/* LaTeX.nsh Handling of LaTeX distributions */ # This script contains the following functions: # # - LaTeXActions (checks if MiKTeX or TeXLive is installed) # # - ConfigureMiKTeX # (installs the LaTeX class files that are delivered with LyX, # a Perl interpreter for splitindex and pdfcrop # and enable MiKTeX's automatic package installation) # # - ConfigureTeXLive # (installs the LaTeX class files that are delivered with LyX) # --------------------------------------- Function LaTeXActions # checks if MiKTeX or TeXLive is installed StrCpy $Is64bit "false" ${if} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 # the PATH is in the 64bit registry section ${endif} # test if MiKTeX is installed # reads the PATH variable via the registry because NSIS' "$%Path%" variable is not updated when the PATH changes ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "Path" StrCpy $Search "miktex" Call LaTeXCheck # sets the path to the latex.exe to $PathLaTeX # Function from LyXUtils.nsh StrCpy $String $PathLaTeX StrCpy $Search "x64" # search if it is 64bit MiKTeX Call StrPoint # Function from LyXUtils.nsh ${if} $Pointer != "-1" # if something was found StrCpy $Is64bit "true" ${endif} # check for 32bit MiKTeX ${if} $PathLaTeX != "" ${andif} $Is64bit != "true" ${if} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 32 ${endif} # check if MiKTeX 2.8 or newer is installed StrCpy $0 0 loop32: EnumRegKey $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" $0 # check the last subkey StrCmp $1 "" done32 StrCpy $String $1 IntOp $0 $0 + 1 Goto loop32 done32: ${if} $String == "2.9" StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.9" StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.9" ${endif} ${endif} # check for 64bit MiKTeX ${if} $LaTeXName == "" ${if} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ${endif} # check if MiKTeX 2.8 or newer is installed StrCpy $0 0 loop64: EnumRegKey $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" $0 # check the last subkey StrCmp $1 "" done64 StrCpy $String $1 IntOp $0 $0 + 1 Goto loop64 done64: ${if} $String == "2.9" StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.9" StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.9" ${endif} ${endif} ${if} $PathLaTeX != "" StrCpy $MiKTeXUser "HKLM" # needed later to configure MiKTeX ${else} # check if MiKTeX is installed only for the current user ${if} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 # the PATH is in the 64bit registry section ${endif} ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "Path" StrCpy $Search "miktex" Call LaTeXCheck # function from LyXUtils.nsh ${if} $PathLaTeX != "" StrCpy $MiKTeXUser "HKCU" ${endif} ${endif} ${if} $LaTeXName == "" # check for the MiKTeX version StrCpy $0 0 loopB: EnumRegKey $1 HKCU "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" $0 # check the last subkey StrCmp $1 "" doneB StrCpy $String $1 IntOp $0 $0 + 1 Goto loopB doneB: ${if} $String == "2.9" StrCpy $MiKTeXVersion "2.9" StrCpy $LaTeXName "MiKTeX 2.9" ${endif} ${endif} ${if} $PathLaTeX != "" StrCpy $String $PathLaTeX StrCpy $Search "x64" # search if it is 64bit MiKTeX Call StrPoint # Function from LyXUtils.nsh ${if} $Pointer != "-1" # if something was found StrCpy $Is64bit "true" ${endif} StrCpy $LaTeXInstalled "MiKTeX" # on some installations the path ends with a "\" on some not # therefore assure that we remove it if it exists StrCpy $0 $PathLaTeX "" -1 ${if} $0 == "\" StrCpy $PathLaTeX "$PathLaTeX" -1 # delete "\" ${endif} ${endif} # test if TeXLive is installed # TeXLive can be installed so that it appears in the PATH variable and/or only as current user. # The safest method is to first check for the PATH because this is independent of the TeXLive version. ${if} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 # the PATH is in the 64bit registry section ${endif} ${if} $PathLaTeX == "" ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "Path" StrCpy $Search "TeXLive" Call LaTeXCheck # function from LyXUtils.nsh ${endif} # check for the current user Path variable ${if} $PathLaTeX == "" ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "Path" StrCpy $Search "texlive" StrCpy $2 "TeXLive" Call LaTeXCheck # function from LyXUtils.nsh ${endif} # check if it was installed to the system ${if} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 32 # TeXLive is a 32bit application ${endif} ${if} $PathLaTeX == "" ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeXLive2015" "UninstallString" ${if} $String == "" ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeXLive2015" "UninstallString" ${endif} ${if} $String != "" StrCpy $String $String -28 # remove '\tlpkg\installer\uninst.bat"' StrCpy $String $String "" 1 # remove the leading quote ${endif} StrCpy $PathLaTeX "$String\bin\win32" # check if the latex.exe exists in the $PathLaTeX folder !insertmacro FileCheck $5 "latex.exe" "$PathLaTeX" # macro from LyXUtils.nsh ${if} $5 == "False" StrCpy $PathLaTeX "" ${endif} ${endif} # finally set the name ${if} $PathLaTeX != "" ${andif} $LaTeXName != "MiKTeX 2.9" StrCpy $LaTeXInstalled "TeXLive" ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeXLive2015" "DisplayVersion" ${if} $String == "" ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeXLive2015" "DisplayVersion" ${endif} ${if} $String != "" StrCpy $LaTeXName "TeXLive $String" ${else} StrCpy $LaTeXName "TeXLive" ${endif} ${endif} FunctionEnd # ------------------------------ Function ConfigureMiKTeX # installs the LaTeX class files that are delivered with LyX, # a Perl interpreter for splitindex and pdfcrop # and enable MiKTeX's automatic package installation # install LyX's LaTeX class and style files and a Perl interpreter ${if} $PathLaTeX != "" ${if} $MultiUser.Privileges == "Admin" ${orif} $MultiUser.Privileges == "Power" ${if} $Is64bit == "true" StrCpy $PathLaTeXLocal "$PathLaTeX" -15 # delete "\miktex\bin\x64" ${else} StrCpy $PathLaTeXLocal "$PathLaTeX" -11 # delete "\miktex\bin" ${endif} ${else} StrCpy $PathLaTeXLocal "$APPDATA\MiKTeX\$MiKTeXVersion" ${endif} # only install the LyX packages if they are not already installed ${ifnot} ${FileExists} "$PathLaTeXLocal\tex\latex\lyx\broadway.cls" # dvipost SetOutPath "$PathLaTeXLocal\tex\latex\dvipost" File "${FILES_DVIPOST_PKG}\dvipost.sty" # files in Resources\tex SetOutPath "$PathLaTeXLocal\tex\latex\lyx" CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\Resources\tex\*.*" "$PathLaTeXLocal\tex\latex\lyx" # refresh MiKTeX's file name database (do this always to assure everything is in place) ${if} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Admin" ${andif} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Power" # call the non-admin version nsExec::ExecToLog "$PathLaTeX\initexmf --update-fndb" ${else} ${if} $MiKTeXUser != "HKCU" # call the admin version nsExec::ExecToLog "$PathLaTeX\initexmf --admin --update-fndb" ${else} nsExec::ExecToLog "$PathLaTeX\initexmf --update-fndb" ${endif} ${endif} Pop $UpdateFNDBReturn # Return value ${endif} # install a Perl interpreter for splitindex and pdfcrop SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" # recursively copy all files under Perl File /r "${FILES_PERL}" ${endif} # end if $PathLaTeX != "" FunctionEnd # ------------------------------ Function ConfigureTeXLive # installs the LaTeX class files that are delivered with LyX # (TeXLive comes already with a Perl interpreter.) ${if} $PathLaTeX != "" StrCpy $PathLaTeXLocal "$PathLaTeX" -10 # delete "\bin\win32" # only install the LyX packages if they are not already installed ${ifnot} ${FileExists} "$PathLaTeXLocal\texmf-dist\tex\latex\lyx\broadway.cls" # dvipost SetOutPath "$PathLaTeXLocal\texmf-dist\tex\latex\dvipost" File "${FILES_DVIPOST_PKG}\dvipost.sty" # files in Resources\tex SetOutPath "$PathLaTeXLocal\texmf-dist\tex\latex\lyx" CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\Resources\tex\*.*" "$PathLaTeXLocal\texmf-dist\tex\latex\lyx" # update TeXLive's package file list ExecWait '$PathLaTeX\texhash' ${endif} ${endif} FunctionEnd