/* detection.nsh Detection of external component locations */ Function SearchExternal Call SearchLaTeX Call SearchBibTeXEditor !ifndef BUNDLE_IMAGEMAGICK Call SearchImageMagick !endif !ifndef BUNDLE_GHOSTSCRIPT Call SearchGhostscript !endif FunctionEnd #-------------------------------- # MiKTeX Var ReportReturn Var CommandLineOutput Var LastChar Var PathLength !macro SEARCH_MIKTEX25 # Search location of MiKTeX installation using initexmf # Works for version 2.5 and later nsExec::ExecToStack "initexmf.exe --report" Pop $ReportReturn Pop $CommandLineOutput ${WordFind2X} $CommandLineOutput "BinDir: " "$\r" "+1" $PathLaTeX ${WordFind2X} $CommandLineOutput "CommonData: " "$\r" "+1" $PathLaTeXLocal # Local root !macroend !macro SEARCH_MIKTEX24 ROOTKEY ReadRegStr $PathLaTeX ${ROOTKEY} "Software\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MiKTeX" "Install Root" ${If} $PathLaTeX != "" StrCpy $LastChar $PathLaTeX 1 -1 ${If} $LastChar == "\" # Trim backslash StrLen $PathLength $PathLaTeX IntOp $PathLength $PathLength - 1 StrCpy $PathLaTeX $PathLaTeX $PathLength ${EndIf} StrCpy $PathLaTeX "$PathLaTeX\miktex\bin" #Local root ReadRegStr $PathLaTeXLocal ${ROOTKEY} "Software\MiK\MiKTeX\CurrentVersion\MiKTeX" "Local Root" ${EndIf} !macroend Function SearchLaTeX # Search where MikTeX is installed !insertmacro SEARCH_MIKTEX25 ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$PathLaTeX\${BIN_LATEX}" !insertmacro SEARCH_MIKTEX24 HKCU ${EndIf} ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$PathLaTeX\${BIN_LATEX}" !insertmacro SEARCH_MIKTEX24 HKLM ${EndIf} ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$PathLaTeX\${BIN_LATEX}" StrCpy $PathLateX "" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd #-------------------------------- # Ghostscript !ifndef BUNDLE_GHOSTSCRIPT !insertmacro GetParent !insertmacro VersionCompare Var Counter Var EnumReturn Var CompareReturn Var AFPLVersion Var GPLVersion Function SearchGhostscript # Search where Ghostscript is installed # Find the latest version of AFPL Ghostscript installed StrCpy $Counter 0 ${do} EnumRegKey $EnumReturn HKLM "Software\AFPL Ghostscript" $Counter ${If} $EnumReturn != "" ${VersionCompare} $EnumReturn $AFPLVersion $CompareReturn ${If} $CompareReturn == "1" StrCpy $AFPLVersion $EnumReturn ${EndIf} IntOp $Counter $Counter + 1 ${EndIf} ${loopuntil} $EnumReturn == "" # The same for GPL Ghostscript StrCpy $Counter 0 ${do} EnumRegKey $EnumReturn HKLM "Software\GPL Ghostscript" $Counter ${If} $EnumReturn != "" ${VersionCompare} $EnumReturn $GPLVersion $CompareReturn ${If} $CompareReturn == "1" StrCpy $GPLVersion $EnumReturn ${EndIf} IntOp $Counter $Counter + 1 ${EndIf} ${loopuntil} $EnumReturn == "" # Take the latest one ${VersionCompare} $AFPLVersion $GPLVersion $CompareReturn ${If} $CompareReturn = 1 # AFPL is newer ReadRegStr $PathGhostscript HKLM "Software\AFPL Ghostscript\$R3" "GS_DLL" ${Else} # GPL is newer or equal ReadRegStr $PathGhostscript HKLM "Software\GPL Ghostscript\$R4" "GS_DLL" ${EndIf} # Trim the DLL filename to get the path ${GetParent} $PathGhostscript $PathGhostscript ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$PathGhostscript\${BIN_GHOSTSCRIPT}" StrCpy $PathGhostscript "" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd !endif #-------------------------------- # ImageMagick !ifndef BUNDLE_IMAGEMAGICK Function SearchImageMagick # Search where ImageMagick is installed ReadRegStr $PathImageMagick HKLM "Software\ImageMagick\Current" "BinPath" ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$PathImageMagick\${BIN_IMAGEMAGICK}" StrCpy $PathImageMagick "" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd !endif #-------------------------------- # JabRef Function SearchBibTeXEditor # Search where JabRef is installed ReadRegStr $PathBibTeXEditor HKCU "Software\JabRef" "Path" ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$PathBibTeXEditor\${BIN_BIBTEXEDITOR}" ReadRegStr $PathBibTeXEditor HKLM "Software\JabRef" "Path" ${EndIf} ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$PathBibTeXEditor\${BIN_BIBTEXEDITOR}" StrCpy $PathBibTeXEditor "" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd