\\rmdefault}{futs}",
            "utopia-osf":  "\\renewcommand{\\rmdefault}{futj}",
            j = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman", 0)
            if j != -1:
                rm = get_value(document.header, "\\font_roman", j)
                k = find_token(document.header, "\\font_osf true", 0)
                if k != -1:
                    rm += "-osf"
                if rm in list(mathfont_dict.keys()):
                    add_to_preamble(document, mathfont_dict[rm])
                    document.header[j] = "\\font_roman default"
                    if k != -1:
                        document.header[k] = "\\font_osf false"
    del document.header[i]

def revert_mdnomath(document):
    " Revert mathdesign and fourier without math "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        mathdesign_dict = {
        "md-charter": "mdbch",
        "md-utopia": "mdput",
        "md-garamond": "mdugm"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman", 0)
        if i == -1:
        val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_roman", i)
        if val in list(mathdesign_dict.keys()):
            j = find_token(document.header, "\\font_math", 0)
            if j == -1:
                document.header[i] = "\\font_roman %s" % mathdesign_dict[val]
            mval = get_value(document.header, "\\font_math", j)
            if mval == "default":
                document.header[i] = "\\font_roman default"
                add_to_preamble(document, "\\renewcommand{\\rmdefault}{%s}" % mathdesign_dict[val])
                document.header[i] = "\\font_roman %s" % mathdesign_dict[val]

def convert_mathfonts(document):
    document.header.insert(-1, "\\font_math auto")

def convert_mdnomath(document):
    " Change mathdesign font name "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        mathdesign_dict = {
        "mdbch":  "md-charter",
        "mdput":  "md-utopia",
        "mdugm":  "md-garamond"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman", 0)
        if i == -1:
        val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_roman", i)
        if val in list(mathdesign_dict.keys()):
             document.header[i] = "\\font_roman %s" % mathdesign_dict[val]

def revert_newtxmath(document):
    " Revert native newtxmath definitions to LaTeX "

    i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_math", 0)
    if i == -1:
    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_math", i)
        mathfont_dict = {
        "libertine-ntxm":  "\\usepackage[libertine]{newtxmath}",
        "minion-ntxm":  "\\usepackage[minion]{newtxmath}",
        "newtxmath":  "\\usepackage{newtxmath}",
        if val in list(mathfont_dict.keys()):
            add_to_preamble(document, mathfont_dict[val])
            document.header[i] = "\\font_math auto"

def revert_biolinum(document):
    " Revert native biolinum font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sans biolinum", 0)
        if i != -1:
            osf = False
            j = find_token(document.header, "\\font_osf true", 0)
            if j != -1:
                osf = True
            preamble = "\\usepackage"
            if not osf:
                preamble += "[lf]"
            preamble += "{biolinum-type1}"
            add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
            document.header[i] = "\\font_sans default"

def revert_uop(document):
    " Revert native URW Classico (Optima) font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sans uop", 0)
        if i != -1:
                preamble = "\\renewcommand{\\sfdefault}{uop}"
                add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
                document.header[i] = "\\font_sans default"

def convert_latexargs(document):
    " Convert InsetArgument to new syntax "

    if find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", 0) == -1:
        # nothing to do.

    # A list of layouts (document classes) with only optional or no arguments.
    # These can be safely converted to the new syntax
    # (I took the liberty to add some of my personal layouts/modules here; JSP)
    safe_layouts = ["aa", "aapaper", "aastex", "achemso", "acmsiggraph", "AEA",
                    "agu-dtd", "agums", "agutex", "amsart", "amsbook", "apa",
                    "arab-article", "armenian-article", "article-beamer", "article",
                    "beamer", "book", "broadway", "chess", "cl2emult", "ctex-article",
                    "ctex-book", "ctex-report", "dinbrief", "docbook-book", "docbook-chapter",
                    "docbook", "docbook-section", "doublecol-new", "dtk", "ectaart", "egs",
                    "elsarticle", "elsart", "entcs", "europecv", "extarticle", "extbook",
                    "extletter", "extreport", "foils", "frletter", "g-brief2", "g-brief",
                    "heb-article", "heb-letter", "hollywood", "IEEEtran", "ijmpc", "ijmpd",
                    "iopart", "isprs", "jarticle", "jasatex", "jbook", "jgrga", "jreport",
                    "jsarticle", "jsbeamer", "jsbook", "jss", "kluwer", "latex8", "letter", "lettre",
                    "literate-article", "literate-book", "literate-report", "llncs", "ltugboat",
                    "memoir", "moderncv", "mwart", "mwbk", "mwrep", "paper", "powerdot",
                    "recipebook", "report", "revtex4", "revtex", "scrartcl", "scrarticle-beamer",
                    "scrbook", "scrlettr", "scrlttr2", "scrreprt", "seminar", "siamltex",
                    "sigplanconf", "simplecv", "singlecol", "singlecol-new", "slides", "spie",
                    "svglobal3", "svglobal", "svjog", "svmono", "svmult", "svprobth", "tarticle",
                    "tbook", "treport", "tufte-book", "tufte-handout"]
    # A list of "safe" modules, same as above
    safe_modules = ["biblatex", "beameraddons", "beamer-resenumerate", "beamersession", "braille",
                    "customHeadersFooters", "endnotes", "enumitem", "eqs-within-sections", "figs-within-sections",
                    "fix-cm", "fixltx2e", "foottoend", "hanging", "jscharstyles", "knitr", "lilypond",
                    "linguistics", "linguisticx", "logicalmkup", "minimalistic", "nomindex", "noweb",
                    "pdfcomment", "sweave", "tabs-within-sections", "theorems-ams-bytype",
                    "theorems-ams-extended-bytype", "theorems-ams-extended", "theorems-ams", "theorems-bytype",
                    "theorems-chap-bytype", "theorems-chap", "theorems-named", "theorems-sec-bytype",
                    "theorems-sec", "theorems-starred", "theorems-std", "todonotes"]
    # Modules we need to take care of
    caveat_modules = ["initials"]
    # information about the relevant styles in caveat_modules (number of opt and req args)
    # use this if we get more caveat_modules. For now, use hard coding (see below).
    # initials = [{'Layout' : 'Initial', 'opt' : 1, 'req' : 1}]

    # Is this a known safe layout?
    safe_layout = document.textclass in safe_layouts
    if not safe_layout:
        document.warning("Lyx2lyx knows nothing about textclass '%s'. "
                         "Please check if short title insets have been converted correctly."
                         % document.textclass)
    # Do we use unsafe or unknown modules
    mods = document.get_module_list()
    unknown_modules = False
    used_caveat_modules = list()
    for mod in mods:
        if mod in safe_modules:
        if mod in caveat_modules:
        unknown_modules = True
        document.warning("Lyx2lyx knows nothing about module '%s'. "
                         "Please check if short title insets have been converted correctly."
                         % mod)

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:

        if not safe_layout or unknown_modules:
            # We cannot do more here since we have no access to this layout.
            # InsetArgument itself will do the real work
            # (see InsetArgument::updateBuffer())
            document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Argument 999"
            i += 1

        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[1]
        parend = parent[2]
        allowed_opts = -1
        first_req = -1
        if len(used_caveat_modules) > 0:
            # We know for now that this must be the initials module with the Initial layout
            # If we get more such modules, we need some automating.
            if parent[0] == "Initial":
                # Layout has 1 opt and 1 req arg.
                # Count the actual arguments
                actualargs = 0
                for p in range(parbeg, parend):
                    if document.body[p] == "\\begin_inset Argument":
                        actualargs += 1
                if actualargs == 1:
                    allowed_opts = 0
                    first_req = 2
        # Collect all arguments in this paragraph
        argnr = 0
        for p in range(parbeg, parend):
            if document.body[p] == "\\begin_inset Argument":
                argnr += 1
                if allowed_opts != -1:
                    # We have less arguments than opt + required.
                    # required must take precedence.
                    if argnr > allowed_opts and argnr < first_req:
                        argnr = first_req
                document.body[p] = "\\begin_inset Argument %d" % argnr
        i = parend + 1

def revert_latexargs(document):
    " Revert InsetArgument to old syntax "

    i = 0
    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\d+)$')
    args = dict()
    while True:
        # Search for Argument insets
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:
        m = rx.match(document.body[i])
        if not m:
            # No ID: inset already reverted
            i += 1
        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[1]
        parend = parent[2]
        # Do not set realparbeg to parent[3], since this does not work if we
        # have another inset (e.g. label or index) before the first argument
        # inset (this is the case in the user guide of LyX 2.0.8)
        realparbeg = -1
        # Collect all arguments in this paragraph
        realparend = parend
        for p in range(parbeg, parend):
            m = rx.match(document.body[p])
            if m:
                if realparbeg < 0:
                    # This is the first argument inset
                    realparbeg = p
                val = int(m.group(1))
                j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                # Revert to old syntax
                document.body[p] = "\\begin_inset Argument"
                if j == -1:
                    document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Argument inset")
                if val > 0:
                    args[val] = document.body[p : j + 1]
                # Adjust range end
                realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : j + 1])
                # Remove arg inset at this position
                del document.body[p : j + 1]
            if p >= realparend:
        if realparbeg < 0:
            # No argument inset found
            realparbeg = parent[3]
        # Now sort the arg insets
        subst = []
        for f in sorted(args):
            subst += args[f]
            del args[f]
        # Insert the sorted arg insets at paragraph begin
        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst

        i = realparbeg + 1 + len(subst)

def revert_IEEEtran(document):
    Reverts InsetArgument of
    Page headings
    Biography without photo
    to TeX-code
    if document.textclass != "IEEEtran":

    layouts = {"Page headings": False,
               "Biography without photo": True}

    for layout in list(layouts.keys()):
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_layout ' + layout, i)
            if i == -1:
            revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 1, 1, layouts[layout], False)
            i += 1

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Flex Paragraph Start', i)
        if i == -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 1, 1, False, False)
        i += 1

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token_exact(document.body, "\\begin_layout Biography", i)
        if i == -1:

        if document.body[i] == "\\begin_layout Biography without photo":
            i += 1

        # start with the second argument, therefore 2
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 2, 2, True, False)
        i += 1

def revert_IEEEtran_2(document):
  Reverts Flex Paragraph Start to TeX-code
  if document.textclass == "IEEEtran":
    begin = 0
    while True:
      begin = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex Paragraph Start", begin)
      if begin == -1:
      end1 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, begin)
      document.body[end1 - 2 : end1 + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
      document.body[begin : begin + 4] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\IEEEPARstart{")
      begin = begin + 5

def convert_IEEEtran(document):
    Converts ERT of
    Page headings
    Biography without photo
    to InsetArgument
    if document.textclass != "IEEEtran":

    layouts = {"Page headings": False,
               "Biography without photo": True}

    for layout in list(layouts.keys()):
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_layout ' + layout, i)
            if i == -1:
            convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 1, 1, False, layouts[layout], False)
            i += 1

