#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/ \lyxformat 566 \begin_document \begin_header \save_transient_properties true \origin /systemlyxdir/examples/ja/ \textclass article \begin_preamble % CJKutf8 (4.8.4) maps the Greek letter mu to a mathematical (italic) % symbol $\mu$ unless the package "textcomp" is loaded. \usepackage{textcomp} \end_preamble \use_default_options false \maintain_unincluded_children false \language japanese-cjk \language_package auto \inputencoding utf8-cjk \fontencoding auto \font_roman "DejaVuSerif" "IPAMincho" \font_sans "default" "IPAGothic" \font_typewriter "default" "default" \font_math "auto" "auto" \font_default_family default \use_non_tex_fonts false \font_sc false \font_osf false \font_sf_scale 100 100 \font_tt_scale 100 100 \font_cjk min \use_microtype false \use_dash_ligatures false \graphics default \default_output_format default \output_sync 0 \bibtex_command default \index_command default \float_placement class \float_alignment class \paperfontsize default \spacing single \use_hyperref false \papersize default \use_geometry false \use_package amsmath 1 \use_package amssymb 1 \use_package cancel 1 \use_package esint 1 \use_package mathdots 1 \use_package mathtools 1 \use_package mhchem 1 \use_package stackrel 1 \use_package stmaryrd 1 \use_package undertilde 1 \cite_engine basic \cite_engine_type default \biblio_style plain \use_bibtopic false \use_indices false \paperorientation portrait \suppress_date false \justification true \use_refstyle 0 \use_minted 0 \index 索引 \shortcut idx \color #008000 \end_index \secnumdepth 3 \tocdepth 3 \paragraph_separation indent \paragraph_indentation default \is_math_indent 0 \math_numbering_side default \quotes_style cjk \dynamic_quotes 1 \papercolumns 1 \papersides 1 \paperpagestyle default \tracking_changes false \output_changes false \html_math_output 0 \html_css_as_file 0 \html_be_strict false \end_header \begin_body \begin_layout Title \lang english Multilingual typesetting with CJKutf8 \end_layout \begin_layout Date \begin_inset Info type "moddate" arg "long" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \lang english For multi-lingual documents, with parts in European languages, you can use the CJK LaTeX bundle: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \lang english Set a standard document classe (the document classes starting with \begin_inset Quotes bld \end_inset Japanese \begin_inset Quotes brd \end_inset use platex). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \lang english Set the language to \begin_inset Quotes bld \end_inset Japanese (CJK) \begin_inset Quotes brd \end_inset and the encoding to \begin_inset Quotes bld \end_inset Unicode (CJK) (utf8) \begin_inset Quotes brd \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \lang english Some fonts are substituted with fallback \begin_inset Quotes bld \end_inset CM roman regular \begin_inset Quotes brd \end_inset ( \emph on DejaVu \emph default and \emph on Libertine \emph default work). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \lang english Then, the following should work: \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate \SpecialChar LyX は優秀な取扱説明書を同梱していますので、これをお使いください!まずは \family sans ヘルプ\SpecialChar menuseparator はじめの一歩 \family default から始めてください。これは、各取扱説明書を簡潔に紹介しています。つぎに \family sans ヘルプ\SpecialChar menuseparator 入門篇 \family default をお読みになれば、\SpecialChar LyX の使い方を学ぶことができます。 \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Short texts may be written without setting the language (hyphenation will be missing and spell-checking complain): Greetings; Grüße; Приветы; χαιρετισμός \lang greek \begin_inset Foot status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \lang english CJKutf8 (4.8.4) maps the Greek letter \lang greek μ \lang english to a mathematical (italic) symbol \begin_inset Formula $\mu$ \end_inset unless the package \family typewriter textcomp \family default is loaded. \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate For longer text parts, it is recommended to set the correct language: \end_layout \begin_deeper \begin_layout Description \lang english English: Hello Mr. Sandman! \end_layout \begin_layout Description \lang ngerman Deutsch: Grüße aus Österreich! \end_layout \begin_layout Description \lang ngerman Griechisch: \lang greek χαιρετισμός \end_layout \begin_layout Description \lang ngerman Russisch: \lang russian Привет с \series bold новым \series default годом! \end_layout \end_deeper \end_body \end_document