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token_exact(document.body, "\\begin_layout Biography", i)
        if i == -1:

        if document.body[i] == "\\begin_layout Biography without photo":
            i += 1

        # the argument we want to convert is the second one
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 2, 2, False, True, False)
        i += 1

def revert_AASTeX(document):
  " Reverts InsetArgument of Altaffilation to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "aastex":
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Altaffilation", i)
      if i == -1:
      revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 1, 1, False, False)
      i += 1

def convert_AASTeX(document):
  " Converts ERT of Altaffilation to InsetArgument "
  if document.textclass == "aastex":
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Altaffilation", i)
      if i == -1:
      convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 1, 1, False, False, False)
      i += 1

def revert_AGUTeX(document):
  " Reverts InsetArgument of Author affiliation to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "agutex":
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Author affiliation", i)
      if i == -1:
      revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 1, 1, False, False)
      i += 1

def convert_AGUTeX(document):
  " Converts ERT of Author affiliation to InsetArgument "
  if document.textclass == "agutex":
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Author affiliation", i)
      if i == -1:
      convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 1, 1, False, False, False)
      i += 1

def revert_IJMP(document):
  " Reverts InsetArgument of MarkBoth to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "ijmpc" or document.textclass == "ijmpd":
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout MarkBoth", i)
      if i == -1:
      revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 1, 1, False, False)
      i += 1

def convert_IJMP(document):
  " Converts ERT of MarkBoth to InsetArgument "
  if document.textclass == "ijmpc" or document.textclass == "ijmpd":
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout MarkBoth", i)
      if i == -1:
      convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 1, 1, False, False, False)
      i += 1

def revert_SIGPLAN(document):
  " Reverts InsetArguments of SIGPLAN to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "sigplanconf":
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while True:
      if i != -1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Conference", i)
      if i != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 1, 1, False, False)
        i += 1
      if j != -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Author", j)
      if j != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, j, 0, 1, 2, False, False)
        j += 1
      if i == -1 and j == -1:

def convert_SIGPLAN(document):
  " Converts ERT of SIGPLAN to InsetArgument "
  if document.textclass == "sigplanconf":
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while True:
      if i != -1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Conference", i)
      if i != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 1, 1, False, False, False)
        i += 1
      if j != -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Author", j)
      if j != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, j, 1, 2, False, False, False)
        j += 1
      if i == -1 and j == -1:

def revert_SIGGRAPH(document):
  " Reverts InsetArgument of Flex CRcat to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "acmsiggraph":
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex CRcat", i)
      if i == -1:
      revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 1, 3, False, False)
      i += 1

def convert_SIGGRAPH(document):
  " Converts ERT of Flex CRcat to InsetArgument "
  if document.textclass == "acmsiggraph":
    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex CRcat", i)
      if i == -1:
      convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 1, 3, True, False, False)
      i += 1

def revert_EuropeCV(document):
  " Reverts InsetArguments of europeCV to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "europecv":
    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0
    m = 0
    while True:
      if i != -1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Item", i)
      if i != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 2, 2, False, False)
        i += 1
      if j != -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout BulletedItem", j)
      if j != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, j, 0, 2, 2, False, False)
        j += 1
      if k != -1:
        k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Language", k)
      if k != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, k, 0, 2, 6, False, False)
        k += 1
      if m != -1:
        m = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout LastLanguage", m)
      if m != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, m, 0, 2, 6, False, False)
        m += 1
      if i == -1 and j == -1 and k == -1 and m == -1:

def convert_EuropeCV(document):
  " Converts ERT of europeCV to InsetArgument "
  if document.textclass == "europecv":
    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0
    m = 0
    while True:
      if i != -1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Item", i)
      if i != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 2, 2, False, False, False)
        i += 1
      if j != -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout BulletedItem", j)
      if j != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, j, 2, 2, False, False, False)
        j += 1
      if k != -1:
        k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Language", k)
      if k != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, k, 2, 6, False, False, False)
        k += 1
      if m != -1:
        m = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout LastLanguage", m)
      if m != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, m, 2, 6, False, False, False)
        m += 1
      if i == -1 and j == -1 and k == -1 and m == -1:

def revert_ModernCV(document):
  " Reverts InsetArguments of modernCV to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "moderncv":
    j = 0
    k = 0
    m = 0
    o = 0
    p = 0
    while True:
      if j != -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Entry", j)
      if j != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, j, 0, 1, 5, False, False)
        j += 1
      if k != -1:
        k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Item", k)
      if k != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, k, 0, 1, 1, False, False)
        k += 1
      if m != -1:
        m = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout ItemWithComment", m)
      if m != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, m, 0, 1, 2, False, False)
        document.body[m] = document.body[m].replace("\\begin_layout ItemWithComment", "\\begin_layout Language")
        m += 1
      if o != -1:
        o = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout DoubleItem", o)
      if o != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, o, 0, 1, 3, False, False)
        document.body[o] = document.body[o].replace("\\begin_layout DoubleItem", "\\begin_layout Computer")
        o = o + 1
      if p != -1:
        p = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Social", p)
      if p != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, p, 0, 1, 1, False, True)
        p = p + 1
      if j == -1 and k == -1 and m == -1 and o == -1 and p == -1:

def revert_ModernCV_2(document):
  " Reverts the Flex:Column inset of modernCV to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "moderncv":
    flex = 0
    flexEnd = -1
    while True:
      flex = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex Column", flex)
      if flex == -1:
        return flexEnd
      flexEnd = find_end_of_inset(document.body, flex)
      wasOpt = revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, flex, flexEnd, 1, 1, False, True)
      revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, flex, 0, 2, 2, False, False)
      flexEnd = find_end_of_inset(document.body, flex)
      if wasOpt == True:
        document.body[flex + 0 : flex + 4] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\cvcolumn")
        document.body[flex + 0 : flex + 4] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\cvcolumn{")
      document.body[flexEnd + 4 : flexEnd + 7] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
      flex += 1

def revert_ModernCV_3(document):
  " Reverts the Column style of modernCV to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "moderncv":
    # revert the layouts
    p = 0
    # get the position of the end of the last column inset
    LastFlexEnd = revert_ModernCV_2(document)
    while True:
      p = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Columns", p)
      if p == -1:
      pEnd = find_end_of_layout(document.body, p)
      document.body[p] = document.body[p].replace("\\begin_layout Columns", "\\begin_layout Standard")
      if LastFlexEnd != -1:
        document.body[p + 1 : p + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{cvcolumns}")
        document.body[LastFlexEnd + 24 : LastFlexEnd + 24] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{cvcolumns}")
      p += 1

def revert_ModernCV_4(document):
  " Reverts the style Social to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "moderncv":
    # revert the layouts
    p = 0
    while True:
      p = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Social", p)
      if p == -1:
      pEnd = find_end_of_layout(document.body, p)
      document.body[p] = document.body[p].replace("\\begin_layout Social", "\\begin_layout Standard")
      document.body[p + 1 : p + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\social")
      hasOpt = find_token(document.body, "[", p + 9)
      if hasOpt < p + 18:
        document.body[p + 30 : p + 30] = put_cmd_in_ert("{")
        document.body[p + 41 : p + 41] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
        document.body[p + 11 : p + 11] = put_cmd_in_ert("{")
        document.body[p + 21 : p + 21] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
      p += 1

def convert_ModernCV(document):
  " Converts ERT of modernCV to InsetArgument "
  if document.textclass == "moderncv":
    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0
    m = 0
    o = 0
    while True:
      if i != -1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout DoubleItem", i)
      if i != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 1, 1, False, False, False)
        document.body[o] = document.body[o].replace("\\begin_layout DoubleItem", "\\begin_layout DoubleListItem")
        i += 1
      if j != -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Entry", j)
      if j != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, j, 1, 5, False, False, False)
        j += 1
      if k != -1:
        k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Item", k)
      if k != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, k, 1, 1, False, False, False)
        k += 1
      if m != -1:
        m = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Language", m)
      if m != -1:
        convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, m, 1, 2, False, False, False)
        m += 1
      if i == -1 and j == -1 and k == -1 and m == -1:

def revert_Initials(document):
  " Reverts InsetArgument of Initial to TeX-code "
  i = 0
  while True:
    i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Initial", i)
    if i == -1:
    # first arg (optional) and second arg (first mandatory) are supported in LyX 2.0.x
    revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 3, 3, False, False)
    i += 1

def convert_Initials(document):
  " Converts ERT of Initial to InsetArgument "
  i = 0
  while True:
    i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Initial", i)
    if i == -1:
    convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 3, 3, False, False, False)
    i += 1

def revert_literate(document):
    " Revert Literate document to old format "
    if del_token(document.header, "noweb", 0):
      document.textclass = "literate-" + document.textclass
      i = 0
      while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Chunk", i)
        if i == -1:
        document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout Scrap"
        i += 1

def convert_literate(document):
    " Convert Literate document to new format"
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\textclass", 0)
    if (i != -1) and "literate-" in document.header[i]:
      document.textclass = document.header[i].replace("\\textclass literate-", "")
      j = find_token(document.header, "\\begin_modules", 0)
      if (j != -1):
        document.header.insert(j + 1, "noweb")
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\end_modules")
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "noweb")
        document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\begin_modules")
      i = 0
      while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Scrap", i)
        if i == -1:
        document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout Chunk"
        i += 1

def revert_itemargs(document):
    " Reverts \\item arguments to TeX-code "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument item:", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[3]
        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i)
        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
        del document.body[i:j+1]
        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
        document.body[parbeg : parbeg] = subst
        i += 1

def revert_garamondx_newtxmath(document):
    " Revert native garamond newtxmath definition to LaTeX "

    i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_math", 0)
    if i == -1:
    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_math", i)
        if val == "garamondx-ntxm":
            add_to_preamble(document, "\\usepackage[garamondx]{newtxmath}")
            document.header[i] = "\\font_math auto"

def revert_garamondx(document):
    " Revert native garamond font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman garamondx", 0)
        if i != -1:
            osf = False
            j = find_token(document.header, "\\font_osf true", 0)
            if j != -1:
                osf = True
            preamble = "\\usepackage"
            if osf:
                preamble += "[osfI]"
            preamble += "{garamondx}"
            add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
            document.header[i] = "\\font_roman default"

def convert_beamerargs(document):
    " Converts beamer arguments to new layout "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    shifted_layouts = ["Part", "Section", "Subsection", "Subsubsection"]
    list_layouts = ["Itemize", "Enumerate", "Description"]
    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\d+)$')

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[1]
        parend = parent[2]
        layoutname = parent[0]
        for p in range(parbeg, parend):
            if layoutname in shifted_layouts:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = int(m.group(1))
                    argnr += 1
                    document.body[p] = "\\begin_inset Argument %d" % argnr
            if layoutname == "AgainFrame":
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    document.body[p] = "\\begin_inset Argument 3"
                    if document.body[p + 4] == "\\begin_inset ERT":
                        if document.body[p + 9].startswith("<"):
                            # This is an overlay specification
                            # strip off the <
                            document.body[p + 9] = document.body[p + 9][1:]
                            if document.body[p + 9].endswith(">"):
                                # strip off the >
                                document.body[p + 9] = document.body[p + 9][:-1]
                                # Shift this one
                                document.body[p] = "\\begin_inset Argument 2"
            if layoutname in list_layouts:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    if m.group(1) == "1":
                        if document.body[p + 4] == "\\begin_inset ERT":
                            if document.body[p + 9].startswith("<"):
                                # This is an overlay specification
                                # strip off the <
                                document.body[p + 9] = document.body[p + 9][1:]
                                if document.body[p + 9].endswith(">"):
                                    # strip off the >
                                    document.body[p + 9] = document.body[p + 9][:-1]
                        elif document.body[p + 4].startswith("<"):
                            # This is an overlay specification (without ERT)
                            # strip off the <
                            document.body[p + 4] = document.body[p + 4][1:]
                            if document.body[p + 4].endswith(">"):
                                # strip off the >
                                document.body[p + 4] = document.body[p + 4][:-1]
                        elif layoutname != "Itemize":
                            # Shift this one
                            document.body[p] = "\\begin_inset Argument 2"
        i += 1

# Helper function for the frame conversion routines
# FIXME: This method currently requires the arguments to be either
#        * In one (whole) ERT each: <ERT>[<arg1>]</ERT><ERT><arg2></ERT><ERT>[arg3]</ERT>
#        * Altogether in one whole ERT: <ERT>[<arg1>]<arg2>[arg3]</ERT>
#        If individual arguments mix ERT and non-ERT or are splitted
#        over several ERTs, the parsing fails.
def convert_beamerframeargs(document, i, parbeg):
    ertend = i
    while True:
        if document.body[parbeg] != "\\begin_inset ERT":
            return ertend
        ertend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, parbeg)
        if ertend == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: missing ERT \\end_inset")
            return ertend
        ertcont = parbeg + 5
        if document.body[ertcont].startswith("[<"):
            # This is a default overlay specification
            # strip off the [<
            document.body[ertcont] = document.body[ertcont][2:]
            if document.body[ertcont].endswith(">]"):
                # strip off the >]
                document.body[ertcont] = document.body[ertcont][:-2]
            elif document.body[ertcont].endswith("]"):
                # divide the args
                tok = document.body[ertcont].find('>][')
                if tok != -1:
                    subst = [document.body[ertcont][:tok],
                              '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 3',
                              'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                              document.body[ertcont][tok + 3:-1]]
                    document.body[ertcont : ertcont + 1] = subst
                    ertend += 11
            # Convert to ArgInset
            document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 2"
        elif document.body[ertcont].startswith("<"):
            # This is an overlay specification
            # strip off the <
            document.body[ertcont] = document.body[ertcont][1:]
            if document.body[ertcont].endswith(">"):
                # strip off the >
                document.body[ertcont] = document.body[ertcont][:-1]
                # Convert to ArgInset
                document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
            elif document.body[ertcont].endswith(">]"):
                # divide the args
                tok = document.body[ertcont].find('>[<')
                if tok != -1:
                    document.body[ertcont : ertcont + 1] = [document.body[ertcont][:tok],
                                                    '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                    'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                    document.body[ertcont][tok + 3:-2]]
                # Convert to ArgInset
                document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
                ertend += 11
            elif document.body[ertcont].endswith("]"):
                # divide the args
                tok = document.body[ertcont].find('>[<')
                if tok != -1:
                    # divide the args
                    tokk = document.body[ertcont].find('>][')
                    if tokk != -1:
                        document.body[ertcont : ertcont + 1] = [document.body[ertcont][:tok],
                                                        '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                        'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                        document.body[ertcont][tok + 3:tokk],
                                                        '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 3',
                                                        'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                        document.body[ertcont][tokk + 3:-1]]
                        ertend += 22
                    tokk = document.body[ertcont].find('>[')
                    if tokk != -1:
                        document.body[ertcont : ertcont + 1] = [document.body[ertcont][:tokk],
                                                        '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 3',
                                                        'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                        document.body[ertcont][tokk + 2:-1]]
                        ertend += 11
                # Convert to ArgInset
                document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
        elif document.body[ertcont].startswith("["):
            # This is an ERT option
            # strip off the [
            document.body[ertcont] = document.body[ertcont][1:]
            if document.body[ertcont].endswith("]"):
                # strip off the ]
                document.body[ertcont] = document.body[ertcont][:-1]
                # Convert to ArgInset
                document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 3"
        parbeg = ertend + 3
    return ertend

def convert_againframe_args(document):
    " Converts beamer AgainFrame to new layout "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout AgainFrame", i)
        if i == -1:
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent[1] != i:
            document.warning("Wrong parent layout!")
        j = parent[2]
        parbeg = parent[3]
        if i != -1:
            # Convert ERT arguments
            # FIXME: See restrictions in convert_beamerframeargs method
            ertend = convert_beamerframeargs(document, i, parbeg)
            if ertend == -1:
        i = j

def convert_corollary_args(document):
    " Converts beamer corrolary-style ERT arguments native InsetArgs "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    corollary_layouts = ["Corollary", "Definition", "Definitions", "Example", "Examples", "Fact", "Proof", "Theorem"]
    for lay in corollary_layouts:
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token_exact(document.body, "\\begin_layout " + lay, i)
            if i == -1:
            parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
            if parent[1] != i:
                document.warning("Wrong parent layout!")
            j = parent[2]
            parbeg = parent[3]
            if i != -1:
                if document.body[parbeg] == "\\begin_inset ERT":
                    ertcontfirstline = parbeg + 5
                    # Find the last ERT in this paragraph (which might also be the first)
                    lastertbeg = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\begin_inset ERT", j)
                    if lastertbeg == -1:
                        document.warning("Last ERT not found!")
                    lastertend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, lastertbeg)
                    if lastertend == -1:
                        document.warning("End of last ERT not found!")
                    ertcontlastline = lastertend - 3
                    if document.body[ertcontfirstline].startswith("<"):
                        # This is an overlay specification
                        # strip off the <
                        document.body[ertcontfirstline] = document.body[ertcontfirstline][1:]
                        if document.body[ertcontlastline].endswith(">"):
                            # strip off the >
                            document.body[ertcontlastline] = document.body[ertcontlastline][:-1]
                            if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                document.body[ertcontlastline : ertcontlastline + 1] = [
                                                                    document.body[ertcontlastline], '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset']
                                document.body[ertcontfirstline : ertcontfirstline + 1] = [
                                                                    '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 1',
                                                                    'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                    '\\begin_inset ERT', '', 'status open' '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                # Convert to ArgInset
                                document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
                        elif document.body[ertcontlastline].endswith("]"):
                            # divide the args
                            tok = document.body[ertcontfirstline].find('>[')
                            if tok != -1:
                                if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                    # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                    document.body[ertcontlastline : ertcontlastline + 1] = [
                                                                        document.body[ertcontlastline], '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset']
                                    document.body[ertcontfirstline : ertcontfirstline + 1] = [document.body[ertcontfirstline][:tok],
                                                                        '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                        'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                        '\\begin_inset ERT', '', 'status open' '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                        document.body[ertcontfirstline][tok + 2:-1]]
                                    document.body[ertcontfirstline : ertcontfirstline + 1] = [document.body[ertcontfirstline][:tok],
                                                                        '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                        'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                        document.body[ertcontfirstline][tok + 2:-1]]
                            # Convert to ArgInset
                            document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
                        i = j
                    elif document.body[ertcontlastline].startswith("["):
                        if document.body[ertcontlastline].endswith("]"):
                            # This is an ERT option
                            # strip off the [
                            document.body[ertcontlastline] = document.body[ertcontlastline][1:]
                            # strip off the ]
                            document.body[ertcontlastline] = document.body[ertcontlastline][:-1]
                            # Convert to ArgInset
                            document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 2"
                            convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 2, 2, False, True, True)
                    i += 1
            i = j

def convert_quote_args(document):
    " Converts beamer quote style ERT args to native InsetArgs "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    quote_layouts = ["Uncover", "Only", "Quotation", "Quote", "Verse"]
    for lay in quote_layouts:
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout " + lay, i)
            if i == -1:
            parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
            if parent[1] != i:
                document.warning("Wrong parent layout!")
            j = parent[2]
            parbeg = parent[3]
            if i != -1:
                if document.body[parbeg] == "\\begin_inset ERT":
                    if document.body[i + 6].startswith("<"):
                        # This is an overlay specification
                        # strip off the <
                        document.body[i + 6] = document.body[i + 6][1:]
                        if document.body[i + 6].endswith(">"):
                            # strip off the >
                            document.body[i + 6] = document.body[i + 6][:-1]
                            # Convert to ArgInset
                            document.body[i + 1] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
            i = j

def cleanup_beamerargs(document):
    " Clean up empty ERTs (conversion artefacts) "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Argument inset")
            i += 1
        while True:
            ertbeg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset ERT", i, j)
            if ertbeg == -1:
            ertend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, ertbeg)
            if ertend == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of ERT inset")
            stripped = [line for line in document.body[ertbeg : ertend + 1] if line.strip()]
            if len(stripped) == 5:
                # This is an empty ERT
                offset = len(document.body[ertbeg : ertend + 1])
                del document.body[ertbeg : ertend + 1]
                j = j - offset
                i = ertend
        i += 1

def revert_beamerargs(document):
    " Reverts beamer arguments to old layout "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    i = 0
    list_layouts = ["Itemize", "Enumerate", "Description"]
    headings = ["Part", "Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsection*",
                "Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*", "FrameSubtitle", "NoteItem"]
    quote_layouts = ["Uncover", "Only", "Quotation", "Quote", "Verse"]
    corollary_layouts = ["Corollary", "Definition", "Definitions", "Example", "Examples", "Fact", "Proof", "Theorem"]
    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\S+)$')

    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[1]
        parend = parent[2]
        realparbeg = parent[3]
        layoutname = parent[0]
        realparend = parend
        for p in range(parbeg, parend):
            if p >= realparend:
                i = realparend
            if layoutname in headings:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "1":
                        # Find containing paragraph layout
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        argcontent = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        if layoutname == "FrameSubtitle":
                            pre = put_cmd_in_ert("\\" + layoutname.lower() + "<") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        elif layoutname == "NoteItem":
                            pre = put_cmd_in_ert("\\note<") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert(">[item]")
                        elif layoutname.endswith('*'):
                            pre = put_cmd_in_ert("\\lyxframeend\\" + layoutname.lower()[:-1] + "<") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert(">*")
                            pre = put_cmd_in_ert("\\lyxframeend\\" + layoutname.lower() + "<") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        secarg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 2", parbeg, parend)
                        if secarg != -1:
                            # Find containing paragraph layout
                            beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", secarg)
                            endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                            endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, secarg)
                            argcontent = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                            # Adjust range end
                            realparend = realparend - len(document.body[secarg : endInset + 1])
                            del document.body[secarg : endInset + 1]
                            pre += put_cmd_in_ert("[") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                        pre += put_cmd_in_ert("{")
                        document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_layout Standard"
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = pre
                        pe = find_end_of_layout(document.body, parbeg)
                        post = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                        document.body[pe : pe] = post
                        realparend += len(pre) + len(post)
            if layoutname == "AgainFrame":
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "3":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
            if layoutname == "Overprint":
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "1":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
            if layoutname == "OverlayArea":
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "2":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("{") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
            if layoutname in list_layouts:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "1":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        realparend = realparend + len(subst) - len(content)
                        document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain] = subst
                    elif argnr == "item:1":
                        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
                        # Find containing paragraph layout
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        del document.body[i:j+1]
                        if layoutname == "Description":
                            # Description only has one (overlay) item arg
                            subst = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                            # This must be put after the first space (begin of decription body
                            # in LyX's arkward description list syntax)
                            # Try to find that place ...
                            rxx = re.compile(r'^([^\\ ]+ )(.*)$')
                            for q in range(parbeg, parend):
                                m = rxx.match(document.body[q])
                                if m:
                                    # We found it. Now insert the ERT argument just there:
                                    document.body[q : q] = [m.group(1), ''] + subst + ['', m.group(2)]
                            subst = put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                            document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
                    elif argnr == "item:2":
                        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
                        # Find containing paragraph layout
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        del document.body[i:j+1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
            if layoutname in quote_layouts:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "1":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
            if layoutname in corollary_layouts:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "2":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst

        i = realparend

def revert_beamerargs2(document):
    " Reverts beamer arguments to old layout, step 2 "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    i = 0
    shifted_layouts = ["Part", "Section", "Subsection", "Subsubsection"]
    corollary_layouts = ["Corollary", "Definition", "Definitions", "Example", "Examples", "Fact", "Proof", "Theorem"]
    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\S+)$')

    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[1]
        parend = parent[2]
        realparbeg = parent[3]
        layoutname = parent[0]
        realparend = parend
        for p in range(parbeg, parend):
            if p >= realparend:
                i = realparend
            if layoutname in shifted_layouts:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "2":
                        document.body[p] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
            if layoutname in corollary_layouts:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "1":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
            if layoutname == "OverlayArea":
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "1":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("{") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
            if layoutname == "AgainFrame":
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "2":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("[<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">]")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
        i = realparend

def revert_beamerargs3(document):
    " Reverts beamer arguments to old layout, step 3 "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\S+)$')
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[1]
        parend = parent[2]
        realparbeg = parent[3]
        layoutname = parent[0]
        realparend = parend
        for p in range(parbeg, parend):
            if p >= realparend:
                i = realparend
            if layoutname == "AgainFrame":
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "1":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
        i = realparend

def revert_beamerflex(document):
    " Reverts beamer Flex insets "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    new_flexes = {"Bold" : "\\textbf", "Emphasize" : "\\emph", "Only" : "\\only",
                  "Uncover" : "\\uncover", "Visible" : "\\visible",
                  "Invisible" : "\\invisible", "Alternative" : "\\alt",
                  "Beamer_Note" : "\\note"}
    old_flexes = {"Alert" : "\\alert", "Structure" : "\\structure"}
    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Flex (.+)$')

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex", i)
        if i == -1:
        m = rx.match(document.body[i])
        if m:
            flextype = m.group(1)
            z = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
            if z == -1:
                document.warning("Can't find end of Flex " + flextype + " inset.")
                i += 1
            if flextype in new_flexes:
                pre = put_cmd_in_ert(new_flexes[flextype])
                arg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, z)
                if arg != -1:
                    argend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    if argend == -1:
                        document.warning("Can't find end of Argument!")
                        i += 1
                    # Find containing paragraph layout
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    argcontent = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    z = z - len(document.body[arg : argend + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : argend + 1]
                    pre += put_cmd_in_ert("<") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                arg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 2", i, z)
                if arg != -1:
                    argend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    if argend == -1:
                        document.warning("Can't find end of Argument!")
                        i += 1
                    # Find containing paragraph layout
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    argcontent = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    z = z - len(document.body[arg : argend + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : argend + 1]
                    if flextype == "Alternative":
                        pre += put_cmd_in_ert("{") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                        pre += put_cmd_in_ert("[") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                pre += put_cmd_in_ert("{")
                beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i)
                endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                # Adjust range end
                z = z - len(document.body[i : beginPlain + 1])
                z += len(pre)
                document.body[i : beginPlain + 1] = pre
                post = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                document.body[z - 2 : z + 1] = post
            elif flextype in old_flexes:
                pre = put_cmd_in_ert(old_flexes[flextype])
                arg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, z)
                if arg == -1:
                    i += 1
                argend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                if argend == -1:
                    document.warning("Can't find end of Argument!")
                    i += 1
                # Find containing paragraph layout
                beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                argcontent = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                # Adjust range end
                z = z - len(document.body[arg : argend + 1])
                # Remove arg inset
                del document.body[arg : argend + 1]
                pre += put_cmd_in_ert("<") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                pre += put_cmd_in_ert("{")
                beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i)
                endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                # Adjust range end
                z = z - len(document.body[i : beginPlain + 1])
                z += len(pre)
                document.body[i : beginPlain + 1] = pre
                post = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                document.body[z - 2 : z + 1] = post

        i += 1

def revert_beamerblocks(document):
    " Reverts beamer block arguments to ERT "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    blocks = ["Block", "ExampleBlock", "AlertBlock"]

    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\S+)$')
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[1]
        parend = parent[2]
        realparbeg = parent[3]
        layoutname = parent[0]
        realparend = parend
        for p in range(parbeg, parend):
            if p >= realparend:
                i = realparend
            if layoutname in blocks:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "1":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
                    elif argnr == "2":
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        # Adjust range end
                        realparend = realparend - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                        # Remove arg inset
                        del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("{") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
        i = realparend

def convert_beamerblocks(document):
    " Converts beamer block ERT args to native InsetArgs "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    blocks = ["Block", "ExampleBlock", "AlertBlock"]
    for lay in blocks:
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token_exact(document.body, "\\begin_layout " + lay, i)
            if i == -1:
            parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
            if parent == False or parent[1] != i:
                document.warning("Wrong parent layout!")
                i += 1
            parbeg = parent[3]
            parend = parent[2]
            j = parend
            if i != -1:
                # If the paragraph starts with a language switch, adjust parbeg
                if len(document.body[parbeg]) == 0 and parbeg < parend \
                and document.body[parbeg + 1].startswith("\\lang"):
                    parbeg += 2
                if document.body[parbeg] == "\\begin_inset ERT":
                    ertcontfirstline = parbeg + 5
                    lastertbeg = -1
                    lastertend = -1
                    while True:
                        # Find the last ERT in this paragraph used for arguments
                        # (which might also be the first)
                        lastertbeg = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\begin_inset ERT", j)
                        if lastertbeg == -1:
                            document.warning("Last ERT not found!")
                        lastertend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, lastertbeg)
                        if lastertend == -1:
                            document.warning("End of last ERT not found!")
                        # Is this ERT really used for an argument?
                        # Note: This will fail when non-argument ERTs actually use brackets
                        #       (e.g. \pause{})
                        regexp = re.compile(r'.*[>\]\}]', re.IGNORECASE)
                        cbracket = find_re(document.body, regexp, lastertbeg, lastertend)
                        if cbracket != -1:
                        if lastertbeg == parbeg:
                        j = lastertbeg - 1
                    if lastertbeg == -1 or lastertend == -1:
                    ertcontlastline = lastertend - 3
                    while True:
                        if document.body[ertcontfirstline].lstrip().startswith("<"):
                            # This is an overlay specification
                            # strip off the <
                            document.body[ertcontfirstline] = document.body[ertcontfirstline].lstrip()[1:]
                            if document.body[ertcontlastline].rstrip().endswith(">"):
                                # strip off the >
                                document.body[ertcontlastline] = document.body[ertcontlastline].rstrip()[:-1]
                                # Convert to ArgInset
                                document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
                            elif document.body[ertcontlastline].rstrip().endswith("}"):
                                # strip off the }
                                document.body[ertcontlastline] = document.body[ertcontlastline].rstrip()[:-1]
                                # divide the args
                                ertcontdivline = ertcontfirstline
                                tok = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('>{')
                                if tok == -1:
                                    regexp = re.compile(r'.*>\{', re.IGNORECASE)
                                    ertcontdivline = find_re(document.body, regexp, ertcontfirstline, lastertend)
                                    tok = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('>{')
                                if tok != -1:
                                    if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                        # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                        document.body[ertcontlastline : ertcontlastline + 1] = [
                                                                            document.body[ertcontlastline], '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset']
                                        if ertcontdivline == ertcontfirstline:
                                            document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivline + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                                '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '',
                                                                                '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                                'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                '\\begin_inset ERT', '', 'status open' '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                document.body[ertcontdivline][tok + 2:]]
                                            document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivline + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                                '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                                'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                '\\begin_inset ERT', '', 'status open' '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                document.body[ertcontdivline][tok + 2:]]
                                        document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivline + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                            '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                            'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                            document.body[ertcontdivline][tok + 2:]]
                                    # check if have delimiters in two different ERTs
                                    tok = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('>')
                                    if tok == -1:
                                        regexp = re.compile(r'.*>', re.IGNORECASE)
                                        ertcontdivline = find_re(document.body, regexp, ertcontfirstline, lastertend)
                                        tok = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('>')
                                    if tok != -1:
                                        tokk = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('{')
                                        if tokk == -1:
                                            regexp = re.compile(r'.*\{', re.IGNORECASE)
                                            ertcontdivlinetwo = find_re(document.body, regexp, ertcontfirstline, lastertend)
                                            tokk = document.body[ertcontdivlinetwo].find('{')
                                        if tokk != -1:
                                            if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                                # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                                document.body[ertcontlastline : ertcontlastline + 1] = [
                                                                                    document.body[ertcontlastline], '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset']
                                                document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivlinetwo + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                                    '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '\\end_layout', '',
                                                                                    '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                                    'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                    '\\begin_inset ERT', '', 'status open' '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                    document.body[ertcontdivlinetwo][tokk + 1:]]
                                                document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivlinetwo + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                                    '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                                    'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                    document.body[ertcontdivlinetwo][tokk + 1:]]
                                # Convert to ArgInset
                                if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                    # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                    document.body[parbeg : parbeg + 1] = ['\\begin_inset Argument 1',
                                                                        'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                        '\\begin_inset ERT', '']
                                    document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 1"
                        elif document.body[ertcontfirstline].lstrip().startswith("{"):
                            # This is the block title
                            if document.body[ertcontlastline].rstrip().endswith("}"):
                                # strip off the braces
                                document.body[ertcontfirstline] = document.body[ertcontfirstline].lstrip()[1:]
                                document.body[ertcontlastline] = document.body[ertcontlastline].rstrip()[:-1]
                                if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                    # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                    document.body[parend : parend + 1] = [
                                                                        document.body[parend], '\\end_inset', '', '\\end_layout']
                                    document.body[parbeg : parbeg + 1] = ['\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                        'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                        '\\begin_inset ERT', '']
                                    # Convert to ArgInset
                                    document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 2"
                            # the overlay argument can also follow the title, so ...
                            elif document.body[ertcontlastline].rstrip().endswith(">"):
                                # strip off the {
                                document.body[ertcontfirstline] = document.body[ertcontfirstline].lstrip()[1:]
                                # strip off the >
                                document.body[ertcontlastline] = document.body[ertcontlastline].rstrip()[:-1]
                                # divide the args
                                ertcontdivline = ertcontfirstline
                                tok = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('}<')
                                if tok == -1:
                                    regexp = re.compile(r'.*\}<', re.IGNORECASE)
                                    ertcontdivline = find_re(document.body, regexp, ertcontfirstline, lastertend)
                                    tok = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('}<')
                                if tok != -1:
                                    if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                        # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                        document.body[ertcontlastline : ertcontlastline + 1] = [
                                                                            document.body[ertcontlastline], '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset']
                                        if ertcontdivline == ertcontfirstline:
                                            document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivline + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                                '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 1',
                                                                                'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                '\\begin_inset ERT', '', 'status open' '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                document.body[ertcontdivline][tok + 2:]]
                                            document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivline + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                                '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '',
                                                                                '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 1',
                                                                                'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                '\\begin_inset ERT', '', 'status open' '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                document.body[ertcontdivline][tok + 2:]]
                                        document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivline + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                            '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 1',
                                                                            'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                            document.body[ertcontdivline][tok + 2:]]
                                    # check if have delimiters in two different ERTs
                                    tok = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('}')
                                    if tok == -1:
                                        regexp = re.compile(r'.*\}', re.IGNORECASE)
                                        ertcontdivline = find_re(document.body, regexp, ertcontfirstline, lastertend)
                                        tok = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('}')
                                        if tok != -1:
                                            tokk = document.body[ertcontdivline].find('<')
                                            if tokk == -1:
                                                regexp = re.compile(r'.*<', re.IGNORECASE)
                                                ertcontdivlinetwo = find_re(document.body, regexp, ertcontfirstline, lastertend)
                                                tokk = document.body[ertcontdivlinetwo].find('<')
                                                if tokk != -1:
                                                    if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                                        # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                                        document.body[ertcontlastline : ertcontlastline + 1] = [
                                                                                            document.body[ertcontlastline], '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset']
                                                        document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivlinetwo + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                                            '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '\\end_layout', '',
                                                                                            '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 1',
                                                                                            'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                            '\\begin_inset ERT', '', 'status open' '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                            document.body[ertcontdivlinetwo][tokk + 1:]]
                                                        document.body[ertcontdivline : ertcontdivlinetwo + 1] = [document.body[ertcontdivline][:tok],
                                                                                            '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '', '\\begin_inset Argument 1',
                                                                                            'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                                            document.body[ertcontdivlinetwo][tokk + 1:]]
                                # Convert to ArgInset
                                if ertcontfirstline < ertcontlastline:
                                    # Multiline ERT. Might contain TeX code.  Embrace in ERT.
                                    document.body[parbeg : parbeg + 1] = ['\\begin_inset Argument 2',
                                                                        'status collapsed', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                                                                        '\\begin_inset ERT', '']
                                    document.body[parbeg] = "\\begin_inset Argument 2"
                            elif count_pars_in_inset(document.body, ertcontfirstline) > 1:
                                # Multipar ERT. Skip this.
                                # ERT has contents after the closing bracket. We cannot convert this.
                                # convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument cannot either.
                                #convert_TeX_brace_to_Argument(document, i, 2, 2, False, True, False)
                        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
                        if j == -1:
                            document.warning("end of layout not found!")
                        k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i, j)
                        if k == -1:
                            document.warning("InsetArgument not found!")
                        l = find_end_of_inset(document.body, k)
                        m = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset ERT", l, j)
                        if m == -1:
                        ertcontfirstline = m + 5
                        parbeg = m
            i = j

def convert_overprint(document):
    " Convert old beamer overprint layouts to ERT "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Overprint", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find end of sequence
        j = find_end_of_sequence(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document. Cannot find end of Overprint sequence!")
            i += 1
        endseq = j
        subst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{overprint}")
        esubst = list()
        if document.body[j] == "\\end_deeper":
            esubst = ["", "\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{overprint}") + ["\\end_layout"]
            esubst = ["\\end_layout", "", "\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{overprint}") + ["\\end_layout"]
        endseq = endseq + len(esubst) - len(document.body[j : j])
        document.body[j : j] = esubst
        argbeg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, j)
        if argbeg != -1:
            argend = find_end_of_layout(document.body, argbeg)
            if argend == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document. Cannot find end of Overprint argument!")
                i += 1
            beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", argbeg)
            endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
            content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
            # Adjust range end
            endseq = endseq - len(document.body[argbeg : argend + 1])
            # Remove arg inset
            del document.body[argbeg : argend + 1]
            subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")

        endseq = endseq - len(document.body[i : i])
        document.body[i : i] = subst + ["\\end_layout"]
        endseq += len(subst)

        for p in range(i, endseq):
            if document.body[p] == "\\begin_layout Overprint":
                document.body[p] = "\\begin_layout Standard"

        i = endseq

def revert_overprint(document):
    " Revert old beamer overprint layouts to ERT "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Overprint", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find end of sequence
        j = find_end_of_sequence(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document. Cannot find end of Overprint sequence!")
            i += 1
        endseq = j
        subst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{overprint}")
        esubst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{overprint}")
        endseq = endseq + len(esubst) - len(document.body[j : j])
        if document.body[j] == "\\end_deeper":
            document.body[j : j] = [""] + esubst + ["", "\\end_layout"]
            document.body[j : j] = ["\\end_layout", ""] + esubst
        r = i
        while r < j:
            if document.body[r] == "\\begin_deeper":
                s = find_end_of(document.body, r, "\\begin_deeper", "\\end_deeper")
                if s != -1:
                    document.body[r] = ""
                    document.body[s] = ""
                    r = s
            r = r + 1
        argbeg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, j)
        if argbeg != -1:
            # Is this really our argument?
            nested = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_deeper", i, argbeg)
            if nested != -1:
                argend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, argbeg)
                if argend == -1:
                    document.warning("Malformed LyX document. Cannot find end of Overprint argument!")
                    i += 1
                beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", argbeg)
                endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                # Adjust range end
                endseq = endseq - len(document.body[argbeg : argend])
                # Remove arg inset
                del document.body[argbeg : argend + 1]
                subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")

        endseq = endseq - len(document.body[i : i])
        document.body[i : i] = subst + ["\\end_layout"]
        endseq += len(subst)

        p = i
        while True:
            if p >= endseq:
            if document.body[p] == "\\begin_layout Overprint":
                q = find_end_of_layout(document.body, p)
                if q == -1:
                    document.warning("Malformed LyX document. Cannot find end of Overprint layout!")
                    p += 1
                subst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\onslide")
                argbeg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument item:1", p, q)
                if argbeg != -1:
                    argend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, argbeg)
                    if argend == -1:
                        document.warning("Malformed LyX document. Cannot find end of Overprint item argument!")
                        p += 1
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", argbeg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    endseq = endseq - len(document.body[argbeg : argend + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[argbeg : argend + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                endseq = endseq - len(document.body[p : p + 1]) + len(subst)
                document.body[p : p + 1] = subst
            p = p + 1

        i = endseq

def revert_frametitle(document):
    " Reverts beamer frametitle layout to ERT "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\S+)$')
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout FrameTitle", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of FrameTitle layout")
            i += 1
        endlay = j
        document.body[j : j] = put_cmd_in_ert("}") + document.body[j : j]
        endlay += len(put_cmd_in_ert("}"))
        subst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\frametitle")
        for p in range(i, j):
            if p >= endlay:
            m = rx.match(document.body[p])
            if m:
                argnr = m.group(1)
                if argnr == "1":
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    endlay = endlay - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                elif argnr == "2":
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    endlay = endlay - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")

        subst += put_cmd_in_ert("{")
        document.body[i : i + 1] = subst
        i = endlay

def convert_epigraph(document):
    " Converts memoir epigraph to new syntax "

    if document.textclass != "memoir":

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Epigraph", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Epigraph layout")
            i += 1
        endlay = j
        subst = list()
        ert = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset ERT", i, j)
        if ert != -1:
            endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, ert)
            beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", ert)
            endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
            ertcont = beginPlain + 2
            if document.body[ertcont] == "}{":
                # strip off the <
                # Convert to ArgInset
                endlay = endlay - 2 * len(document.body[j])
                begsubst = ['\\begin_inset Argument post:1', 'status collapsed', '',
                            '\\begin_layout Plain Layout']
                endsubst = ['\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', document.body[j]]
                document.body[j : j + 1] = endsubst
                document.body[endInset + 1 : endInset + 1] = begsubst
                # Adjust range end
                endlay += len(begsubst) + len(endsubst)
                endlay = endlay - len(document.body[ert : endInset + 1])
                del document.body[ert : endInset + 1]

        i = endlay

def revert_epigraph(document):
    " Reverts memoir epigraph argument to ERT "

    if document.textclass != "memoir":

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Epigraph", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Epigraph layout")
            i += 1
        endlay = j
        subst = list()
        p = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Argument post:1", i, j)
        if p != -1:
            beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
            endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
            endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
            content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
            # Adjust range end
            endlay = endlay - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
            # Remove arg inset
            del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
            subst += put_cmd_in_ert("}{") + content
            subst += put_cmd_in_ert("}{")

        document.body[j : j] = subst + document.body[j : j]
        i = endlay

def convert_captioninsets(document):
    " Converts caption insets to new syntax "

    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Caption", i)
      if i == -1:
      document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Caption Standard"
      i += 1

def revert_captioninsets(document):
    " Reverts caption insets to old syntax "

    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Caption Standard", i)
      if i == -1:
      document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Caption"
      i += 1

def convert_captionlayouts(document):
    " Convert caption layouts to caption insets. "

    caption_dict = {
        "Captionabove":  "Above",
        "Captionbelow":  "Below",
        "FigCaption"  :  "FigCaption",
        "Table_Caption" :  "Table",
        "CenteredCaption" : "Centered",
        "Bicaption" : "Bicaption",

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
        if i == -1:
        val = get_value(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
        if val in list(caption_dict.keys()):
            j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
            if j == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\end_layout'.")

            document.body[j:j] = ["\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset", "", ""]
            document.body[i:i+1] = ["\\begin_layout %s" % document.default_layout,
                                    "\\begin_inset Caption %s" % caption_dict[val], "",
                                    "\\begin_layout %s" % document.default_layout]
        i += 1

def revert_captionlayouts(document):
    " Revert caption insets to caption layouts. "

    caption_dict = {
        "Above" : "Captionabove",
        "Below" : "Captionbelow",
        "FigCaption"  :  "FigCaption",
        "Table" : "Table_Caption",
        "Centered" : "CenteredCaption",
        "Bicaption" : "Bicaption",

    i = 0
    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Caption (\S+)$')
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Caption", i)
        if i == -1:

        m = rx.match(document.body[i])
        val = ""
        if m:
            val = m.group(1)
        if val not in list(caption_dict.keys()):
            i += 1

        # We either need to delete the previous \begin_layout line, or we
        # need to end the previous layout if this inset is not in the first
        # position of the paragraph.
        layout_before = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
        if layout_before == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\begin_layout'.")
        layout_line = document.body[layout_before]
        del_layout_before = True
        l = layout_before + 1
        while l < i:
            if document.body[l] != "":
                del_layout_before = False
            l = l + 1
        if del_layout_before:
            del document.body[layout_before:i]
            i = layout_before
            document.body[i:i] = ["\\end_layout", ""]
            i = i + 2

        # Find start of layout in the inset and end of inset
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\begin_layout'.")
        k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if k == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\end_inset'.")

        # We either need to delete the following \end_layout line, or we need
        # to restart the old layout if this inset is not at the paragraph end.
        layout_after = find_token(document.body, "\\end_layout", k)
        if layout_after == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\end_layout'.")
        del_layout_after = True
        l = k + 1
        while l < layout_after:
            if document.body[l] != "":
                del_layout_after = False
            l = l + 1
        if del_layout_after:
            del document.body[k+1:layout_after+1]
            document.body[k+1:k+1] = [layout_line, ""]

        # delete \begin_layout and \end_inset and replace \begin_inset with
        # "\begin_layout XXX". This works because we can only have one
        # paragraph in the caption inset: The old \end_layout will be recycled.
        del document.body[k]
        if document.body[k] == "":
            del document.body[k]
        del document.body[j]
        if document.body[j] == "":
            del document.body[j]
        document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout %s" % caption_dict[val]
        if document.body[i+1] == "":
            del document.body[i+1]
        i += 1

def revert_fragileframe(document):
    " Reverts beamer FragileFrame layout to ERT "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout FragileFrame", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find end of sequence
        j = find_end_of_sequence(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document. Cannot find end of FragileFrame sequence!")
            i += 1
        endseq = j
        subst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{frame}")
        esubst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{frame}")
        endseq = endseq + len(esubst) - len(document.body[j : j])
        if document.body[j] == "\\end_deeper":
            document.body[j : j] = [""] + esubst + ["", "\\end_layout"]
            document.body[j : j] = esubst
        for q in range(i, j):
            if document.body[q] == "\\begin_layout FragileFrame":
                document.body[q] = "\\begin_layout %s" % document.default_layout
        r = i
        while r < j:
            if document.body[r] == "\\begin_deeper":
                s = find_end_of(document.body, r, "\\begin_deeper", "\\end_deeper")
                if s != -1:
                    document.body[r] = ""
                    document.body[s] = ""
                    r = s
            r = r + 1
        for p in range(1, 5):
            arg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument %d" % p, i, j)
            if arg != -1:
                if p == 1:
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    j = j - len(document.body[arg : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                elif p == 2:
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    j = j - len(document.body[arg : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">]")
                elif p == 3:
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    j = j - len(document.body[arg : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[fragile,") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                elif p == 4:
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    j = j - len(document.body[arg : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("{") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("}")
            elif p == 3:
                subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[fragile]")

        document.body[i : i + 1] = subst
        i = j

def revert_newframes(document):
    " Reverts beamer Frame and PlainFrame layouts to old forms "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    frame_dict = {
        "Frame" : "BeginFrame",
        "PlainFrame" : "BeginPlainFrame",

    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_layout (\S+)$')
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
        if i == -1:

        m = rx.match(document.body[i])
        val = ""
        if m:
            val = m.group(1)
        if val not in list(frame_dict.keys()):
            i += 1
        # Find end of sequence
        j = find_end_of_sequence(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document. Cannot find end of Frame sequence!")
            i += 1
        endseq = j
        subst = ["\\begin_layout %s" % frame_dict[val]]
        esubst = ["", "\\begin_layout EndFrame", "", "\\end_layout"]
        endseq = endseq + len(esubst) - len(document.body[j : j])
        if document.body[j] == "\\end_deeper":
            document.body[j : j] = esubst
            document.body[j+1 : j+1] = esubst
        for q in range(i, j):
            if document.body[q] == "\\begin_layout %s" % val:
                document.body[q] = "\\begin_layout %s" % document.default_layout
        r = i
        while r < j:
            if document.body[r] == "\\begin_deeper":
                s = find_end_of(document.body, r, "\\begin_deeper", "\\end_deeper")
                if s != -1:
                    document.body[r] = ""
                    document.body[s] = ""
                    r = s
            r = r + 1
        l = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        for p in range(1, 5):
            arg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument %d" % p, i, l)
            if arg != -1:
                if p == 1:
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    l = l - len(document.body[arg : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                elif p == 2:
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    l = l - len(document.body[arg : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">]")
                elif p == 3:
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    l = l - len(document.body[arg : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                elif p == 4:
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    l = l - len(document.body[arg : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : endInset + 1]
                    subst += content

        document.body[i : i + 1] = subst
        i = j

# known encodings that do not change their names (same LyX and LaTeX names)
known_enc_tuple = ("auto", "default", "ansinew", "applemac", "armscii8", "ascii",
    "cp437", "cp437de", "cp850", "cp852", "cp855", "cp858", "cp862", "cp865", "cp866",
    "cp1250", "cp1251", "cp1252", "cp1255", "cp1256", "cp1257", "koi8-r", "koi8-u",
    "pt154", "pt254", "tis620-0", "utf8", "utf8x", "utf8-plain")

def convert_encodings(document):
    "Use the LyX names of the encodings instead of the LaTeX names."
    LaTeX2LyX_enc_dict = {
        "8859-6":     "iso8859-6",
        "8859-8":     "iso8859-8",
        "Bg5":        "big5",
        "euc":        "euc-jp-platex",
        "EUC-JP":     "euc-jp",
        "EUC-TW":     "euc-tw",
        "GB":         "euc-cn",
        "GBK":        "gbk",
        "iso88595":   "iso8859-5",
        "iso-8859-7": "iso8859-7",
        "JIS":        "jis",
        "jis":        "jis-platex",
        "KS":         "euc-kr",
        "l7xenc":     "iso8859-13",
        "latin1":     "iso8859-1",
        "latin2":     "iso8859-2",
        "latin3":     "iso8859-3",
        "latin4":     "iso8859-4",
        "latin5":     "iso8859-9",
        "latin9":     "iso8859-15",
        "latin10":    "iso8859-16",
        "SJIS":       "shift-jis",
        "sjis":       "shift-jis-platex",
        "UTF8":       "utf8-cjk"
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding" , 0)
    if i == -1:
    val = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
    if val in list(LaTeX2LyX_enc_dict.keys()):
        document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding %s" % LaTeX2LyX_enc_dict[val]
    elif val not in known_enc_tuple:
        document.warning("Ignoring unknown input encoding: `%s'" % val)

def revert_encodings(document):
    """Revert to using the LaTeX names of the encodings instead of the LyX names.
    Also revert utf8-platex to sjis, the language default when using Japanese.
    LyX2LaTeX_enc_dict = {
        "big5":             "Bg5",
        "euc-cn":           "GB",
        "euc-kr":           "KS",
        "euc-jp":           "EUC-JP",
        "euc-jp-platex":    "euc",
        "euc-tw":           "EUC-TW",
        "gbk":              "GBK",
        "iso8859-1":        "latin1",
        "iso8859-2":        "latin2",
        "iso8859-3":        "latin3",
        "iso8859-4":        "latin4",
        "iso8859-5":        "iso88595",
        "iso8859-6":        "8859-6",
        "iso8859-7":        "iso-8859-7",
        "iso8859-8":        "8859-8",
        "iso8859-9":        "latin5",
        "iso8859-13":       "l7xenc",
        "iso8859-15":       "latin9",
        "iso8859-16":       "latin10",
        "jis":              "JIS",
        "jis-platex":       "jis",
        "shift-jis":        "SJIS",
        "shift-jis-platex": "sjis",
        "utf8-cjk":         "UTF8",
        "utf8-platex":      "sjis"
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding" , 0)
    if i == -1:
    val = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
    if val in list(LyX2LaTeX_enc_dict.keys()):
        document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding %s" % LyX2LaTeX_enc_dict[val]
    elif val not in known_enc_tuple:
        document.warning("Ignoring unknown input encoding: `%s'" % val)

def revert_IEEEtran_3(document):
  Reverts Flex Insets to TeX-code
  if document.textclass == "IEEEtran":
    h = 0
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while True:
      if h != -1:
        h = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex Author Mark", h)
      if h != -1:
        endh = find_end_of_inset(document.body, h)
        document.body[endh - 2 : endh + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
        document.body[h : h + 4] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\IEEEauthorrefmark{")
        h = h + 5
      if i != -1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex Author Name", i)
      if i != -1:
        endi = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        document.body[endi - 2 : endi + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
        document.body[i : i + 4] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\IEEEauthorblockN{")
        i = i + 5
      if j != -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex Author Affiliation", j)
      if j != -1:
        endj = find_end_of_inset(document.body, j)
        document.body[endj - 2 : endj + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
        document.body[j : j + 4] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\IEEEauthorblockA{")
        j = j + 5
      if i == -1 and j == -1 and h == -1:

def revert_kurier_fonts(document):
  " Revert kurier font definition to LaTeX "

  i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_math", 0)
  if i != -1:
    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
      val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_math", i)
      if val == "kurier-math":
        add_to_preamble(document, "\\let\\Myrmdefault\\rmdefault\n" \
          "\\usepackage[math]{kurier}\n" \
        document.header[i] = "\\font_math auto"

  if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
    kurier_fonts = ["kurier", "kurierc", "kurierl", "kurierlc"]
    k = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sans kurier", 0)
    if k != -1:
      sf = get_value(document.header, "\\font_sans", k)
      if sf in kurier_fonts:
        add_to_preamble(document, "\\renewcommand{\\sfdefault}{%s}" % sf)
        document.header[k] = "\\font_sans default"

def revert_iwona_fonts(document):
  " Revert iwona font definition to LaTeX "

  i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_math", 0)
  if i != -1:
    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
      val = get_value(document.header, "\\font_math", i)
      if val == "iwona-math":
        add_to_preamble(document, "\\let\\Myrmdefault\\rmdefault\n" \
          "\\usepackage[math]{iwona}\n" \
        document.header[i] = "\\font_math auto"

  if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts false", 0) != -1:
    iwona_fonts = ["iwona", "iwonac", "iwonal", "iwonalc"]
    k = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sans iwona", 0)
    if k != -1:
      sf = get_value(document.header, "\\font_sans", k)
      if sf in iwona_fonts:
        add_to_preamble(document, "\\renewcommand{\\sfdefault}{%s}" % sf)
        document.header[k] = "\\font_sans default"

def revert_new_libertines(document):
    " Revert new libertine font definition to LaTeX "

    if find_token(document.header, "\\use_non_tex_fonts true", 0) != -1:

    i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_typewriter libertine-mono", 0)
    if i != -1:
        preamble = "\\usepackage"
        sc = find_token(document.header, "\\font_tt_scale", 0)
        if sc != -1:
            scval = get_value(document.header, "\\font_tt_scale", sc)
            if scval != "100":
                preamble += "[scale=%f]" % (float(scval) / 100)
                document.header[sc] = "\\font_tt_scale 100"
        preamble += "{libertineMono-type1}"
        add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
        document.header[i] = "\\font_typewriter default"

    k = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sans biolinum", 0)
    if k != -1:
        preamble = "\\usepackage"
        options = ""
        j = find_token(document.header, "\\font_osf true", 0)
        if j != -1:
            options += "osf"
            options += "lining"
        sc = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sf_scale", 0)
        if sc != -1:
            scval = get_value(document.header, "\\font_sf_scale", sc)
            if scval != "100":
                options += ",scale=%f" % (float(scval) / 100)
                document.header[sc] = "\\font_sf_scale 100"
        if options != "":
            preamble += "[" + options +"]"
        preamble += "{biolinum-type1}"
        add_to_preamble(document, [preamble])
        document.header[k] = "\\font_sans default"

def convert_lyxframes(document):
    " Converts old beamer frames to new style "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    framebeg = ["BeginFrame", "BeginPlainFrame"]
    frameend = ["Frame", "PlainFrame", "EndFrame", "BeginFrame", "BeginPlainFrame", "AgainFrame",
                "Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsection*", "Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*"]
    for lay in framebeg:
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token_exact(document.body, "\\begin_layout " + lay, i)
            if i == -1:
            parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
            if parent == False or parent[1] != i:
                document.warning("Wrong parent layout!")
                i += 1
            frametype = parent[0]
            j = parent[2]
            parbeg = parent[3]
            if i != -1:
                # Step I: Convert ERT arguments
                # FIXME: See restrictions in convert_beamerframeargs method
                ertend = convert_beamerframeargs(document, i, parbeg)
                if ertend == -1:
                # Step II: Now rename the layout and convert the title to an argument
                j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
                document.body[j : j + 1] = ['\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '', '\\end_layout']
                if lay == "BeginFrame":
                    document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout Frame"
                    document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout PlainFrame"
                document.body[ertend + 1 : ertend + 1] = ['\\begin_inset Argument 4',
                                                'status open', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout']
                # Step III: find real frame end
                j = j + 8
                jj = j
                inInset = get_containing_inset(document.body, i)
                while True:
                    fend = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", jj)
                    if fend == -1:
                        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: No real frame end!")
                    val = get_value(document.body, "\\begin_layout", fend)
                    if val not in frameend:
                        jj = fend + 1
                    # is this frame nested in an inset (e.g., Note)?
                    if inInset != False:
                        # if so, end the frame inside the inset
                        if inInset[2] < fend:
                            fend = inInset[2]
                    if val == frametype:
                        document.body[fend : fend] = ['\\end_deeper', '', '\\begin_layout Separator', '', '\\end_layout']
                    # consider explicit EndFrames between two identical frame types
                    elif val == "EndFrame":
                        nextlayout = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", fend + 1)
                        if nextlayout != -1 and get_value(document.body, "\\begin_layout", nextlayout) == frametype:
                            document.body[fend : fend] = ['\\end_deeper', '', '\\begin_layout Separator', '', '\\end_layout']
                            document.body[fend : fend] = ['\\end_deeper']
                        document.body[fend : fend] = ['\\end_deeper']
                    document.body[j + 1 : j + 1] = ['', '\\begin_deeper']
            i = j

def remove_endframes(document):
    " Remove deprecated beamer endframes "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token_exact(document.body, "\\begin_layout EndFrame", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\end_layout to EndFrame")
            i += 1
        del document.body[i : j + 1]

def revert_powerdot_flexes(document):
    " Reverts powerdot flex insets "

    if document.textclass != "powerdot":

    flexes = {"Onslide" : "\\onslide",
              "Onslide*" : "\\onslide*",
              "Onslide+" : "\\onslide+"}
    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Flex (.+)$')

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex", i)
        if i == -1:
        m = rx.match(document.body[i])
        if m:
            flextype = m.group(1)
            z = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
            if z == -1:
                document.warning("Can't find end of Flex " + flextype + " inset.")
                i += 1
            if flextype in flexes:
                pre = put_cmd_in_ert(flexes[flextype])
                arg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, z)
                if arg != -1:
                    argend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg)
                    if argend == -1:
                        document.warning("Can't find end of Argument!")
                        i += 1
                    # Find containing paragraph layout
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    argcontent = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    z = z - len(document.body[arg : argend + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[arg : argend + 1]
                    pre += put_cmd_in_ert("{") + argcontent + put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                pre += put_cmd_in_ert("{")
                beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i)
                endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                # Adjust range end
                z = z - len(document.body[i : beginPlain + 1])
                z += len(pre)
                document.body[i : beginPlain + 1] = pre
                post = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
                document.body[z - 2 : z + 1] = post
        i += 1

def revert_powerdot_pause(document):
    " Reverts powerdot pause layout to ERT "

    if document.textclass != "powerdot":

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Pause", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Pause layout")
            i += 1
        endlay = j
        subst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\pause")
        for p in range(i, j):
            if p >= endlay:
            arg = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, j)
            if arg != -1:
                beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                # Adjust range end
                endlay = endlay - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                # Remove arg inset
                del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")

        document.body[i : i + 1] = subst
        i = endlay

def revert_powerdot_itemargs(document):
    " Reverts powerdot item arguments to ERT "

    if document.textclass != "powerdot":

    i = 0
    list_layouts = ["Itemize", "ItemizeType1", "Enumerate", "EnumerateType1"]
    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\S+)$')

    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Find containing paragraph layout
        parent = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if parent == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find parent paragraph layout")
            i += 1
        parbeg = parent[1]
        parend = parent[2]
        realparbeg = parent[3]
        layoutname = parent[0]
        realparend = parend
        for p in range(parbeg, parend):
            if p >= realparend:
                i = realparend
            if layoutname in list_layouts:
                m = rx.match(document.body[p])
                if m:
                    argnr = m.group(1)
                    if argnr == "item:1":
                        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
                        # Find containing paragraph layout
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        del document.body[i:j+1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst
                    elif argnr == "item:2":
                        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
                        # Find containing paragraph layout
                        beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i)
                        endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                        content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                        del document.body[i:j+1]
                        subst = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
                        document.body[realparbeg : realparbeg] = subst

        i = realparend

def revert_powerdot_columns(document):
    " Reverts powerdot twocolumn to TeX-code "
    if document.textclass != "powerdot":

    rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Argument (\S+)$')
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Twocolumn", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Twocolumn layout")
            i += 1
        endlay = j
        document.body[j : j] = put_cmd_in_ert("}") + document.body[j : j]
        endlay += len(put_cmd_in_ert("}"))
        subst = ["\\begin_layout Standard"] + put_cmd_in_ert("\\twocolumn")
        for p in range(i, j):
            if p >= endlay:
            m = rx.match(document.body[p])
            if m:
                argnr = m.group(1)
                if argnr == "1":
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    endlay = endlay - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("]")
                elif argnr == "2":
                    beginPlain = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", p)
                    endPlain = find_end_of_layout(document.body, beginPlain)
                    endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, p)
                    content = document.body[beginPlain + 1 : endPlain]
                    # Adjust range end
                    endlay = endlay - len(document.body[p : endInset + 1])
                    # Remove arg inset
                    del document.body[p : endInset + 1]
                    subst += put_cmd_in_ert("{") + content + put_cmd_in_ert("}")

        subst += put_cmd_in_ert("{")
        document.body[i : i + 1] = subst
        i = endlay

def revert_mbox_fbox(document):
    'Convert revert mbox/fbox boxes to TeX-code'
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Box", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_token(document.body, "width", i)
        if j != i + 7:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find box width")
        width = get_value(document.body, "width", j)
        k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, j)
        if k == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of box inset")
            i += 1
        BeginLayout = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", j)
        EndLayout = find_end_of_layout(document.body, BeginLayout)
        # replace if width is ""
        if (width == '""'):
            document.body[EndLayout:k + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
            if document.body[i] == "\\begin_inset Box Frameless":
                document.body[i:BeginLayout + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\mbox{")
            if document.body[i] == "\\begin_inset Box Boxed":
                document.body[i:BeginLayout + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\fbox{")
        i += 1

def revert_starred_caption(document):
    " Reverts unnumbered longtable caption insets "

    i = 0
    while True:
      i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Caption LongTableNoNumber", i)
      if i == -1:
      # This is not equivalent, but since the caption inset is a full blown
      # text inset a true conversion to ERT is too difficult.
      document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Caption Standard"
      i += 1

def revert_forced_local_layout(document):
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\begin_forced_local_layout", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of(document.header, i, "\\begin_forced_local_layout", "\\end_forced_local_layout")
        if j == -1:
            # this should not happen
        regexp = re.compile(r'\s*forcelocal', re.IGNORECASE)
        k = find_re(document.header, regexp, i, j)
        while k != -1:
            del document.header[k]
            j = j - 1
            k = find_re(document.header, regexp, i, j)
        k = find_token(document.header, "\\begin_local_layout", 0)
        if k == -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\begin_local_layout"
            document.header[j] = "\\end_local_layout"
            l = find_end_of(document.header, k, "\\begin_local_layout", "\\end_local_layout")
            if j == -1:
                # this should not happen
            lines = document.header[i+1 : j]
            if k > i:
                document.header[k+1 : k+1] = lines
                document.header[i   : j  ] = []
                document.header[i   : j  ] = []
                document.header[k+1 : k+1] = lines

def revert_aa1(document):
  " Reverts InsetArguments of aa to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "aa":
    i = 0
    while True:
      if i != -1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Abstract (structured)", i)
      if i != -1:
        revert_Argument_to_TeX_brace(document, i, 0, 1, 4, False, False)
        i += 1
      if i == -1:

def revert_aa2(document):
  " Reverts InsetArguments of aa to TeX-code "
  if document.textclass == "aa":
    i = 0
    while True:
      if i != -1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Abstract (structured)", i)
      if i != -1:
        document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout Abstract"
        i += 1
      if i == -1:

def revert_tibetan(document):
    "Set the document language for Tibetan to English"

    if document.language == "tibetan":
        document.language = "english"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\language english"
    j = 0
    while j < len(document.body):
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang tibetan", j)
        if j != -1:
            document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang tibetan", "\\lang english")
            j += 1
            j = len(document.body)

# Chunk stuff

# The idea here is that we will have a sequence of chunk paragraphs.
# We want to convert them to paragraphs in one or several chunk insets.
# Individual chunks are terminated by the character @ on the last line.
# This line will be discarded, and following lines are treated as new
# chunks, which go into their own insets.
# The first line of a chunk should look like: <<CONTENT>>=
# We will discard the delimiters, and put the CONTENT into the
# optional argument of the inset, if the CONTENT is non-empty.
def convert_chunks(document):
    first_re = re.compile(r'<<(.*)>>=(.*)')
    file_pos = 0
    while True:
        # find start of a block of chunks
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Chunk", file_pos)
        if i == -1:
        start = i
        end = -1
        contents = []
        chunk_started = False

        while True:
            # process the one we just found
            j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
            if j == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX documents. Can't find end of Chunk layout!")
                # there is no point continuing, as we will run into the same error again.
            this_chunk = "".join(document.body[i + 1:j])

            # there may be empty lines between chunks
            # we just skip them.
            if not chunk_started:
                if this_chunk != "":
                    # new chunk starts
                    chunk_started = True

            if chunk_started:
                contents.append(document.body[i + 1:j])

            # look for potential chunk terminator
            # on the last line of the chunk paragraph
            if document.body[j - 1] == "@":

            # look for subsequent chunk paragraph
            i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", j)
            if i == -1:

            if get_value(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i) != "Chunk":

        file_pos = end = j + 1

        # The last chunk should simply have an "@" in it
        # or at least end with "@" (can happen if @ is
        # preceded by a newline)
        lastpar = ''
        if len(contents) > 0:
            lastpar = ''.join(contents[-1])
        if not lastpar.endswith("@"):
            document.warning("Unexpected chunk content: chunk not terminated by '@'!")
            if len(contents) == 0:
                # convert empty chunk layouts to Standard
                document.body[start] = "\\begin_layout Standard"

        if lastpar == "@":
            # chunk par only contains "@". Just drop it.
            # chunk par contains more. Only drop the "@".

        # The first line should look like: <<CONTENT>>=
        # We want the CONTENT
        optarg = ' '.join(contents[0])
        # We can already have real chunk content in
        # the first par (separated from the options by a newline).
        # We collect such stuff to re-insert it later.
        postoptstuff = []

        match = first_re.search(optarg)
        if match:
            optarg = match.groups()[0]
            if match.groups()[1] != "":
                postopt = False
                for c in contents[0]:
                    if c.endswith(">>="):
                        postopt = True
                    if postopt:
            # We have stripped everything. This can be deleted.

        newstuff = ['\\begin_layout Standard']

        # Maintain paragraph parameters
        par_params = ["\\noindent", "\\indent", "\\indent-toggle", "\\leftindent",
                      "\\start_of_appendix", "\\paragraph_spacing", "\\align",
        parms = start + 1
        while True:
            if document.body[parms].split(' ', 1)[0] not in par_params:
            parms += 1

            ['\\begin_inset Flex Chunk',
             'status open', '',
             '\\begin_layout Plain Layout', ''])

        # If we have a non-empty optional argument, insert it.
        if match and optarg != "":
                ['\\begin_inset Argument 1',
                 'status open', '',
                 '\\begin_layout Plain Layout',
                 '\\end_layout', '',
                 '\\end_inset', ''])

        # Since we already opened a Plain layout, the first paragraph
        # does not need to do that.
        did_one_par = False
        if postoptstuff:
            # we need to replace newlines with new layouts
            start_newline = -1
            started_text = False
            for lno in range(0,len(postoptstuff)):
                if postoptstuff[lno].startswith("\\begin_inset Newline newline"):
                    start_newline = lno
                elif start_newline != -1:
                    if postoptstuff[lno].startswith("\\end_inset"):
                        # replace that bit, but only if we already have some text
                        # and we're not at the end except for a blank line
                        if started_text and \
                          (lno != len(postoptstuff) - 2 or postoptstuff[-1] != ""):
                            newstuff.extend(['\\end_layout', '\n', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout', '\n'])
                        start_newline = -1
                        started_text = True
            did_one_par = True
        for c in contents:
            if did_one_par:
                newstuff.extend(['', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout', ''])
                did_one_par = True

        newstuff.extend(['', '\\end_inset', '', '\\end_layout', ''])

        document.body[start:end] = newstuff

        file_pos += len(newstuff) - (end - start)

def revert_chunks(document):
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex Chunk", i)
        if i == -1:

        iend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if iend == -1:
            document.warning("Can't find end of Chunk!")
            i += 1

        # Look for optional argument
        optarg = ""
        ostart = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, iend)
        if ostart != -1:
            oend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, ostart)
            k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", ostart, oend)
            if k == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find argument contents!")
                m = find_end_of_layout(document.body, k)
                optarg = "".join(document.body[k+1:m])

            # We now remove the optional argument, so we have something
            # uniform on which to work
            document.body[ostart : oend + 1] = []
            # iend is now invalid
            iend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)

        retval = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if not retval:
            document.warning("Can't find containing layout for Chunk!")
            i = iend
        (lname, lstart, lend, pstart)  = retval
        # we now want to work through the various paragraphs, and collect their contents
        parlist = []
        k = i
        while True:
            k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", k, lend)
            if k == -1:
            j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, k)
            if j == -1:
                document.warning("Can't find end of layout inside chunk!")
            k = j
        # we now need to wrap all of these paragraphs in chunks
        newlines = []
        newlines.extend(["\\begin_layout Chunk", "", "<<" + optarg + ">>=", "\\end_layout", ""])
        for stuff in parlist:
            newlines.extend(["\\begin_layout Chunk"] + stuff + ["\\end_layout", ""])
        newlines.extend(["\\begin_layout Chunk", "", "@", "\\end_layout", ""])
        # replace old content with new content
        document.body[lstart : lend + 1] = newlines
        i = lstart + len(newlines)

# Conversion hub

supported_versions = ["2.1.0","2.1"]
convert = [
           [414, []],
           [415, [convert_undertilde]],
           [416, []],
           [417, [convert_japanese_encodings]],
           [418, [convert_justification]],
           [419, []],
           [420, [convert_biblio_style]],
           [421, [convert_longtable_captions]],
           [422, [convert_use_packages]],
           [423, [convert_use_mathtools]],
           [424, [convert_cite_engine_type]],
           # No convert_cancel, since cancel will be loaded automatically
           # in format 425 without any possibility to switch it off.
           # This has been fixed in format 464.
           [425, []],
           [426, []],
           [427, []],
           [428, [convert_cell_rotation]],
           [429, [convert_table_rotation]],
           [430, [convert_listoflistings]],
           [431, [convert_use_amssymb]],
           [432, []],
           [433, [convert_armenian]],
           [434, []],
           [435, []],
           [436, []],
           [437, []],
           [438, []],
           [439, []],
           [440, [convert_mathfonts]],
           [441, [convert_mdnomath]],
           [442, []],
           [443, []],
           [444, []],
           [445, []],
           [446, [convert_latexargs]],
           [447, [convert_IEEEtran, convert_AASTeX, convert_AGUTeX, convert_IJMP, convert_SIGPLAN, convert_SIGGRAPH, convert_EuropeCV, convert_Initials, convert_ModernCV]],
           [448, [convert_literate]],
           [449, []],
           [450, []],
           [451, [convert_beamerargs, convert_againframe_args, convert_corollary_args, convert_quote_args]],
           [452, [convert_beamerblocks]],
           [453, [convert_use_stmaryrd]],
           [454, [convert_overprint]],
           [455, []],
           [456, [convert_epigraph]],
           [457, [convert_use_stackrel]],
           [458, [convert_captioninsets, convert_captionlayouts]],
           [459, []],
           [460, []],
           [461, []],
           [462, []],
           [463, [convert_encodings]],
           [464, [convert_use_cancel]],
           [465, [convert_lyxframes, remove_endframes]],
           [466, []],
           [467, []],
           [468, []],
           [469, []],
           [470, []],
           [471, [convert_cite_engine_type_default]],
           [472, []],
           [473, []],
           [474, [convert_chunks, cleanup_beamerargs]],

revert =  [
           [473, [revert_chunks]],
           [472, [revert_tibetan]],
           [471, [revert_aa1,revert_aa2]],
           [470, [revert_cite_engine_type_default]],
           [469, [revert_forced_local_layout]],
           [468, [revert_starred_caption]],
           [467, [revert_mbox_fbox]],
           [466, [revert_iwona_fonts]],
           [465, [revert_powerdot_flexes, revert_powerdot_pause, revert_powerdot_itemargs, revert_powerdot_columns]],
           [464, []],
           [463, [revert_use_cancel]],
           [462, [revert_encodings]],
           [461, [revert_new_libertines]],
           [460, [revert_kurier_fonts]],
           [459, [revert_IEEEtran_3]],
           [458, [revert_fragileframe, revert_newframes]],
           [457, [revert_captioninsets, revert_captionlayouts]],
           [456, [revert_use_stackrel]],
           [455, [revert_epigraph]],
           [454, [revert_frametitle]],
           [453, [revert_overprint]],
           [452, [revert_use_stmaryrd]],
           [451, [revert_beamerblocks]],
           [450, [revert_beamerargs, revert_beamerargs2, revert_beamerargs3, revert_beamerflex]],
           [449, [revert_garamondx, revert_garamondx_newtxmath]],
           [448, [revert_itemargs]],
           [447, [revert_literate]],
           [446, [revert_IEEEtran, revert_IEEEtran_2, revert_AASTeX, revert_AGUTeX, revert_IJMP, revert_SIGPLAN, revert_SIGGRAPH, revert_EuropeCV, revert_Initials, revert_ModernCV_3, revert_ModernCV_4]],
           [445, [revert_latexargs]],
           [444, [revert_uop]],
           [443, [revert_biolinum]],
           [442, []],
           [441, [revert_newtxmath]],
           [440, [revert_mdnomath]],
           [439, [revert_mathfonts]],
           [438, [revert_minionpro]],
           [437, [revert_ipadeco, revert_ipachar]],
           [436, [revert_texgyre]],
           [435, [revert_mathdesign]],
           [434, [revert_txtt]],
           [433, [revert_libertine]],
           [432, [revert_armenian]],
           [431, [revert_languages, revert_ancientgreek]],
           [430, [revert_use_amssymb]],
           [429, [revert_listoflistings]],
           [428, [revert_table_rotation]],
           [427, [revert_cell_rotation]],
           [426, [revert_tipa]],
           [425, [revert_verbatim]],
           [424, [revert_cancel]],
           [423, [revert_cite_engine_type]],
           [422, [revert_use_mathtools]],
           [421, [revert_use_packages]],
           [420, [revert_longtable_captions]],
           [419, [revert_biblio_style]],
           [418, [revert_australian]],
           [417, [revert_justification]],
           [416, [revert_japanese_encodings]],
           [415, [revert_negative_space, revert_math_spaces]],
           [414, [revert_undertilde]],
           [413, [revert_visible_space]]

if __name__ == "__main__":